#I am baffled by the lack of braincells in his head
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He really is saying that to his brother who he knows is directly responsible for the death of his son, his brother in law and (allegedly) his nephew ? and is indirectly responsible for the death of his wife AND theirs sister ?
Like come on, how does he not have any braincells ?
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Bruh. I literally can't do this anymore, since the release ot the trailer my simp level for Scaramouche has gone way too high up. And tiktok absolutely doesn't help. Have you heard him saying "That's it. Just like that." In such a breathy and a borderline moan way? Like, fuck, I swear to god they did that on purpose😩
That also brings me back to topic of a Lambgirl! Darling... I don't know what exactly it is but they suit each other so so well in my opinion, it's not even funny. Unironically, i think that Scaramouche, admittedly, with time, develops the softest spot for you, a thing about himself that he will admit only over his dead body.
The way that you try to genuinely be a good pet for him makes his heart kind of skip a beat when he fully realised that. Maybe that's because he never really had anybody try to approach him with such pure motives. The world is full of ugly snakes that try to hide behind strong people like him or try to earn a favour from a Harbinger by metaphorically (or not) sucking his dick, as he phrases it. So, he's just not used for such simple-mindness. No backhanded meaning, no pretending. Everything is painfully obvious with you and at the end of the long day full of complaining about how you are the dumbest thing existing on this planet, no, u n i v e r s e, in his heart, he doesn't really mind it.
He would never say it out loud, but your genuine feelings towards him somehow warm up his freezing cold soul. He gets used to your clumsiness and the lack of braincells, it almost helps him to bond with you more, since you don't overcomplicate everything and easy to manipulate into loving him more, witch becomes borderline worshiping and, what at the start kinda baffles him, without the torture or some kind of mind control. You're not complaining. You simply accepted him as your master, and as you should in his mind, but it still kinda surprised him in the beginning. You are dependent on him and you don't even try to deny it, to say that it secretly inflates his ego is an understatement.
Once, he saw you as nothing but a potential sex slave with a neat addition of a fluffy tail and cute ears, but then, with the time progressing, it starts to be obvious for everybody that he is different around you. In what way, even he himself doesn't know. For some reason, it's easier to be more honest with you than anybody else, especially when you two are alone.
With time he also gets more comfortable with you intimately. It's kind of funny to think that you tried almost every sex position before even holding hands properly. But, now that he warmed up to you, not every lingering touch means sex. He can just rest his head on the top of your head or a shoulder, lay on your chest, bodies pressed against each other, but the only thing that is happening is that you stroke his hair as he rests from an exhausting day. He can even hug you, saying that he needs to "recharge". It is embarrassing to him how you then proceeded to try to "recharge" him every day since and he doesn't even hate it.
...And i think it's kind of adorable tbh <3
(sorry for the long ask i just needed to rant about our lord and saviour Scaramouche 😔😩 also very sorry for any grammatical errors, and finally, i love your blog, you can take your time on uploading, you don't own us nothing 🖤🖤)
Anon I'm sorry this was from like a month ago but I am LOVING your energy and enthusiasm omg
I am in an angsty feelsy sort of mood so consider: poor boy gets badly beaten up and maybe is on verge of death by some incredibly strong opponent but... little lamb was told to stay back like always in a safe spot from a distance... but she can’t just stand there!! 
Visionless, powerless, weak and frail little lamb sniffling in fear and anger with her ears flat to her head, running to come stand in between giant powerful being and him, trembling and bleating but standing her ground and curling her little hands into fists and yelling that she won’t let them hurt her master!! If they want to get to him, they have to go through her first!! She knows that she can’t do anything other than be a meat shield and ram with those teeny tiny little nubs she calls horns, but still... it’s something, isn’t it?
Thankfully though the utter confusion that makes the enemy halt for a split second gives the incoming Fatui enough time to oneshot the enemy lmao. She just narrowly saves master’s life and is so happy!! He’s super quiet. Doesn’t say anything for a while. Just numbly staring into space, in a weird state of processing that this pitifully dumb thing nearly got herself killed on purpose. Probably actually ends up blowing a fuse later and gets mad, it was stupid and dangerous and to never ever do it again.
In the end though, he quiets down when she gets all sniffly and sorry because she thought she did good. Has to hold her and rub her back and admit yes, maybe it was good. Just... not to be done again.
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