#I also just feel like Courier in general would be more...in tune with his emotions despite really preferring to keep them locked away
hisredhysteria · 2 years
Blood in the Water.
[18+ MDNI]
Note: I guess this weekend is dedicated to Cutthroat...? This writing is what I was working on for myself as my (now late) birthday gift, so it's self indulgent. Since I post the wildest stuff anyways though, I thought maybe someone else wouldn't mind reading this. Even if it's 10 years from now....if you're reading this and my blog still exists in 10 years hi omg- I should add it's in my usual style so I kept the reader vague, it's not that kind of self-indulgent fic—
TW: There is no 'real smut' but it gets suggestive. blood, knives, implied murder or NSFW (depends how you choose to see it I guess... I chose to see it as murder and you may be able to tell by the way I wrote it, but rereading it....I could see how it might be taken in another way.) The reader is being threatened by a knife, so I will not call it knife play. However, I will warn that it sounds like that. So then I'd have to say noncon just in case.
Summary: You decide to take a bath ...and how dare you take one without Cutthroat.
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Rainy days were when most nightmare inducing incidents at least threatened to occur. From soaking wet shoes to moist humid skin, frizzy and matted hair would seem so small by comparison. They were a day like any other however, even if it meant they were a little bit different.
An arm snaked around your waist while the two of you slept, it was all the comfort you could have hoped to ever ask for. Something that Cutthroat couldn't easily deny you of, it was just another luxury that came along with the innocent title marking you as his.
A precious angel.
Tugged in so close tonight that if he pressed into you a little further, your organs would simply pop from your mouth and sides, an unkind sickness bubbled from the whispering heat. It was delightfully suffocating, yet another thing you could rarely hope to bear. Sweat built, sticky through your clothes as the fire like warmth of his body pushed so far into your back. Breaking away from his iron like grasp was impossible, could you have even asked?
You laid with your head to the pillow, parting your lips for just another painful breath. Letting in a heavy inhale that must have caused him to stir, you shut your eyes tight with anticipation for the worst.
"Cutthroat..." Your throat unexpectedly sore, still happened to work.
"Hm..~?" A sleepy voice hummed back to you, his grasp only provoked to be at its strongest. Loosening to explore your body for just a second, you felt his bandaged hand sneak its way underneath the hem of your shirt. Lifting it, almost. With the expectation for his hand to slide across your stomach, or even just lay bare flat, it instead desperately grabbed at the waist of your shorts. It had been as if Cutthroat only knew what you were about to ask him. Sinking in your own ill feeling though, you had to bring yourself to do this.
"I'm not feeling too well... Can I go to the bathroom...?"
Silence never sat long around the Murderer, it wasn't something he preferred. His hands only tightened now, like he'd refuse to set you free.
"..But...the sun's not up yet.. If you go now, the bed will get cold...." Cutthroat's half-asleep voice whispered back in dismay, his own breath still hotter than his body against you.
"I'll be quick, I promise."
A barely audible gasp and you knew he just had to be smiling. How pretty the word promise was leaving your lovely, innocent lips. Begrudgingly still in his own right, Cutthroat allowed his hand to release and slip from your body. A growing ache only worsening as he did so.
"You really promise you won't be long...?" He asked, testing your honesty for himself.
"Of course."
A careful eye peeked open nonetheless at your words, Cutthroat wouldn't hold himself back from watching to make sure that you'd make it to the door okay. As you worked to stand up, the dizziness encountered from both heat and lack of eating that night hit you all at once and you stumbled to reach balance. Your body was sick with temperature, but it was kind enough to barely manage without plummeting straight to the floor.
Your hips bumped into the doorframe, and that was when you realized, this quick trip to the bathroom wasn't going to be as short as you swore with a promise. Head spinning to accompany your hazy vision, you placed a hand to it like there was some way your neck wasn't holding it in place quite right. Your hand wouldn't manage to hold it in place either though, and the only thing you could do was support yourself on the walls of the hall as you reached the bathroom at long last.
You slapped the dim light bulb on and wasted no time to click the door locked behind you. Hardly able to stop yourself from collapsing to the floor inside, you felt your eyes flutter like they did when you went in and out of a peaceful rest. A sigh left your lips before you'd allow your legs to rest on the cold ledge of the bathtub, so devious and white. Relief washing over you, a wandering glance couldn't be helped. Your eyes surveyed a shine, so beautiful the blinding glint to each handle bar of the tub happened to be. Swallowing hard at the knot in your stomach, your head grew with pressure as saliva slid down your throat.
"I know I said I'd be quick.." You murmured to yourself, predicting that any late appearance back to the bed next to Cutthroat would have been troublesome. "But, the worst he could do is follow me in here..."
Your thoughts weighed bricks as you fought with the idea of twisting the handles and pushing the tubs sprout down to fill a warm bath for yourself. If Cutthroat was asleep again, you could get away with it. But if he'd been awake, hearing the water run through the pipes was sure to elicit some sort of response. Be it good or bad.
Against your better judgement, a hand made contact with cool metal, so clean you could catch your reflection in it as if it'd been a mirror. Rotating it carefully at first, water drizzled from the faucet. Waiting a second, then just a few more, when Cutthroat didn't come to throw the door open, you figured yourself to be safe. A little farther this time, you turned the handle and a loud waterfall unlike any other began to spill into the empty tub. Watching it fill for a second after the sound enveloped the air, you stood to your shaky legs and slipped your clothes off. Moist with sweat soaking through from your skins rising temperature, the feeling was nearly abysmal.
Your shirt came off first, lifting it up then feeling hair fall flat back to your neck as the bottom came over your head. Next, your shorts. Slipping a finger into the hem that rested against your body, you tugged them down and off your legs, stepping out as you did so. Last were your remaining undergarments, so familiar to you that you might as well have forgotten you'd ever put them on to begin with.
Setting a foot into the waters surface, you sat opposite to the faucet, still hurrying to pour it's warm liquid into the bathtub. You'd been dangerously lightheaded, and with fear of the world swirling just a little faster, you let this bath be only a warm one.
Eventually it came time where the racing water filled so close to the brim from your distracted attention that you could ignore it no longer. Leaning in, your hand forced itself to turn each nozzle and beckon the water to a halt. A few more drizzles like rain starting to cry, small drops fell into the tub before it ceased to a complete stop. Finished with no interruptions, your hand drew back the long shower curtains to ensure an illusion of safety.
Relaxing now wasn't any word used to describe how your tense body felt leaning back against the slippery porcelain. Nonetheless, it was only slightly better than having to bear another tight hug from Cutthroat. Shifting lightly, you fluttered your eyes shut and drowned in the unpleasant feeling of your head pounding with ache. The pressure at your temples was unforgiving, almost as much as how uncomfortable you were being forced to endure your bodies own agony. A soft whimper emitting from your lips, your heart would begin to do a routine as creaks in the walls became too close for comfort.
"It's just your imagination.." You whispered, your own attempts to console yourself being very hard to prove successful. Tingles shot down your spine, a foreign feeling for the warm water that surrounded you. Something felt a little amiss, but to point your finger at it was a little too real. So real, that perhaps this imagination of yours was a dream. A nightmare your weary body went through when you began to doze off like a sleepy child.
In and out of your dazed like state, wind whistled through the cracks of the bathroom window hardly ajar behind it's curtains. An echo bounced through your ears, harsher and more deafening the longer you left it to linger. As if a ghost was trying to break down the walls and tell you something, your eyes ripped back open at a bang slapping against a hard surface. An observation dropped with horror unmatched as you forgot any aches and pains to glare through the translucent shower curtains. The bathroom door flat against the wall Cutthroat threw it against, you shivered.
"Oh...that was easier than I thought..." He noted, peeking inside the small room to catch your frame hidden behind see through curtains. How rude it was of you not to invite him, and how much ruder it was to have not invited him to a party this thrilling.
Eyeing your disregarded clothing sprawled across the bathroom rug, Cutthroat's interest only piqued. His lips pursed softly, bending down now to glance at you through the mere plastic sheet you felt a deceitful safety behind.
"Can I join~?" He hummed, forgetting any promises you made to make it back to the bed in a timely manner. Had he found you doing just about anything other than sitting in the water of a bath right now, surely he'd have been just a little more hurt.
A treacherous route to take—permitting him to submerge within the same water as you—your glance only shifted and your shoulders barely shrugged. It wasn't as though you weren't sure if he could join, it was that you weren't too sure if he should join. Nevertheless, what would happen if you tested him with the refusal of a simple no? Perhaps a long winded explanation could further deter him as he grew impatient with boredom.
"I don't mind..."
"Ah-! Good choice..! I knew my angel wouldn't...~"
It was all you had to say because in the end, a "no" would have never worked on Cutthroat to begin with.
Watching his taller frame further enter the bathroom and close the door, a sense of feeling trapped threw you off. Your mouth acted like it was ready to ask him why he felt the need to shut it, even when he often liked to leave it how it was when he opened it. You shut your mouth however, and figured he had a reason.
Half expecting him to pull the curtains back and indulge within this experience fully clothed, Cutthroat wasn't going to waste an opportunity to feel closer to his angel than he already was. Fumbling with the buttons on his white pajama top with you still avoiding eye contact, he gave a frustrated hum like they held a grudge against his fingers.
"Come on.... I can't do it..." He fussed, narrowing his eyes as he looked down at the buttons. Smug soon there after as he remembered who he was in the room with. "...But maybe my angels touch can do the trick?"
An obvious scheme to get closer to you, a trick that you left to fly straight over your dizzy head for the moment. You being the angel he spoke about, Cutthroat's hand pulled back the shower curtain as he politely peeked into the small enclosure you had for yourself.
"Come closer then.." You answered his request too kindly, watching his lovely features light up with an excitement enough to make your heart pound faster. Reeling the curtains to the side, he knelt down to the edge of the tub, allowing you an easier reach. Doing so, you'd expect your eyes to have met his at least once or twice with a tension building awkwardness. Oddly enough though, his entranced eyes were fixated on something above your head, like you had birds circling above you at all times.
Working down the buttons and stumbling across a few with a shaky and sick hand, eventually when you got halfway down, something loud and ear piercing slammed against the floor.
"Oh no, there goes my knife...." Your partner blinked, seemingly upset for the edge to become duller from a blunt impact against its blade. If he hadn't expected that, then what exactly was the knife doing up his pajama shirt in the first place..?
"Cutthroat.." You whispered, his eyes widening at the sweet tone you hit him with. "Put it on the sink."
The instructions weren't a surprise, at least not to yourself. Though, Cutthroat wouldn't let something so out of place for him happen.
"Can't I leave it on the bathtub side instead..?" He whined back, a compromise he'd hope was acceptable to you. Especially given that it was where he'd place it if you hadn't caught him with it.
Apprehensive, you agreed with a small, "fine" seeing as the look on his face wasn't something to easily argue with.
Grabbing the knife as you finished unbuttoning his top, he placed it on the very edge of the tub next to you. Shampoo bottles and every other kind of body cleansing container laid by it.
"There." You flashed him a weak smile, watching him straighten up and slip the top off each of his arms. Letting it fall to the floor on top of your own clothing, he wasted little time with his own pants and undergarments as well. Hard not to catch his eye or let him clue in on the fact that you were even threatening to look towards his bare body, Cutthroat's foot broke the equilibrium of the peaceful bath water.
An "ah..~", left his pleased lips as the surface made contact with pale skin. On the opposite side he chose to sit of you, legs close to your own. Almost like they fit into a puzzle, the stance was so intimate that his own cheeks would dust themselves in an arousing pink. Eyes filled to their maximum with your glowing beauty, a mischievous glint at the sight of you was something Cutthroat didn't dare to hide. A fool would have thought he'd sit so still with you in the tub across from him because that's exactly what he didn't do.
"Where are the bubbles..?" He asked, scanning around as his finger swirled itself amongst the clearness. Daring to dip in a whole hand and watch it drain from his grasp and back into the tub, Cutthroat shot you a suddenly bored glare.
"Isn't water its prettiest when it's clear?" You challenged, leaning your leg against his own when your body finally decided to loosen up.
Enlightened perhaps, his eyebrow cocked down at the water, then your leg touching his. He couldn't find himself to argue with your truthful observation as his own leg pressed further into yours in response.
"Huh, I suppose it is then..."
Again, your eyes shut and your back gently pushed itself into the end side of the tub. Feeling safer with every moment passed where Cutthroat didn't initiate anything, the sound of a bottle popping and releasing pent up air caused you to jump. In the split second after, your consent wasn't necessary as a hand began to rub at the skin of your leg. One eye opening to see what you were feeling, Cutthroat had been lathering soap into you with just his bare hand.
How strange.
His touch wasn't the most delicate, but it wasn't at all an unpleasant feeling. At least, your heart wouldn't tell you that was so.
"Wouldn't a wash cloth be more sanitary...?" You asked, blinking down at his hand. Eyes widening at the soaking bandages he seemed to refuse taking off even in the tub, you frowned. Sighing too, you leaned back up and put out an empty hand like you'd been waiting for him to place something in it.
"Hm, why the hand?" Stopping the lathering of soap across your sensitive skin, Cutthroat most nearly seemed confused by the gesture you had yet to explain.
"Your arm will chafe underneath your bandages if you don't take them off in the water. I thought I told you that..."
Still, his eyes looked at you. It would have been ignored had anyone else brought this up to him, but because it was someone as special to him as you were, he set his arm into your hand and waited for you to pull at the wet cloth hiding his skin. Again to add, he was impatient. Had it taken a stranger to work this long on him, Cutthroat would have already pulled away. However, he was nearly entranced by the way your fingers slipped between the crevices and worked to rip the bandages off of him entirely.
"Feel better?" You asked, discarding the soggy mess of entanglements to the tubs side temporarily. Glaring at his hand and lifting it up as if he'd never seen what it looked like underneath, his vision skewed from it's focus to center on something above your head again. If a small gasp was any indication that he'd been seeing something you couldn't, then perhaps each one should have alarmed you further.
"What is it..?" Unaware, of what swirled on top of you, you questioned him. His hand dropped and enchantment fell upon him at your presence. If... it hadn't done so already.
"Can I come closer?" He asked, a smile on his lips for he'd already started to lean in without your permission.
Flustered, your back pushed further into the white porcelain behind you. Not hard enough to disturb your body, but just hard enough so that you were no longer comfortable. Opening your mouth to speak, the sound of water shifting and spilling back into itself filled the air as Cutthroat moved into a position to accommodate his intentions. Pulling your legs in and allowing him more room to move as he pleased, you really were absolutely no help to your own pending fate.
His own legs now pressed into yours as if they weren't close enough to you previously, you were most nearly being straddled in place underneath his wet body. Streaming water dripping back into the tub from Cutthroat's stance, you got quite the front row seat of just everything he had to offer. If you hadn't been so fearful that he'd sink you by your shoulders and drown you into the tub, appreciating him would have been more possible.
"What are you doing?" You asked, so late that not even a tardy slip should have been able to excuse this.
"..Getting closer...I can't touch you when you're so far..."
It was an interesting thing for the Murderer to say, given that in a tub meant for one, you were already as many as two. His excuse to come closer wasn't too uninvited, despite all your uneasiness. Your heart would hate to inform you though, that his lips were tracing the skin of your neck.
Unsure of how to feel from the closeness at which he came, you couldn't miss the screeching sound of a knife being slid across the ledge of the tub he set it on. To help himself now was his pleasure, and with you beneath him there was little chance for your escape.
Sicker than before, a horrific feeling set at the deathly cold blade. Skimming across the skin of your collarbone, his hot breath whispered love with it.
"You'll finally belong to me now.."
Eyes growing wide at the unfair statement, you felt your legs begin to shake.
"I what ...?" You whispered back, tilting from the blades end. His motive remaining almost unclear.
For the sharp blade now beginning to tease your wet skin, pain would eventually destroy reality. Slowly sliding the tip of his dagger into your desperate body, soft moaning cries became music to his ears. In love to the point of madness, Cutthroat took careful time to not split any veins. You had to last as long as he could drag it out, and where the time between life and death could have been your chance, you simply missed it from a presumed lustful dance.
Now how selfish was it of him to watch your blood splutter like paint across the porcelain white? How much more fair was the way he watched his own fingers smear it like thin syrup into a print with the wall behind you? The surface of bath water unbalanced, crimson rocked within it, back and forth to its sides.
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its-sixxers · 4 years
Bless Me With Your OTP - Mary/Nines
read more isn’t working with this idk why i hate tumblr i am so sorry
tagged by the ever wonderful @radbeetle​! I think my vamp bbs are the only ones that haven’t gotten OTP prompt love so I’ll be doing it for these two. ;) Spoilerish for Half Light chapters I haven’t written yet I guess lmao tagging @gohnnyjuitar​, @courier-sux​, @comrade-shrimp​ and @mitsybubbles​ (and anyone else who wants to do this!)
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Do they fight often? If so, what is their dynamic like?
It’s not a frequent occurrence, but it happens. Mary prioritizes safety and subtlety and isn’t the type to take risks, Nines is willing to be reckless when required and it’s a point of contention between them. Usually they’re able to reach a compromise, but when finding one is impossible things devolve into a full fight. Mary’s the type to yell when angry, Nines’ anger runs cold - she’ll get up in his face and he’ll remain stationary. They tend to back off and accept whatever argument is most realistic after they argue their case, but in the very rare instance neither will budge they’ll leave each others’ company and fume on their own for a little while. They return to each other soon enough, the isolation a reminder of what their priorities should really be.
Who is the most skeptical of the two?
Nines by a long shot. He’s got a few decades of experience as Kindred on Mary, and his realm of expertise (to his chagrin) is dealing in politics. He’s very aware that taking things at face value can be a death sentence - he doesn’t try to impress that on Mary, however, as he’s fond of her more optimistic nature and having a different perspective is often essential.
Who would be most likely to suggest a night of dancing?
Neither - even after Mary’s got Mask of a Thousand Faces mastered, she’s not fond of crowds and while Nines is more in touch with his humanity than others would be in his position, getting that close can be dangerous. Not to mention that the type of dancing done in the modern nights isn’t really his style. When it comes to a night of fun in general, though, Mary’s most likely to bring up the idea. Nines is a serious guy and won’t give himself much needed leisure time if she’s not the one hauling him out.
What would they do if the other was injured in battle?
this totally happens in a point of fic i have not published yet
Being Kindred pain and injury is a part of unlife, and even lost limbs can be regenerated. Both of them are used to violence and cope with the aftermath pretty well - but serious injury mid-battle is a different matter. A foe facing the two of them fighting together is already in a decent amount of trouble, but managing to injure one of them to the point of edging on death is a guaranteed frenzy for the other. Which is usually bad news for whoever they’re fighting.
There is one difficulty when it comes to near-lethal injuries - both are unwilling to let the other feed off of them even in dire circumstances due to the whole blood-bond thing. Both would rather die than risk having the other lose their free will.
How do their fighting styles complement each other?
Nines is a jack of all trades when it comes to combat - part and parcel with a Brujah and Anarch to boot. Mary’s unable to wield guns well due to her claws, but is pretty vicious with them to make up for it. Usually Nines runs bait and distraction with firearms, giving Mary an opening to sneak up on a foe and tear them apart where they’re weakest. Against large amounts of weaker opponents, the two take the steamroller approach - Mary shreds them and Nines puts them out of their misery while dealing with any stragglers.
Do they want children? Does it frighten them? How many do they want?
Ignoring the whole Kindred can’t have biological kids thing, when it comes to siring childer and bringing a few more vampires into the world - absolutely not. Again, both value free will and the innate blood bond between Sire and Childe is unsettling to the two of them. For Mary especially it’s out of the question - being Nosferatu is incredibly difficult and condemning anyone to that fate isn’t something she’d be capable of doing even if it was a matter of life or death.
What happened when they took them home to their families? If their families aren’t in the picture anymore, how do they feel about it?
Both of their families aren’t in the picture anymore - Nines’ thanks to time and poverty, Mary’s by her own hand. In unlife the closest thing Nines has to family are the Anarchs and the closest thing Mary has is the Nosferatu clean.
Damsel and Skelter had a healthy dose of skepticism thanks to her seeming to have no issue in running errands for LaCroix. The Nosferatu thing didn’t help much, and the Blood Hunt really didn’t help. Through her own effort Mary managed to earn some grudging respect. Neither ever find out about Mary and Nines’ past, but Skelter suspects something’s going on between them after LaCroix’s fall.
As for the Nosferatu - Gary finds the entire thing hysterical and a very juicy bit of information to hold onto. Bertram is happy to have some blackmail material given that Mary’s aware of his relationship with Jeanette. Mitnick doesn’t really understand the point of relationships when you’re Kindred and doesn’t have an opinion in the matter.
stay tuned into half light for nines actually meeting some of the nossies
How does each person show affection towards the other?
Mary’s got nasty sharp little teeth, shoulder spikes, and is just generally kind of gross. It doesn’t bother Nines (he’s seen a lot worse than her) but it has her really spooked when it comes to physical contact in a romantic context unless her emotions are overwhelming. Not to mention that any PDA is dangerous - giving any unwanted eyes the idea that they’re important to each other makes them vulnerable to power plays by outside forces.
Most of their affection is expressed in deeds - accompanying the other in their work, going out of their way to make things safer or easier for the other, et cetera. Total Acts of Service love language. It’s subtler. If they’re feeling brave they might lean against the other.
The rare times they’re able to express physical affection, holding hands and embraces are most common. Touching foreheads is their equivalent of a kiss, given the teeth situation - though if Mary happens to be wearing her Mask of a Thousand Faces kissing is definitely in the cards. It doesn’t happen too often as Nines doesn’t want her thinking that’s the only way he’s able to love her.
Who cries the most? Who is better at comforting?
Mary’s the crybaby. It’s bad when you’re Kindred, given that her tears are blood. She’s newer to the reality of being Kindred and not yet emotionally ground down enough to keep her from feeling sadness at the state of things. Nines has that old fashioned stoicness keeping him from shedding tears - it happens but it’s incredibly rare.
He is, however, better at providing comfort - not just because he’s physically built better for hugs but also due to just generally exuding an aura of safety and sturdiness. Nines is soft spoken and usually knows the right words to say. Mary finds having a fixed point calming and treasures the knowledge of someone having her back.
Who is the bigger flirt?
Nines, Nines, Nines. Once he’s aware that Mary is WEAK for it he enjoys teasing her. In general, he knows he’s a pretty good looking guy and that it gives him an advantage. Mary’s too self conscious to really throw herself into shamelessly flirting - when she does it’s almost always with a healthy dose of plausible deniability.
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brainsdivided · 4 years
Uncommon Questions for OC’s and Their Creators (1/2)
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(Art by Yesjejunus!)
I saw @bloody-fists-beating-hearts and @socksual-innuendos​ doing it so I’m answering all of them cause I can and I love my boys. Original by @cassandrapentayaaaaas​
So I don’t take up someone’s entire dash, peep under cut for it :) 
ps. some warning: read tags for any mentions of triggers or things you find uncomfortable, Isaac and Ezekiel have had tough lives and since a lot of that occurs during childhood it may cause some distress for readers.
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Ezekiel? Never. If it looks like he’s doing nothing, he’s actually daydreaming or bouncing his leg or fiddling with pieces of his clothes. Isaac also cannot sit still. This starts to change as he gets older, but when he moves to Zion he needs to be keeping his mind active on a physical thing, like studying.How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Ezekiel will laugh at just about anything. He’s a child at heart and will crack a giggle and the smallest of things. Even when he’s in combat, you might hear a devilish chuckle. Isaac is different, because of his teenage years, he doesn’t feel as much happiness as he once did. Genuine laughs are rare and at most, he’ll give a weak light-hearted laugh, especially when recalling a good story. For kids, he’ll feign a belly laugh.
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Ezekiel never puts himself to bed. It will always be Joshua or Isaac that reads or talks him to sleep just as Courier Six once did. If Ezekiel is alone, he will think himself to sleep. If Joshua is available and not willing to put Ezekiel to bed and depriving him of comfort items, he will scream and cry himself to exhaustion.  Isaac has cried and screamed himself to exhaustion on more than one occasion but will never admit it. he does his best to fall asleep to music on the radio or on a holotape.
How easy is it to earn their trust?
It’s not very easy to gain either brothers’ trust. Ezekiel follows the ‘If you’re a friend of theirs, you’re a friend of mine’ phrase. Isaac doesn’t trust anyone completely until he spends enough time around them. He believes everyone has good in them and will give them the benefit of the doubt, BUT he won’t be caught off guard if someone happens to turn on him. 
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
For either brother, the second you turn on one of them or their family and friends, it’s game over. Ezekiel won’t take verbal or physical acts lightly, but if it’s verbal, Isaac will offer a second chance. He won’t give out a third.
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Ezekiel will follow laws that he feels he doesn’t need to break at the time. If he can justify it, including ‘Cause I can, there’s no one to stop me’ he will break it. Isaac follows all laws, even the ones he doesn’t want to. For the ones he doesn’t want to, he’ll find ways to bend them, especially if they’re immoral/unreasonable in his eyes. Best example I can give is in the Legion, not sure if it’s actually a law, but, women are treated as breeding stock and that’s it. Isaac had slaves but would only treat them as such around the other legionaries. Behind closed doors, he cooks for them and looks after them personally. Never once did he use them as breeding stock.  
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Ezekiel is in almost a complete state of nostalgia constantly as he unconsciously tries to live his old life in Goodsprings in Zion. Good food, sleeping in a quiet camp, hunting, learning from Joshua/father-figure, etc. helps keep him grounded in his world. Isaac often receives nostalgia from intrusive memories, but as a physical thing, probably his appearance. In a fit of fear and rage, he destroyed his mirror and where the river runs next to his home he added extra rocks to help disfigure his reflection when he’s near the water. It brings him great pain to see his own face and body due to the scars he received from the Legion. 
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
Pre-story... Ezekiel was probably told to stop beating up kids for minor offenses and Isaac was probably told to not worry so much about Ezekiel doing dangerous things.
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Both swear and neither remember when they first did.
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Isaac’s most common lie is the typical “I’m fine.” a lie that isn’t spoken about except when before the story takes place, is that the Courier was very sick, but Isaac, Courier, and Cass made Ezekiel believe otherwise so that Ezekiel could continue to dream of the amazing man his dad once was. Which that in itself would be haunting, because he’s holding up a dam of terrible things. While Ezekiel would constantly say “No.” to the question, “Did you eat anything you weren’t supposed to?” 9/10, he ate something he wasn’t supposed to. That doesn’t haunt him, but he’ll regret lying when he ends up with intestinal obstruction or food poisoning. 
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
As soon as the confusion hits, depending on the scenario and how he’s feeling he might interrupt the conversation to ask for clarification or he’ll tune out what’s being said so that he can think on his thoughts. Isaac will pretend he understands if the conversation isn’t relating to something dire. 
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
Isaac will ask his brother or a friend for help but if he’s alone, he’ll use a stick or his wall. Ezekiel will go up to anyone and ask, but if not, he’ll turn into a yao gui and rub his back on anything. GOTTA GET THAT ITCH.
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Ezekiel likes orange and Isaac likes white. I think they could both pull off black. Anyone can, black is a flattering color but who would want to wear that in the desert sun?
What animal do they fear most?
Ezekiel doesn’t have a lot of fear towards any creature, but I’d say feral ghouls or Deathclaws and Isaac fears spore carriers.
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Ezekiel will always say what comes to mind. Isaac will think before he speaks.
What makes their stomach turn?
I’ve got nothing for Ezekiel, but Isaac would barf if he smelled or saw a rotting corpse. 
Are they easily embarrassed?
Ezekiel is fine being quirky but there are some situations that makes him a radstag in flashlight. Isaac feels more shame than embarrassment. 
What embarrasses them?
Ezekiel has been known to wet the bed even into early adulthood. Also, while he is fine playing with kid-oriented items, depending on his current emotion and he’s made fun of, he’ll either respond with embarrassment or anger. Isaac gets second-hand embarrassment from Ezekiel’s behaviors sometimes. He once wet the bed and was caught by Daniel when doing laundry but it was agreed to never be brought up or mentioned again. He mostly feels embarrassment/shame when doing or caught using chems.
What is their favorite number?
Ezekiel’s is the number 6 because Courier Six was his dad. Isaac does not have a favorite number.
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Oh boy. Ezekiel might not be able to tell the difference. He might just say that romantic love makes ‘funny things happen’ so to speak even as an adult. All three might overlap for him. Though I guess it would depend on the person reading since my RP partner did not like when I had Ezekiel be affectionate towards Joshua (Hugging and asking to share a bed) as ‘boys don’t always ask their dads for hugs or to sleep with them, it’s inappropriate’ but if daughters can do that with their mothers, who cares? 
Isaac would go on a long shpeel about the psychology of romantic, platonic, and familial love, I’m too tired to write how he’d explain it.
Why do they get up in the morning?
Ezekiel gets up because it’s a new day and the second he opens his eyes, he’s a ball of energy! Breakfast. Also breakfast. Isaac gets up for the people he loves and for the people who need him.
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Ezekiel gets vocal. He’ll make sure you know that you’re spending too much of his time around his brother or Joshua. Isaac will get quiet. 
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
Ezekiel will take what he wants/intervene. Isaac might get bitter about it, but he’ll remind himself that there are others that are more important or who need it more.
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Their thoughts on this is pretty similar regardless of age, but speaking from age ranges 18-23, Ezekiel doesn’t really understand it, so he’ll talk to anyone about it. When he does, he’s blunt about it, too which makes for some comedic relief when Joshua is involved in the conversation. Isaac won’t really talk about it if he’s involved. If he does, it’s with Daniel or with whoever he ends up sleeping with. If it’s in a medical context, it doesn’t matter the person. 
What are their thoughts on marriage?
Ezekiel doesn’t have an opinion on marriage, but his brother and godfather would feel as though he isn’t ready for a relationship, yet. Isaac likes when others get married, but he himself does not feel worthy of a steady relationship.
What is their preferred mode of transportation?
What causes them to feel dread?
When Ezekiel gets caught doing something he shouldn’t by Joshua. Isaac - when it’s night, his generator dies, and when his radio stops working simultaneously or when Daniel forbade him that one time from studying and working because he nearly worked himself to death.
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Both would want the truth, but Ezekiel believes in a lie that his brother and mother once told.
Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
Ezekiel believes he’s the best at almost everything and Isaac knows he could do better, but it’s too late.
Who do they most regret meeting?
Who are they the most glad to have met?
locating Joshua was Ezekiel’s primary goal when running from Goodsprings so I’d imagine that he’d be glad to have found him. Isaac’s could be either Daniel or an unnamed Legion girl.
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
Ezekiel would try to talk casually about his parents’ death and of the crimes he’s committed. Isaac doesn’t have a go-to.
Could they be considered lazy?
Yes and no. To others, they’d be lazy, but Isaac has depression and insomnia, and Ezekiel’s behavior is similar to a child so he may just be stubborn.
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
If the guilt was brought on by Joshua, Ezekiel would need some reassurance directly from him to fix it. Isaac is constantly ridden with guilt.
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Both are supportive!
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
Neither seeks romance. Isaac might look for partners for one night stands, but that’s it.
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
Both are very good at matching names to faces, but Ezekiel uses his fingers to count and sometimes uses melodies. Isaac likes to file things.
What memory do they revisit the most often?
So far that’s been thought of, Ezekiel revisits the death of his parents most often and Isaac revisits the possible events that led up to him becoming a decanus. 
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
Ezekiel is willing to forget them if they didn’t directly wrong him. Isaac never forgets, he just chooses to overlook them but still keeping them in mind.
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Ezekiel never really recognizes his flaws until they’re pointed out. As he gets older though he does start to acknowledge them more. A scene I’ve thought of is when he’s 22 and still playing with children’s toy soldiers. He plays with them with little enthusiasm, abandoning his amusements not by choice. Isaac is aware of his flaws but doesn’t try to better them, but instead tries to better others. 
How do they feel about children?
Ezekiel at times believes he is a child, and will try to engage with other children. Some find it creepy but those that know him are fine with it because they know he has good intentions. Isaac is passionate about children and will protect them with his life. While escaping the legion, he had recruits younger than him that he helped escape, some ending up being adopted out to Dead Horse, Sorrows, and New Canaanite families. Even in the Legion, Isaac showed all children he came across respect and kindness.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
Neither truly has an end goal. Isaac wants to see the Legion end in a way where it’s people can recover as quickly as possible, so by working with the Followers of the Apocalypse, he can help out stragglers. Ezekiel just wants to become someone Joshua can be proud of. Be the son he never had and never expected to have.
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
Isaac would say that he used to be attracted to women, but because he spent so much time around women who loved and cherished him for his kindness, he’d find it wrong to date someone who only loved that he was kind to them. He still finds women attractive, just not enough to act on it. As for men, he could tell you who is handsome, but in a platonic way. 
Ezekiel couldn’t tell for the longest time what he was attracted to, but in an alternative story line, when he thought it was women, he ended up finding himself feeling more for a man.
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maple-writes · 6 years
Novel Prep Tag
Tagged by  @oleander-fricke and @corishadowfang Thanks!!! This’ll hopefully be really useful as I’m still trying to figure out a whole new wip here
So bear with me lol.
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! Even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
Richard, Volt and Skyler, the three person crew of courier ship the Lord of Chaos (working name for now lol) all have someone trying to track them down. As easy as it would be to live their new lives, none of them can run forever.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
Just one book. I wish I had the patience for multiple books but… I do not.
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
It’s a little rough in this department, but something along the lines of romanticized space travel, far future society spread across multiple planets, daring heros and cunning villians. Tbh think like… Spatoon 2 Octo Expansion... but in Space.
4. What other stories inspire your novel? 
I am currently seeking some inspiration right now lol. But so far I don’t think there have been any specific stories that really inspired this one as much as just like… General ideas that come up in a lot of different stories like the vague notions of space stuff, fugitives, over-the-top skills/abilities, … I hope to find some outside inspiration soon though.
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
*photo credit bottom: Xavier Portela
6. Who is your protagonist?
Technically I have three planned for this one, but I’ll focus on Richard for now.
7. Who is their closest ally? 
Hands down, Volt Powell. He trusts her completely .
8. Who is their enemy?
He wouldn’t really call the Organization (name in the making still lol) an enemy, but he wants nothing to do with him and fears being captured and dragged back since he more or less ran away (and is VERY valuable to them both financially and practically).
9. What do they want more than anything?
To exist as freely as other people without having to hide away out of sight. He doesn’t want people to think he’s dangerous and he just kind of wants to live his life.
10. Why can’t they have it?
The organization that made him is trying to track him down, and he can’t usually leave the ship in populated areas without running the risk of someone reporting him (he’s not exactly human-looking as he was more or less created through a combination of genetics and engineering by what can kind of be considered space mafia/illuminati stuff?? More on that eventually when I have it figured out).
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
That he’s only valuable/most valued for what he can do, not who he is.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
He’s fairly tall, with black hair that is so dark it doesn’t reflect any light. One eye is similar to that of a cats, with a yellow-orange iris and slit pupil that can dilate wider for better night vision while the other looks less biological, and was made to see light in the infrared spectrum (though has broken by the time the story takes place). He has sharp teeth, fingertips that can convert to claws, and antenna-like things by his ears that allow him to kind of... tune his hearing or something. His skin is fairly pale, with a kind of cool-toned complexion like he’d been outside in the cold for too long. 
13. What is the internal conflict?
Since he’s kind of like a cyborg with biological and non-biological parts making up his body, he needs semi-regular maintenance, but its been years since he’s last been with the organization and the lack of upkeep is starting to show. He doesn’t want to worry Volt, and especially doesn’t want to worry Skyler, so he tries to keep it to himself, but there’s no question that his body is wearing out and will only get worse without treatment only the organization can give. But at the same time, if the organization were to operate on him, he knows they would replace a part that had been accidentally removed years ago which alters neurotransmitter function that made him easier for them to control and blocked most emotions except anger. So he doesn’t want that.
14. What is the external conflict?
That parts a little fuzzy right now, but it will involve the organization gaining on  their tail, the tyrannical prime minister’s daughter (skyler’s half sister) and a tangled web ready to unravel.
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
The Organization captures him back and turns him back into a tool for extermination.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?  
It’s all up in the air right now, so I’ve got nothing for sure yet. But I’m thinking that there may be one person who ends up being connected to more than meets the eye.
17. Do you know how it ends?  
No lol.
18. What is the theme?  
Different kinds of love (ie, family, friends, parental, siblings etc…) and ties between individuals.
19. What is a recurring symbol?  
I don’t know if I’ve gotten far enough to have that kind of detail known yet.
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!) 
A solar system… somewhere… maybe our solar system… maybe not? Depends on if I want to make up planets or not.
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?  
Yeah some of them, though I can’t be sure how many will actually make it into the story when I start writing. None of them are in any way connected to each other either.
22. What excited you about this story?  
I’ve wanted to do a sci-fi thing for a while (my last two wips were both fantasy based) so it’ll be fun to explore the genera. This story also uses characters that I made when I was still a kid (like, elementary school and early high school) and I’m excited to see how I write them- Rick, Volt and Skyler- now compared to when I first made them. This also gives me an excuse to write about things like genetics and other science things that I find interesting.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!  
Well, it’s kind of lengthy but it works. First I get the idea, then flesh out the characters and sort of form a vague story around them. Next I make a point form, chapter by chapter outline of what I  think I want to happen. Then I pick a nice notebook and handwrite the first draft from the outline. After that, I review what I wrote, make a few notes and rewrite it on the computer. After all that than I revise, and finally, I edit.
Thanks again, and hopefully I’ll know more about  this unnamed wip eventually!
tagging: @esoteric-eclectic-eccentric, @iwritetypos, @pens-swords-stuff, @lilmissravingwriter, @writingbusinessizzy, @writerproject, @urbanteeth, @iamidentical and @thelysstener have fun. 
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