#I also really liked the mc pee pants one because I was hoping there would be on about him
fitzfunnymoments · 2 years
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I was gonna color this and add a background to make this a fake screenshot but I feel too sick (might go back and do that later though.) Anyway I'm very happy with these new athf shorts so far (and you can probably guess my favorite short lol)
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asrasotherbottom · 5 years
How do you think the main 6 would react to MC being secretly incredibly powerful, like could easily beat pretty much anyone in a magic dual or any kind of fight, (this could be because of a lot of training or it could mean that they were some sort of fay creature it's up to you) /sorry its so long/I like your writing, I think it's really good/
How do you think the counters would react to MC being a really powerful magic creature (fairy, demon etc) xx
I’m combining these two requests into one! also
Main 6 + Courtiers & Powerful Fae MC (this got super fucking long i hope you all enjoy it, Muriel, Portia,Lucio, Courtiers are under the cut)
He always knew something was special about them, their magic was so strong and just felt different than anything he’d ever felt before.
It was nearly intoxicating to have them use their magic on him, the feeling of it washing over him, it was so unique and so very Them. 
After he brought them back, he was terrified how this would complicate things. They had the Fool’s body, could the fool’s body contain the power of a Fae? 
Would their powers come back? Would they be too strong for the body? Would they have no magic at all? 
Then he started to feel bad for them, once their magic started coming back, he knew that his magic was nothing compared to theirs and yet he had to teach them magic from scratch, he didn’t feel qualified.
But he was also worried about them hurting themself because they didn’t know how to control how powerful they were yet. 
Overall? He’s beyond proud of them. Look at his Super Powerful Fae Spouse, thats His Spouse!!! 
She’s embarrassed to say that she’s heard of the Fae but doesn’t know a ton about them.
Though, she’d love for them to sit down and tell her all about the Fae and what its like to be one of them, over a cup of tea. 
She first notices something about MC when she activates her mark and can see all the magic around them, and MC lights up in a way that she has never seen a person, magician or not, light up, ever before in her life. 
Its dazzling and, dare she say, Enchanting. 
Knowing MC is so, so incredibly Powerful is something that draws her to to them, power seeks out power, as it were. It doesn’t hurt that theyre gorgeous, Fae or not. 
She loves seeing displays of MC’s power and magic, and she likes knowing that not many people know about it, its their little secret. 
And the thought of a very powerful Fae creature being SO submissive to her in the bedroom is…enticing. 
He is….taken aback? Overwhelmed? Scared? Confused? A little horny? All of the above? when MC first tells him.
He’s all for being intimidated by a powerful partner, but the Magic part has him a little wary, he barely understands human magicians, much less the concept of the Fae or Fae magic. 
He doesn’t really know what to do the first time he feels their magic in the magical realms, he thought he was prepared but he wasn’t, at all. 
He wonders why their magic couldn’t stop the plague, they’re so powerful, and they were working as his apprentice, he doesn’t know anything about magic but something feels very bad about knowing they had all that magical power and still weren’t able to stop it, they weren’t able to avoid dying of the plague either. 
Post- upright end he ends up relishing the feeling of their power, especially when they’re using magic in the bedroom. ;) Post reversed ending he’s thankful that MC is such a powerful creature because they have to live in a world full of chaotic powerful magic. 
Muriel lives in the forest, he knows the Fae lore, and he is WARY of MC. He has half a mind to use a fake name until Asra walks in and says “Hi muriel” and blows it. 
He keeps an eye on them at all times, just waiting for something about their True Nature to rear its ugly head, but when it….doesn’t….he’s mostly confused and straight up asks them about it. 
Eventually he gets used to how powerful their magic is, it makes him feel a little better knowing that they’re capable of being at least as dangerous as him, but also choose not to. It gives him…a little hope for himself as a person and his future in not hurting people, even accidentally. 
He’s still really taken aback (and impressed) the first time he sees their full display of power, he’d only heard in tales the power of the Fae…
Is wary of marrying them, he was careful to never drink anything they gave him, so why is he marrying them? He loves them? Oh…right, he does. He just needs to get over the “marrying a Fae creature” thing. 
She LOVES SECRETS. MC telling her a secret? That they’re secretly a super powerful FAE CREATURE???? She wants to shout it from the rooftops she’s so excited but,~oops~ she wont. *zips mouth motion*
She’s read about Fae in a book in the palace, aren’t they supposed to be like, really tiny? And live in the woods and try to trick you into things? MC do you secretly live in a mushroom? 
Portia is literally dying to find out how powerful MC is, its impressive enough that they’re a magician but his is on a whole new level of impressive to her. (Swoon) But also…she wants to see what MC can do!
She asks MC to make her a cup of tea and then downs the whole thing in one gulp and says “does this mean we’re married now?” and thats how she lets MC know that she wants to get married. 
If MC ever lets her know its ok to tell people, she literally never stops bragging about her super powerful Fae spouse. 
Lucio is drawn to power and MC is no different. When they tell him, he responds. “I KNEW there was something special about you! I have a sense for these kinds of things, I attract powerful people, its part of my charm and one of my many talents.” 
He still nearly pees his pants when he feels MC”s power for the first time, he’s used to dealing with powerful creatures but being able to feel their power so close to him, it’s like nothing he’s ever felt before. 
“Youre a what now?” “Of course I’ve heard of the Fae, who do you take me for? I’m worldly.” He says, yknow, like a liar. 
He is chomping at the bit to see MC take someone down though, him displaying his feats of strength slaying the wyrm was essentially his way of flirting (and definitely arousing and intended to be arousing for MC) so he’s ready for their show too. 
Dramatically presents them with a dress made in the style of the Fae he saw in a book. 
Do they really expect him to know what that means? That they’re Fae?
(He’s genuinely interested when they explain it to him, he even stops sipping his wine and sits up in his chair to listen) 
After a few minutes he takes a second and wonders if he should have been including the Fae in his diplomatic relations all these years and never has been. Ultimately he cares about Vesuvia above most other things (except for MC), so if they’re a powerful non-human magician, he wants to know how they can help Vesuvia and how Vesuvia can help them. 
(He wont mind a demonstration of their *ahem* immense power, though, perhaps back in his chambers)
They challenge them to a duel, but its mostly a display of MC”s immense powerful energy. 
They earn Vulgora’s respect p much immediately. 
The ONLY way to make them swoon is to beat them in battle and MC does that so like, whens the wedding yknow. 
Vulgora does NOTHING but brag about MC being powerful and capable of squashing any enemy with ease. 
He’s....attracted to power. He knows power, intimately. 
He might get a little jealous and show them his wyrm form to flex on them a little, but their magic is as powerful as his wyrm form is monstrous so.
Is it getting hot in here or is it just him?
.....................Since MC is Fae, do the have any worm based power?
Oh, my my, they’ve never dissected any of the Fae before.
They’re sure this will be a very interesting and exciting experience, and they’re glad to have this opportunity. 
They underestimate MC’s power, seriously. They think that MC can’t possibly be as powerful as they are.
But if MC shows them, gives them just a hint of how magically powerful they really are? Then Valdemar is all but ready to make them a colleague, if they’ll have it. 
Oh!! She thinks thats very interesting, extremely interesting. 
She does not know or care if you are supposed to take food and drink from any of the Fae but she wholeheartedly does and in fact requests food. 
Volta doesn’t have a very good track record with very powerful beings so she’s a little wary about getting close to them. 
But she’s easily won over if MC gives her lots of food, maybe even magic food like Mazelinka’s soup but more powerful that can keep her full!.
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kuroorchidnobass · 8 years
QN Evolution Concert Twitter Round Up/Report
This is a really long post so I put it under the cut! I haven’t put everything I could onto this post but if there’s things you want to read up on you can read more about the live with #カルライレポ2017 on twitter!
Also no DVD/BD announcement yet
Set List
Opening Video
Quartet Night
The Dice are cast
A bit of MC
Dekiai Temptation
Junketsunaru ai -Aspiration-
Innocent Wind
Tsukakari no Dearest
Itoshiki Hito he
Winter Blossom
Starlight Memory
Opening video bts footage
Introduce Dancers (DJ Morikubo)
Hurrayx2 Dreamers
Double Face
No. 1
Mune no Kodou
Kiss wa Wink de
Zetta Reido Emotion
God’s S.T.A.R.
Evolution Eve
Poison Kiss
You’re my life
General things: 
Everyone cried at the end, Shoutan was breaking down into tears PROTECT THIS CHILD AND HID HIMSELF ON MAENU’S SHOULDER
All 4 had nail polish on
Morikubo: had his pinky nail green
Tattsun: Alternating between Red and Black
Shoutan: Lavender colored
Maenu: light blue
All 4 had the bangle light, ring light on their pinky finger
The first part of the concert, all 4 of them had kinda a sparkly version of the pamphlet outfits
DJ Morikubo: introduced the dancers with his maracas mic, he had sunglasses on and had another golden maracas
Morikubo acknowledged the live viewing fans saying, “Hey live viewing!!”
During the MCs all 4 of them were super close together and Morikubo was like “Do we really need to be this close together???” Tattsun and Maenu “This kinda makes us feel safe. Yep yep.”
Morikubo mentioned how the QN LINE chat was really happy to learn that QN got a golden disc (an award given to cd’s that sell a certain amount)
Maenu told Shoutan he was pretty (?)
Before Ranmaru’s solo: Tattsun “Watch over …. my evolution”
Tattsun pointed at a dancer and lifted up their chin 
Maenu and Tattsun made a heart and high-fived
Tattsun and Maenu danced all of their songs
Terashii and Suwabe san were at the concert!!!
Morikubo: You know, I reaaaaaaaally love singing with you 3!!!!! This is a secret but I’m glad I was in Quartet Night!!!!
Tattsun: Me too!
Maenu Shoutan: Mhm!
Concert itself:
There was an opening video thing with all 4 of the QN VA’s:
Started off with Morikubo whistling, swinging car keys around his finger to go to a garage with a vintage car. He goes to pick up Shoutan who was reading some human psychology (?) book. Shoutan pouts, tapping his wrist and Morikubo apologizes (he was probably late LOL). Scene changes, we see Maenu in a limo sipping his sugar filled tea reading, something… The limo passes by a certain figure, Tattsun is walking with a bass(?) case on his back and he meets a cat, and pets it (THE RANRAN FEELS ARE REAL)
Then in slow motion, Morikubo and Shoutan get out of the car, the driver of the limo opens the door and Maenu comes out, into the driver’s hand, Tattsun gives him the bass case. Close up on each and every one of their faces, Morikubo wears his hat, Maenu takes off his glasses and they disappear, going to the stage.
Then here starts QUARTET NIGHT to The Dice are Cast
The Dice are Cast: Same formation as the 5th Live with the whole stairs thing
Maenu at the beginning:
“Good evening everyone, this is Camus. I hope to make this the best stage tonight…..hm? Are you waiting for something?” *the other 3 and the fans laugh*
“Please enjoy yourselves today…like I would say that you peasant!”
“Don’t get all happy coming all the way here to this venue to be called peasant you peasant!”
“Also over at the live viewing, don’t get all happy being called peasant you peasant!”
“As a commemoration, I’ll say it one more time, you peasant!!!”
Usual dirty joke Tattsun
Morikubo: We’ll go full speed and sing! Today isn’t an event, it’s a concert!
Tattsun: There won’t be time to go to the bathroom. If you’re worried about peeing  your pants…
Maenu: You’re so direct lol
Tattsun: You’re going to get wet today…
Maenu: In many ways yes, certain fluids yes.
After the MC, the start of Dekiai Temptation starting going on and Tattsun said “This song means it’s this guy’s turn” And Tattsun Maenu and Shoutan all said, “Rolling…” at the beginning of Dekiai Temptation and left the stage
At the beginning of ONLY ONE, Tattsun yelled out “It’s time for revenge!”
Itoshiki hito he: Morikubo came down from the stairs holding a rose. He puts down the rose and gets an umbrella and holds that
Shoutan played the piano for a bit at the beginning of Winter Blossom, then before he started singing he said, “Hey, smile okay?” 
Yes Maenu had all of his rings AURORA: Maenu at the beginning said “STARISH isn’t here on this stage right now but their hearts are with me” and slowly brought out the 3rd, 4th, and 5th live rings
Starlight Memory: Mic stand performance, during the “Love me, Love me, Love me” lyrics they touched the mic stand, doesn’t look like they performed this in full, Tattsun+Maenu on the top half of the stairs, Morikubo+Shoutan on the bottom half of the stairs. Red lights, they looked at each other when singing
Hurrayx2 Dreamers: dancers had two different colored maracas???
Double Face: Maenu legit sang it without any backing/recorded vocals (other than the chorus). He had a mic stand, on one side of Maenu, dancers had a white cape, on the other side black capes. When Maenu’s right hand was on the mic, he was Butler!Camus, smiling and all. When Maenu’s left hand was on the mic, he was “Peasant”!Camus, staring down everyone
No. 1: Tattsun pointed the mic to everyone at the shouting parts 
Mune no Kodou: the venue was filled with white lights
WILD SOUL: red lights~ mic stand yes
A.I.: Beginning Shoutan said “C’mon, let’s walk together” with the screen behind him with a sunset, at the end-ish it looked Shoutan had a sad face and said “I love you”  Shoutan went away like he disappeared
Kiss wa Wink de: the usual maracas mic plus maracas 
Zettai Reido Emotion: the usual Camus stick
God’s S.T.A.R.: They recreated a good amount of the dance that was in the anime 
Morikubo: We were able to come all the way here today because of Utapri, STARISH, the dancers, the staff, and the fans. We did this concert with the mindset of repaying all of you.
Tattsun: I want to apologize to everyone. I am really sorry for hurting Kurosaki Ranmaru’s name. Ever since the interview where I said I don’t have the merits to say that I’m Ranmaru, I haven’t become “Ranmaru” other than during recording song and recording the episodes. So I’m standing here on this stage to repay all of you. Thank you for letting me voice as Ranmaru. Today there are some STARISH members in the audience
*the audience starts to rustle around, looking for the STARISH VA’s*
Morikubo: Heeeey! Concentrate!!
Shoutan: Concentrate!!
Maenu: Your gaze should be over here!!!
Shoutan: There are many words that I don’t know that Mikaze Ai knows. And because Aoi Shouta is an idiot…I have been chasing after Mikaze Ai, and QN’s back this whole time. I think that I got a bit closer to Ai by standing up here on this stage today. Than you to the staff, the fans, and QN.
Maenu: When I first saw the cast I thought I’m such an outlier because I haven’t done anything other than seiyuu related things. So I think what I could do is to is be Camus and act like Camus. And I’m really happy that I can make everyone happy. Thank you everyone.
Morikubo: Even though everyone says this, I’m really supported by everyone too!This man called Maeno Tomoaki! Even though he says this, he’s the number one person to put a lot of effort! When I notice he’s always practicing! Did you see the amount of rings he has?
Tattsun: He even has some cologne on
Morikubo: Even though Tattsun was that down he really makes all of us passionate and is a reliable man! You know for Shoutan! He taught us how to be an idol! He teaches us how to show off to everyone!
Morikubo says KIZUNA makes him cry the most
During KIZUNA, the anime scene was played in the back and all 4 of the QN VA’s recreated the scene at the stairs, Morikubo was totally into imitating the driving part
Evolution Eve: HARMONIES
Tattsun: You know…I don’t want this to end
*everyone looks at Morikubo*
Shoutan: Nii-san, how about it?
Morikubo: I don’t have that much power! I don’t want it to end too!!!
Morikubo rolled around the stairs at the encore saying he didn’t want the concert to end
Tattsun: If Shoutaro-san cries over KIZUNA, You’re My Life makes me cry
You’re my life: Tattsun, Maenu, Shoutan were all crying while Morikubo was only teary eyed….something Reiji would do, but he kinda cried at the end
Morikubo: One last thing!
All 4: QUARTET NIGHT FOREVER!!! See you next stage!!
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