#I am not tagging all the villains/characters sjkdfhksdfhdf but this is a very amusing little AU
hollowsart · 4 months
ok here's that Spider-Man AU I came up with:
University AU, but with a twist + the origin of the AU itself (aka, what inspired it, at the very bottom of the post)
Peter is the freshman newbie and they're not actually trying to cause trouble, they're just really enthusiastic and enjoying life to its fullest before they graduate at the tops of their classes and as the heads of their fields.
shirtless frat bro energy Mysterio who will probably go hand to hand with Spider-Man despite not having super powers himself. wrap his arm around Peter and give him actually good solid advice while Peter is trying not to gag over Beck's hairy pits.
what if they want Peter to join their fraternity family and they're genuinely good people, but they keep giving Peter a friendly fight on the university's school grounds every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. the way he gets in is if he defeats all of them.
he's done that and they consider him an honorary member even tho he keeps rejecting them and just wanting to stick to his small clique.
but over time he can't deny he does enjoy their eccentric personalities and their energetic personalities are contagious. He does go to them to get help with his homework tho for his various classes so he can try to impress his crush(es)
I think Otto would secretly enjoy theater and watch Beck do his performances and even aid him in practice.
everyone would cheer on and praise Otto for his crazed inventions and even the mad creation of the Actuators
Max being a party guy.. his hair is like.. frosted tips and spiked up with his own static electricity
I think Max would probably have given himself electric powers when he was younger cuz of a crazy stupid stunt he pulled that backfired, BUT HE SURVIVED!!
he uses the electrical abilities as his little.. party trick. always does something with it to try and impress the ladies lol he isn't allowed in the pools tho. obvious reasons.
he ended a party early once and learned the hard way why he shouldn't get into the water when others are present. (no one died thankfully!)
Otto has the patience of a SAINT when it comes to helping out Rhino with his homework so he can join them when they graduate. he cares for his homeboys, wants to see them succeed.
Mysterio is a jack of all trades. he is an art student to the bone, but he tries to party and wrestle and be more like a jock than he actually is. probably accidentally huffed some paint and drank the paint water once while delusional from pulling an all-nighter to finish his project/assignment on time.
Chameleon & Kraven are transfer students from Russia and they're both unbelievably pompous and eccentric.
chameleon being the guy you go to if you want the highest quality fake IDs. he makes them himself
Flint is also an art student, but he does those pottery things. he does it on the side and tries to keep up with the sports teams of the university instead, trying to keep up a tougher facade, but he just really likes making pottery and sculptures. finds them relaxing and will stay late to make them. people think he stayed up partying even tho they don't remember seeing him at any parties on campus. they just make the assumption and he always plays along. he submits his works to the school under a false name that the school is aware of and have agreed to in order to keep his privacy.
Rhino keeps the secret, having discovered him one night. stumbling upon Flint spinning some clay and while being a bit tipsy, he just sits and watches. completely transfixed by the actions and effort.
They become the BEST of friends.
and Rhino, being much bigger than the others, will gladly protect and back up Flint
Screwball brought her entire gaming and live-streaming setup to the dorm room. brings her phone to the lectures and records herself or the professors/teachers.
she's def part of the news section and records all the fights Peter has with the Sinister Six fraternity
Kingpin is the one in charge of it. he owns the university. the head professor or whatever heck they're called.
Norman being the 2nd in command of the university. Harry does NOT get special treatment from his dad. but Norman DOES see promise in Peter and tries to bribe and coax him with free good grades/marks and more. Peter keeps denying the old man.
man gives him the creeps and he'd rather earn his good rewards with his hard work. it's more satisfying that way.
plus, he has the whole sinister six fraternity helping him out with all sorts of things. so it's fiiiinnee. he doesn't need Norman's help.
I firmly believe that by the end of the story, when everyone is graduating, Peter is definitely good friends with the Sinister Six and is really gonna miss them once the graduation ceremony is over.
all of them are gonna miss him too tbh
Also, here's the origin of this AU:
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