#I also planned out the entire springlock failure sequence in my mind it starts with a tracked water droplet that you follow into the suit
Gonna be honest, if you told me you didn’t have any experience in filmmaking, I wouldn’t believe you. The detailed descriptions you’ve given are just consumable- (coming from someone who’s majoring in filmmaking)
I have this really interesting thing where basically I can see exactly how something would look from a cinematic perspective? Like whenever I come up with something I get a really vivid mental image of how it’s going to look. Like with genloss stuff I’ve had to send literal paragraphs describing like 30 second teasers simply because I can just like see every detail inside of them. I love and hate my brain for this because when things don’t line up I am very much like “could it be a bit more like this” and as someone who feels bad asking people to change things it’s certainly a struggle LMAO. But yeah basically I can think up shots and dialogue and plots of entire movies if given enough prompts. (They most likely aren’t good a lot of the time and I struggle a LOT trying to get the vision across lmao but when I can it’s cool stuff) Like today I was listening to “welcome to the jungle” and all I was doing was like thinking of how I would introduce a character and how to film it and which sound cues would I use to switch the camera and all that it’s a fun time in my brain.
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