#I also need Lionblaze acting like his older brother
phantomflower42 · 5 years
Warriors OCs Relationships: My Take, ThunderClan Edition
Let’s face the facts: creating good Warriors OCs in general can be a nightmare.  The Warriors series by Erin Hunter is about four (later five) groups of feral cats called Clans that live in the wild.  They are frequently in competition with one another, but share much of the same culture and traditions.
Part of what makes Warriors OCs a nightmare is that they have a shorter lifespan than humans do.  Feral cats only live around two to five years on average.  That number can be bumped up for Clan cats because they have medicine cats to treat their injuries and illnesses, but only a couple of cats have reached thirteen years old or above.  
The books span a long time period with an Allegiances listing the cats of each Clan in every book.  This equals hundreds of Warriors characters in total.  There are many long family trees.  The family trees have become tangled with several relatives mating with each other.  It’s one of the downsides of the Clan cats being forbidden from mating outside their Clan.
This guide goes to Lost Stars, the first book of the seventh series of Warriors novels.  This mostly deals with children and descendants.  However, if the parents or siblings of a certain character are not known, I will address that as well.  How family members of each line interact in canon will be noted. 
I will keep things simple by listing one main cat per lineage.  Sections will include a cat’s parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins if their family tree goes far enough.  I am excluding cats from the prequel Super Editions and novellas; they will be found under a related character’s name from the main books if they are listed at all.  
The exception will be for characters that were named in the main books, but received screen time in side stories later, like Rosetail, her brother Thistleclaw, and Mapleshade.  Characters will be split by Clan.  
Some characters are covered under multiple sections.  Second and onward mentions of a certain character’s family relationships will redirect to where they were first covered.
Any information about Warriors family trees comes from the Warriors Wiki.
(Warning: With the massive amount of characters to cover, this next section will be very long!)
Bluefur/star: Bluefur/star and her family have had it hard.  Her sister died as a young mother, her mother was killed just a few days after she was apprenticed, her father was neglectful of her and her sister, she had to give up her kits so she could become the ThunderClan leader, one of her kits died on their way to their new home, and she suffered from months of cognitive decline before she gave her life to save ThunderClan from a pack of dogs.  It’s a miracle she has any descendants at this rate.
Any cats coming directly from Bluefur/star’s line will have to come from her daughter Mistyfoot/star’s son Reedwhisker.  Mosskit died on the way to RiverClan, Stonefur does not seem to have had a mate or kits before his death, and Reedwhisker’s littermates died at young ages.  Maybe Stonefur’s love life or lack there of could be explored in stories along with his mate’s reaction to the TigerClan mess.  Reedwhisker seems like he might not mind romance so long as it’s a fellow RIverClan cat.
Bluefur/star could also have indirect descendants through her nephew Whitestorm.  His daughter Sorreltail went on to have six kits; three of them survived long enough to have children of their own.  Sorreltail’s grandson Fernsong had kits with Ivypool later on.
Bluefur/star and her sister Snowfur were close-knit save for some arguments about Thistleclaw.  Their mother Moonflower was a kind and devoted mother until her death.  Stormtail was a poor parent that barely gave his daughters attention.  He started romancing Dappletail before Moonflower died!  Bluefur/star was so bonded to Whitestorm that he was one of the few cats she trusted in her last days.  
Her relationship with her children is more complicated.  She loves them, but Mistyfoot/star and Stonefur hated her at first when they found out the truth.  Bluefur/star harbors guilt for Mosskit’s death, though the latter does not hold her at fault for it.  
Mistyfoot/star and Stonefur were very close.  Mistyfoot/star grieved heavily when he was killed.  She felt deep pain when having to bury her kits Perchkit, Primrosepaw, and Pikepaw.  Her surviving kit Reedwhisker is shown to have a good relationship with her when he shows up in the books.  Mistyfoot/star even picked him as her deputy.
Whitestorm is only mentioned alongside his mate Willowpelt a few times.  They patrolled together near the end of Into the Wild.  He looked upon her proudly after she announced her pregnancy in Forest of Secrets.  That is the extent of their shown relationship. 
Whitestorm’s relationships with his kits are unfortunately not shown much on screen.  The only exception is him informing Fireheart/star that Sorreltail had woken up after Darkstripe poisoned her with deathberries.  Sootfur, Sorreltail, and Rainwhisker are shown to be close.  The latter two did not take it well when Sootfur died in the badger attack in Twilight.
Sorreltail appears to be a good mother throughout the books.  She supports her kits during stressful situations.  She mourned when Honeyfern died, and is mentioned as missing her son Molepaw (who died as a young apprentice).  Sorreltail in fact died because she had gone back to comfort Lilyheart and Seedpaw after the Great Battle was over with.   
Cinderheart, Honeyfern, and Poppyfrost appear to have good relationships with each other.  Their brother Molepaw doesn’t have enough page time to judge how he got along with them before his death.  Lilyheart and Seedpaw were close before Seedpaw’s death, but they do not interact with their surviving older siblings.  That’s odd as Poppyfrost was in the nursery at the time of their birth.  
Cinderheart’s relationships with her kits are not shown.  Poppyfrost is loving but stern towards Cherryfall and Molewhisker.  Cherryfall and Molewhisker spend a lot of time together.  Lilyheart does not interact with her kits much, but does appear to be a great foster mother to Twigbranch.  Larksong, Leafshade, and Honeyfur are close-knit as apprentices.  They don’t spend as much time with each other after being made warriors.  The three of them did not react when their father Snowbush died.
It might be difficult, but a Bluefur/star descendant is not impossible.  Give it a try.
Redtail: This guy had the misfortune of getting murdered by Tigerclaw/star just before Fireheart/star’s arrival to ThunderClan.  He has one kit with Brindleface: Sandstorm.  It’s odd that Sandstorm has no full siblings with how kits usually come in litters.  
Sandstorm gave him two granddaughters, Leafpool and Squirrelflight.  Leafpool had Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf.  Lionblaze has six kits of his own with Cinderheart.  Squirrelflight kitted Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit later.  
Sparkpelt had two kits named Finchkit and Flamekit; their brother Flickerkit was stillborn.  Their father is Larksong.  He died during Squirrelflight’s Hope shortly after Flickerkit from an illness.  
Lionblaze is a good choice for fathering an OC as he seems interested in doing so.  Sparkpelt is an option too.  Jayfeather and Alderheart are not good father material because of being medicine cats, although the concept of a male medicine cat in forbidden love would be great to explore.  Hollyleaf, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit are out except for AU scenarios with their deaths.
Redtail has several indirect descendants.  His older sister Leopardfoot bore Tigerstar and his dead sisters Mistkit and Nightkit.  This means Brambleclaw/star, Tawnypelt, Hawkfrost, and any kits they have had are relatives of Redtail.  The cat that murdered him was his nephew.  See how confusing the family trees get?
That’s not the worst of it.  His older brother Patchpelt mated once with their sister Willowpelt, resulting in Graystripe.  Graystripe’s kits Feathertail, Stormfur, Blossomfall, Bumblestripe, and Briarlight along with Stormfur’s kits Lark, Pine, Feather, and Breeze and Blossomfall’s kits Eaglewing, Plumstone, Shellfur, and Stemleaf belong to this lineage.  Patchpelt had produced Longtail beforehand with Robinwing.  Neither Longtail or Graystripe are mentioned as having littermates.  Single kitten litters are uncommon.  I wonder what happened...
Willowpelt had more kits than Graystripe.  She mated with three toms in her lifetime: Tawnyspots (who was supposed to have been retired when she was an apprentice from illness and died of said illness shortly afterwards; what happened there?), Patchpelt, and Whitestorm.  Her other kits are Darkstripe, Sootfur, Rainwhisker, and Sorreltail.  Sorreltail lived to have six kits; three of them lived long enough to have children of their own.  Darkstripe, Sootfur, and Rainwhisker died before siring any kits.  It’s a pity with Sootfur and Rainwhisker as they did not receive a lot of screen time.  
Redtail thankfully had a life free of family drama before his murder from what is shown in Bluestar’s Prophecy.  His mother Swiftbreeze cared for her children, and his father Adderfang was a devoted parent that visited the nursery whenever he could.  He got along with his littermates okay.  His relationship with his older siblings is questionable, however.  Leopardfoot and Patchpelt don’t interact with their younger siblings at all, not even to visit their mother after she was done kitting.  Redtail is not seen interacting with Sandstorm either.
Sandstorm loves her kits deeply.  She reminded Firestar to be gentler with Squirrelflight during Midnight as acting stern with her only encouraged her poor behavior.  She was distraught during Squirrelflight’s visit to the Sundrownplace and Leafpool’s capture by Twolegs.  She takes a firm stand when needed, like in Twilight; in that book, she reminded Squirrelflight that her problems shouldn’t get in the way of her duties.  Sandstorm was very worried when Squirrelflight was severely injured in Eclipse.  
Squirrelflight and Leafpool have such a close bond that they literally feel what the other is feeling.  Squirrelflight agreed to act as the foster mother of Leafpool’s kits after some hesitation, an action that eventually endangered her relationship with Brambleclaw/star.  Leafpool carried heavy reservations about hiding the ‘Fire and Tiger’ prophecy from her sister.  
Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf are close-knit.  They argue a lot with one another because of certain issues like Lionblaze meeting up with Heathertail or Hollyleaf’s faked death, but they remained bonded all the same.  Their father Crowfeather has little if any relationship with them.  Their bonds with Squirrelflight and Leafpool became strained after they found out the latter was their mother, but the trio’s hostility disbursed after the Great Battle.
Lionblaze’s kits are mostly minor characters.  They are not shown or mentioned together much.  Snaptooth and Flywhisker train together in The Raging Storm, but that’s about it.  The only exception is Fernsong.  He acts as a loving mate towards Ivypool.  He offered to move into the nursery to care for their kits.  Ivypool returns his affection.   
Having a descendant of Redtail is definitely possible.  His family is one of the more prolific ones in the series. 
Sparrowpelt/Halftail: Much of Halftail’s origins is a mystery.  It is not known who his parents or siblings were.  He became mates with One-eye.  They had two children: Mousefur and Runningwind.  That’s where his lineage stops.  
Mousefur seemed opposed to having a mate or kits during her lifetime.  The closest things she had to a mate were her friendships with Longtail and Purdy.  She was killed during the Dark Forest battle.
Bluestar once stated that Runningwind did not have the right temperament for mentoring.  Mentoring and parenting involve taking care of and supervising young cats.  Runningwind would therefore not be great father material.  Tigerclaw/star killed him during Rising Storm.   
So, grandchildren of Halftail seem to be a no-go.  His parents, siblings, and older relatives could be expanded on in a fanfiction based in the past, however.
White-eye/One-eye: The oldest cat of ThunderClan has a more detailed family than her mate.  Her mother Harepounce was a selfless cat that starved herself to death to feed her kits during a particularly bad leafbare called the Great Hunger.  Harepounce’s mate Stagleap followed her soon after from starvation-induced illness.  
Speckletail is One-eye’s sister.  This is without counting her foster mother Rainfur, and foster siblings Tawnyspots, Dappletail, and Thrushpelt.  Speckletail bore Lionheart, Goldenflower, Snowkit, and Mistlekit.   Lionheart’s love life is unknown, but Goldenflower kitted Swiftpaw, Tawnypelt, and Brambleclaw/star with an unknown tom and Tigerclaw/star.  
Tawnypelt had Tigerheart/star, Dawnpelt, and Flametail with Rowanclaw/star.  Brambleclaw/star eventually sired Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Dandelionkit, and Juniperkit with Squirrelflight.  Dawnpelt and her mate Crowfrost bore Juniperclaw, Strikestone, and Sleekwhisker.  Tigerheart/star and Dovewing kitted Shadowpaw, Lightleap, and Pouncestep.  
Harepounce loved her kits a lot considering she starved herself to feed them.  Stagleap is not mentioned with his kits given his death early in their lives.  Rainfur cared for the two sisters since she took them in without complaint after Harepounce’s death.  
One-eye and Speckletail patrol together once in Bluestar’s Prophecy, and talk about Willowpelt’s nearly due litter in Rising Storm.  Part of what motivates Speckletail to stay behind from the BloodClan battle in The Darkest Hour is that One-eye and Smallear would barely make it.   
One-eye and Tawnyspots share a bond.  They patrolled together around Sunningrocks once in Bluestar’s Prophecy and sat together during Leopardfoot’s kitting,  Thrushpelt circled them during the latter.  Dappletail and One-eye spent a lot of time together as elders.  Dappletail complained about Tawnyspots’ frequent visits to the dirtplace in Bluestar’s Prophecy.    
Any direct kin is out with Mousefur and Runningwind’s temperaments and demises.  Speckletail’s line has several possibilities, though.  Her daughter Goldenflower bore Brambleclaw/star and Tawnypelt.  Any of their kits are therefore indirect kin of One-eye.  It’s unknown whether or not Speckletail’s son Lionheart sired any kits before he died.  Have fun.
Smallear: This grump does not have a detailed family.  His mate was Speckletail.  They had Goldenflower and Lionheart together.  Making a descendant of Smallear through Goldenflower’s kits and grandchildren is a great possibility.  On the other hand, this means that he mocked his own granddaughter Tawnypelt for being Tigerclaw/star’s kit in The Darkest Hour and led to her leaving ThunderClan.  I know he’s a jerk, but what the heck Smallear?
He and Speckletail are only shown together on a patrol once.  He questions medicine cat Goosefeather over an omen in fresh-kill after a kit-aged Lionheart calls the prey dumb, and reassures him seasons later that he was confined to camp for a good cause when Lionheart had to repair the camp wall.  This means that Smallear had a positive relationship with his son if nothing else.  
Smallear never interacts with his daughter Goldenflower on page.  It’s a missed opportunity.  It was she that mated with Tigerclaw/star and bore his kits.  If Smallear heartlessly taunted Tawnypelt about having Tigerclaw/star for a father, shouldn’t he have also taken his daughter to task for mating with him in the first place?  
Lionheart’s romance life is a clean slate, so maybe you could make kits of his.  Other ideas include making Smallear parents and siblings in a pre-gen fic.   It could be interesting.
Dappletail: Dappletail’s background is iffy.  It’s shown in Goosefeather’s Curse that her mother was a cat named Rainfur and her father was the half-WindClan warrior Windflight.  Her siblings were Tawnyspots and Thrushpelt.  She became the foster sister of One-eye and Speckletail later after their mother Harepounce died.  She seems to get along with all her family.  But, we have no idea who her mate was or who her kits were.
Part of Dappletail’s history is that she had a deaf son that disappeared at three moons old.  He was presumed eaten by a fox.  Who sired him, and who were his siblings?  How did Dappletail react to this when it first happened?  The only thing confirmed is that Bluestar’s father Stormtail did not sire the kits even though he and Dappletail had a romantic relationship.  
Tawnyspots was Darkstripe’s father; the latter was killed before he had any children.  Thrushpelt never had any as he was into Bluefur/star, who did not return his feelings.  
Windflight gave Dappletail half-siblings later in the forms of Thistleclaw, Rosetail, and Sweetpaw.  Thistleclaw sired Whitestorm, who in turn had Sorreltail, Rainwhisker, and Sootfur.  Sorreltail had six kits.  Three of them bore children of their own.  
Sweetpaw died as an apprentice, so she never had the chance to start a romance.  Rosetail’s love life is not known, however.  
Dappletail’s relationships with her mother, father, and siblings are not shown in detail.  They are minor characters.  She helped prepare Sweetpaw’s body for her vigil.  Thrushpelt once took out her apprentice Goldenflower when an injury forced her to remain in camp.  She also complained about Tawnyspots’ illness causing him to walk in and out of the warrior’s den all night.  She was a little sad when mentioning her dead son in A Dangerous Path.  That's the extent of her interaction with her family.
Go wild with Dappletail relatives.  She has several holes to fill up.
Frostfur: In contrast to other characters, Frostfur’s line is very detailed.  Her mother was an experienced queen named Robinwing, and her father Fuzzypelt retired soon after she and her sister Brindleface became warriors.  Her parents later had Dustpelt and Ravenpaw.  
It is stated when Robinwing kitted Frostfur and Brindleface that they were not her first litter.  Yet, we never see these older siblings.  What happened to them?  Did they die, or were they just off-screen?
Frostfur bore Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, Thornclaw, and Brightheart shortly before Into The Wild.  It’s not stated or hinted who fathered them.  Maybe your story involves solving that mystery.  She has plenty of descendants. 
Brackenfur sired Sorreltail’s six kits.  Their three living kits Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, and Lilyheart had children.  Cinderheart’s son Larksong sired Sparkpelt’s kits.  Larksong’s siblings Hollytuft and Sorrelstripe have not been seen often enough to know if they desire families or not.  
Poppyfrost’s kits Molewhisker and Cherryfall are clean slates for romance, although Cherryfall had some moments with Stormcloud in Bramblestar’s Storm.  Lilyheart’s kits were all just made warriors in Shattered Sky, so they need time to grow up before becoming parents.
Thornclaw became a late in life parent in Shattered Sky.  His mate Blossomfall had Eaglewing, Plumstone, Shellfur, and Stemleaf.  They are minor characters, but got along well enough as kits.  They also share a bond with their grandfather Graystripe.  It’s unknown if they want kits or not.  Stemleaf is stated to like a cat, but has not mentioned a desire to raise a family
Brightheart got together with Cloudtail.  She bore Whitewing, Ambermoon, Dewnose, and Snowbush.  Whitewing bore Dovewing and Ivypool.  Dovewing kitted a litter of three with Tigerheart/star in Tigerheart’s Shadow.  Ivypool and Fernsong seem to have gotten together.  
Ambermoon and Dewnose do not show signs of romance or lack there of.  Snowbush sired Honeyfur, Leafshine, and Larksong with Sorreltail’s daughter Lilyheart before he died in Darkest Night.  Larksong had a romance with Sparkpelt and sired her kits before dying in Squirrelflight’s Hope.
Frostfur’s sister Brindleface had two kits that died early, Sandstorm, Ferncloud, and Ashfur.  Perhaps stories could take a look at Brindleface’s two young dead kits to explore what they were like, what they were named, and how they interacted with their siblings before their deaths.
Sandstorm mated with Fireheart/star, resulting in Squirrelflight and Leafpool.  Leafpool gave birth to Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze.  Lionblaze had six kits with Cinderheart.  Squirrelflight bore Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Dandelionkit, and Juniperkit later on.  Sparkpelt is a good choice, Alderheart can’t legally take a mate as a medicine cat, and the latter two are dead.  Dandelionkit and Juniperkit have not even been seen in StarClan when Alderheart visits, which seems like a missed opportunity.  
Ferncloud got together with Dustpelt... who is also her uncle.  It seems the authors should have been more careful when making the family trees.  She bore Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Hollykit, Larchkit, Icecloud, and Foxleap.  Only Birchfall is still alive as of this writing.  He and Spiderleg were the only ones to have kits of their own.
Spiderleg sired Rosepetal and Toadstep with Daisy.  Toadstep died in between The Last Hope and Bramblestar’s Storm.  Rosepetal has shown signs of liking Bumblestripe.  Their line is definitely a possibility.    
Birchfall had Dovewing and Ivypool with Whitewing.  Dovewing has three  kits with Tigerheart/star as of Tigerheart’s Shadow.  Ivypool became mates with Fernsong, who seems very eager to help out in the nursery.  Dovewing and Ivypool’s friendship has suffered from the former’s meetings with Tigerheart/star.  It’s unknown how Dovewing leaving ThunderClan has affected her relations with her parents, but the fallout may be negative.
Frostfur’s brother Dustpelt has one of the most prolific lines in the series with his mate and niece Ferncloud.  Their kits are listed under Ferncloud’s subsection.  Dustpelt took her death very hard.  Icecloud and Foxleap’s deaths coming very soon after their mother’s demise likely added to his grief.  
Last is Ravenpaw, who seems to be the least favorite sibling of the family.  He was canonically shown as having a close relationship with Barley.  He has never wanted a mate or kits.  The Warriors series is meant for children, so they can’t show explicit LBGTQ relationships without getting into trouble.  The way Ravenpaw’s relatives treated him before he left ThunderClan is questionable.
Vicky Holmes has gone on record to say that Dustpelt would do everything to deny his relation with Ravenpaw.  Dustpelt was shown attacking him when he was stripping down a leaf near the end of Bluestar’s Prophecy.  He accused Ravenpaw of being a WindClan spy at first during the Warriors manga A Clan in Need when Ravenpaw diverted a confrontation between a WindClan and ThunderClan patrol over a missing kit.       
Brindleface is never shown interacting with Ravenpaw or Dustpelt very much.  She did have a good relationship with Frostfur, however.  They spent time around each other, and had their litters around the same time.  That speaks louder than words.
Frostfur acted aggressively towards Ravenpaw when he strayed near the nursery after Tigerclaw/star accused him of stealing her kits during Into The Wild.  While her behavior could be excused if the Warriors series was more realistic about cat behavior (that is, adult toms would not be permitted around the nursery area at all), it doesn’t click as the characters are humanized.  Why did she believe Tigerclaw/star’s lie?  Why didn’t she see through it and stick up for her little brother?  Did she regret her actions when she found out the truth? 
The only family members innocent of wrongdoing with Ravenpaw are his parents.  Robinwing was said to have been very patient with him near the end of Bluestar’s Prophecy.  Fuzzypelt seemed decent enough, and was an elder when he and his mate had Ravenpaw and Dustpelt.  He likely died shortly after they were born.
There are many Frostfur descendants to choose from, and family drama to be had. 
Fireheart/star: As fitting of the main character of the first series, his family has been elaborated on with time.  His mother Nutmeg was a kittypet who had no idea of what her son was up to.  His father Jake was also a kittypet; he was a lot more adventurous than his mate.  Fireheart/star had several siblings, including his sister Princess.  He unknowingly killed his half-brother Scourge when BloodClan threatened the forest
He and Sandstorm came together, which resulted in Squirrelflight and Leafpool’s births.  Leafpool kitted Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze.  Lionblaze now has six kits of his own.  Jayfeather is not a good mate choice with him being a medicine cat and snappish temperament, although it could come about in the right circumstance.  Hollyleaf is not around for having kits except for AU stories with her death in The Last Hope.  
Squirrelflight bore Sparkpelt, Alderheart, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit as an older cat.  Sparkpelt is a good option.  Alderheart is not a great choice for siring kits because of him being a medicine cat.  Juniperkit and Dandelionkit died young, so they are not options outside of AUs
Fireheart/star’s sister Princess gave him his nephew Cloudtail to raise.  Cloudtail sired Whitewing, Ambermoon, Dewnose, and Snowbush with Brightheart.  Whitewing kitted Dovewing and Ivypool with Birchfall.  Dovewing had Lightleap, Shadowpaw, and Pouncestep with Tigerheart/star.  Ivypool appears likely to have kits with Lionblaze’s son Fernsong soon.  
Ambermoon and Dewnose do not show signs of romance or lack there of.  Go wild with them.  Snowbush had Larksong, Leafshine, and Honeyfur with Lilyheart before he died in Darkest Night.  
Cloudtail had littermates.  It would be cool to see what happened to them.  Have a field day.  One of them might have had kits later that the rest of Fireheart/star’s line are unaware about.
Speaking of which, why not write about Fireheart/star and Princess’ littermates?  Princess mentioned once that she sometimes met up with them.  How did their lives turn out after the Clans left?  Did any of them leave Fireheart/star and Princess nieces and nephews?
Lastly, there is Fireheart/star’s half-brother Scourge and his siblings Ruby and Socks.  Scourge did not seem like the nurturing or romantic type, so him having kits before his death seems unlikely.  Ruby and Socks were forced on the streets as loners.  They lived at least a few years after their brother’s death according to the fifth Erin Hunter chat.  They could have found love.  Ruby and Socks’ relationship with Scourge was hostile with them bullying him as a kit.
Firestar appeared to have a lot of love for his daughters, although his time interacting with them diminished before his death.  He was tougher on Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze; they still had a lot of respect for him.  He acts more supportive of Alderheart when he is seen in StarClan.  He experienced a close relationship with his sister Princess until the Clans left the forest.  He has not interacted with his other littermates, Cloudtail’s siblings, or Squirrelflight’s non-medicine cat kits in the actual books, so his relationship with them is not known.
Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf are close-knit.  They argue a lot with one another because of certain issues like Lionblaze meeting up with Heathertail or Hollyleaf’s faked death, but they remained bonded all the same.  Their father Crowfeather has little if any relationship with them.  Their bonds with Squirrelflight and Leafpool became strained after they found out the latter was their mother, but the trio’s hostility disbursed after the Great Battle.      
So, there are plenty of options for a Fireheart/star descendant.  Have fun.
Daisy: Daisy gets a lot of flak for staying in the nursery.  For all of that, she had only taken two mates (Smoky and Spiderleg) and bore five kits.  Smoky sired Berrynose, Hazeltail, and Mousewhisker.  Spiderleg fathered Toadstep and Rosepetal.
Berrynose had Cherryfall and Molewhisker with Poppyfrost.  Neither of them have shown signs of romantic preferences outside of some moments Cherryfall had with Stormcloud in Bramblestar’s Storm.  Cherryfall and Molewhisker could have kits if the circumstances are right.
Mousewhisker has not had enough time on page to indicate if he wants a family or not.  He has become a very minor character in recent books.  He is another option.
Hazeltail and Toadstep are not around for romance or kits outside of AUs.  They both died between The Last Hope and Bramblestar’s Storm.
Rosepetal has shown signs of being attracted to Bumblestripe.  She’s a good choice for a Daisy descendant.  
Daisy is a loving if protective mother.  Her children seem to get along okay.  They are sometimes mentioned as taking duties together.  Hazeltail is very excited when Toadstep and Rosepetal are first born.  Unfortunately, they are not mentioned too often because of being minor characters.  We don’t even see Daisy or her surviving kits’ reactions to Toadstep and Hazeltail’s deaths.  That seems like hasty writing to me.  
A Daisy descendant is a good choice.
Stormcloud: This poor cat is a former kittypet that joined ThunderClan after a flood made him lose his home.  He also lost his brother Benny in the flood.  He has shown chemistry with Cherryfall. so kits with her are a possibility.  
None of Stormcloud’s relatives except for Benny are known.  Did he have any other siblings that lived in a different house?  Who were his parents?  How would any of his remaining family react to his new life? 
Give kin of Stormcloud a go.
Mapleshade: Before starting on Mapleshade’s section, I would like to say that how her Clan handled her forbidden relationship with Appledusk was atrocious.  A leader banished three two-moon old kits with their mother, a warrior referred to the kits as ‘creatures’, said warrior watched them drown in the river without helping them, and the mother’s RiverClan mate Appledusk got off scot-free.
With that in mind, where are Mapleshade’s parents, siblings, or other kin?  ThunderClan is shown to be very low in numbers in Mapleshade’s Vengeance; Mapleshade is the only queen at that time.  Even if she had betrayed the first law of the warrior code, her family would have stood up for her.  They could have pointed out that banishing her would mean four less ThunderClan cats later.  They could have reminded Oakstar that banishing kits for their mother’s crimes was wrong and perhaps a breach of the twelfth law of the warrior code.  
A direct Mapleshade descendant is out with Patchkit, Petalkit, and Larchkit’s deaths.  But, maybe she did have a sibling somewhere that had kits later.  This could lead into several dark story possibilities.  
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newtcloud · 7 years
I’ve noticed some people seemed interested in my TawnyFeather + kits AU, and I have some news for you, it’s actually part of a much larger AU/fix I think about occasionally.
I do work with a traditionalist (more info) worldview, I list the original names the first time the cat is mentioned. Some cats are slightly genetically changed, I mention the changes as well. (I want to make family trees, one day maybe) I talk from Clan to Clan here, and it’s a lot and a little disorganized haha
Hope you enjoy reading my thoughts!
For starters, Mudclaw remains deputy. When Ravenstar (Tallstar, he is black with little white now) is close to dying he calls Mudclaw in for a private meeting. When Mudclaw arrives he sees Crowpaw (he doesn’t receive his name in the mountains, also he has amber eyes) leave and enters. Ravenstar is honest about his fears, and Mudclaw listens critically. He vows to try and keep peace, and earn the other clans’ respect in a less violent way. Ravenstar also tells him to respect what Crowpaw chooses to do, Mudclaw doesn’t understand what Tallstar means with this until Crowpaw says that he needs to leave to sort out his thoughts. He allows it, and prays that he is safe.
Mudclaw becomes Mudstar, with lives (not literal lives, but more in a guidance way, as is more common within traditionalism) for Compassion, Clarity of judgement, Diplomacy, Patience, Love, Wisdom, Endurance, Loyalty, and Understanding of other viewpoints.
Oatwhisker (Onewhisker, brown and white tabby) becomes his deputy, and Starclan shows approval by granting access to the island. The two become good friends.
Windclan and Thunderclan still grow apart, but less so. Mudstar is not hostile, but also asserts their rights to decline help. Firestar is a little saddened, but respects the decision. With time the two clans change that distance to a more casual relationship.
Since Crowpaw is gone, Nightcloud has kits with a loner, Sleetkit (Breezepelt, now a lighter gray) and Antkit (Black molly). They grow up to become Sleetpelt and Antfang, they’re both a little hot-headed but ultimately strong young cats.
Crowpaw returns after several years, changed into a more wise man. He asks Mudstar to be let back, and he accepts after remembering Ravenstar’s words. Crowpaw becomes Crowheart and lives his life without mate/kits.
When Darktail arrives Mudstar is mad that Oatwhisker kept this a secret, but doesn’t have any reason to punish him since he never broke the law. Oatwhisker dies with Darktail, which Mudstar grieved over for the rest of his life. Sedgewhisker succeeds Oatwhisker, and she becomes Sedgestar when Mudstar dies of old age.
Tawny’s kits are born a lot earlier, and they aren’t really just The Three In Shadowclan for their earlier life. Tawny teaches them about their family in the other clans, and stands up fiercely when other cats try to tell them they’re not Shadowclan.
Rowanclaw is their foster father (he’s trans) and when he has his own litter Tawny + kits help with raising his kits: Redkit/paw/whisker (Redwillow, red and black torbie, predominantly red) and Darkkit/paw/nose (Olivenose, black and red tortie, predominantly black). Tawny and Rowan are close friends, but never mates.
Sol still appears and causes a ruckus, and it’s resolved the same way.
Russetfur retires from her position before she’s killed in battle, she becomes an elder but remains fairly active because she can. Nobody dares to stop her anyway, and her death shakes all the clans. She is succeeded by Tawnypelt.
When Blackstar dies in the floods, Tawnystar succeeds him. She names Rowanclaw deputy.
Tawny’s kits themselves are largely themselves:
Reedtail (Flametail, brownish-red tabby with white) was really sickly as a kit (Tawny didn’t have an ideal pregnancy, with stress from journeying and malnutrition), he often had to stay in the medicine cat den. Littlecloud let him help so he wouldn’t grow bored while he was staying there, when Reedkit was ~7 moons (apprenticed late) he chose to become a medicine cat because he loved the work and wants to help cats as sickly as himself. Littlecloud was very fond of him, and the two were often called “like brothers” by the other medicine cats. He dies from shock after falling in the freezing lake while playing with his foster siblings. Littlecloud was devastated, and mentored no other cats until Mudleaf’s (Puddleshine, brown and white tabby) enthusiasm made him cautiously less stuck in his grief.
Goldenstorm (Dawnpelt, cream and grey calico) was a go-getter, happy to give her opinions and overall quite the troublemaker. She keeps senior warriors on their toes, and Tawny is never surprised to find her at the root of mischief. She has kits later in her life, and is heavily scarred but lives through the Darktail era. She is renamed Scarredpelt, and wears the name with pride.
Heronfur (Tigerheart/star, silver black tabby with white paws and chest) is mostly the same. He’s your average tom, with a penchant for bad ideas. The romance with Dovewing is gone, and he doesn’t become deputy/leader.
The three are Maplecloud’s (Leafpool, dark, brownish-red ticked tabby) kits, but no-one knows who the other parent is. She steps down as med. cat after she discovers her pregnancy, many cats were skeptic, but her willingness to give up her dreams made them sympathetic. When Cinderpelt dies, she takes up the med. cat duties again.
Foxkit/paw/storm (Jayfeather, red classic tabby), becomes a warrior, his mentor is Brightheart. Maplecloud was overjoyed to see him succeed as a warrior. I personally am not a fan of the whole prophecy in the 3rd and 4th arc, so I scrapped that lol. He’s a cranky warrior that bites off more than he can chew to prove himself, Brightheart helps him accept himself. It’s a long journey, but he is enjoying his life more and more as he grows older.
Emberkit/paw/heart/star (Hollyleaf, black and red tortie), becomes a warrior with a strong belief in the code, highly intelligent and has the qualities of a leader. She is a beloved warrior, deputy and eventual leader. She becomes mates with Smokepelt (Cinderheart, gray and cream and white tabby with a broken leg).
The two have three kits:
Patchfur (Hollytuft, gray and cream lynx point)
Ryestripe (Sorrelstripe, gray and brownish torbie, predominantly brownish)
Ashcloud (Fernsong, grey and white)
Lionkit/paw/claw (Lionblaze, still a fluffy golden tabby), is a strong fighter and the definition of beauty. It was no surprise that he had flings across the borders sometimes. He’s bad at making good choices, and is grateful that Emberheart acts as his brains sometimes. He is the surrogate father of Smokepelt and Emberstar’s kits.
Ashfur doesn’t betray anyone, never had a thing with Squirrel and he dies when he helps Maple and Squirrel save the three in the fire.
Brambleclaw (Reddish-brown tabby) never takes up the position of deputy, Hornetfur (Brackenfur), becomes deputy instead. Bramble gravitates towards an uncle role with Maplecloud’s kits, and is saddened to learn that his attempts towards having kits with Squirrelstorm (Squirrelflight, ticked red tabby, no white) are failing (He’s infertile, they have a loner surrogate around the time of TFA).
Alderkit/paw/pelt (Alderheart, brown tabby with a little white) takes interest in med. cat duties, and succeeds Maplecloud.
Gingerkit/paw/pelt (Sparkpelt, predominantly red torbie with white paws) looks a lot like her grandfather, very excitable.
Pigeonkit/paw/whisker (Dovewing, Gray with odd eyes, deaf and blind on the blue eyed half of her face), has good senses, but ultimately wasn’t meant for he life of a warrior, she becomes a kittypet and still lives near the lake. Foxstorm was her mentor. Her sister visits her occasionally.
Silverkit/paw/claw (Ivypool, silvery gray tabby), was Emberstar’s apprentice when she was a warrior. She’s a good fighter, though at a young age she was often bitter that her sister seemed to get more attention. Emberheart helped her realize her own strength, and she became deputy under Emberstar.
Riverclan was too ignored for me to change much sadly. I still had a few things:
Mothface (Mothwing, golden lynx point) is very close to Maplecloud :) Many jokes are made that Lionclaw looks like her :) ;) Her brother Kitefang (Hawkfrost, brown lynx point) used her to gain power, the two were close and she never hated him after his body and plans were discovered. She doesn’t believe in Starclan still, and is respected. Miststar (Mistystar, ticked gray tabby, Russian Blue green eyes) covers for her lack of belief, and knows she’s valid and a good med. cat.
Riverclan doesn’t let Darktail mess with them, Miststar isn’t leader for long, but still is the oldest living one for a while. Rookstar (Reedwhisker, has green eyes now) succeeds her and his deputy is Minnowtail.
(Also in case my vague smilies are too... vague, Mothface is the mother of the three and loves her children very much despite not seeing them often)
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