#I am having a rediculous amount of fun with this 😂
residentdormouse · 2 years
Jubilantly Jiving with 'J' Words Tag
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And so it continues in another edition of Mouse and @mrsmungus tackle the dictionary...
My words were: Just, Jeans, Joy, Jerk and June (or July, or January!!)
The swing of these words from massively abundant to non-existent is wild to me. Downright surprising in some cases.
You words are: Kick, Kiss, Key, Kind/Kindness, Know/Knowledge
Anybody Feel Free to Jump In - Open Tag!
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(Admission: I am bad with this word. Everything I write has 'just' in it, and I have to go back and take them out when I can. Even with that Spiral has 451 instances and Diving has 824. I just picked a scene I liked, and had no problem finding it somewhere in there.)
His thoughts were interrupted, as Laufey broke back in to address Flagg. "So, what is all this that you got going on here?" Gestures were over done as he indicated at Flagg’s appearance. "Oh, you can't think that's it, do you? That's the look? We. Chose. This? Oh, honey...." While Flagg remained calm, Lloyd felt the familiar prickle in his skin that told him to back away. To leave right now. Danger. "It's not that it's bad, cause I mean, look at what we're working with, right? But still, it's not what it could be, y'know?" There was a raised brow, but when no further comment came, Lloyd let out the breath he was holding. Another card flipped. More chips thrown in. "No. Nope, nope. I can’t. I just… Here." Setting down his cards, Laufey stood up and walked over to Flagg. "Just hear me out. All you'd need is a little… updating." Purple fingertips met deliberately coiffed hair and gave a tussle. "See? Look at that! Better already. Doesn't he look better?" Lloyd could only stammer a bit of nonsense before Laufey turned back. "Speechless. See he knows you look better too." A quick smile, and it was back to the table, like it was nothing. Another chip to the pot. "Oh, raise that up sweetheart. Danke. Hey Toby! Round of green fairies on me!"
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(Did you know there were only seven of these? Seven! And none of them in relation to Flagg. The man has a jean jacket over a jean button up shirt with a pair of jeans! I've already matched all instances in Diving in one sentence...Fail.)
Hayden threw on a sweater and some fuzzy pj pants quickly before padding out to the entry. Stu stood there, but his demeanor was much more somber than usual. “Hey there, Hayden…” “Hey Stu, what’s up?” He gave a half smile, “We didn’t want to bother you yesterday, with everything, but people are talking... We can’t just sit on this, and with the meeting tonight… we need everybody on the same page.” Glen rounded the corner from the bedroom into the kitchen, at least taking the time to throw on a nice sweater and normal jeans. "Hey, East Texas. Bit early, isn't it?" Stu gave a light chuckle, "Nah, you're sleeping in, old timer." "Yeah, okay, screw you too, Texas."
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She let out a laugh, and a new pause entered between them, one that Nick was not used to. One that felt like it came with a magnetic pull. There were a handful of times he registered this feeling. The last one still left a bitter taste in his mouth. A kiss between strangers. An unfamiliar and primal longing from a lifetime of loneliness that took hold of his senses before personalities were known. Before he realized just who he was involving himself with.
(Only even balance of the bunch 😂)
The second of a few cartridges was singled out and snatched up. In a quick movement, she swapped out the games and placed the device back on the bed. With a bashful smile, she moved to sit next to him, and he found himself scooting over gently to allow her more room. “It does a world of good. Believe me. When my last external fried, and I couldn’t pull anything back… Aww man, those zombies, they didn’t stand a chance in hell. Slaughter, I tell you.”
He shook the thought away and broke the moment to grab his notebook.
‘I don’t exactly know what I’m doing.’
The phrase had multiple meanings, but she, thankfully, stuck to the obvious one. Her eyebrows raised in a playful manner, and a smirk that couldn’t begin to contain an overwhelming amount of joy played out on her features.
“Well, THAT I can help with.”
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(It seemed like a good one until I realized most of them were for beef jerky 🤦‍♀️. Two total once that was filtered out.)
Grabbing the creature's shoulders, he forcefully jerked it from its seated position, snapping the ties that bound it in the process. Once at full height, Flagg slammed its back against the trunk with a thud. ”...not playing very nice, Walter.” ”Oh, I can play very nice, when I see a reason to.” His grip loosened as he took a step backwards. ”So it would be advisable to show me why I should.” Taking a moment to straighten out its clothes, brush off the dirt, the creature looked back up at the pair of them. “He wants you back at your position.” “Is that so?” Silence. She was growing tired of this. “Who's he?" And as the question left her lips, the image hit her. Unlike the others before, this came with a force that she was unprepared for. The bright burst of red blinding her vision as a tall structure came to view, constant pulses of crimson emanating from the balcony at the top. Eyes staring back at her in the distance. Only eyes. Constantly watching.
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June / July / January
(Only one between both. Makes picking easy. Good thing I move the time of year to the book version and not the 2020 version or this would be zero 😬.)
Stu took over driving after lunch for obvious reasons, and they had continued on down the highway. The mood continued to improve now that everything was laid out between them. Better or worse, they were in this together. Everything was running smooth up until they ran across a note spray painted on the nearby billboard:
Route 89 - Going to the Stovington Vermont CDC facility. Harold Emery Lauder Frances Goldsmith July 4th "Hey, hey look." Stu started pointing towards the side of the road, and gave her a small whack on the shoulder from his place in the back, once again loosing 'shutgun' position. "You need to knock that off, Redman…" Reprimanding him while forcibly biting back a smile negated all seriousness implied with the request. Regardless, she glanced where he indicated, noticing two bikes sitting by some trees. "Two bikes, two names. Today's date..." Shoulder shrug, eyebrows raised. Classic Glen.
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