#I am going thru my old drafts on google doc right now
moved-2-koiranliha · 4 years
okay, despite it being 4/13 and me being obsessed with homestuck, i have… nothing planned. i have no art, no writing, absolutely nothing noteworthy to post. so i thought, “why not go through why i like homestuck?” it’s stupid, no one needs to hear about it, and it could be honest-to-god cringeworthy. but here i am, typing this draft in a google doc so why the fuck not?
homestuck is a comic, despite what my friend hayleigh thought. it was meant to be a game, but hussie took control of the narrative and that idea went out the window. there are a couple rpgmaker-esque bits later on, but that’s not the point right now, this is an overview of what homestuck is at face value. (at first) it centers around 4 kids — john egbert, rose lalonde, dave strider, and jade harley — who talk to each other on pesterchum, a kind of discord-like instant messenger. they’re all waiting to play beta release of a new game called sburb, with john being the last to obtain the game. john gets his grubby little mitts on the game, blah blah blah, trolls, blah blah, the scratch, blah blah blah, dancestors, whatever, whatever read homestuck.
why do i like this? this webcomic is 8000 pages of pure, unadulterated, barely decipherable random bullshit. yes. yes it is. to an outsider.
i read all 8123 pages of homestuck and i understood… not all of it, but most of it. there are some things i don’t understand but i understand everything important. i couldn’t even begin to explain homestuck to someone who has no idea what it is… wait no i actually did 2 paragraphs ago, nevermind. but i couldn’t get into the intricacies of the comic. there’s so much. crazy shit. like fuckin act 6. THE EXISTENCE OF ACT MOTHERFUCKING 6. I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE HOW I FEEL ABOUT ACT 6 AND ITS SHITTY STUPID LAYOUT. WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE SO MANY SUBACTS.
anyway. why do i like it? why the fuck did i read all of it and then go on to read the epilogues (technically half of one which i despised and then the entirety of the other) and the sequel? i’ve been told the latter two are shitty, but i love them anyway. well, i like the meat epilogue, candy fucking sucks. but still!
i. don’t know why i have so much faith in homestuck. i only started reading it around late february 2020, finishing it late march, so why am i attached? why do i love the characters and the world and why do i wanna see the sequel through to its end?
that’s the thing about homestuck. people rag on it all the time for being so weird and long and shitty and cringy, and it's all of those things. but it’s a masterpiece because of it. it’s just the right amount of shitty and cringy and weird. it gets you invested in all the characters, some of whom you love at first and end up hating with a burning passion, and vice versa.
hussie is definitely dragging it on with the sequel. my friend said, “just basically homestuck Was good. flawed but good. hussie rushed the ending and left it for a while but then changed his mind on being done with it and necromanced it into this confused mess that begun with the epilogues and continues thru the sequel and now seems to be clamoring for his old fanbase back despite everyone also being done with it and it just kinda makes me sad to watch.” and i can see that. i can definitely see that. we don’t have much of the sequel, but i can see how it’s kind of just being… mushed together with what the epilogues were supposed to tie up. the epilogues didn’t close out the story, they opened it right back up. homestuck ended. it had a nice little credits sequence, everyone looked happy, and then we were given the epilogues. and now, there’s a sequel. where no one looks happy. everything’s being fucked up again and it makes me wanna beg for everyone to have their happy ending back.
and there it is again. homestuck keeps dragging you back in! my friend finished reading it 4 years ago, and she’s still into it. it’s a never-ending ride with this fucking comic and i love it to death.
so i think that’s where i’m gonna end this. my head hurts and i just wanna eat some wendy’s and go to bed. so i hope you enjoyed reading. whatever the fuck this is. happy 4/13 and happy 11 years of homestuck!
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