#I also forgot that Spain is fucking ripped lmao
I was watching the April fools episode and was pleasantly reminded that Russia has some thicc thighs
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marswritingss · 4 years
Hq boys w s/o with tourettes
req: Henlo!! May I request your favorite Haikyuu characters with a s/o who has Tourette’s and them finding out about it? If you can’t write Tourette’s or can’t really understand how about your favorite Haikyuu characters with a hacker s/o and them finding out about it? Headcanons or scenarios I don’t mind
me: i did this one with another group of fav characters hihi (suga and shirabu bc they’re the calm but internally screaming™️ in a stressful situation)
warnings: there’s mentions of blood and kinda inconscious self harm (there aren’t any suicidal thoughts, but reader ends up hurting themselves bc it’s a tic) in shirabu’s part. kinda angsty and fluffy at the end :))
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sugawara koushi
– so 
– you guys were chilling in his sofa
– watching tv while you were playing w the sleeves of his hoodie
– he’s probably spread through the whole sofa
– lmao
– ngl i see him as someone who would get really comfy everywhere
– so he’s taken the whole sofa except the part where you are bc that’s holy territory
– i’m spreading away rip
– anyway the point is that it’s really warm and comfy compared to the rainy day that is displaying outside
– it’s hot as fuck here let me fantasize
– that’s all fine until you see that your mom is calling you
– you’re like what
– believe it or not
– your mom NEVER
– and i say NEVER
– calls you
– like
– she only sends you messages bc the important stuff is delivered by your dad
– so you’re starting to worry
– and suga is like what happens bb
– but lets you get out from the warm cage that his arms are and answer the phone bc he R E S P E C T S
– idk why i wrote it like that
– anyway
– so when you hear your mom telling you that your dog is very sick and he’s being sent to the vet (bc you’re very attached to that fluffy ball 🥺)
– you start with one of your ticks
– you’ve always been very fidgety so suga doesn’t really worry at first
– but then you start blinking in a really monotone pace and almost scrunching your lids closed
– does that make sense
– like
– you’re closing them every two seconds and very strongly and patting your foot against the floor every three
– and he starts worrying 
– so he tries to calm you by rubbing your back
– but it doesn’t help because it’s not something you can really control
– you’ve been quite lucky since you haven’t had any strong ticks like verbal ticks or complex ones
– but once in a while, when it gets stressfull the ticks get stronger
– and this is one of these times
– but you have medicine for that 
– so you ask suga to hand you your backpack
“hey baby”
“yeah? what do you need? water? i can leave you alone if you need to... not what i’d prefer since i think it’s better...” you shut him down
“please can you get my backpack?”
– he SPRINTS to where it is
– man’s really worried
– when he sees you taking a tube of pills he gets worried
– did you have anxiety and he didn’t know?
– damnit he should’ve known
– he should have been useful
– what if you’ve had any panick attack and he doesn’t know?
– oh shit... maybe that was why you were moving your foot in circles in that exam
“suga” you call him. he’s been looking at the floor looking distressed
“i should’ve told you but-”
– you’re confused
– does he know?
– you’re pretty sure only your parents know
“please, whenever you have any panick attacks, call me, i’d love to help you”
– oooH so he just imagined
– to be fair, the pills do look like antidepressants
– so you take his hands after swallowing your pills and your ticks lessen a bit
– it’s still kinda stressful but manageable
“baby” you say “ i don’t have depression” he looks at you still worried because that’s not he was thinking “not even anxiety” you say. your ticks are now only acting up with your foot so it isn’t that stressful
“you don’t?”
“no” you say. “i have tourettes syndrome” 
– you don’t say it with a lot of ceremonies. he’s kinda amazed by the fact that you didn’t make it a big of a deal
“yeah. it isn’t very strong because i have medicine, so it’s easier to handle. i just wanted to let you know”
– be prepared for this bitch to worry about you 24/7
– like
– ask you everyday how are you doing and if you’ve had any attack
– but privately bc man doesn’t know if you want to talk about it and will talk about it in public only if you tell him
– he will also cuddle with you everytime you have an attack and feel distressed bc he RELAXES YOU
– damnit this is long
shirabu kenjirou
– this bitch probably suspects it already
– your parents don’t have a really good relationship and you sometimes stop walking to exactly touch the part under you right kneecap
– you’ll be walking together to class and he’ll have to wait for you because you stopped to lift your knee and touch the spot under it
– but he doesn’t ask because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you
– but one day you start pinching it with your pen
– but damn
– you’re quite strong so at the end of your class, after reuniting with you in the dining room, he spots your bleeding kneecap
– it isn’t a bloody festival but it does look quite bad
– so he DRAGS you to the club room
– bc there’s still half an hour left before practice starts
– he grabs alcohol (in spain we have this thing called betadine but idk how to call it in english) (it’s made of iodum and something else i can’t remember so i’ll go w alcohol) and a bunch of stuff so he can cure that wound
– he’s curious (and worried ngl) so he has to tell himself to calm down and fucking help you before asking any questions
– you don’t have your pen so you keep pinching it with your hand
– and he’s been staring at it blankly while you keep hurting yourself
– yes i forgot that no, reader hadn’t stopped pinching it i’M DUMB
– anyway
– this is getting weird bc now i realised a friend of mine might read this
– hi cam if you’re reading this 
– jfc
– SO 
– what happens next is
– this bitch tries calming you a little
– you were distressed bc your parents had started throwing shit at each other and gotten physical again
– he didn’t ask, but you told him anyway because you felt like letting it all out
“shit...” he says he hugs you but stops mid-hug since you move your hand to touch it
– but he stops it 
– so you tell him about it
– he nods and asks you if you’re on medication
– but you’re not bc your parents are so up their asses they won’t even care about THEIR FUCKING KID
– jfc i hate parents like that
– so he asks you if you can get medication without their permission
– the answer is not
– damnit why did i do this so angsty wtf
– anyway at the end he searches up shit and finds out a lot of shit to help you
– did you know that it was found that a lot of tourettes kids had magnessium deficiency
– so yeah he searches up and tells you to eat foods with magnessium so it’s more bearable
– if one of your tics like the pen one ends up making you hurt yourself he’ll help you with it and be there for you
– my brain is dead i’m an instagram editor and i had to finish an edit today i’m so sorry-
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killr-cupcake · 6 years
Tagged by: @inferablossom
Rules: Answer 30 questions tag 20 blogs (I don’t have that many mutuals,,, why)
Nicknames: Cupcake, Ric, Killer (for some reason? I prefer to be called cupcake by peeps on tumblr dot com and Ric by friends? Whenever I’m playing TF2 strangers call me killer and it’s frustrating like,,, no,,, call me cupcake soldier plz lmao)
Gender: Cis Male (Tho I effing h8 gender expectations and binaries like the plague I still identify as my assigned gender idk)
Sign: Scorpio? (Half of astrologists tell me I’m Scorpio and the other half tell me I’m Sagittarius so I don’t stick to astrology only because of that)
Height: 5’6
Time: 08:40 PM (I finished at 09:40 PM OOF I take my sweet time with these things)
Birthday: November 22nd
Fave bands: uhhhh F-Fallout Boy...? ,,, Florence and the machine? I don’t really listen to that many bands
Fave solo artists: Lady Gaga, Marina and the diamonds, LOLO, Ariana Grande, Lana del rey, CupcakKe
Song stuck in my head: Your Reality from DokiDoki Literature Club (Poor Monika broke my heart she’s like all a villain, a side character, a romantic interest and a protagonist all in one character I’m,,,)
Last movie I saw: Lady Gaga 5 foot 2 (She’s a literal angel)
Last show I watched: Ru Paul’s drag race (I just started it and it’s p good) and Brooklyn 99 (I like to think it’s from an AU where cops aren’t pigs so people can shut up about how it’s cop propaganda, we get, irl cops are bad, let me watch my show it’s not gonna make me trust them automatically)
When did I create my blog: 2016 the cursed year, I think
What do I post: memes, humor or happy stuff, danganronpa, rainbow six siege, team fortress 2, overwatch, doki doki literature club, general gay and POC culture, sometimes witchy stuff or moodboards and important posts (reblog to save a life or mindblowing social justice kind of stuff), sometimes I fall for the ‘rb for money’ kinds of notebaits lol
Last thing I googled: r6s dokkaebi
Do I have any other blogs?: yES!!! I have an art blog @cupcake-sketchbook and a couple of rp/ask blogs for my tf2 OCs @g3n3tic4l-pyromania @ask-pastelbattlemedic and @ask-pastelspy (I’ve been trying to limit myself from making new OCs but I just,,, love my babies so much???)
Do I get asks?: Not really, I’d like to because I could do a lil’ drawing or add a sassy GIF to answer but I’m fine I guess 
Why did I choose my url: I’m both into very girly (nail art, baking, beauty yada yada) and stereotypical male-ish stuff (guns, knives, edgy garbage, yada yada) and I liked this duality about me so I had this going on about me and one day I just gravitate towards a cupcake shop that had a heavy metal vibe and I just KNEW I belonged there (It closed, RIP :c) so I come up with this knife/cupcake thing and liked it (It also was a little bit of a joke about bad creepypasta OCs that just took Jeff the killer and anime-fied him and I went, hahaha look cupcake the killer and I liked how it sounded lol) and went wow, Killer cupcake  (I also write killer like KillR because my name starts with an R so there’s that) 
Following: 291 (I follow a lot of shit,,,)
Followers: 199 (wait what? wtf how? I love y’all? I may do a quick art piece thanking y’all???)
Average hours of sleep: 6 tho I’d like 8 or more lmao I’m so lazy
Lucky number: idk 13
Instruments: I learned how to play the flute but I forgot already, tho I have very good rhythm so I can pass as an amateur with guitars and pianos (Marceline from Adventure Time, who plays the bass pretty good but doesn’t even know how to read music  and Marina Diamandis who taught herself how to play piano irl are my eternal aesthetic tbh)
What am I wearing: my PJs that consist of old sweatpants (I only wear sweatpants as pjs I’m all for skinny jeans) and an old sweatshirt (again, I only wear them for pjs cuz I’m all for hoodies)
Dream job: Illustrator for a magazine or english teacher, I’d like to be a freelance artist in my free time either way
Dream trip: I’d like to go to Spain to see my online best friend @robeca-black or I’d like to go to Canada (It’s cold and very modern and my fav blogger and vlogger live there)
Fave food: Anything Italian that includes pasta, cheese, tomato sauce or preferentially all three
Nationality: Mexican
Fave song: I have a LOT of personal anthems like Happy by Marina and the Diamonds or Marry the night/Born this way by Lady Gaga but I think aside from #relatableness I really like G.U.Y. by Lady Gaga
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Overwatch, Undertale, Danganronpa (I’d probably die in all of them LMFAO)
Tagging: UHHHHH @its-the-lovely-darkness @jasminetea-and-narcolepsy @imthinkingaboutme (sorry gurl you don’t rlly hafta do it I just wanted to tag ppl so I don’t feel like a failure lol) @annsparksthegmr @devils-toxic-love @ya-dood (did you just heccing change your URL AGAIN) UHHHHH ??? I??? ran out of mutuals??? who tf has 20 mutuals??? I uhhhh,,,??? bye???
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niallandtommo · 7 years
11 questions
I was tagged by @dearmrsawyer thank you!!! :)
1. Do you have a favourite plant? nope 🙈 i don’t like plants 
2. Have you travelled anywhere internationally? If so, where? If not, where’s your number one place you’d like to go? Yes (but only in Europe):
Greece (4 times)
Spain (twice)
Italy (5 times) 
England (twice)
Poland (multiple times)
Czech Republic (multiple times)
Austria (multiple times) 
And I’d like to go to America and Australia :))
3. What do you feel when you look at the stars? i feel a bit lonely when I look at the stars but at the same time i feel like maybe there’s someone looking at the exact same star in that moment and you don’t even know it idk i can’t really explain it
4. When you study/write/do whatever you do, do you feel more productive working on paper or on screen? on paper! because when I’m working on screen I don’t really see what i’ve done but when I have 10 pages of paper in my hand, I feel proud because I can see that I actually did something (does that make sense? idk lmao)
5. What is the pillow situation when you sleep?  pillow situation akjsdhakjs idk but this made me laugh also i don’t really know what you mean with pillow situation lmao but I sleep with 2 pillows on top of each other if that’s what you mean
6. Do you still buy DVDs or do you prefer to just have everything digitally? tbh I’m not a big fan of movies because I don’t really watch TV so I don’t really buy any DVDs 
7. What’s your favourite kind of jewellery to wear? Do you like earrings, necklaces, rings, etc? I love earrings and I wear them all the time. I also love rings but they’re annoying because I have to take them off when I wash my hands so if I wear a ring it’s only for a few hours lmao
8. Favourite concert experience?  okay so my favorite concert was my one direction concert in vienna. I talk about this day all the time so I’m sorry if you already know the story (this is gonna be really long lmaooo) I was in vienna for a few days with my parents and my sister and the day before the concert I met 5 (or 6? i can’t remember omg) of my tumblr friends for the first time. we were watching the wwa movie djfskjdh it was really nice. and then the next day was the day of the concert and 4 of the girls were already at the stadium but I asked 2 of my friends if we could stay in the back because we don’t have seats in Europe (in the standing area) and i didn’t want to get pushed and blah so I was on the floor but I wanted to be in the back (also because it was 35°C and i didn’t want to be in the queue for like 10 hours. i wouldn’t do this for anyone lmao) so when we arrived at the stadium many people were already in the stadium. i had a lot of space around me because everyone was already trying to be as close to the stage as possible. jfc this is gonna be so long rip. anyway. i’m just gonna skip to the part where the boys came out lmao so I was really excited because it was my first 1d concert and they’re my favorite band. so when the intro started I was so close to tears aksjdhas because I couldn’t believe that the boys were in the same stadium. So when they came on stage...... oh god it was the best moment of my life. I was so fucking happy when I saw them and they looked so good and everything was perfect. in that moment I forgot everything and everyone around me. I was there with the boys and my 2 best tumblr friends and I was so happy. I was singing along and I didn’t give a fuck if i looked like an idiot. I had so much fun!!!!!! (I almost started crying during little things and don’t forget where you belong kdjfnhdkf) but yeah it was the best and the happiest day of my life. I never felt happier. for a few hours I forgot all my problems and it was a wonderful feeling. to be a few meters away from your favorite people in the whole world was amazing and i had the biggest smile on my face and niall said “dankeschön” in german (which means thank you) and they were so happy. okay i could go on and on about this but i need to stop now because i made myself cry kjdhaksjdhas ANYWAY it was the best day of my life and i will never forget this day. okay thanks for reading this askjdaksj
9. What’s a book on your shelf that you haven’t yet read, but are really looking forward to? *whispers* i don’t read books... i read fanfics
10. Do you still have any favourite toys from your childhood? It’s not really a toy but it’s a stuffed animal that I got when I was 6. it’s a turtle and I still have it and I can’t sleep without her lmao
11. Do you hold onto old things or do you enjoy throwing away things you no longer need? I hold onto old things. sometimes when I clean my room, I find an old thing from my childhood and it makes me so happy. I can’t just throw these things away aksjdhaksjhs
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