#I am a sucker for hot evil fantasy women.
cassie-thorne · 1 year
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idairsauthor · 5 years
Women On Fire reviews Once Upon A Time
So we have started watching Once Upon a Time and are midway through Season 2. PJ is very into it. It’s a bit weird for me for a specific reason: Because OUAT and WOF both use a lot of fairy tale/fantasy tropes, some things that I think of as very specifically WOF things show up sort of prominently in OUAT and...that’s weird. So when I watch it, I can’t help thinking about how this show would play with the WOF crowd. Behind the cut tag, some of them will be discussing their reactions. It’ll involve spoilers for seasons 1-2 of OUAT and basically all of WOF.
PLAIDDER: All right, so, for the sake of any readers who may remember this show well enough to care where we are with it, we’re about midway through Season 2. Emma and Snow have returned from the Bad Place, and Cora has followed them and has just faked Regina killing Archie, causing Emma et al. to turn on the partially-redeemed Regina, while actually keeping Archie captive on Hook’s invisible pirate ship. OK?
AINE: I suppose WOF’s plot would also sound pretty stupid if you had to summarize it in one paragraph. 
THEAMH: I don’t think it would sound THAT stupid.
PLAIDDER: ANYWAY! I just wanted to get your reactions to some of the...you know...correspondences.
THEAMH: Oh, you mean the whole reuniting the separated lovers thing? You know, “We will always find each other!”
ISTRIA: “But will we always lose each other? Is that our fate?”
PLAIDDER: To be honest I do kind of think that given that the show runs for seven seasons, it pretty much is gonna be their fate. The whole ‘waking the pseudo-dead beloved with true love’s kiss’ has already been done so many damn times and yet I fear it will happen with increasing frequency as we--
THEAMH: I’m sorry, you do not have a leg to stand on there. Istri, how many times have we--
ISTRIA: So let’s see...you lose me, you find me, you get taken prisoner, I find you. That’s all just up to Greenhaven. Then you get arrested by those traitors at Lythril’s old castle--
THEAMH: You lose me--
ISTRIA: Trial at Mypril--
THEAMH: You find me. Giant arani fight at Amranth--
ISTRIA: You lose me, you find me. 
THEAMH: I think that’s the last time. So that’s...
ISTRIA: No, no, we’re forgetting about “Homeswept.”
THEAMH: Oh FNAA. Idair’s HAIRPINS. Well I mean can you blame me?
ISTRIA: I cannot.
THEAMH: Yes. You lose me, I lose you, we manage to more or less find each other--
PLAIDDER: All right. Yes. I am a sucker for a good reunion. I mean as much as I bitch about it I actually sort of can watch that story line a fair few times before I get tired of it. It’s nice how reciprocal it is with Charming and Snow. 
THEAMH: Yes, that IS nice. Can I just ask though...why do all the men look the same?
ISTRIA: They don’t all look the same. There are two kinds. The blonde kind is a prince and the dark-haired kind is a dark user’s familiar.
PLAIDDER: Yes, I will say they made the Maerin figure a lot more interesting on OUAT. I actually kind of like both of them, which is strange, because I fucking HATE Maerin.
PLAIDDER: Yes. Well, Lythril, since you’re here--
LYTHRIL: The reason you can...attach yourself...to Graham and Hook is that their dark users haven’t properly broken them. The bond is in the playful stage, where both partners are capable of enjoying each other. 
PLAIDDER: And...did you and Maerin have...a playful stage?
LYTHRIL: Of course.
PLAIDDER: I’m really glad I didn’t have to write that.
LYTHRIL: It was brief.
PLAIDDER: Well, as long as you’re here...I mean what’s it like for you watching Regina? 
THEAMH: Are you sure these people haven’t been reading your--
PLAIDDER: Yes, I’m sure. I’m very sure. Look, I saw Snow White just like everyone else and the evil Queen freaked me out just like everyone else and Lythril does kind of have the evil Queen’s vibe and that’s the transmission pattern. The film Snow White is the common source. WOF and OUAT aren’t borrowing from each other. I never watched the show while I was writing WOF, and I am 100% certain that nobody on the WOF distribution list ended up writing for a nighttime drama on ABC.
AINE: How can you be sure?
PLAIDDER: Look, I asked Lythril a question--
LYTHRIL: And because it will amuse me, I’m going to answer it: I find watching Regina EXTREMELY frustrating. 
LYTHRIL: It’s a very long list. 
PLAIDDER: Could we have the condensed version?
LYTHRIL: She doesn’t have the commitment. She doesn’t love the work. She doesn’t LIKE being evil.  
PLAIDDER: Oh, I think she does like it.
LYTHRIL: No. It looks that way at first, but then they give her this...
PLAIDDER: Backstory.
LYTHRIL: That simpering little girl with her stableboy lover--that was PAINFUL. There is NO way that girl grows up to be the most powerful dark user in the kingdom. 
TARIC: If I could--
PLAIDDER: Yes, of course, Taric.
TARIC: I don’t think I realized before that I was a...trope?
PLAIDDER: Yes, I did try to keep that from you. I’m sorry--
TARIC: Is that why I’m...you know...simple?
KEANRIH: Oh Taric. You’re not simple. You’re very complex. 
TARIC: No, I mean...not very smart, and not good with words, and generally...not really very interesting.
KEANRIH: Don’t SAY those things about yourself!
PLAIDDER: All right, look, there is this whole thing with girls and horses and even though I never had a horse I did sort of become fascinated with horses for a while and yes, you two were a trope, but so are Theamh and Istria. I mean there were people back in the day who categorized WOF as a Xena a/u. 
THEAMH: Aine, just calm--
PLAIDDER: Aine, you cannot do anything about what people do with your story. You write, they read, what happens next is up to the gods. My point is: yes, Taric, you are a cheesy romance trope, I am very sorry, but I did do my best to give you the same kind of character depth that I gave everyone else, which is something that definitely DOES NOT happen with Daniel. So you are both the same trope but Daniel is a lot more...trope-y...than you are.
KEANRIH: Also I would never have turned you into a zombie.
TARIC: Thank you.
PLAIDDER: Look, speaking of zombies staggering around heartless, can we get back to Lythril’s take on--
LYTHRIL: Despite all the other fnaa you’ve pulled on me I feel almost moved to thank you for never giving me a backstory...if THIS is what it looks like.
PLAIDDER: Well...to some extent it inevitably does, because nobody’s just born evil. 
LYTHRIL: No, but not everyone has evil thrust upon them. Some of us chose it.
PLAIDDER: Well, Rumplestiltskin--
PLAIDDER: Well I don’t think they mean the same thing that you mean when they say “Dark One”--
AINE: Are you SURE they haven’t read your books?
LYTHRIL: She wants to be redeemed? She wants to be a better mother? WHY? Why does she want to be a mother at all? I didn’t want that for a steaming hot second.
PLAIDDER: Oh, you are obsessed with fertility. OBSESSED.
LYTHRIL: Dark magic and maternity are profoundly incompatible.
RENNA: My gleacha they are.
LYTHRIL: Your entire *existence* proves my point. Take Regina out of the Enchanted Forest and she turns into YOU. An idiot who would choose some child over magic and power. I hate Storybrooke Regina. Always weak, and incompetent, and--
RENNA: I was strong enough to kill YOU.
LYTHRIL: You had help.
PLAIDDER: I actually don’t hate Storybrooke Regina’s redemption arc. I mean I don’t know how it’s going to end, but--
ISTRIA: You call that a redemption arc?
PLAIDDER: Oh dear. 
ISTRIA: She doesn’t understand the FIRST DAMN THING about redemption. 
THEAMH: She yells at the screen a LOT when Regina’s on it.
ISTRIA: You’re all hurt when people don’t want to invite you to their parties. Of course they don’t! You ruined all of their lives! And except *sometimes* regarding Henry, you have done NOTHING to live it down!
THEAMH: Like that.
ISTRIA: Redemption is not about getting people to like you. It’s about taking responsibility for the harm you’ve done and trying to undo it. Whether people *like* you again is irrelevant. It’s not about you and what you want any more, that’s the point.
PLAIDDER: Listen, this cannot go on forever, and I don’t want to quit without talking about the hearts thing.
LYTHRIL: Yes. The hearts thing.
AINE: I just don’t see how you can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that nobody who writes for that show has--
PLAIDDER: For the love of Pete, Aine, in the story of Snow White the evil Queen says she wants the huntsman to rip out Snow White’s heart and liver and bring them back to her and that is where ALL of these chest-punching heart-ripping evil women in black came from.
LYTHRIL: It’s HILARIOUS. Nobody needs THAT many hearts.
PLAIDDER: Well I think she uses these hearts for different purposes than--
LYTHRIL: Every time I watch her or Cora do that I have to pause it because I’m laughing so hard. Where’s the blood? Where are the screams? Where are the broken ribs and the--
THEAMH: Could you not--
LYTHRIL: And this glowing red Lucite thing that comes out--
ISTRIA: I know!
LYTHRIL: That’s not a heart. I don’t know what that is but it’s not...hearts are bloody, they’re warm, they pulse, they’re--
THEAMH: They’re messy. Really, really--
LYTHRIL: That’s the whole POINT of a heart, that’s why people miss them in the first place.  
THEAMH: Yeah, they’re like...that’s where the whole soul/body thing happens, at least if you’re heart seated, and it matters that it’s all squishy and misshapen and--
LYTHRIL: They’re flesh. Hearts are flesh. They’re meat. That’s the point of hearts.
[high-five begins]
ISTRIA: HEY! Are you both INSANE?
[high-five aborted]
PLAIDDER: Can I at least get your thoughts on Regina’s fashion sense?
[Everybody laughs]
AINE: Who is MAKING all those gowns for her? Who is doing her hair? Where does she get the materials?
PLAIDDER: And why does she lead with her cleavage, even in battle?
LYTHRIL: Oh come on. I have seen your illustrations.
PLAIDDER: What? They’re nothing like--
LYTHRIL: Shriias, back me up here: does she or does she not have me doing everything tits out?
THEAMH: I do have to admit--
PLAIDDER: No! Your outfits are--
LYTHRIL: Very tight. 
PLAIDDER: Well sure but--
THEAMH: At least she’s never drawn you naked.
LYTHRIL: I don’t mind. Sincerely, I do not mind being the sexiest woman in this universe--
[confused and vehement shouts of protest from all assembled]
PLAIDDER: All right all RIGHT! There will be NO MORE discussion of costuming! Or hearts! Or competitive sexiness!
CHANDRA: Are we not even going to TALK about Mulan?
PLAIDDER: And another country is heard from.
CHANDRA: You know I heard there was going to be queer-baiting in this show and all through season one I was like, where is it? All the men seem very very straight to me.And then Mulan and Aurora show up and it’s like, oh, I see it now.
PLAIDDER: Yes. Well...
CHANDRA: “I promised Prince Phillip I would protect you and I will fight both of these other hot women to do it!”
PLAIDDER: All right, point--
CHANDRA: Mulan literally holds Aurora’s heart in her hands and actually PUTS IT BACK IN HER CHEST--
CHANDRA: I mean even those two over there never got THAT close. And then the NEXT THURKING LINE: “Let’s go see if we can bring my useless dead boyfriend back to life!”
PLAIDDER: I did notice--
CHANDRA: You’ve got this intense, smoldering woman in armor staring at you with love beaming out of her eyes and--I mean if you’ve got Mulan, WHO NEEDS PHILIP?
PLAIDDER: You know, some women ARE straight, and--
CHANDRA: Everyone ELSE gets to bring their true love back with a kiss but Mulan and Aurora have to do it through open heart surgery?
PLAIDDER: OK, but the coding makes it more intense and more interesting. Admit it.
THEAMH: You didn’t code us.
PLAIDDER: Yeah, well your story was never published, was it?
AINE: You regret that?
PLAIDDER: No. I really don’t. I honestly don’t know what would have become of all of you if I’d had to really try to make you marketable.
CHANDRA: But that was the 1990s. This was freaking 2011.
PLAIDDER: All right, this has gone on long enough. Are we going to finish Season 2 or not?
LYTHRIL: I think your spawn has doomed us to it.
PLAIDDER: Well...are you enjoying any of this?
LYTHRIL: I enjoy imagining ways to kill Cora.
PLAIDDER: You know, Lythril, we never found out what your mother was like.
LYTHRIL: Thank the Dark One for that.
PLAIDDER: Or if you’d ever been in love, before...
PLAIDDER: You sure about that?
PLAIDDER: Because something did go on with you and Ulnach at scoil, and I go back and forth on what exactly it was, but I will tell you, sometimes in my mind it looks a lot like a Cinderella AU.
LYTHRIL: You’re not going to actually write that, are you?
PLAIDDER: Probably not. See, this is kind of interesting to me as an idea, but if I actually committed to it, I think I would--
LYTHRIL: Because that would be a GREAT way to lose a heart.
PLAIDDER: Well look. We complain, but we’re all having fun here, right? I mean you’re enjoying getting together and making fun of your...counterparts?
ISTRIA: I will admit, it is sort of fun.
THEAMH: It’s better than talking about American politics.
PLAIDDER: All right, let’s wrap this up before Conn shows up. Thanks everyone; I’ll see you at the end of season 2, maybe.
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perlukafarinn · 5 years
Movies (I saw) of the 2010s, ranked
Because I had lots of better things to do but no inclination to do them.
As I went through all the new releases I watched this decade, a few things came to mind: 
I missed so much! Most recently, I still haven’t seen Parasite, The Lighthouse or The Irishman. I’ve also seen only one of Disney’s live action remakes, two out of four Star Wars films of the decade, and I’ve missed quite a few of Marvel and DC’s outings. My tendency to mostly watch older films came to bite me in the ass here. But c’est la vie, there’s only so many hours in the day! 
A huge part of my viewing history took place during film festivals, so festival movies are way over-represented here. I’m not mad about it.
There’s not too many outright bad movies on my list, because I tend to avoid movies that look bad or like I might not like them (shocker, I know). Even the ones in my bottom ten aren’t as dreadful as I was expecting. 
There’s no way I can rank all these films numerically! What about movies that I can tell are good but just aren’t for me? What about movies that are bad but enjoyable? How can you compare tired Oscar-bait with soulless blockbusters? It’s impossible!
Hence these categories. I’m doing a top 10 worst and best, and the categories go roughly from worse to better movies, but otherwise this isn’t based on quality so much as what clever category names I could come up with (or couldn’t, as the case may be). I’m also listing the movies within each category alphabetically because that’s even less ranking I need to do.
Buckle up, this is over 6000 words...
Oh, and if you don’t feel like reading the whole thing I still encourage you to reply with your own favorite movies of the decade! 
The Worst Exactly what it says on the tin. These movies aren’t just unenjoyable or disposable, they are actively unpleasant to watch. 
American Hustle (2013) Wait, this got how many Oscar nominations again??
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) This movie is so bloated and yet they couldn’t find any time to actually develop most of the main characters? I had such a bad time watching this one, I ended up skipping out on the last part of the trilogy. 
Hurricane Bianca (2016) This looked like it might be enjoyably bad but it wasn’t. I still love Bianca Del Rio, don’t get me wrong, but her humor is not the kind you build a whole movie around, yet alone two. And yet…
Hurricane Bianca: From Russia With Hate (2018) Yeah, I watched them both. I’m a simple woman: I see Katya in a trailer, I watch. I really shouldn’t have bothered, this one is even worse.
Iron Man 2 (2010) Superhero fatigue got me bad in the past few years but even before then I hated this movie. Literally nothing enjoyable here, I was aggressively bored while watching. The Lack (2014) This is a movie about women, written and directed by a man, called “The Lack”. You might think I’m being uncharitable to say this movie is entirely about penis envy but the writer/director himself confirmed this at the Q&A I was at. This is why Q&As are always a bad idea, people!
Left Behind (2014) This one tips into “enjoyably bad” at times but in the end, it’s still two hours of your life wasted on a movie meant to make its Evangelical viewers feel vindicated in their horrible beliefs. Morgenrøde (2014) I have a fairly high tolerance for slow movies but this movie is sloooowwww and literally nothing happens in it. This is the movie that taught me not to trust it when festival brochures use the word “contemplative”.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) Just dreadful. This is the worst kind of film in my books: the kind made to follow a trend, not to tell a story. 
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) It’s been eight years since the fourth PotC movie came out?? God, it’s been a long decade.
The Utterly Disposable I didn’t exactly have a bad time watching these but they left no impression on me. 
Alex Strangelove (2018)  Netflix has released so many unremarkable-looking teen movies this decade. This is one of the few I bothered to watch and it’s cute enough, I guess. 
Fyrir framan annað fólk (2016)  I am Icelandic but I don’t watch a whole lot of Icelandic movies and I feel kind of guilty about that. Not guilty enough to give a boring movie a pass, though.
Ghostbusters (2016)  This super did not need to exist and not even my love for Kate McKinnon makes it any less disposable. 
The Great Gatsby (2013)  At least it’s pretty.
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) I remember this getting a few laughs out of me but that’s about it.
The Imitation Game (2014) I think I just… don’t like Beneditch Cumberbatch? Sorry. This movie is the perfect expression of the bland, middle-of-the-road biopic, with the added mishandling of the subject’s sexuality.
Isn’t It Romantic (2019)  I love a good satire but this ain’t it, chief. This movie isn’t doing anything that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend hasn’t done 100x better.
John Carter (2012)  If you’re gonna throw this much money into something, you could at least hire a charismatic lead actor. Then again, it seemed to work for Avatar. Magic Mike (2012)  I did like that this sexy stripper movie kept showing how unhappy the main character is doing what he does as if that wouldn’t totally ruin the fantasy.
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)  Watched this on an airplane, which is fitting. This feels like a quintessential airplane movie; it’s mildly entertaining but ultimately disposable enough that it has completely slipped your mind by the time you reach baggage claim.
Paul (2011)  Occasionally funny, I think? Barely remember it tbh.
Planetary (2015)     There’s some interesting points buried in here but the movie’s too busy trying to look important to actually get them across effectively. Also feels surprisingly padded for just 80 minutes. Valentine’s Day (2010) Taylor Swift was actually kind of funny in this, which was a pleasant surprise. Zero impact otherwise. 
“I Have No Memory of This Place” Movies I literally could not remember watching until I had read the entire synopsis, but for one reason or another was not comfortable calling “disposable”. 
Bobby Sands: 66 Days (2015), The Departure (2017),  Hell Is Empty: All the Devils Are Here (2016), Innsæi (2016), Last of the Elephant Men (2015), Late Summer (2016), Speed Sisters (2015), Una (2016), The War Show (2016) Lumping all of these together because they’re all festival movies I have hardly any memory of and that I may have in fact fallen asleep over.
Incendies (2010)  Chalk this up to me seeing it almost a decade ago. When I finally remembered it, I could vaguely recall finding it affective. Probably due for a rewatch.
Prisoners (2013), Rush (2013), Warrior (2011) Around 2012-2014 I was working my way through IMdB’s top 250 list and I saw so many forgettable movies about men committing various violent acts. Literally can’t remember a single thing about these movies.
I’m So Sick of Superheroes Dear God Make It Stop I’d probably like some of these more if not for superhero fatigue but that is the trade-off for total global dominance. A couple of superhero movies did escape this category and you’ll see them later on my list.
Thor (2011), Iron Man Three (2013), Thor: The Dark World (2013), Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Ant-Man (2015), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Lumping all of Marvel’s movies in this category together because I don’t really have a lot to say about Marvel anymore. Special mention to Winter Soldier for being the movie that soured on me the most and to Age of Ultron for in hindsight being the beginning of my superhero fatigue. 
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Boy, this trilogy ended on a sour note.  Man of Steel (2013)  Confused story structure aside, this movie is utterly grey and joyless. It’s also army propaganda! 
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) The only reason I watched this was because it was on IMdB’s top 250 list. Peter Dinklage was good in it, if I recall correctly.
Don’t Like This Nope.
12 Years a Slave (2013)  Very uncomfortable to sit through, which I get was the point, but I’m not sure it was the right choice. It honestly feels like misery porn.
Black Swan (2010) I’ve long made peace with the fact that Darren Aronofsky will just never click with me.
The Broken Circle Breakdown (2012) This movie is exhausting to watch because of the near constant country music playing. Loudly. 
Kate Plays Christine (2016)  This is a movie about a really interesting topic but instead of the real tragedy that actually happened it chooses to focus on an actress’s fictional struggle to connect with her role. I think the movie wanted us to think the struggle was real (heh) but for that they would’ve needed a better actress.  La La Land (2016)  I love classic musicals and I really wanted to like this movie but in the end I just couldn’t. As a movie it’s okay but it’s not a good musical and the whole white savior of jazz thing was……….. an odd choice.
Last Days in the Desert (2015)  I’m a sucker for good, thoughtful religious films. The idea of Jesus and the devil being played by the same actor was intriguing to me and I liked that the devil wasn’t evil so much as just tired. But ultimately, this movie felt a little too cold for me.
Magic Mike: XXL (2015)  I have no idea why every critic on the planet seems to love this movie. Strippers aggressively thrusting their crotch in your face is not sexy, it’s uncomfortable!
A Silent Voice (2016)  Melodramatic and not in the fun, over-the-top way.
Vonarstræti (2014) It’s good but it’s just not for me.
Wir Monster (2015) I saw this at a Q&A screening and decided I didn’t wanna stick around after the credits rolled. On my way out, I tripped and almost fell onto the actors as they were walking past me. That experience had a way bigger impact on me than the movie itself. Make of that what you will.
Guilty Pleasures/So Bad They’re Good An enjoyably bad movie is a better watch than a middlingly competent one.
#REALITYHIGH (2017)  Incredibly clichéd and tries way too hard to be “hip” or “lit” or whatever it is the kids were saying back in 2017. Don’t care, I’ve seen it four times. 
Bridget Jones’s Baby (2016) The first Bridget Jones is a highlight of the genre. The second one is just bad but the third tips over into enjoyably bad. I also loved having Renée Zellweger back on my screen!
A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish (2019) Recently watched this with my sister while baking and wrapping Christmas presents. It’s a terrible movie but we had fun (mostly by making fun of it).
Descendants (2015), Descendants 2 (2017), Descendants 3 (2019) I’m not apologizing for this even though I feel like I kind of should. 
The Kissing Booth (2018) This movie is like a 13-year-old’s first fanfic come to life so of course I’m gonna love it. Even if the love interest is incredibly unappealing.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011), The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) Who would’ve thought at the start of the decade that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson would turn into indie darlings starring in one critically acclaimed film after the next? I love that for them.
Oscar Bait but I’m Not Biting Not sure the Oscars weren’t a mistake tbh.
The Artist (2011) I kind of enjoyed this but ultimately it’s watered-down Hollywood history made appealing to modern audiences and its aim is far higher than its reach.
Birdman (2014) It was a fun watch but it left no impression.
Darkest Hour (2017) Technically a good movie but such obvious Oscar bait I just couldn’t fully enjoy it.
The Help (2011) Let’s leave the white savior narrative behind in the 2010s, shall we?
The King’s Speech (2010) I love Colin Firth. I barely remember this movie.
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)  Don’t love that the racist cop is the most fully fleshed-out character in this movie while the black characters are all unnamed extras.   
Whiplash (2014) It’s just drumming, J.K. Simmons, it’s not that serious. 
I Feel Like I Should Like This More This category is mostly three camps, as you’ll see. 
120 battements par minute (2017), 69 Minutes of 86 Days (2017),  Fire at Sea (2016),  I, Daniel Blake (2016) All important movies with a worthy message that I just couldn’t connect with on a personal level.
Adieu au langage (2014), Before We Vanish (2017), Bridesmaids (2011), Jagten (2012),  A Separation (2011), Timbuktu (2014), Transit (2018), Winter’s Bone (2010) Critically acclaimed, maybe it’s just me?
Her (2013) The rest is all movies I expected to like more than I did. I’m not sure what didn’t click with this one. It’s been a while since I saw it.
Get Out (2017) I wasn’t gonna watch it because I don’t really watch horror so when I finally caved, I knew pretty much everything about it. Watching a movie the first time  knowing everything that happens in it and after seeing it dissected for months on end by every critic on the planet does take a lot of the enjoyment away, as it turns out.
Gone Girl (2014) Really thought I’d love it. It’s good just didn’t click with me.
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)  It’s pretty. Liam Neeson is always fun. 
Pacific Rim (2013)  Mako is great and I enjoy the chemistry between her and Raleigh but ultimately this one just kind of slipped out of my mind as soon as I’d seen it. 
Toni Erdmann (2016)  It’s too damn long!
The Tree of Life (2011)  I just watched this the other day so it’s very possible my opinion will change. I was expecting to love it but I… didn’t. It felt like this movie was trying too hard to be profound and important, at the cost of actually saying something, well, profound and important.
No Strong Feelings One Way or the Other I actually have nothing to say about any of these movies and most of them are good but they had to go somewhere.
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011), Boyhood (2014), Brave (2012), Creed (2015), Django Unchained (2012), Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010), Flavours of Youth (2018), Frozen (2013), The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012), Interstellar (2014), Intouchable (2011), The Jungle Book (2016), Monsters University (2013), Rogue One (2016), Schaste moe (2010), Shutter Island (2010), Three Identical Strangers (2018), To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Undir trénu (2017), Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
Middling Festival Fare I have nothing to say about these either but I couldn’t lump them in with the others. I mostly liked them more than the movies in the previous category and they took bigger risks. Some of them might even be great, just very much not my cup of tea.
3 Tage in Quiberon (2018), Acid Forest (2018), Amateurs in Space (2016), Barakah Meets Barakah (2015), Der Andständige (2014), Disappearance (2017), Dreams by the Sea (2017), En fremmed flytter ind (2017), Føniks (2018), The Girl Down Loch Aenzi (2016), God Exists, Her Name is Petrunija (2019), Gods of Molenbeek (2019), Jag är Ingrid (2015), Já, Olga Hepnarová (2016), Looking for Oum Kulthum (2017), Mister Universo (2016), Neruda (2016), The Raven and the Seagull (2018), Rester vertical (2016), Slow West (2015), Sugar Coated (2015), Summer Survivors (2018), Tickled (2016), Worldly Girl (2016)
Maybe Not the Best But a Lot of Fun Better than those guilty pleasures but generally pretty flawed. Austenland (2013) A very cute little romcom. Extra points for Jennifer Coolidge, the most underrated character actress of this century.
Baby Driver (2017) I feel like revisiting this one might not be as enjoyable for reasons that have nothing to do with the film’s quality but I had fun watching it in the theater. 
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) I was a fan of this franchise from the start so even though this movie is kind of dour and dark, it was still a blast to watch. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Do I love every choice this movie made? No. But I saw this at a midnight screening, in full cosplay with my friends, in a theater packed with fans. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I, Tonya (2017)  For a movie that contains so much abuse and such a bummer ending, it’s surprisingly entertaining!
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)    Lego Batman is my favorite Batman.
Nothing Like a Dame (2018)  I just really love Maggie Smith.
On - drakon (2015) This movie feels like it was pitched as “Twilight but with dragons!”. It’s fun, though, and it’s got an interesting aesthetic and a proactive heroine who gets herself out of trouble with ingenuity and bravery.
Sing Street (2016) I love the soundtrack to this movie and the characters are incredibly endearing. The story is very simple in not a great way but it doesn’t need to be deep to be enjoyable.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) I like that they skip the origin story for once and keep the scope of it fairly limited. A very nice little slice-of-life teen movie combined with a superhero flick. Tom Holland is a good Spider-Man. Would’ve been better without Iron Man tbh. Star Trek Beyond (2016)  I feel like they got the characters right here, which was a problem for the first Star Trek of the rebooted trilogy. It’s a fairly inconsequential movie but it’s a blast.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan so I don’t have a lot of opinions here. It’s fun! Not a lot more I want from Star Wars. Ultimately didn’t intrigue me enough to wanna see the rest of the trilogy.
Ten no Chasuke (2015) This movie is a little weird, a little goofy and a lot of fun. I like the guy who just constantly lives through different movie plots because the angel writing his life can’t think of anything original, that tickled me.
Good Movies I Don’t Have a Clever Title Here They’re good movies, Brent. 
Barbara Rubin and the Exploding NY Underground (2018)  An enjoyable, well-made documentary but considering its subject matter disappointingly conventional.
Black Panther (2018) This movie could have been much better had it not been under the constraints of the MCU. Still one of the best offerings of the genre this decade.
Boy Meets Girl (2014) We need more movies like this. Not just for representation (although that is important) but also because cinema needs a greater variety of stories than are currently being told. 
Brooklyn (2015) The scope of this movie is very small but the characterization is nuanced and every aspect of the film goes towards furthering that. 
Bugs (2016) The focus of this movie is split between its very interesting subject matter (the use of bugs as food around the world) and the chefs we’re following around who kind of seem like dicks and honestly drag the movie down a lot.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)  Steve Rogers is one of my favorite MCU characters, purely on the strength of this movie. In a world where no one seems to know how to adapt Superman to film, it’s nice they got this one right.
Cloud Atlas (2012) This movie has such lofty ambitions and I admire it for that, even if the execution is off at times. But the use of yellowface is..... bad. It’s very bad and the directors should have known better. 
Cold War (2018) I love the music in this, which is good because it is near constant.
Damsel (2018) I love a deconstructed western and I love Robert Pattinson. It’s a shame that the female character at the center of the story wasn’t better developed, considering how much screen time she got.
Damsels in Distress (2011) This movie is quirky and cutesie, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (and usually isn’t mine) but I love it. Some solid acting goes a long way.
Der kommer en dag (2016) This movie is two hours of children suffering yet it comes across as so optimistic? I think it’s the space race stuff. Who doesn’t love the space race?
Frantz (2016) I am always down for stories that reckon with the effects of WWI. 
Future Baby (2016) There’s a scene in this movie where a surrogate mother gives birth and it is both very graphic and heart-wrenching. If the rest of the movie were more like that one scene, it’d be on my shortlist for the best of the decade.
Fyre (2019)  How was Fyre Festival a real thing that happened?
Girls Don’t Fly (2016) Girls don’t fly because the man training them to be pilots is a dick and treats them horribly. It’s a bummer but important to uncover. 
Hidden Figures (2016) Kevin Costner’s character needed to be written out - black stories that don’t involve “good” white people are both possible and necessary. But I adore all three main actresses and they do some amazing work.
Hjartasteinn (2016) The subject matter is cliché but it’s handled beautifully. 
The Lego Movie (2014) Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you’re part of a team!
Journey to the Shore (2015) I honestly wasn’t sure how to feel for most of the run time of this movie but by the end it got me.
On Body and Soul (2017) This movie feels like a dream and I mean that in a good way.
The Salvation (2014) Have I mentioned that I love deconstructed westerns? Mads Mikkelsen is always on point, even with garbage material, but he’s got some good stuff to work with here.
Searching for Ingmar Bergman (2018) This movie made me more interested in its director, Margarethe von Trotta, than Bergman himself. Everyone should check out The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum!
The Shape of Water (2017) This movie is very much like a fairy-tale, which means it’s not particularly nuanced or complicated, but it is beautiful.
Still the Water (2014)  This movie starts with a cow being graphically slaughtered and yet the only word I can think of to describe it is “gentle”. But maybe skip the first five minutes if you’re sensitive to blood or animal death.
Studio 54 (2018) How were the 70s even real?
Sumarbörn (2017)    It’s a rare feat to get such good acting out of child actors.
Thor: Ragnarök (2017)    The best MCU movie. It’s a lot of fun without once losing its heart, which is a rare thing for Marvel (just google the words “bathos” and “mcu”, other people have covered this already). 
Warm Bodies (2013) The cutest rom-com of the decade features a zombie as its main lead. I’m not mad about it.
Wild Tales (2014) The dissonance between the realist shooting style and the cartoonish violence often results in some excellent dark humor. The rest of the time, it just feels kind of off. 
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Jordan Belfast is both a lot of fun and utterly despicable and the movie is not afraid to go as balls to the walls as it needs to.
The Young Karl Marx (2017) So like... Marx and Engel were into each other? At least a little, right?
Great Movies Also No Clever Title
Andið eðlilega (2018) Okay so I don’t watch a lot of Icelandic cinema but from what I have seen, I am incredibly encouraged by the direction it is heading. Call this exhibit A.
Ága (2018)  This movie is very slow and not a lot happens but that’s kind of why it works so well. It hooked me in and had me genuinely interested in every uneventful scene.
Brecht’s Threepenny Film (2018)  I walked away feeling like I’d understood maybe one third of this film but it left me with a feeling of exhilaration that’s hard to define and that few films manage.
Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010)  Adèle Blanc-Sec is like Tintin and Indiana Jones combined except way better. In a just world, she would be a much more popular character and the reported film trilogy would have actually happened.
En duva satt på en gren och funderade på tillvaron (2014)  This movie is delightfully weird and messed up. Nothing more to say here.
The Favourite (2018)  I was honestly expecting to be let down by this movie after all the overwhelming praise but as it turns out, it deserved all of the accolades and possibly more.
Gravity (2013)  This movie was kind of marketed as “realistic sci-fi” and while I can’t say it felt particularly real, the emotional arc sure as hell did.
Inception (2010) The complexity of this film was vastly over-hyped but it’s still the best work I’ve seen by Nolan (though to be fair, I still haven’t seen Dunkirk).  Kreuzweg (2014) The film is composed of just fourteen still shots, representing the Stations of the Cross. That could have come across as really gimmicky but it works because the shots are well staged and the material is just that good. Loveless (2017) This is the bleakest, most depressing movie I think I’ve ever seen.  The Martian (2015)  The best thing about this movie is the way it shows the world coming together just to save this one guy. International cooperation is the future!
Paradies: Liebe (2012)  This is a movie about sex tourism and it is as unpleasant to watch as that sounds. But it’s also incredible. 
Paradies: Hoffnung (2013)  The third in Seidl’s paradise trilogy (I missed the middle part, don’t remember why). Just as messed up as Liebe but mildly more palatable.
Une nouvelle amie (2014)  I saw this movie with my dad, which was kind of awkward, but that doesn’t take away from its beauty. We really do need more stories like this.
Tale of Tales (2015)  I am always here for a fairytale adaptation, particularly ones that stick close to the dark, gruesome, humorous tone of most traditional fairytales. 
Welcome to Norway (2016)  This movie is just really, really funny.
White God (2014) If you’re sensitive to animal abuse then this is not the film for you. The dogs in this movie actually won the Palm Dog Award and it was well deserved. They’re very good dogs! Tom of Finland (2017) How refreshing to see a movie about a historical gay person that isn’t all death and tragedy! It does have some of that, unavoidably, but it’s also a lot of fun and ultimately is a celebration of a very important sub-cultural figure.
Vinterbrødre (2017) I wasn’t expecting a movie set in a mining community to look this beautiful. 
Wonder Woman (2017) The best superhero movie of the decade, despite the slightly messy third act. It’s such an earnest, hopeful movie and unlike most films of the genre, it’s not afraid to take itself seriously or to come across as cheesy. Superheroes are cheesy! That’s one of the best things about them!
Amazing Animation I don’t like animation being singled out from live action as if it’s somehow less, but I wanted to highlight how many excellent animated films were made this decade. 
The Breadwinner (2017) I’ve seen this film’s production company, Cartoon Saloon, been called the Irish version of Disney but Disney has never made anything half this daring. Coco (2017)  The ending made me sob like a little kid. This movie doesn’t get enough credit for being one of only two Pixar films this decade to live up to their early work.
How to Train Your Dragon (2010) The flight scenes in this movie gave me actual vertigo and I loved it.
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)  The rare sequel that’s actually better than the original! For all the franchises that exist out there just to continue milking that cash cow, it’s nice to see something get continued because the filmmakers had more stories to tell.
Loving Vincent (2017)  This movie has been criticized for a weak plot, to which I say: it’s an animated movie made up of oil paintings! Do you really care about the plot? Sometimes the spectacle is all you need, especially when it’s something that touches you as deeply as Vincent van Gogh’s art does.
Moana (2016)  Moana’s scenes with her grandmother and Te Fiti are up there with some of the most emotionally evocative stuff to come out of Disney studios. It’s a pity the rest of the movie couldn’t quite live up to that.
Rise of the Guardians (2012)  Mostly, this movie just looks incredible. I am also an eternal sucker for Chris Pine, even if his voice sounds weird coming out of a teenager’s mouth.  
Song of the Sea (2014)  This is the most beautiful animated film I’ve ever seen outside of Studio Ghibli’s best, both the look and the feel of it. 
Tangled (2010) I know I sound like an old fogy but this movie would’ve been much better if it had been traditionally animated. Still pretty good!
Toy Story 3 (2010) It’s been nine years since the third Toy Story came out?? Christ, this decade.
Your Name (2016) I really should be watching more anime.
Zootopia (2016) Disney’s best work since Treasure Planet, which is an underrated masterpiece. It’s almost worth the resurgence in furries (jk furries, you’re okay).
This Is Why You Guys Should Be Watching Documentaries Because documentaries are a seriously underrated art form.
Ama-San (2016) This is the kind of cinema vérité filmmaking I live for.
Behind the Curve (2018) The existence of flat earthers remains baffling (well, maybe not that baffling when you look at the rest of our society) but this documentary is excellent.
Dawson City: Frozen Time (2016)  This is a documentary about a cache of lost silent films that were found in the 70s and most of the movie is silent, with information being conveyed through text and images. It’s these kinds of choices that elevate a good documentary beyond just educational programming.
Exodus: Where I Come From Is Disappearing (2016)  Absolutely heart-wrenching. It’s difficult to watch but the issues it discusses shouldn’t be looked away from. 
Foodies (2014) There’s a foodie in this movie who rates his food on looks before he even tastes it and a chef whose signature dish is a dessert called “sex on the beach” which includes a very realistic-looking used condom. I wanted those two to meet but they never did and that is my one criticism of this film.
Free Solo (2018)  I developed a fear of heights after watching this movie.
The Great Green Wall (2019)  I had never heard of the great green wall before seeing this movie. It’s so surreal to get a window into a society where no one is arguing about climate change because they are already undeniably feeling the effects of it. And by strange, I mean incredibly sad and upsetting.
How to Let Go of the World: and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change (2016)  Speaking of climate change. This movie takes on climate grief and shows why you can’t stop at that, why you need to push past it and keep fighting. I’d argue The Great Green Wall actually does that same thing and better but it’s still a very necessary message.
Into the Inferno (2016)  Werner Herzog is just. The best. Especially his documentaries.
Kismet (2014) This movie examines how art affects people by way of one of the least respected art forms out there (soap operas). I just really love that premise and the execution is even better.
Merchants of Doubt (2014) Honestly fuck every single person making money by hastening our descent towards climate catastrophe. Good movie, though.
My Scientology Movie (2015)  This was the first Louis Theroux movie I saw and it’s a great one to start with. For all they’ve been treated like a joke, Scientologists are actually pretty scary.
The Other Side of Everything (2017)  The personal is the political in this film. What an incredible look at the ways our past shapes our present and future. 
Pervert Park (2014) This movie fucked me up.
The Prison in Twelve Landscapes (2016) The conceit of this film is looking at the US prison system indirectly by keeping the camera outside the actual prisons and off actual prisoners. It works incredibly well, just astounding documentary film making. 
Push (2019)  Just when you thought you couldn’t hate the rental market any more!
Safari (2016) Fuck trophy hunters.
The Silence of Others (2018)  I didn’t even know about the Spanish 1977 Amnesty Law until I saw this movie. Maybe that’s just my own ignorance but I feel it shows how necessary documentaries like these are. 
Tower (2016) I cried like a baby watching this movie. Using rotoscope animation to tell the story of the 1966 shootings a the University of Texas was I think an excellent choice and made for a unique documentary.
Visages villages (2017) Agnès Varda is possibly my favorite director and it hurts to leave this one off the “best” list (call it an unofficial #11). Still not sure I shouldn’t have swapped out one of the actual top ten for it. 
Welcome to Sodom (2018) The world is so fucked up. 
It Stayed With Me Movies that left me reeling and that I couldn’t get out of my head for days after watching (call all of them an unofficial joint #12).
The Act of Killing (2012) Speaking of fucked up! It is absolutely surreal seeing these mass murderers try to justify their actions to the interviewers. “I was just doing my job” is no excuse and trying to use it as one is actually reprehensible. 
Arrival (2016) I didn’t actually see it until this year and I felt it couldn’t possibly live up to the hype but it did! It’s reminiscent of Interstellar in that in this ‘hard’ science fiction story the ultimate solution is based on an emotional revelation but Arrival pulled it off much better. The Congress (2013)  This is basically two movies in one; one is fairly grounded sci-fi and the other is just a straight up acid trip in film form. In any case, Robin Wright is absolutely flawless.
Carol (2015) Cate Blanchett please date me. Grüße aus Fukushima (2016)  I’m always gonna be a sucker for a movie about women connecting and helping each other through trauma. 
High Life (2018) I saw this one knowing nothing about it and ngl it shocked me a bit. The way it incrementally got more and more fucked up made me feel a bit like a frog being slowly boiled alive.  November (2017) The atmosphere this movie creates is unreal. Maybe not the strongest characterization but it balances a feeling of magic and wonder with just utter bleakness and it left me reeling. Paterson (2016) I can’t even fully explain why I loved this movie so much or why it stuck me. Mostly, it’s just so damn cozy.  The Square (2017) I mean, that scene with the ape man was fucked up right?  Tangerine (2015) I don’t think filming on your iPhone is the future of cinema or anything but it does show how accessible filmmaking is slowly becoming. Also, that scene of Alexandra performing Toyland is one of the best musical moments in cinema this decade and that is not up for debate. Team Hurricane (2017) I’ve never seen a movie with an aesthetic like this before (it’s very vaporwave) but this film is about and was mostly shot by a group of actual teenage girls. It’s a little melodramatic in places but at the same time that feels very sincere and the girls all clearly have a lot of talent and a lot to say.  Varda par Agnes (2019) This movie probably wouldn’t have stuck with me so much if Agnès Varda hadn’t died earlier this year. She is a truly unparalleled figure in film history.
The Best According to me, anyway. But I’m right.
Cameraperson (2016) This is a different kind of documentary filmmaking. What it most reminds me of is Beaches of Agnès (no, I’m never done talking about Agnès Varda) but even that is not a perfect comparison. It’s deeply personal while also covering an insane variety of topics.  Embrace of the Serpent (2015) This movie feels like a dream and I mean that in the best way possible. At turns beautiful, brutal, and absolutely baffling. The Florida Project (2017) I’ve seen this movie criticized for glorifying poverty and I can’t discount that opinion. For my part, I thought this movie did an incredible job balancing the world as seen through the eyes of a carefree child enjoying her summer and the dangerous, precarious reality of living in poverty.  Inside Out (2015) When Pixar gets it right, they get it really right. The Love Witch (2016) I just really, really love witches. The best looking live action movie of the decade. The fact that writer/director/editor/producer Anna Biller hasn’t made another film since is an actual crime.  Melancholia (2011) No movie has ever hit me this hard in such a visceral way; I was miserable for days after seeing it. Lars von Trier is an asshole but he knows how to film depression.  Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Believe the hype, it is actually perfect. And I don’t even like action movies! Moonlight (2016) It’s rare to see a movie this deeply, devastatingly human. The final two shots of the film, paired together, are literally the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in a theater. Kona fer í stríð (2018) The best Icelandic movie that’s been made yet. Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir is a national treasure.  Shoplifters (2018) I mean, who’s expecting a movie called ‘Shoplifters’ to be so devastating? It’s such a painful film but it is also heartwarming and intimate.  Un couteau dans le coeur (2018) This movie is strange and funny and violent and gorgeous. I’ve never had such a good experience at a film festival as I did the two times I went to see this movie.
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cena316aa · 8 years
Tag Game
Tagged by nobody but I don’t want to go to sleep
1. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi (it’s much sweeter than Coke) 2. Disney or Dreamworks: Disney (Idk....it has more stuff) 3. Coffee or Tea: Coffeeeeeeeee 4. Books or Movies: Ummm maybe books. I mean, I tend to do more reading than movie watching. Unless Michael Fassbender is involved then yeah Imma watch the movie 5. Windows or Mac: I like both but I have a Mac rn and I really love him so Mac. 6. DC or Marvel: MARVEL!!!!! I mean, my fave villain is the Joker and I used to love the DC cartoons so much, but lately Marvel has been OWNING! The cartoons, movies, comics, fucking actors! Nope. Sorry. But Marvel. 7. Xbox or Playstation: PlayStation!!!!!!! I’ve been a PS fan since PS1. Me and my bro own all the systems except for (sadly) the PS4 (I’m hella poor) 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Mass Effect cuz I’ve never played Dragon Age 9. Night Owl or Early Rise: I have no preference 10. Cards or Chess: Cards cuz there are just so many games although chess is fun, too, but I suck at it. 11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate!!!!!!! So delicious 12. Vans or Converse: Vans!!!! FUCK YEAH!!! OMG!!! I have a mini collection. That’s all I wear (and my Nike running shows cuz comfortable af and also cuz running)  13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: Is this Dragon Age? I don’t do DA sorry. 14. Fluff or Angst: Smut lol! No but Fluff. I love writing and reading fluff. So that. 15. Beach or Forest: BEACH! I have a thing for water 16. Dogs or Cats: Dogs for sure!!!!!! Omggggg I just love the little puppies 17. Clear Skies or Rain: Rain all day erryday! Especially here in Cali where it never fucking rains!!!!!!  18. Cooking or Eating Out: Eating out. Idk I just love all the options out there and I honestly prefer outside food to homecooked meals...but that’s maybe cuz I only have outside foods every once in a while and not every day 19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Mild dafuq....I can’t handle spicy. I die with hot cheetos 20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloweeeeeeeeeen!!!!! I get to dress up and get some candiez with my lil sis!!!! 21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Too cold cuz i can’t handle the heat. Fuck it. Freeze me to death, bitches! 22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Omg you know what I’d like!!! Danny Phantom powers!!!! Like, he flies, turns invisible, goes thru things.....I want ghost powers like he has. Or freeze time so I can chill and do a whole bunch of shit I wouldn’t do normally (like rob rich people or kill Dofawejoiafjld Treueofjawmp) 23. Animation or Live Action: Animation!!!!! I’m just a sucker for animation. I love anime, cartoons, those animated vlogs on Youtube....yes. 24. Paragon or Renegade: Renegade cuz evil is interesting 25. Baths or Showers: Showers cuz baths...Idk...I just never had a bath since...I was like 8.... 26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Iron Man (although I still like Cappy but I just can’t...I was on Tony’s side...he was logical) 27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi:  I...don’t...know...I think I watch more sci-fi stuff tho so that one I guess 28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they:
Yes let’s start with my most favorite one and the one that keeps me going:
“When life is kicking your butt, never forget to kick it right back in the face.” -RDJ
And also these from Attack on Titan
"Humanity will never stop fighting itself until it shrinks to a size of one or fewer." -Erwin Smith 
“The only thing we’re allowed to believe is that we won’t regret the choice we made.” - Levi
And one more from Poods
“Don’t be a salad, be the best damn broccoli you could ever be.” -Pewdiepie
29. YouTube or Netflix: Noooo I don’t want to choose.......Youtube cuz it’s free. And I spend more time watching my Let’s Players and Animators than I do on Netflix I think 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: I am currently still reading PJ but I’ve read HP so Imma go with that one.  31. When You Feel Accomplished: Whenever I finish something that I was really excited to do. Like with my fanfics. Whenever I finish one completely and get it published I feel sooo accomplished. But this also goes for my drawings but to a lesser extent since I don’t spend as much time art-ing than writing 32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars cuz my friend got me into it and I fell in love with Rey 33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: I love paperback books cuz not only are they cheaper but they just feel more comfortable (and they fit better in my shelf) 34. Handwriting or Typing: Writing depends.....I love handwriting stuff but typing helps me rearrange and go back and add or erase....but I do love handwriting when doing notes or stuff cuz my mind works fast  35. Velvet or Satin: Satin, I suppose 36. Video Games or Movies: Ugggggh I love both. I refuse to choose. I’m not choosing 37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Be the fucking dragon!!!!! 38. Sunrise or sunset: Sunset cuz I am not a morning person so fuck that shit  39. What’s your favourite song? Right now it’s “Trees” by Twenty One Pilots 40. Horror Movies yes or no: FUCK YEAH!!!! I love scarrrrrry and suspenssssse....especially when they’re based off a Stephen King novel 41. Long hair or short hair: I have short hair and I love it. I love it on both men and women and nonbinary peeps. I love short hair. 42. Opera or Theatre: Theatre??? 43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? Ummmm probably somewhere where I have a good chance of having a happy life but also something cool.....Oooh Fairly OddParents....cuz I might have had Godparents in my childhood since I’m pretty fucked up 44: If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? Ice cream 5 ever 45: Older guys or young guys? Olderrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! (like Michael Fassbender)
I tag whoever wants to do this plus @rosyrockstar @jociluv @feverlover @theselonelystarbuckslovers
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