#I am irate that my stupid joke post left its target audience
confused-kinnie · 9 months
good news and bad news:
the good news: Jesus doesn’t hate queers.
The bad news: many people (wrongly) assume he does because certain things that are labeled queer do go against God’s word (not everything! I’ve seen the term applied to many things that are not wrong, and I don’t know what specifically you identify with). And some Christians do forget this, but Jesus calls us to love one another as he loved us.
The good news again: Jesus loves you. Not just in a general ‘0h, he created everyone so he kinda sorta has to care about you, no he loves YOU. He LOVES you. He created you on purpose and loved you enough to die for you! If he says no to something it’s because he wants what’s best for you. And being the creator of the universe means he knows what’s best for you in a unique way that no human can claim.
The bad news again: there’s no such thing as a pro queer Bible, it doesn’t exist because God has a different viewpoint about identities than we do. Again, not everything I’ve seen labeled as queer goes against God’s word, but some things are and God wants what’s best for us. Left to my own devices my sins would be the undoing of me. Jesus loves me as I am BUT he also loves me far too much to leave me to those sins.
I’m glad this guy knows the whole “love thy neighbor” thing also applies to queer people. But if God still believes some queer people are sinners, then that’s not a god we want to associate ourselves with.
Again, I’m a flower of my word. I’ll read the stinkin’ Bible, but as the lead defender here, I’m not going to let anything happen beyond that point. I’ll read the Jesus book, make fun of some of the hypocrisies, and go back on my merry way.
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