#I am fucking committed to learning the ins and outs of Krita now
blue-cat-shitposts · 1 year
It’s really fucking hysterical at this point how much I don’t know about my own drawing software.
I mean I've been using Krita for what, five years now? And I'm still learning just how much I don't fucking know about this program and its capabilities. I only discovered it has stabilizers half a year ago. I had to look up a video that showed me what dockers to enable for animation and how to use them. Not to mention the dozens of blending modes which I’m still trying to figure out what exactly they do an how to use them. This program is a marvel of engineering but I’m using like, 5% of it at most. I feel like the Doctor being scolded by River Song about improper use of the TARDIS every time I learn that there's a feature in Krita that makes what I want to do five hundred times easier and more efficient.
There's this one guy on Youtube called David Revoy that has in-depth tutorials specifically about Krita, and I have never felt this indebted to one man’s thankless work before. It’s thanks to him that I learned that something called a coloring mask is even a thing, and it has improved my life DRAMATICALLY ever since I’ve learned about it.
However I do need to watch his videos one at a time with breaks because my brain is being blown with the sheer amount of information in each one. It's just me going "wait you can do WHAT?!" every five seconds for the entirety of the 15-minute video every time.
Every time, every fucking time I’m stuck trying to painstaikingly draw something manually, and then learn about another feature Krita has that’d make the process a thousand times easier and better, it’s basically:
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Every FUCKING time
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