#I am kind of restless tho I can’t fathom that we still have over a year to wait 😭 maybe I should start taking longer breaks from the fandom
starbylers · 4 months
I just have to make the point that even legit leaks can a) absolutely be taken out of context. Like imagine pre s4 hearing ‘El plans a date for her and Mike, and Will thirdwheels them’, or ‘Mike finally tells El he loves her’, none of that gives you a comprehensive picture of the actual story and all the nuances within those specific events. For example it’s extremely possible that idk Mike is at some point very protective of El…like duh, he does love her and she literally almost died again at the end of s4 😭 or even something less dramatic and more just sweet. May I remind you Stancy s2 full on kiss and say they love each other and then break up later lmao. I just mean to say there are ways things could come across very pro-Mlvn while being wildly out of context. And b) any leak is coming through numerous filters. The original source, how accurate/detailed what they know is, how they communicate it, how the recipient interprets the information & decides to relay it sometimes based on their own agenda lol. I personally recommend never taking anything at face value even from possibly reliable sources 🫡
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