#I also had to buy new mascara bc it's been a minute
songbirdstew · 2 years
We're going to a wedding reception on Sunday. In November. In the evening. Outside. Where it will be 40*F and raining.
I just went to the thrift store and bought 7 sweaters.
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
Got my hopes up that the school might actually be on fire
1. Are you going anywhere for this summer? I’ll be going back to Australia in the middle of their summer. That counts, right?
2. Do you put ketchup on top of your French fries or on the side? Neither. Not a huge fan of tomato sauce. I think chips taste just fine on their own
3. Last time you smoked weed? I think it was July. It was my last attempt to see if I could actually enjoy it. I didn’t.
4. What are you currently hearing right now? Tengo un Amor - Genitallica
5. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? The bathroom door in my apartment doesn’t actually close properly but I still close it as far as it will go even though I live alone.
6. Have you ever kissed someone that was high? Yes
7. What are you looking forward to? Having a salary again. Also seeing my friends for the first time in a year. But I am not looking forward to the price of alcohol in Australia
8. If you were kicked out of your current residence, whom would you call? A hostel.
9. Are there framed pictures from your parents wedding in your house? There are not even framed pictures of my parents’ wedding in their own houses, since they split up 17 years ago
10. Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex? Their sex is irrelevant. I don’t hang out with anyone because I don’t have any friends in this country.
11. Who was the last person you cried in front of? A cinema full of people who were probably also crying
12. Would you rather live in New York City or Washington DC? New York is further from the annoying orange but tbh I’d rather not live anywhere in that country.
13. Have you ever slept on the floor with the person you like? Who is this person I like? Can you introduce me? 14. Last non-alcoholic beverage consumed? Orange juice. I haven’t drunk any alcohol since I accidentally got trashed home alone last week haha 15. What are you wearing? stripey long sleeve shirt, grey hoodie, jeans, socks 16. Is it okay to kiss people when you’re single? Are you implying that some people think it’s only okay to kiss others when you’re not single? I don’t understand.
17. Have you ever met someone who is amazing? No, all my friends are shit. Of course I have met amazing people. 18. Does someone love you? I like to think my mum does 19. Do you want any tattoos? I used to but now I don’t care so much 20. Do you have anything in your pockets right now? Phone.  21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Muji, in Japan 22. When are you going to dye your hair next? Not for a long time. I’m pretty happy with my natural hair colour these days.
23. Are you listening to music right now? Yes, currently playing is Fake My Own Death - Sum 41
24. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? A few times, but not in the last couple of years
25. Something’s wrong: FIRST guy you turn to? Depends what is wrong but probably my dad
26. What kind of booze did you last take shots of? I think it was either white rum or tequila
27. Do you wear sweaters in the Winter or hoodies, more often? Depends on where I’m going. Lately I like my stripey sweater if I’m going out and wear my hoodie at home
28. Has your school ever had a lockdown? If so, for what reason exactly? Okay so when I was in highschool I was in music class in a classroom attached to the gym which is slightly separated from the rest of the school. We were watching lord of the rings bc we were learning about film soundtracks. One girl had gone outside, walked all the way around to the bathrooms at the back of the gym and come back. It was just after she got back that one of the groundskeepers came into our class and was like “what the hell are you guys doing?? You know the whole school is on lockdown, right? Didn’t you hear the alarms? Get under your desks!”  So we were all like “um wtf??” and got under our desks and turned the movie off. We peered out the windows across to the carpark and there was a bunch of cop cars with their lights on. Turns out there was an intruder in the school with a knife and the lockdown alarms had been going off but there was no alarm attached to the gym so we didn’t hear it, especially not over lord of the rings. They installed an alarm there that same week. 
29. Do you enjoy it when your school has drills? No, it was always so boring and got my hopes up that the school might actually be on fire this time.
30. What color were the last pair of headphones/earphones you bought? I have a growing collection of white earphones but I didn’t buy any of them. I keep getting given them on planes and nightbuses.
31. Are you a confident person, or do you keep to yourself usually? These are not mutually exclusive
32. Where was the last place you vacationed to? Did you enjoy this time? I went to Paris a couple of weeks ago. It was okay but would have been better if I had people to hang out with. I’m pretty bad at travelling solo and I struggle to meet people in hostels.
33. Do you like Mexican food? What’s your favorite meal under that genre of food? Genre? lmao
34. Are you afraid of thunderstorms? I love storms and that is one thing I miss from living in the tropics/sub-tropics
35. What is keeping you warm right now? WELL IT SURE AS HELL ISN’T MY PIECE OF SHIT HEATER
36. Would you ever donate blood? If they’d let me, but the countries I’ve lived in lately don’t want it because they think I have mad cow disease.
37. Would you go 2 days without eating for $200? For only $200? Hell no. Add another zero and I might consider it.
38. What are you currently listening to? This question comes up so often but fortunately it’s always a different answer. Now playing is La Mordidita - Ricky Martin
39. When’s the last time someone made you feel like you mattered? I was talking to a friend about when I’ll be back in Aus and he asked for plenty of notice on what date it would be so he could take a couple days off work because he was really excited to see me again. That was a nice thing to hear and I’m pretty sure we’re going to get fucking smashed when we see each other again because we are each other’s party friend. My liver dreads this date but the rest of me is excited to see him again.
40. Would you say your life is on the right track right now? It’s off-roading
41. Do/Did you skip class? On days I had drum lessons I would usually skip an extra half an hour or so. One of the drum teachers I had did not give a flying fuck that I was skipping class and he would actually kinda help me with it. My lesson was supposed to be 30 minutes every week. But I would rock up toward the end of the second break and stay until home bell rang almost 2 hours later. We would just jam or sometimes I’d show up and he’d literally leave to go get lunch while I sat there playing drums instead of going to maths.
42. Do you have long eyelashes? Yes. My lower eyelashes are so long that if I were to wear mascara it would smudge onto my skin when I blink. I learned this when my mum put makeup on me as a trial run before my highschool formal.
43. Does your family make you feel supported? Yes, I have a pretty great family
44. What is the highest outdoor temperature you’ve ever had to endure?  Outdoors? It was 45 Celsius in Varanasi, India AND I was sick at that point which made it even worse. I only went out at dawn and dusk for those couple of days. But I’ve been in slightly higher temperatures in vehicles in India. On one bus my phone was in my bag and it turned itself off because it was too hot.
45. And the lowest?  When I went up the swiss alps as a kid. It was summer but up at the peak my dad says it was negative 20. Tbh that’s probably an exaggeration but it was still pretty damn cold.
46. Can you usually tell when someone has feelings for you?  Oh my god no. I am so oblivious to this. Like that time a guy was hitting on me in a restaurant in central america and it took me more than an hour to realise. People say latino guys are more direct but I still didn’t fucking notice
47. How often do you straighten your hair? I don’t think I ever have
48. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink? I had sips of beer and wine growing up but my first ever full alcohol beverage was a can of pre-mixed JD&coke. Or was it jim beam and coke? Idk. One of them.
49. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep? I have sleeping pills and I used to take them sometimes when I did shift work but they ended up making me just as drowsy the next day as if I hadn’t slept so they aren’t really worth it unless I desperately need sleep and only have a certain amount of time before I have to go somewhere.
50. Do you feel more comfortable with a male or female doctor/nurse? Female. For invasive procedures and also a woman is more likely to actually listen if I’m telling them something is wrong.
51. What was the last thing you bought? Groceries 52. What is something you do every summer? Sweat, rack up a decent electricity bill from blasting my AC, sweat some more as soon as I go outside 53. Do you have a job? I’ll be working again in February. And then I’ll be my older brother’s boss. 54. When was the last time you ate pizza? No idea. A long time ago.
55. Do you live near a beach or amusement park? Beach is about 10-15 minutes walk. But I’ve never swam there 56. Have you ever failed a final exam? Yep. I did not enjoy or do well at uni. 57. Who would you be shocked to see call you? A dead person. 58. Do you hate it when people smoke around you? I’d rather they didn’t but I don’t care that much. 59. How old is the computer you’re on? Less than 2 years but it is structurally falling apart. I have to be careful how I pick it up or adjust the screen angle because I could literally just break the whole thing apart. I just need it to last a few more months until I can afford a better one. 60. What is your blood-type? O+ the same as my mum 61. Are you donating your organs? Not currently. I’d prefer to wait until I’m not using them 62. What is one show that is canceled that you wish was still on? The Bitch in Apartment 23
63. Have you made any life altering decisions lately? To go back to Australia, I guess. But it’s more of a necessity than a choice.
64. What is the closest store to you? The cornerstore is next door to my building on the right and a bar is on the left. 65. Do you have any songs currently stuck in your head? Yofo - Molotov 66. Where is the last place you applied for a job?  No idea. I applied to a lot. 67. Which continent would you most like to travel to and why? Aside from going back to Australia, the next place I go will probably be somewhere in Latin America again. There’s so much more to see there. 68. Are there a lot of tourists where you live? So goddamn many. It’s not so bad now that it’s winter but the summer was so hectic.
69. Do you have to use public transport often? Whenever I go somewhere that’s not walking distance. The metro system is really good here. 70. Does your house have an alarm? Why, you gonna try to break in? I’ll save you the effort, I have nothing of value aside from the $30USD on my shelf 71. Have you ever asked someone out on a date? Y'know I actually don’t think I have 72. Whose grave did you last visit? Oscar Wilde’s
73. How far out of your age bracket would you date? Ideally within about 5 years of me but I figure anything less than my parents’ age gap is passable (15 years)
74. Could you go a day without talking to the last person you kissed? I have gone many days without talking to him.
75. Do you like mac n cheese? It’s mediocre.
76. Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? I woke up at midday but then went back to sleep for another 2 hours.
77. Are you usually wide awake when you wake up? God no. 
78. How long have you known your first phone contact? Since May
79. Which would you rather play: guitar or drums? I can play both but I prefer drums
80. You can never drink tea again or soda. Which do you give up? I don’t drink tea anyway so that’s a pretty easy choice. Besides, I wouldn’t mix rum with tea.
81. Do you live in the past? What time travelling secret do you have that I don’t know about?
82. Do you think that black cats actually bring bad luck? the fact that I’d have just seen a cat would already be the result of good luck.
83. When’s the last time you went to a party? Absolutely no idea. A long time ago
84. Do you like Chinese food over pizza? Very much so.
85. If you got married to the last person you kissed would you be happy? Married is a bit much
86. Can you go a month without swearing? I really couldn’t. Swearing is an ingrained part of my vocabulary, thanks to working in the security industry for 3 years.
87. If you had a chance to make $200, only, by stripping for truckers on a corner, would you? Why do you all think $200 is a lot of money?
88. Would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $15,000? That’s more like it. Yes I would certainly consider it at least
89. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? A couple of pairs. Currently wearing one of them
90. Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up? Yep
91. How many pairs of Converse do you own? Three but one of them are pretty destroyed and should go in the bin.
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thewisebyers · 7 years
Lingerie (Harrison Osterfield Smut)
Prompt: Can u do a smutty haz imagine ... those pics he posted from his photo shoot have me hot and bothered
A/N: 18+ please! Also, I ended it weirdly bc I’m not good at smut. Sorry!
Harrison Osterfield x Reader, words: 901, requested?: yes, warning: smut, language
Requests are open
“You should totally get this!” Your best friend held up a very sexy pink lace onesie that you had been eyeing. Out of pure boredom, your friend called you up to see if you’d like to go shopping with her. You were home alone while Harrison was out with Tom, so you decided to have some fun of your own. The two of you decided to go to your local shopping center and dick around. Currently, the two of you were visiting Victoria’s Secret. You felt intimidated in the store, like always, because you didn’t feel as pretty as the models pictured around the store. You were far from an Angel, but you were okay with that.
“No way,” you rolled your eyes. You didn’t think you could pull off such a thing. You didn’t think you could pull off anything ‘sexy’. “I’d look ridiculous.”
“-ly sexy.” You friend pulled your size from the rack and shoved it into your hands. “Now go try it on! I won’t take no for an answer!” You sighed and glared at her, following her to the dressing rooms. There was no way she was going to let up and it was just easier to go along with her than to argue. Once the door was shut behind you, she stood right in front of the door like she said she would.
Another sigh escaped your lips as you slowly undressed to try on the beautiful lingerie. You admired your bra and panties in the mirror, you actually matched today, which didn’t happen very often. But when you did, you knew it was going to be a good day. You slipped off your bra and pulled on the lingerie. You took a moment to admire yourself, striking poses in the mirror. You pulled your phone from your jeans pocket, a smirk playing on your face.
Since Harrison wasn’t with you today, you decided to give him a little show. ‘don’t show this to anyone xxoo’ you warned through text before sending a picture of yourself in the pink lace. It didn’t take long to get a message back. A smile played on your lips at his text.
‘babe you’re killing me’
You decided not to send a text back, instead, you cracked open the dressing room door to show your best friend. She gushed about how amazing you looked and that you totally had to buy it. You already planned to buy it before you had even opened the door. Harrison was in for a treat tonight.
It had been a few hours since you left your friend and went home. As soon as you walked through the door, you set your plan into motion. Harrison had said he would be home in thirty minutes so you had to prepare before he got home. You quickly hopped into the shower and shaved all the places that needed to be shaved. After your shower, you blow-dried your hair and pulled on your new lingerie. You applied a layer of mascara and chapstick before exited your bathroom. You heard the front door open so you quickly fell onto your bed.
“Y/N!” You heard Harrison call out from your living room. You call for him to come into your bedroom. Once he was inside your room, his jaw dropped at the sight of your lying form. Being sexy wasn’t one of your strong suits but you were trying your best. “Babe,” he breathes. He didn’t say anything after that, instead, he took off his jacket and climbed on top of you. “You look so sexy,” he kisses your jaw
A moan escapes your lips as he begins to nibble at your neck. “Har-” A loud moan escapes you as he sucks on sensitive skin. His lips trail down your neck down to your chest that was bare. A low growl escapes his lips at the fabric stopping him from continuing his kisses. “Take it off,” you commanded. He did as he was told and began to take the fabric off of your body. His hand trailed up your thigh and gripped at the fabric. You lifted your body from the body so it would be easier for him to remove the lingerie.
He threw the clothing to the side and his hands immediately rest on either side of your body. His hands felt cold against your skin. A shiver ran down your spine at his touch. Your skin felt on fire where he had touched. His lips found yours again as he slipped his hand underneath your panties. You moan against his lips at the contact. You could feel how careful he was being, but you wanted more. You bit his bottom lip to urge him to continue.
He pulled away from your lips and he began to trail kisses down your stomach. Another shiver rips through your exposed body. He carefully pulls down your panties down and throws them to the side. He places kisses against your thighs, you let out a whine because his lips weren’t where you wanted them. “Please,” you practically beg. You could feel his smirk as he placed another kiss on your thigh. “Harrison!” you warn.
He begins to place kisses closer and closer until he’s placing kisses against your pussy. He begins to suck at your sensitive skin which causes a series of moans to escape your lips. “F-fuck,” you breathe.
A/N: I’m an awkward turtle
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fesahaawit · 7 years
Why I Finally Decided to Do a Spending Cleanse
Hi friends! For the month of October, I’ll be publishing a new post every Monday talking about work + my slow work experiment. As part of that work, I want to share stories + the results of experiments other people are doing. These are guest posts that have been sent in from online friends all around the world, and my hope is they will remind you that it doesn’t matter when you begin a new experiment. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s always worth changing things up and trying something new. This first post is from Chelsea in Vancouver, BC.
It was the lady at the post office that did it. The packages from my online shopping sprees kept getting diverted to my nearest post office, and I kept having to trudge there, not excited about the package awaiting me but dreading seeing the post office clerk. Idle online shopping had become such a habit that I sometimes lost track of what deliveries I was expecting.
During my last pick-up in May, I had three packages to pick up at once. The clerk fetched them, then said casually, “Lots of new clothes, hey?”
Ugh. I left feeling disgusted with myself. I’m sure she meant no judgment; she was probably just making casual conversation. Much of the judgement I perceived was my own, projected onto her.  
But on the bright side, someone who shops that much must have an expansive and enviable wardrobe, right?
No one who sees me regularly would say that I have a particularly noteworthy wardrobe. I wear the same favourite items over and over and over. I have stacks and rows of clothes I never wear or wear a couple of times before I shrink them, stain them, or grow tired of them. Or they, being poor-quality fast fashion, look terrible after a couple of washes.
Clothes weren’t my only problem. I bought books like crazy – faster than I can read them. Until I was out of bookshelf room (I’d best be getting myself to IKEA to buy some more shelves, I thought) with a solid collection of books I’ve been meaning to read, but haven’t.
I had known for some time that I needed to change. But it was that casual comment from the post office clerk that finally made me do something.
That’s how my spending cleanse began.
The Rules for My Spending Cleanse
It was decided: starting June 1, I wouldn’t shop for six months. It started as three, but I quickly realized that to break my bad habits and recalibrate my relationship with stuff, I needed to make it longer and at least a little uncomfortable.
I’ve long been a reader of this blog, so I knew where to look for tips and tricks. Cait’s shopping ban resources helped me to plan my cleanse. I decided on the following rules:
Obviously, I could buy food.
I could also replace any health and beauty products that run out – provided that they’re ones I use daily: mascara, under-eye concealer, shampoo, moisturizer. No new nail polish or lipstick or elixirs or balms or anything that isn’t already part of my routine.
Per Cait’s practice, I also created a list of allowable items that I knew I would end up needing sooner than later, including a vacuum cleaner, a new sleeping bag (mine had a broken zipper), and a new blazer for my rare but important in-person meetings. The rule for these items was this: I had to do some research and buy quality. Nothing designed to be disposable – think fast fashion or Canadian Tire throwaway camping gear. (If you had told me five years ago that I would buy a $400 vacuum cleaner, I would have called you crazy, but I did and I love it. I’ve bought and discarded three $100 vacuum cleaners, and they suck – or don’t suck, actually.)
The Tricks & Techniques That Have Helped Me
I told everyone what I was doing. I wanted my people to keep me accountable – and to risk embarrassment if I slipped up, or (even worse) abandoned the cleanse altogether.
I unsubscribed and unfollowed. As I mentioned, my problem wasn’t too many trips to the mall. It was idle online shopping, often while I was at home on a rainy night watching Netflix. I would catch wind of a sale at one of my favourite retailers on Facebook, Instagram, or in my email inbox, and before I knew it I would have $250 of merchandise on its way to me (but it was $350 full price!, I would tell myself). So a big and important trick was to unfollow all retailers on social media, and to unsubscribe from their emails. I didn’t need to know about all the beautiful things they have in stock, or about the opportunities to get my hands on them for less. Goodbye, digital consumerist clutter.
I blocked my favourite retailers’ websites. For the companies that most tempt me to part with my hard-earned money – Madewell, Aritzia, JCrew, Everlane – I went a step farther and blocked their websites on my browser with a Chrome Extension called StayFocusd. (This extension also limits my time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to a cumulative 30 minutes per day – great for a writer who’s prone to procrastination.)
I stopped carrying my credit card in my wallet. I still needed it for bigger travel expenses, but on a day-to-day basis it stayed at home, and I used my debit card (AKA money I actually have!).
I gave more than half of my clothes away. I can thank Cait for this somewhat counterintuitive tip. It’s a lot easier to feel like you have nothing good to wear when your favourites are hidden amongst a bunch of items you hate/don’t fit/never wear. Get rid of them, or at least store them somewhere you don’t see them every day. My closet is mostly empty now, but I love and regularly wear everything in it.
The Results (So Far)
Now more than halfway into my cleanse, most of the results are spiritual/mental/emotional rather than financial. I’m a freelance writer and consultant, so my income is inconsistent, and I happily slow down in the summer. Plus, summer life is rather pricy. I’ve been on a number of trips, including to the budget nightmare that is New York City – so my bank balance certainly hasn’t climbed to where I would like. This is making me wonder if I should extend my ban through the winter, since those are the months when I’m most tempted to shop.
Me + Netflix + a glass or two of wine = unintended shopping sprees.
The main benefits I’m noticing are internal. Shopping hasn’t been something I’ve missed; in fact, not doing it has oddly felt like a relief. I don’t miss that walk of shame to the post office, or the feeling of buyer’s remorse I used to experience sometimes just moments after hitting the ‘Complete Purchase’ button, knowing I’d broken yet another promise to myself. For the last four months, I’ve kept this promise to myself on a daily basis, and it has felt really good.
I’ll be back to write more about this experience in December, when I either finish my cleanse or decide to extend it another three months. The way I’m feeling right now, I think the latter is likely.
In 2015, Chelsea (somewhat impulsively) quit her agency job to be a freelance writer/strategist/digital nomad, and she hasn’t looked back since. Her homebase is Vancouver, but that’s just where she gets her mail. You can read more of her work at Chelsea Tells Stories or chelseaherman.com.
Why I Finally Decided to Do a Spending Cleanse posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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fesahaawit · 7 years
Why I Finally Decided to Do a Spending Cleanse
Hi friends! For the month of October, I’ll be publishing a new post every Monday talking about work + my slow work experiment. As part of that work, I want to share stories + the results of experiments other people are doing. These are guest posts that have been sent in from online friends all around the world, and my hope is they will remind you that it doesn’t matter when you begin a new experiment. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s always worth changing things up and trying something new. This first post is from Chelsea in Vancouver, BC.
It was the lady at the post office that did it. The packages from my online shopping sprees kept getting diverted to my nearest post office, and I kept having to trudge there, not excited about the package awaiting me but dreading seeing the post office clerk. Idle online shopping had become such a habit that I sometimes lost track of what deliveries I was expecting.
During my last pick-up in May, I had three packages to pick up at once. The clerk fetched them, then said casually, “Lots of new clothes, hey?”
Ugh. I left feeling disgusted with myself. I’m sure she meant no judgment; she was probably just making casual conversation. Much of the judgement I perceived was my own, projected onto her.  
But on the bright side, someone who shops that much must have an expansive and enviable wardrobe, right?
No one who sees me regularly would say that I have a particularly noteworthy wardrobe. I wear the same favourite items over and over and over. I have stacks and rows of clothes I never wear or wear a couple of times before I shrink them, stain them, or grow tired of them. Or they, being poor-quality fast fashion, look terrible after a couple of washes.
Clothes weren’t my only problem. I bought books like crazy – faster than I can read them. Until I was out of bookshelf room (I’d best be getting myself to IKEA to buy some more shelves, I thought) with a solid collection of books I’ve been meaning to read, but haven’t.
I had known for some time that I needed to change. But it was that casual comment from the post office clerk that finally made me do something.
That’s how my spending cleanse began.
The Rules for My Spending Cleanse
It was decided: starting June 1, I wouldn’t shop for six months. It started as three, but I quickly realized that to break my bad habits and recalibrate my relationship with stuff, I needed to make it longer and at least a little uncomfortable.
I’ve long been a reader of this blog, so I knew where to look for tips and tricks. Cait’s shopping ban resources helped me to plan my cleanse. I decided on the following rules:
Obviously, I could buy food.
I could also replace any health and beauty products that run out – provided that they’re ones I use daily: mascara, under-eye concealer, shampoo, moisturizer. No new nail polish or lipstick or elixirs or balms or anything that isn’t already part of my routine.
Per Cait’s practice, I also created a list of allowable items that I knew I would end up needing sooner than later, including a vacuum cleaner, a new sleeping bag (mine had a broken zipper), and a new blazer for my rare but important in-person meetings. The rule for these items was this: I had to do some research and buy quality. Nothing designed to be disposable – think fast fashion or Canadian Tire throwaway camping gear. (If you had told me five years ago that I would buy a $400 vacuum cleaner, I would have called you crazy, but I did and I love it. I’ve bought and discarded three $100 vacuum cleaners, and they suck – or don’t suck, actually.)
The Tricks & Techniques That Have Helped Me
I told everyone what I was doing. I wanted my people to keep me accountable – and to risk embarrassment if I slipped up, or (even worse) abandoned the cleanse altogether.
I unsubscribed and unfollowed. As I mentioned, my problem wasn’t too many trips to the mall. It was idle online shopping, often while I was at home on a rainy night watching Netflix. I would catch wind of a sale at one of my favourite retailers on Facebook, Instagram, or in my email inbox, and before I knew it I would have $250 of merchandise on its way to me (but it was $350 full price!, I would tell myself). So a big and important trick was to unfollow all retailers on social media, and to unsubscribe from their emails. I didn’t need to know about all the beautiful things they have in stock, or about the opportunities to get my hands on them for less. Goodbye, digital consumerist clutter.
I blocked my favourite retailers’ websites. For the companies that most tempt me to part with my hard-earned money – Madewell, Aritzia, JCrew, Everlane – I went a step farther and blocked their websites on my browser with a Chrome Extension called StayFocusd. (This extension also limits my time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to a cumulative 30 minutes per day – great for a writer who’s prone to procrastination.)
I stopped carrying my credit card in my wallet. I still needed it for bigger travel expenses, but on a day-to-day basis it stayed at home, and I used my debit card (AKA money I actually have!).
I gave more than half of my clothes away. I can thank Cait for this somewhat counterintuitive tip. It’s a lot easier to feel like you have nothing good to wear when your favourites are hidden amongst a bunch of items you hate/don’t fit/never wear. Get rid of them, or at least store them somewhere you don’t see them every day. My closet is mostly empty now, but I love and regularly wear everything in it.
The Results (So Far)
Now more than halfway into my cleanse, most of the results are spiritual/mental/emotional rather than financial. I’m a freelance writer and consultant, so my income is inconsistent, and I happily slow down in the summer. Plus, summer life is rather pricy. I’ve been on a number of trips, including to the budget nightmare that is New York City – so my bank balance certainly hasn’t climbed to where I would like. This is making me wonder if I should extend my ban through the winter, since those are the months when I’m most tempted to shop.
Me + Netflix + a glass or two of wine = unintended shopping sprees.
The main benefits I’m noticing are internal. Shopping hasn’t been something I’ve missed; in fact, not doing it has oddly felt like a relief. I don’t miss that walk of shame to the post office, or the feeling of buyer’s remorse I used to experience sometimes just moments after hitting the ‘Complete Purchase’ button, knowing I’d broken yet another promise to myself. For the last four months, I’ve kept this promise to myself on a daily basis, and it has felt really good.
I’ll be back to write more about this experience in December, when I either finish my cleanse or decide to extend it another three months. The way I’m feeling right now, I think the latter is likely.
In 2015, Chelsea (somewhat impulsively) quit her agency job to be a freelance writer/strategist/digital nomad, and she hasn’t looked back since. Her homebase is Vancouver, but that’s just where she gets her mail. You can read more of her work at Chelsea Tells Stories or chelseaherman.com.
Why I Finally Decided to Do a Spending Cleanse posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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