#I also still really really really want him to have a productive convo with ozy but who knows how that'll go
cityandking · 8 months
top 3 daichi 'adjusting to life again' routines/rituals
okay I have been thinking about this for so long and I still don't Really have concrete answers but here are my Biggest thoughts at the moment:
extended prayer/meditation. usually he keeps his holy duties to the sunrise hours any anything more is incidental, but I think post-abyss he spends more time than usual in... I mean, yeah, technically worship, but worship for daichi is mostly about finding his footing and making the active choice to give himself over in worship to that divinity. I think turning back to pelor is a comfort both in that a) it's pelor and b) he's choosing it. I think probably, outside his date afternoon/night with zaref, he goes through morning and midday and sunset rituals in a way he hasn't since he was a wee baby acolyte. he hasn't been able to pray in three years; I think he'd find immense comfort in the routine and in really grounding himself in his body as he goes through the motions. training also fits in this category—spending time with his shield, his sword, his body. it's about relearning and remembering the routines he lost or that were corrupted while he was in the abyss
braiding his hair. I'm imagining it like this currently. just something time consuming and precise to help him recenter himself in his body (I imagine him doing it shirtless and watching his reflection in the mirror with all the new scarring and getting used to just like. inhabiting this form. something something spending three years in a body of someone else's making and relearning how to exist as himself again)
I think he'd talk to anticlea! not necessarily something to play out in game, but it's definitely on my to-do list for him. he'd want to talk to the person who resurrected him, especially since it's someone who essentially filled his role in the group while he was out of commission. kinda meta I guess but I do think he'd seek her out, and they'd have tea and talk a lot about stuff. grandma hours etc.
bonus thoughts:
cooking. eating. I don't think he ate in the abyss. he didn't need it + he had no mouth. imagine not eating for three years. my boy is craving some good food.
the tattoo was pretty big. making his body his; marking it in a way he chose to. the reminder of home. I think he could get into tattoos and piercings. it's about the autonomy and the power to make changes to his own form.
he and zaref are taking it slow but. future intimacy. that'll be good. imagine experiencing joy and pleasure after being a tool for destruction and war for three years. get that man an orgasm
literally just sitting and listening to scratch. scratch's chatter being a reminder and a balm to him. he wants to hear everything going through her head; it's good and grounding.
not any time soon, but I do think he'd want to go see the ocean again. eventually. see the changes since the portal closed, know that he can stand there at the edge of the water. I think it might freak him out a little but he'd be okay.
spa day. or weekend! he deserves it.
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