#I almost picked Mieu because that WOULD be adorable but... goblin brain xD
talesofourworlds · 5 months
@ednaeflowers liked for a Spring Festitales starter!
Her nose wrinkled as she set aside the cookies she'd been tempted by. Only one bite had been taken out of one of them, and even as she chewed she found the same familiar disappointment. That boy had been so sure she'd like them, and she would have felt bad. In a way he'd reminded her a little of Laphicet. Still, she'd known going in that there was a chance of this happening. Her sense of taste hadn't magically gotten any better now that she was in Spring Rise.
Aside from that, being there wasn't as bad as she thought. Did the Lord of Calamity really belong there? Did she deserve to be having a good time? Probably not, but no one had kicked her out or anything. In fact, no one seemed to suspect for an instant that she was anything other than a girl who insisted on wearing bandages around her left arm. It was an odd thought, she told herself. She probably stuck out even more amongst the sakura trees of Cherry Hills. Still, there was an oddly peaceful feeling about the place. Just as long as she was there, she decided, she would allow herself to relax.
At least, Velvet could have relaxed if she hadn't noticed someone else nearby. Velvet had turned her head for only a moment when she saw Edna. A dead ringer for her older brother, that one. Even if Velvet hadn't been witness to the illusion Melchior almost had tricked Eizen with, she'd have an idea of who this girl was related to. But... what was she doing there?
Surely she hadn't intended to seek out Velvet specifically. Malaks were keenly aware of malevolence, Velvet knew, and she was pretty certain that even in that little village she carried a potent amount within her. For a few moments, Velvet just continued to sit there. Eventually, she settled with the idea of seeing how this played out. Velvet gathered her cookies and put them in her bag, standing up a moment later to meet the malak in question.
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"...I take it you're Edna?" If that was rude, Velvet wasn't about to act like she cared. "Your brother's mentioned you before. He speaks highly of you." Appeal to that much, Velvet thought. She still had no idea what the malak must have been thinking, or how she'd even respond. There was only really one way to find out, and that was to just see what she said.
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