#I am sickened when i think of him. i watched season 4 today
heartofthewretched · 5 months
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hey Qilby nation is this anything?
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [56]
xi. the other side
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: language, fighting, shock batons, violence.
Summary: clarke makes a decision that you (and bellamy) don’t agree with, leaving you locked up and at odds with your twin.
a/n: a late upload today, my apology freinds! it’s been a crazy day for me today, but here we go!!!!!! the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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March 29th, 2150; the Second Dawn Bunker
You and Bellamy stare at your twin in shock, not understanding why she thought this was a good plan. You can sense Bellamy’s rising anger, and when you realize that your twin left not only Kane but possibly Octavia on the surface, you feel a flash of anger along with him. Your boyfriend’s voice steadily starts to rise as he turns on Clarke. “How could you do this? There were only 4 warriors left, and Octavia was one of them! She might have won.”
Clarke comes around the desk, getting closer to you and Bellamy, trying to calm him down. “Bellamy, you're right, she had a chance. But Luna was in the final 4 as well, which means there is an even better chance of nobody getting into this bunker, of nobody surviving the end of the human race. Can you understand that?”
“Yeah, I can understand that you did what you think you had to do, like always. But you can't expect me to stay down here not knowing what happened to my sister.”
Jaha looks up from the plans he’s been studying, shaking his head in frustration. “We're not opening that door, son!”
You turn on Jaha, his words spiking your anger, and snap, “You know what? We must have missed the election that made you Chancellor again.”
He cuts his eyes at you, but whatever flimsy remark he was preparing to send your way is cut off by your mom entering the office, looking around in confusion. “I was setting up the infirmary, and I heard people in the corridor. Is it over? Did we win?”
You turn to your mom. “We don't know. Because your golden child made a monumentally stupid decision.”
Her eyes narrow, not understanding the quip, but knowing that you only use the golden child insult when you’re really pissed. She seems to do a quick scan of the room again before she asks, “Where's Marcus?”
“He was in the tower. We sent some people for him, Bellamy, and Octavia.” Jaha tries his best to look upset, but he doesn't play the part well. Your mom looks at you, starting to understand, before turning her glare onto Jaha. “These two were the only ones we could get in time. I'm sorry.”
“Give me your radio, Marcus has his.”
“The walkies are no good down here.” 
Clarke walks around to the desk and hits a button, revealing a secret panel that starts to lift slowly. Nestled inside are a few computer screens, displaying the outside radiation levels, and a radio. Jaha turns to her in surprise and scolds, “Clarke.”
“I'm letting them say goodbye.”
You and Bellamy come around the desk towards the radio, and your mom starts to follow, only to be cut off by Jaha standing in her path. “I understand your need to know, but I promise you there is nothing but more pain on the other side of that radio. The radiation levels have become critical, so people outside are already feeling the effects. Once they realize that we took this bunker, it'll be chaos, and if we open that door, we let that chaos inside.”
Your mom snaps, “I understand. Now, get the hell out of my way.”
She pushes her way past him and comes to stand on your other side as Bellamy fiddles with the adjustment on the hidden radio. “The walkies are set to 21.5 megahertz.”
You hear static as he reaches the right level, and a second later, Octavia’s voice comes through. “Can anyone hear me? Over. This is Octavia, can anyone hear me, damn it?”
Bellamy grabs the radio, a smile on his face, both of you exchanging a look, knowing what it means to hear her voice. Beside you, your mom looks equally as shocked as Bellamy answers his sister’s plea. “O, it's me. You ok?”
“I'm alive, I won. Bell, what the hell did you do?”
“It wasn't me, but I'll fix it.”
“Listen to me, when I won, I decided to share the bunker with everyone. A hundred from each clan. Kane is out there buying us time, helping them select their people, and Gaia somehow convinced the scouts to lock down the temple. But if anybody finds out that Skaikru stole the bunker, we're all dead.”
You see fear creep up on Bellamy’s face, and then determination, not willing to let anything happen to his little sister. “Copy that, we’re on our way.”
As the words leave his mouth, the door to the office opens, and Jaha waves a group of guards inside, Miller at the forefront. Jaha leads them towards you, pointing at Bellamy. “Turn off the radio.”
You glare at him, “Didn’t you hear her? We can save them!”
Bellamy lifts the radio and mutters, “O, I'm gonna need some time.”
“Wait, what? Bellamy, they don't have t-”
Jaha yanks the radio from his hand, cutting her off, and you, your mom, and Bellamy all turn to look at him in shock. Bellamy snaps, “Did you hear her? The Grounders are listening to her now, but they won't be for much longer. I am opening that door.”
“I'm sorry, but right now, our people are safe. We cannot risk that.”
“To stop me, you're gonna have to kill me.”
Jaha nods at the guards, and they start to move closer, positioned in three places in the room, ready to catch any of you if you run. You turn to Clarke, giving her an incredulous look. “Clarke. Octavia won. Do the right thing and open the doors.”
She says nothing, just clenches her jaw and looks away, and you turn towards Bellamy, both of you sharing a knowing look. As if you’re both hearing the same silent countdown in your heads, you turn and each take off in different directions around the desk. You hear Bellamy knock one of the guards to the ground as you slip by your mom and Clarke, only for Jaha to step into your path. He dives at you and you side step him, his arms missing you by inches. You immediately swing your elbow around and smash it into his face, satisfaction running through you when you make contact. The pain knocks him off guard for a second and you shove him hard, knocking him to the ground, before turning towards the door again. 
Miller and the other guard have Bellamy held in between them, and Bellamy struggles and manages to knock the other guard away. He slips from Miller’s grasp and starts to run, only for Miller to pull out his shock baton and light it up, holding it to your boyfriend’s back until he gasps with pain and hits the ground. You let out a yell of rage and run straight at Miller, knocking him into the wall behind him, the shock baton falling out of his hand. He swings a punch at you as soon as he recovers, hitting you in the face, and you bring your knee up and land a hit on his stomach. He doubles over in pain and you start to swing your arm around to punch him when someone catches it from behind. 
You turn and see the first guard, the one Bellamy pushed to the ground, holding your fist, and you spin out of his grip and turn to face him. He moves quickly and swings his hand towards you, palm connecting with your face in a loud slap. The force of it snaps your head to the side and makes you bite your lip, and you turn back to him in shock, spitting out the blood that gathers in your mouth. The black blood hits the ground at his feet and he looks at it in shock just as you swing a kick towards him and knock him away. 
The other guard reaches you then and grabs your arm, holding you back from another attack. You start to wiggle free from his grasp when a shock baton makes contact with your side, sending electricity pulsing through your body as you gasp with pain, going slack in the guards arms. He releases you and lets you hit the ground, landing beside Bellamy, your eyes falling on his unconscious figure as you see the darkness rushing towards you, pulling you under.
You wake up to the sound of Bellamy’s frustrated yelling, echoing out in whatever space you’re in. 
You pull your eyes open, your vision landing on your boyfriend first, standing close to you, his hands zip tied to a chain that's bolted to the floor. With a sickening realization, you see that you’re secured in the same way, cuffed to a chain, locked away in some sort of electrical room. You lift your hands, staring at the chain, and shake your head in disgust, dropping your hands again, rattling the chain in the process. Bellamy must hear the sound because he turns towards you, relief flooding his features as soon as he sees you. He runs over to you, dropping to his knees in front of you, his hands lifting to your cheeks the best they can, skimming over your already forming bruise, courtesy of Miller. “Are you okay?”
You nod your head, and his eyes check you over, confirming your words. He whispers, “Good. I have a plan. We need to get your mom down here. Someone is outside guarding us, I heard them talking a minute ago. I think if I raise enough hell and hurt myself, they’ll send your mom down to fix me up.”
You look at his wrists, already red and starting to get bloody, and you grimace, not wanting to watch him hurt himself. But you also know it's the best way to get her down here, because she’s the only person that is likely to help the two of you and get you out of this. So you nod, lean forward and press a kiss to his lips, and whisper, “Do it for Octavia.”
He stands and starts to yell again, “Get us out of here! Help me! Let us go!”
He turns and bangs on the metal pipes nearby, and then he pounds on the walls, before starting up again. “No! Let us go! Get us out!”
It takes a few minutes of him repeating this cycle of yelling, pounding, and banging before finally the door opens and someone steps inside. You're not sure who you’re expecting to walk around the corner towards you, but it certainly isn’t Murphy. 
“Bellamy, what the hell are you doing? You're just hurting yourself!”
You stand, watching Murphy look between the two of you warily, and Bellamy starts to beg. “Murphy. Untie us, please.”
“I can't do that. Look, I'm sorry about your sister, but-”
Bellamy cuts him off, “You let us go!”
“I can't, okay? We can't open that hatch, so stop doing this to yourself before I call medical and knock your ass out.”
He starts to walk away and Bellamy gives you a desperate look, breaking your heart. You make a last ditch effort and call out to Murphy, “Murphy, please! I didn’t let Emori die, don't let Octavia die! Let us go and we can save her!”
His face is full of regret when he turns to look back at you and Bellamy. “This is only gonna be for a few days.”
Bellamy yells, “She'll be dead in a few days!”
“Yeah, I'm sorry.”
And though he actually looks sorry, he turns and walks out of the room, leaving you and Bellamy to yell after him, both of you tugging on your restraints now. You feel the flexicuffs bite into your skin, but you don't care, your mind too focused on trying to make an escape and save Octavia, and Kane, and the rest of the human race. Because you won’t allow yourself to be the monster that war created. Even if it means the end of you, you know opening the door to save the others is the right thing to do, and there’s no way you’re going down without a fight.
Time passes differently when you’re locked up in a bunker, reminding you of the time you spent locked up on the Ark, and of the time you spent awiting your execution in Arkadia. You and Bellamy take turns yelling and making as much noise as possible, hoping Murphy will eventually call your mother down to knock you out, giving you the opportunity to convince her to help you. 
It takes a few hours, but that opportunity eventually comes, and your mother steps inside, looking between you and Bellamy in shock. His wrists are much worse than yours, red and raw, dripping blood in his wake. Yours are bruised, covered in a splatter of black blood, the color still shocking and unfamiliar to you. Your mom walks to you first but you shake your head. “Bellamy first.”
She nods and kneels down between the two of you, pulling out her medkit to start on cleaning Bellamy up. He whispers, “It's about time. We didn't do this to our wrists for fun.”
“You want me to help you open the door.”
She doesn't say it like a question, but you answer as if she did. “Yes. Mom, I saw your face when Octavia answered on the radio, and I know how you feel about Kane. He’s still out there, trying to keep the peace. If the Grounders find out what Jaha and Clarke did, Kane will pay the price, and it won’t be merciful.”
“You don't think I know that?”
Bellamy whispers, “Do better today than we did yesterday. That's what he told me. That's how we deserve to survive.”
She looks between the two of you, considering your words, trying to decide what she wants to do. You can tell the second she makes the decision, because she relaxes a little, resigned to whatever happens now. “How do we do it?”
You look around the room, calculating everything, before you decide, “Let Bellamy go first, and he can hide. You call for help, Murphy comes inside, we knock him out. Then you lead us out of here, since we don’t know the way, and we get the door open. Sound like a plan?”
Bellamy agrees instantly, “Yes.”
Your mom considers again, before she nods. “But I want to clean both of you up first.”
She bandages both of you as quickly as possible, before she uses the scissors in her medical kit to cut off Bellamy’s cuffs and free him. Then she drops them onto the flimsy mattress they set up for you and Bellamy to sleep on, along with the discarded bloody rags, and she motions for Bellamy to hide. You scramble into the corner, mostly out of sight, before your mom calls out, “John? I need you! Come quick!”
Murphy runs inside the room, running right past Bellamy, who is hidden in the darkness, and he stares down at the scene in front of him, seemingly looking like Bellamy has escaped. “Shit.”
The word barely leaves his mouth before Bellamy runs towards him and wraps his arm around his neck, squeezing just enough to knock him out. Murphy struggles against him, and pulls out the shock baton, but Bellamy quickly knocks it out of his hand before squeezing again. Within seconds Murphy loses consciousness, and Bellamy lays him out onto the bed, as your mom drops down and checks him over. 
“He'll be fine.'' She seems convinced by Bellamy’s reassurance, and she passes him the medical scissors so he can help free you as she suddenly remembers, “He's not our problem. The airlock control is in the main office, so is Jaha. You have a plan for that, too?”
Bellamy nods, “Yeah, open the damn door or die trying.”
You stand, now free from your bonds, and follow your mom as she leads you out the door. You sneak through the service tunnels, avoiding the main hallways as much as you can, until she finally leads you to a door and motions for you to stop. She whispers, “You two stay here, I’ll open the door when I've taken care of Jaha.”
She starts to walk away, but you grab her arm to stop her. “Wait, how are you going to do that?”
She holds up a little container of drugs, one of the ones from Becca’s lab. You have no idea what’s inside, but it must work like the Reaper sticks and knock people unconscious, because she seems confident that it will be enough. You nod, understanding, and she turns and runs off, leaving you and Bellamy alone. The two of you wait in the darkness of the hall, pressed together, buzzing with adrenaline, waiting for the next stage of the plan. You can tell when it begins because a muffled conversation is being held on the other side of the door, too quiet for either of you to hear. After a minute though, you realize the office must be on the other side, and it must be your mom talking to Jaha, though you have no idea what about.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter, because a few minutes later the door swings open and she stands there, waving to the two of you inside. She runs over to the computer at the desk, and looks down at the controls. “Let’s do this.”
She plops down into the chair and you glance on the other side, seeing Jaha’s unconscious body sprawled out on the floor. Your mom reads a manual spread out on the desk, and then looks up at you and Bellamy. “It takes two people to open the doors, one from above and one from here. Get into position.”
You and Bellamy nod and run out of the office, making a beeline for the door at the top of the ramp. Bellamy tugs on it, still locked, and you and Bellamy exchange an anxious look. As you wait for the door to the airlock room to open, you hear footsteps running towards you, and you turn and get a glimpse of blonde hair just as the door beeps. You turn back and push Bellamy inside, following him to the set of stairs that leads to the hatch to the surface. Bellamy’s hand is reaching for the lever when a voice yells out, “Bellamy, stop!”
You hear the sound of a gun cocking and you both turn and see Clarke standing near the open door, her gun pointed towards Bellamy. He starts to argue with her, ignoring the gun in her hand, “We don't have time for this. The radiation is getting worse, and people are dying up there.”
He starts to reach for the door again but she turns and shoots the door, forcing the two of you to duck and cover your heads. You step up the stairs more, positioning your body in front of Bellamy’s before you turn towards your twin, stunned that you’ve even found yourself in this position. “Clarke, what are you doing?”
“What I have to, like always. Now, get away from the door.”
“No.” You set your jaw, unwilling to back down. “This isn't like shutting the dropship door, or pulling the lever in Mount Weather and the City of Light. We knew what we were stopping then, but now we know nothing.”
“We know that if that door stays shut, the human race survives.”
You shrug, “You’re gonna have to make it a kill shot then. Go ahead and put a bullet in your twin, because that’s the only way you're gonna stop me.”
Her hand shakes slightly as she aims the pistol at you, contemplating her next move, and you decide to push her further. You remember the words she threw in your face when you helped Bellamy get rid of Raven’s radio, and you decide to weaponize them now and use them against her. “What would dad say?”
Her hand shakes harder as she wrestles with her decision, and she starts to cry, tears falling down her face. She ducks her head and lowers the weapon, unable to go through with it, unable to kill her other half. You turn and glance at Bellamy, still standing behind you. “Get it open.”
He scrambles to the top of the stairs and opens the hatch, all while you keep an eye on Clarke, unsure if she’ll change her mind. But she never does, she just stands frozen in place and cries, and for once in your life, you make no move to comfort her. Once Bellamy disappears on the surface, you turn and follow him up, stepping into the temple just as Bellamy and Octavia collide in a hug. You smile at the sight of the reunited Blake siblings, all of their earlier anger and disagreements gone, replaced with nothing more than relief and love for each other. You walk closer to them and hear Bellamy whisper, “I love you so much.”
Your smile grows wider, and her eyes find yours over his shoulder, smiling at you in return. The moment ends when Indra calls out, “Octavia, they're here.”
They pull apart and Octavia walks forward, stopping at Indra’s side as the Flamekeepers lead in the ambassadors from each clan. They all stop just inside the door, looking towards her, and Octavia stands taller as she addresses them. “Oso laik won kru. En dison laik oso hou.”
We are one clan. And this is our home. She turns, and starts to walk back towards you, until she abruptly grabs Indra’s sword and points it at someone you didn't notice before. 
You were so focused on the Blake sibling reunion that you didn't even see her standing there. Probably for the best, because you feel a flash of anger as soon as you see her. Octavia holds her sword to Echo's neck. “Everyone except you.” 
“We had a deal. You said-”
Octavia cuts her off, voice low and angry. “I said your people would live. I didn't say anything about you. You can tell them we stole the bunker if you want, but the door's open now, so…”
She trails off, not needing to say anymore, and Indra steps closer to her. “Be thankful knowing your banishment will be short.”
Echo lifts a brow, knowing there’s nothing she can say to reverse this decision, and she mutters, “Praimfaya awaits.”
You all watch her turn and slip out of the room, disappearing from view, no longer your problem. Octavia, your family, Skairipa, the victor of Skaikru, turns back to her people, motioning towards the bunker door, “Monin hou.”
Welcome home. You smile at her, looking over her smudged make up and the blood splattered all over her face, so far from the girl hidden under the floor. And though you never knew her then, you know her now, and you’re proud. Proud of the strength she’s gained, the confidence she has, the leadership she’s now taking on. When you look over at Bellamy, you can tell he's thinking the same thing, both of you watching on as she leads the ambassadors towards the entrance to their new home.
As expected, chaos begins as soon as the clans enter the bunker.
The 100 survivors from each clan, minus Skaikru, have all gathered in the atrium of the bunker, awaiting instructions. All of you scramble to figure out the best way to get Skaikru from their beds and narrowed down to 100, so you can move all of the Grounders into their spots. Amidst the chaos of the planning, Raven radioes to let all of you know she’s still alive, and no longer going through with her spacewalking plans. She reversed her brain problems and seizures, and now awaits pick up to be brought back to the bunker to live with the rest of you. 
But the plans of her rescue get put on the back burner in favor of the plans in the bunker. Which is where you all stand now, in the office, standing around a map, trying to figure things out. You, your mom, Kane, Octavia, and Indra are listening to Kane’s thoughts, while Clarke stands nearby, half listening, half avoiding everyone, and Jaha stands at the door, looking out at the Grounders. He ignores everything Kane is saying, and turns around, pissed, glaring at the man he left outside to die. “You call this justice?”
Octavia’s response to him is cool and calm, unbothered by Jaha’s anger. “I call this making things right, thanks to my brother.”
Jaha turns his glare to Clarke. “You let this happen.”
The words visibly affect her, and she glances over at you, looking upset. You look away, not wanting to meet her eye, still pissed that she pointed a gun at you and Bellamy. Jaha continues, “How many of us have to die?”
Indra’s anger is less contained than Octavia’s, as evidenced by her response. “You're lucky it's not all of you.”
“We have 100 spots. The other clans have all chosen their survivors. We have to do the same.”
Jaha looks at Kane in shock, dissatisfied with his response. “100. We have over 4 times that.”
You roll your eyes at him. “A pain that I’m sure the other clans feel too.”
Jaha turns his anger back on Clarke. “Is this what you wanted?”
She shakes her head. “No one wanted this.”
“Want's got nothing to do with this!” Octavia’s calm anger finally explodes, tired of listening to Jaha’s whining. Not that you blame her. She turns to look at him, laying down the law. “Skaikru gets 100 beds, same as everybody else. Bellamy and his girl get one of them, the rest are up to you.”
She walks towards the door, tired of this meeting and this conversation. As she reaches it, she turns back to deliver one final message. “The death wave comes in 24 hours. You've got 12 to decide.”
And with that she walks out of the room, leaving the rest of you to watch her leave and handle the chaos left behind from her decision.
next chapter
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (ch. 5)
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Chapter 5
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 1,942
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
               “Come downstairs and meet our new friends!” said Hoseok.
               Catalina’s eyes widened when she saw the person coming around the corner upstairs. He was bookmarking the book in his hands and closing it. As he walked down the stairs, Catalina took in his sharp, intelligent eyes, his full lips and otherwise soft features. His hair was styled delicately over his forehead, his shoulders were broad, his chest was big, even under his sweater and…
               Catalina knew those thighs.
               Jungkook choked beside Catalina and nudged her.
               “Thighs,” he whispered. Catalina nodded.
               “We saw you in the souvenir shop the other day,” said Catalina. “I’m sorry, uh, my name is Catalina.”
               “It’s nice to meet you,” Namjoon said with a smile, his dimples appearing. Catalina blushed. He was way too gorgeous. “Yeah, Hoseok and I stopped there on our way into town the other day. I think I remember seeing you two there.”
               “Oh! You guys work at the souvenir store!” said Hoseok. “I knew you looked kinda familiar.”
               “Yeah, we’re only there on the weekends,” said Jungkook. “We’re only gonna be working for the season.”
               “It seems like an interesting job,” said Hoseok. “You’ll get to see all the tourists.”
               “You guys are all students?” asked Namjoon. Catalina, Jungkook and Jimin all nodded. He asked them about their majors and what kinds of classes they were taking, which they happily answered until Catalina caught a glimpse of the time.
               “Guys, it’s three am,” she said. “We should probably head home.”
               “Oh jeez, we have that stupid French class at eight tomorrow,” said Jungkook.
               “We won’t keep you then,” said Taehyung. “Classes are important.”
               Taehyung walked them all out, through the front door this time, and the three friends began making their way back to the car.
               “Well, that was interesting,” said Catalina. “We didn’t die, so that was cool.”
               “I thought they were all pretty cool!” said Jungkook. “I mean, still a bit weird, but cool.”
               “Taehyungie wants me to teach him how to play video games,” said Jimin.
               “He wants you to teach him?” Jungkook asked with a laugh. Jimin smacked his arm.
               “We’ll be learning together,” said Jimin.
               “That’s so cute,” said Catalina. “You already have a nickname for him. Anyway, I have a question: why the hell were they all so attractive?”
               “I was thinking the same thing!” said Jimin. “It didn’t make any sense! Like, normal people don’t look like that. They were way too beautiful.”
               “We’re normal people though,” said Jungkook. Catalina and Jimin looked at him in confusion. “I mean, we’re hot too. Sometimes people are just hot.”
               “We’re like, normal people hot though,” said Jimin. “Those guys were like…gods or something.”
               “Yeah, way too pretty. Perfect skin, perfect hair, all charming,” said Catalina.
               “Red eyes,” Jimin mumbled.
               “Okay fine, they were unusually pretty,” said Jungkook. “I’m just glad we got some awesome footage today. I can’t wait to dump this.”
               “Okay, well don’t do it tonight, because we do have class tomorrow morning,” said Catalina.
               Catalina was running again. Always running. Her feet were bare and her lungs burned. The concrete beneath her feet gave way to metal grating. Her footsteps clanged and echoed here as she made her way through the tunnels. She glanced behind her. It was dark, but she could see a set of red eyes approaching her, almost glowing. These eyes weren’t the ones she was used to. These were mean. These eyes looked at her like she was prey. The man who the eyes belonged to walked, as if it didn’t take much effort to chase after her. He had a sickening smile on his face.
               Catalina needed to get out of these tunnels. If she could get back to her friends, they’d protect her.
               “Here, kitty, kitty,” the man said, his voice mirthful. “Don’t you know trespassers get eaten, little kitty?”
               “I don’t remember what he looked like, but I remember what he said,” Catalina said to Jungkook as they made their way to the library. “He said, ‘Don’t you know trespassers get eaten, little kitty?’ Just like in your story.”
               “That’s creepy,” said Jungkook. “He had red eyes though? Was he one of those guys from the house?”
               “No, definitely not,” said Catalina. “I remember thinking about them, and you and Jimin, and thinking that I needed to reach you guys because you’d keep me safe. This is the first time I could remember so much.”
               “I wonder what these dreams mean,” Jungkook said as he opened the library door for her.
               “Thanks. Yeah, I have no idea,” said Catalina.
               “Maybe they’re prophetic,” said Jungkook.
               “God, I hope not,” Catalina said as they approached the table. Jin and Jimmy K were both sitting there, textbooks open.
               “Well, well, well,” said Jin. “Look who decided to finally show up today.”
               “You don’t have to greet us like that every time,” said Jungkook as Catalina laughed.
               “How are you guys today?” asked Catalina.
               “Now that you’re here? Fantastic,” said Jimmy K with a wink.
               Catalina blushed and said, “Okay, that’s enough, captain.”
               Catalina and Jungkook sat down as Jin began their tutoring session and Jimmy K studied silently beside them.
               “So, game night,” said Jimin. “Do either of you know what to expect tonight?”
               “Nope! I’m just excited to sit around and eat,” said Catalina. “Take a right up ahead.”
               “Where? There’s no driveway, oh wait,” Jungkook turned into a somewhat overgrown driveway, hidden by the woods. “Also, we have a premier to watch!”
               “They’re gonna love it,” said Catalina. “Jimin, did you have fun yesterday?”
               “I did! Hoseok is a really good dancer,” he said. It’s been a week since they broke into the house and met Taehyung, Hoseok, and Namjoon. Yesterday, Catalina and Jimin had invited Hoseok to a freestyle session in the campus studio. He was happy to join them and show off his moves. They all ended up teaching each other different styles, but it was mostly Catalina and Jimin asking Hoseok to teach them the pop and lock style he was so good at.
               Jungkook’s car pushed through the heavily overgrown driveway until they reached cobblestone, which led right up to the mansion. Catalina closed her phone map and said, “Well, it’s good to know there’s an easier way up here.”
               “Yeah, I thought we’d have to keep hiking up those rocks every time,” said Jungkook as he put the car into park. The three friends piled out of the car, arms full of snacks, wearing their comfiest pajamas. The porch lights of the mansion were on, illuminating Taehyung as he opened the front door.
               “Welcome!” he shouted. “Did you find it okay?”
               “Yeah, Hoseok texted us a route,” said Catalina.
               “You guys and your fancy telephones,” said Taehyung. He let them in and they all took off their shoes. “So, we were thinking some board games tonight. Or card games. Or a game Hoseok described to us called Pictionary. Or we can just chat. Or-“
               “Tae, that all sounds great,” said Catalina.
               “Right, sorry,” he chuckled. “Here, follow me.”
               They followed Taehyung through a few halls before entering a cozy lounge. Big plush couches lined three walls, a flat screen tv was mounted against one wall and a low coffee table sat in the center of the room. Hoseok and Namjoon stood up from the couch as they entered. The smile fell from Taehyung’s face.
               “Where’s Yoongi?” he asked.
               “He said he wasn’t in the mood for game night,” said Namjoon.
               “Who’s Yoongi?” asked Jimin.
               “He’s our other roommate,” said Namjoon. “He’s been tired these days.”
               “He promised!” Taehyung pouted. “He told me he’d come to game night.”
               “Let’s go find him then,” said Hoseok.
               “I’ll go with you!” said Catalina. “I really want to see the house.”
               “Me too!” said Jimin.
               “Me three,” said Jungkook.
               “Okay, Tae tae, Namjoon, you two stay here and set up a game. I’ll give these three a tour,” said Hoseok. They dumped the snacks onto the coffee table and followed Hoseok out of the room.
               He led them through the massive house, through rooms so grand, Catalina wondered how big this house actually was.
               “This is the library,” said Hoseok. The room they were in was enormous. The ceiling was cavernous and domed and the bookshelves towered high.
               “This is an impressive collection,” said Catalina.
               “I know, these guys do love their books,” said Hoseok. “They’ve been collecting for years I guess.”
               “I’m sure,” said Catalina.
               Hoseok then led them through several hallways then showed off his bedroom. His room was so unlike the rest of the house, it felt like stepping into another world. Everything was bright and colorful, there were brand posters all over the walls and an impressive shoe collection beside the closet, which was open and showing off an array of colorful clothes. Hoseok then took them on a walk through the conservatory. There wasn’t much growing right now. It was mostly cracked marble and empty pots.
               “Maybe we can fill this room with plants next summer,” said Hoseok.
               “I garden with my mom every year,” said Jimin. “I’d love to help.”
               “That would be very nice,” said Hoseok. “This house deserves to be put back together again. It’s just so pretty.”
               He then led them back through the house. As they walked the halls, chatting about their classes and classmates, Catalina could hear the faint sound of a pipe organ.
               “Ah, he must be in the auditorium,” said Hoseok. Catalina’s eyes widened.
               “The auditorium?” asked Jimin. “You guys have an auditorium in here?”
               “With a pipe organ?” asked Catalina. Hoseok chuckled and rolled his eyes.
               “I know, right?” he said. “These guys are so dramatic. I guess they’re used to a certain lifestyle and they’re all rich for some reason…I mean, back in collage, I was happy when I could afford a cup of ramen in my one room dorm.”
               They followed the sound of the pipe organ until they came to the auditorium. The three friends gasped as they entered. The auditorium wasn’t huge, but it was incredibly elaborate. When Catalina was about twelve, her mother had taken her to a show at the Detroit Masonic Temple. This auditorium reminded her of the Masonic Temple auditorium, all carved wood and velvet seats. Up on the stage was a huge, ornate organ. The pipes lined the walls near the ceiling, emitting long, haunting notes. A man sat at the organ, hunched over the keys.
               “Yoonie-boonie honey-baby!” Hoseok shouted in his loudest, cutsey-est voice. The man at the organ stopped playing. Hoseok skipped down the aisle and hopped up onto the stage. “We have visitors, come meet them!”
               The man turned around slowly to look at them. He was just as beautiful as the other residents of the house. His eyes were dark red, just like the others, catlike and tired. His round face was pale, his lips in a slight pout.
               “I thought we weren’t having humans at the house,” Yoongi said. Hoseok laughed loudly, slapping his knee.
               “We’re all human here, so I’m not sure what that means!” said Hoseok. Catalina and Jungkook laughed along with him as Jimin just looked at them with wide eyes. Yoongi seemed like an interesting character. “Come to game night with us. I miss my honey-boy Yoonie bear.”
               Yoongi stood up and looked down at Catalina, Jungkook and Jimin from the stage.
               “It’s nice to meet you,” he said. “Will there be food at game night?”
               “I brought salt and vinegar chips,” said Jimin.
               “I brought chocolate,” said Catalina. Yoongi pointed at her.
               “A woman after my own heart,” said Yoongi. “I’ll come.”
14 notes · View notes
Sarazanmai 3 - 6 | Fruits Basket 2 - 7 | OPM 2 2 - 7 | BSD 3 3 - 6 | Demon Slayer 4 - 7 | Shield Hero 17 - 20
I’ll be rolling out the tags around about the time of this post.
Sarazanmai 3
Kisu = kissu (kiss). Update: Or kisu (on the right side of my equation). You do you, subbers.
Gomennassara! (Oh, I get it…!)
It never occurred to me that a “micanga” was a bead or small pierced round object of some sort. I thought it was a race track sort of thing, but for soccer. Update: It’s a bracelet/anklet thing.
Wait, so what brought on this change of heart from Kazuki??? Is it like the 1st episode, where it was a daydream that was cleverly presented as real? Update: Yep.
Oh…have you noticed all the victims of Reo and Mabu’s scheme are men of the NEET/freeter age, or approaching that?
Notably, the signature pose of the Sarazanmai seems to be similar to the one Kazuki and Enta did in the soccer team.
I find it interesting that Enta is now the initiator of the Sarazanmai and thus the one to steal the shirikodama. I mean, he used to be the one with the least stakes in the Dish of Hope scenario…and now look at him!
Ooh, Toi is sharpening his ruler! (Or whatever you do in Touken Ranbu with that lil’ beater of his.)
Oh wait, I forgot Ikuhara always has a last-minute twist! Go back, go back!
It seems like Haruka has some kind of illness…hmm. Update: Oh, it’s not an illness per se…spoke too soon.
Haruka’s talking about the Little Prince…hmm. Last time I really bothered to engage with that story in any form was Star Driver.
Fruits Basket 2
I don’t think I ever really chose a side on the Kyo vs Yuki debate, but I guess I always subtly sided with Yuki (even though the end pairing is Tohru and *bleep*). <- sorry, had to censor myself
“It’s important for me to get to school every day!”
Kabedon! Eeeeee! (LOL, I really am a squealy person at heart, aren’t I?)
The writing says “she misheard [what Yuki said] as ‘being sick’”, so it was quite lucky that the word “sickened” worked in context.
Yuki has some mad ninja skills…LOL.
Shigure in a suit looks goooooooooood, man (<- gender neutral use of “man”).
“…the days ahead will be fun.” – Oh, Tohru, you don’t know how wrong you are…(says someone who completed the manga)
Fruits Basket 3
I’m hearing the OP for the first time…and it sounds like an ED. (Probably because I read some impressions that said the same thing earlier today.)
“…included in the zodiac?”
Ooh! Momiji! Wait, er…I didn’t expect him to be so high-pitched…
Lookit the tiny cat icon on the side! It’s cute!!!
*yells* It’s Kagura!!!!!!!! She ain’t my favourite, but man, is it great to see another familiar face!
I’ve been wondering what the title meant when it said “what year is she?” It means “year of the zodiac”.
Fruits Basket 4
Kyo-kun ran away before Kagura even started making dinner…
Was Kyo’s katsudon a joke…? (Cats-udon, geddit?...No?)
“…marriage is a girl’s greatest dream.” – That used to be so, Tohru…nowadays, it ain’t.
Lookit how Kyo’s eyes lit up when he talks about his teacher!
OPM 2 2
That title’s…even more counterintuitive than “OPM 2 1”…hmm.
It’s…kind of dark right now.
I think there was bourbon on the counter. Someone likes to drink around here…
I guess with the mass animation exodus, OPM seems kinda…monologue-y. And cheap…
…nope, I take back my words. They were merely saving up for this action scene.
BSD 28 (S3 Ep 3)
Seriously, what are those metal things Dazai was wearing? Anyways, I like how it’s absolutely the norm that Chuuya swears now and I was part of forming that. Because I don’t swear a lot, I think Chuuya makes a nice outlet for my own frustrations...that’s what could be said, anyway.
D’aww. Someone acknowledges Chuuya’s identity. Ain’t that grand? (Now you see why I like Chuuya more than Dazai these days, huh?)
Come to think of it…a person hasn’t died in this show for a while, have they? It just goes to show you that despite one of its major stars being a guy obsessed with shinjuu (double suicide), the creators seem to be emphasising the sanctity of life itself.
Oh, I never thought they had an explanation for Dazai’s coat…
What is the age difference between Chuuya and Dazai anyway??? They’re both 15 during the LN that’s called that, but the exact difference…what is it? Update: Dazai’s birthday is June 19th and Chuuya’s is April 29th, so the difference is 1 month and 21 days (using the idea that 7 days = a week and May is 30 days, that’s 51 days in all).
Ooh, we’re getting Fyodor, Ace and the unnamed kid soon, aren’t we? That also means we’re in unknown territory for myself, too…hmm.  
OPM 2 3
When did Saitama last meet Charanko anyway? Charanko is voiced by Toshiki Masuda, so I would’ve kept an eye out for him, but the art shift and the years between seasons mean I don’t remember anymore.
Oof, “justice crashed Mumen Rider’s head” is more like it.
CGI banana…Just saying “CGI banana” is funny.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 4
Headpats, headpats all around!
Hooo…boy. I already knew Sabito and Makomo were dead because Crow and Irina’s collab post was called “The Names of Dead Children”, but how it was delivered…was such a powerful move.
I saw the blonde boy who’s in the OP…hmm. Update: His name is Zenitsu, according to the next-ep preview.
OPM 2 4
When comparing this dissection of monsters against Mob Psycho…the biggest monster Mob has is himself…hmm.
I didn’t expect Saitama to actually enter under Charanko’s name with that wig he got…
“…name as a martial artist.”
Mojo for the dojo, it seems this man wants.
I think the centipede senpai is CGI. Hmm…
It’s been years…I’ve forgotten what Ponytail Head’s name is! (And I call OPM one of my favourite series in anime…!)
Sarazanmai 4
“Writers exist between life and death.” – …is Ikuhara expressing his own thoughts on how anime writers are treated…?
I anticipate a soba pun (soba = noodles and soba = beside [someone]).
“…gives a s***…” – Says you, Toi, with the “Golden Poop” in the background. Then again, that’s just an English pun. Don’t mind me.
Comic Sans…you can’t escape it, even in this day and age…
Yude = to boil, soba…is the noodles. (The “o” on the end of the Monster of the Week’s first name means “man”.) Ikuhara uses Monster of the Week names in service of symbolism, while Takamatsu uses inconsistency for the sake of humour.
Intetestingly, there’s a spiralling blue thing in the background of the dance number and it says “soba” (katakana) and “desire” (yokubou, in kanji).
The headline translates to “Tragedy! It was next to me, but then…” (Kigeki! Sakki made soba ni ita noni…) The subbers had to accommodate the soba pun though, so they went with “so bar away”.
Hmm…now Toi takes centre stage…
2007, huh? How old are Kazuki and co. again?
This is probably the least surprising secret of all, y’know. Also, I think Keppi and Kazuki have cucumbers in their mouths.
They have subs for Stand By Me now!!! Oh mai globbb!
W-Wuh?! I can see why he’d hate Haruka (feelings of “why don’t my parents look at me the way they look at him anymore?”), but…this really turns this entire story on its head!
Kimetsu no Yaiba 5
Interestingly, the “My” in the episode title is Onore (an “I” indicating professionalism).Come to think of it…what is Tanjiro’s pronoun of choice?
Aww…the fact Tanjiro kinda looks like the demon’s (previous body’s…?) bro made the scene kinda cute. Possibly, it could be even enough to drive someone to tears…not that I was driven to tears, of course.
Well, here’s Zenitsu.
This angry kid reminds me of Mike Teevee (from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). He seems like a rival, but he’ll disappear soon enough. Also, LOL, a sparrow instead of a crow.
“…my whole body hurts.” – Welp, that’s what happens when you lose sleep fighting demons for 7 days straight…
Why the obvious names? (re: Haganezuka – that is, hagane means “steel”…also, Nichirin contains the character for “sun” (at least, I think so…?) and Yoko can be understood to be/homophonous to the word for “sunlight”)
Tanjiro, son of Tanjuro…LOL. That was probably deliberate – it means the first son follows in the father’s footsteps.
For some reason, I wanted Haganezuka to pop out of the comic for the next-ep preview…aww.
Shield Hero 17
How many times did Fitoria say “I’m going to kill the heroes” and Naofumi say variants of “no”? Because of that, I had half a mind to jump ship and head to RobiHachi instead…but keep going.
That cowlick stuff was probably the most fun I’ve had with this show in a while…heh.
Oh great…Naofumi expanded his pseudo-harem to two bird waifus…then again, I had a stupid grin on my face seeing Fitoria’s old master, so maybe it’s not all bad, y’know?
Post-credits scene…keep watching!
Wah-wait…what the heck was that explosion???!!!
BSD 29 (S3 Ep 4)
That’s…Topaz (unofficial name)…ohhhhhhhh dear…
Oooh, Katai! Katai! Yay!!! (As you can tell, I had a very small thing for Katai. He reminds me of En-chan, y’see.)
The CGI in this OP…you can tell there’s quite a bit of it, huh?
It’s Deadmau5 (as the fandom used to joke)!
Fyodor’s eyes of disgust as Topaz dries his hair…hmm.
Older Topaz looks surprisingly like Oda…I don’t remember that exact shot, but it might’ve been in the manga. His background also reminds me of Chuuya’s.
OPM 2 Ep 4 (OPM 18)
“Irksome insect”…says the giant insect.
I think I saw a 7-11 pastiche in the background.
Why does the bird have a human hand in his belly? What??? (LOL)
This tournament arc don’t feel so hype, now that MHA’s is over…
Someone likes Donkey Kong… (referring to Marshal Gorilla and the other Kong guy (Heavy Kong))
Sarazanmai 5
…oh wow. Y’mean Kazuki is adopted???
“Why don’t you say anything, even though you know about me now?” (from Toi) – Probably because Kazuki is as f***ed up as you are, if not worse.
What are those sparkles coming off Sara’s face…? Not sure if they’re a shoujo thing or just…gratuitous sparkles.
LOL, Nioino Fukuro. Basically “pouch of scent” when you insert a space between the second I and the second N and change the first name kanji, plus change the “no” to hiragana.
I know the title of the song is Kawausoiya (translates to “awful otters” or something like that), but “soiya” doesn’t make much sense on its lonesome.
Wait…does that mean Sara is the creature? Or there are two Saras that can look the same, but one looks like the human and one is more kappa-like???
For some reason, I’m getting changeling vibes here…that Kazuki wants to look different to the rest of his family because he knows he’s different.
Hey…there’s this thing called the tourist gaze. It argues that because people create notions of reality differently, people have different ideas of what makes a trip “good” and “authentic”. In the same sense, Haruka’s “false” connection with Kazuki!Sara has become his reality, so it’s not wrong to say this Sara is real for him.
Oh…I just realised some kanji that appar early in the OP are the kanji for “extraction”.
So, uh…in a sense…can I interpret Kazuki’s love for his real mother a Fruedian thing? It seems all men’s love can be interpreted to be Freudian in some way or another…also, Sara kind of looks like his mother in a very “surface” kind of way. That is, they have a very passing resemblance to each other. Update: I’ve been reading some Stephen King lately and if I took anything away from that experience, it would be that everything is Freudian when it comes to men’s experiences. That’s why I say that.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 6
…*remembers something from the collab that was along the lines of “Astral doesn’t like Tanjiro’s green jacket”* Astral’s not gonna like this, then. (For those who don’t know the context, “Astral” is AstralGemini of the Zodiac Room.)
*Tanjiro is told he might not go very far with his demon slaying* *Tanjiro reacts with happiness that he’s on his way to get Nezuko human again* - Uh…I know I’ve watched my share of shonen, but I kind of didn’t expect that and yet also did.
Ugh…it’s the return of CGI Tanjiro…the vegie patch looks good in CGI though, for some reason.
Lemme guess…with a title like that (Swordsman Accompanying a Demon), could it be that Kazumi is a demon???
“I don’t get it at all.” – LOL…that was unintentionally funny (for the second time in this show, the first being Hand Demon).
BSD 30 (S3 Ep 5)
Moby Dick crashing into Yokohama? It was literally years ago for us!
I’m pretty sure these Park guys didn’t exist in the manga. Update: Nope, they did. I’ve read the corresponding chapter, it’s just that that was also 2 years ago…just like the last we saw of the anime.
I love how the “gyaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” ended in blood splatter, literally.
The Park guys apparently come from ch. 44 but Katai comes from ch. forty…what? One? Two? It’s not 40 (Hitori Ayumu), that’s all I know.
Katai is a good boy. You’ll see why in…oh, a few seconds.
Oh, I love the ending of this story. I already know the ending, but seeing it again will be a whole new bag of laughs!
Uh…I forgot how much of an interruption the anime’s humour is. My dream of a “whole new bag of laughs” is at least half dashed…*shoulders slump*
Apparently Atsushi cut his hair himself…not sure if that’ll be a spoiler for later, but it’s still something cool to know.
“So it’s your letter?”
Katai is basically me when it comes to my husbandos. See why I love him???
Come to think of it…I haven’t properly listened to the ED yet! Better do that while I still have the chance.
Fruits Basket 5
Shigure is such a troll…just like I remember him.
Fruits Basket 6
Hatori! Ooh! He’s hottttttt! Sizzling!...Okay, I think you get my point already…
I think someone else (Amelia from A Girl and Her Anime…?) pointed this out…but I don’t understand a speck of German outside 1 – 10 (I remembered the German word for “six” way too well when I was younger). So it would help if they bothered to make the German English as well.
For some reason, the stick figure was both obviously a cost-cutting measure and also elevated the hilarity of that scene…!
I don’t quite know what the Japanese equivalent of the “macaroni and cheese” thing was, but it conveys the same idea in the two languages and makes people laugh along the way, so…*shrugs shoulders* Makes sense, I guess.
Tohru is kandou about meeting an author. Kandou means to be deeply moved (noun form).
LOL, Hanajima reading the book.
…Oh my goodness. I just realised Fruits Basket has a lot of characters with fringes. 90s fringes for everyone!
“…a cartoon about a cat and a rat that are always fighting…” - Come to think of it, Tom and Jerry is popular in Japan.
Shield Hero 18
I think this episode title ends in inbou, which means “intrigue”.
This show is clearly trying to play the same cards over and over again…
Shield Hero 19
Hypocrites! Hypocrites everywhere! *does Buzz Lightyear hand gesture from the meme*
OPM 19 (S2 Ep 6)
The reason the fat guy is called Dave is not just because of B/V confusion, but because debu (without the line in the middle) is a slang word for…wait for it…”fatty”.
Interestingly, Murata previously worked on a oneshot called Gokiburi Buster. I wonder if this Cockroach Boi is from there…?
Did you notice the guys behind the umpire, who had a stretcher at the ready…?
“Mr Saynuthin” seems to be “Nanmoien-san” in Japanese.
“Waganma” seems to be a play on wagamama, or selfish. However, I can’t pin down the pun in the father’s name...
Well, well, well…at least someone acknowledges Speed of Sound Sanic (the ninja, not the CGI abomination or the monkey) is hecka-speedy.
Charanko (the real one)…he has ashi no ura (the back of the foot) written on his bandages…LOL.
Sarazanmai 6
Apparently Kazuki’s (foster) family all wear the same kind of stripes…which is what Kazuki means when he doesn’t want to wear the same kind of clothes as his family.
Okay…so the first set of kanji that appear in the OP are the one for “desire” and the ones after that are “extraction”…geddit? (LOL)
Oh my glob…how in the name of Iyami does Osomatsu-san get so popular that after I watched the first season of that show, it starts appearing in other places as well????
I saw a translation of the Reo and Mabu tweets and apparently at least one of them can make ningyoyaki (a type of cake you can make in all sorts of shapes – scroll down a bit on that page and you’ll find the description of ningyoyaki there).
Uhh…ghh…Keppi pole dancing was disturbing…*soul floats out of body temporarily*
Reo (I think that’s Reo, at least) has ningyoyaki…Update: Yup, that’s Reo.
“Headdress”, huh?
Why does this episode 6 feel like ending material…?
Wait…you’re saying Reo and Mabu are princes of the otter kingdom??? Wuh???
BSD 31 (S3 Ep 6)
(Lucy blushes) Wow…now there’s an option for a het ship right there…not that anyone will take it.
I saw a GIF of Atsushi floating naked and face down in the water (because Irina), but…I forgot exactly how the scenario before it went, so I LOLled.
Oh yeah…this chapter had a tie-in with Mizuki Tsujimura, because Mizuki knew Kyoka’s mother. Also, it shows you can inherit Abilities…
It’s Truck-kun and the curse of the isekai!...Okay, I’m kidding.
Oh yeah…this is the chapter about the Headmaster…
I haven’t been in a good place mentally for the past few years or so, due to my world basically fragmenting around me, so the words “don’t hate yourself” are strong ones coming from a place both nostalgic and new.
Dazai inherits a particularly interesting space in Atsushi’s life. He’s like a brother and father wrapped up into one (Kunikida is the nagging mother in that analogy, LOL), but also obsessed with suicide to the point he can also be a liability.
“…didn’t tell anyone…”
It’s also interesting to compare Tohru (of Fruits Basket) and Atsushi. They’re both selfless, but Tohru’s selflessness is shown to be a double-edged sword while Atsushi’s gives him a lot of resentment but is overall a positive thing.
Aww…seeing Atsushi slowly tear up almost made me tear up too…
Fitzgerald Rising…that’s the name of the chapter where…oh, sorry. It’s been years, so I’ll let it all play out for you and me again without mentioning any spoilers until they happen in (close to) real time in the show, okay?
Fruits Basket 7
This is the first time there’s been English lyrics on the OP for this show…I think.
Who’s this “he” Tohru’s referring to when examining the woman’s picture? Akito, probably, but I’m not 100% sure…Update: It was Hatori, actually.
“Shii-san”, “Haa-san” etc. is…cute. *cue “O kawaii koto…” from Kaguya-sama*
I get the feeling that Shigure is almost like a prototype Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs). Or they just have a lot in common.
“Are these my just desserts?”
Demon Slayer 7
Nezuko’s playing whack a mol-er, demon, isn’t she??? (LOL)
Whoa…it must be mighty freaky to be floating in a swamp of dead people’s possessions…
Welp, Tanjiro…that’s one way to say “hands off my sister”. *nods* By cutting the demon’s hands off…
I like the contrast between Tanjiro’s callused hands and Kazumi’s smooth ones.
Hey…why does food always get wasted in movies and other media…? I know I’m applying real-life consumption habits to media, but it always looks quite wasteful, y’know…?
OPM 20 (S2 Ep 7)
I never noticed that shot of Watchdog Man in the OP before…huh.
Pig God’s shirt says DEV. It’s a pun on debu (fatty)…again.
Ooh! I saw him in the OP! Flashy Flash! I’ve never seen him in action outside the OP before, but I know his name and appearance from reading around.
“You all are the strongest swordsmen we have.”
Seriously, Saitama, just get something to stick the wig on and you wouldn’t have gotten into this mess. Maybe superglue…(okay, I’m kidding about the superglue).
OPM got really childish this time… 
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head-and-heart · 6 years
The 100 Highlights - “How We Get To Peace” (5x08)
Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait for this highlight post. I was out of town visiting family for a week and didn’t get a chance to rewatch the episode until today. And, unfortunately, I am about to be swapped for the next ten days (at least) so you can probably expect the 5x09 highlight post to be pretty late, too.
... And the 5x10 recap.
But anyway - super excited to get into this episode! Hope you enjoy my thoughts. :)
Feel free to read up on the previous posts in this series here. 
“I’ve seen the horrors we inflict on each other in the name of survival, colonel. God knows I’m as guilty as anyone, but we’re on the brink here - on the edge of an abyss I’ve stared into before - and I can tell you, having sacrificed the few to save the many more times than I care to admit, eventually, the few becomes the many. The ends don’t always justify the means and if you don’t know that by now, after everything you’ve been through, then you’re just as bad as Octavia, and we’re already lost.” 
At first I was a bit thrown by Kane’s speech here because Charmaine’s move was, objectively, very politically savvy (and it seemed a little out of place, considering Kane was the one who implied that if Charmaine got rid of McCreary she wouldn’t have to be concerned about resistance anymore but whatever) but - in retrospect - I do see the value in it. It seems to reflect what Bellamy and Clarke do later in the episode to Kara Cooper (which was honestly SO fucked up guys, like, holy shit). And the line was well delivered too. Very dramatic.
I kind of like this Vincent guy. Hm. Seems too nice to be a cannibal/serial killer. Speaking of which, are we ever going to see him snap? Maybe in 5x11 ... and that’s when we’ll get Abby telling the story of what happened in The Dark Year. :o I’ve cracked the code fam
Echo suggesting that they kill Zeke made her more familiar to me. Her character arc seems pretty on track (based on this episode) with what I have already speculated and I expect that we’re going to see her facing some issues with her old methods soon (maybe next episode?). I did like how they have set up her character arc in this episode.
I’m really enjoying that they have Indra teaming up with our mains this season. It’s an interesting dynamic, to see her interacting with characters besides Octavia and Kane this season and I am really enjoying it.
Listen, I know that their relationship has no base to it and they barely know each other and their connection doesn’t even really make sense *realistically* but I really, really LOVE Raven and Zeke’s dynamic. Lindsey and Jordan have fantastic chemistry and they look so good together and Zeke and Raven’s personalities/intellect complement each other so well. Also, this is a television show so lack of development DOESN’T MATTER, especially considering Zeke hasn’t killed Raven’s family or ex boyfriend or anything which - if you ask me - is a definite bonus! I just loved that little detail of him looking out for her, despite being angry (and having every right to be) because he feels protective of her and can’t really explain why just yet.
Also, I am in no way delusional enough to believe that the writers intentionally paralleled Bellarke and Zaven in this episode but this moment was visually extremely reminiscent of Bellamy jumping in front of Clarke in 2x09 ... so that’s a plus.
Everything involving Raven and Abby in this episode was just the most gut-wrenching, fam. Raven’s concern over Abby being threatened by Diyoza and her determination to protect her and Abby lying was just ... a Lot. It shows how far gone Abby is and added some new stakes to her addiction. I think it was important to show how Abby and Raven’s relationship will be affected by this.
“Your mother would be proud, Monty.” I wonder if anyone has told Monty this before, and how much he probably needed to hear it. In all that had happened, I forgot that Kara Cooper and Monty come from the same station on the Ark, and that they have probably even known each other for a long time. I never would have guessed that I would love seeing them interact so much but their scenes in this episode were so cute? Cooper laughing at Monty’s jokes about getting lit was the scene I didn’t know I needed. Leave it to The 100 to humanize the Worst character in the episode they get killed
I have to admit, in a kind of sick way I liked that we had Monty, Clarke, and Bellamy back at their old shenanigans again? Like, this felt like an indirect callback to Mount Weather, where they all committed mass murder together. This time, they’re trying to prevent that from happening again. It’s weird to see how their old allegiances and perspectives have shifted from that moment - and yet, they all continue to cooperate with each other.
“What’s one more, right? We’re all murderers.” OOF MONTY I FELT THAT
“We’re talking about taking one life to save hundreds.” “Really? Then let’s kill Octavia.” I literally yelled DRAG HIM at my screen when he said this lmao. Monty had ALL the lines in this episode. Like, damn, I love that he is questioning Bellamy and Clarke’s decisions in this, how they just revert so easily back to their same old methods. It’s refreshing to see.
 And also, he’s RIGHT. What Bellamy and Clarke are doing is so fucking twisted. They are literally killing someone in the most grotesque manner and framing them for something they didn’t even do all in order to avoid killing someone else - the person who forced her to commit the atrocities she has in the first place. Let’s face it: Cooper is easy to hate but the only reason she is the way she is is because of the system that Octavia created, the game Octavia forced her to play. And yet, they won’t kill Octavia, because of their own selfish wishes. It is absolutely fucked up and I am so glad that Monty called them out on their bullshit.
I really loved Murphy looking at Clarke’s drawing of him and Emori chained to the rocket from 4x08. It was a nice detail (and parallel to Season 4′s corresponding episode) and callback to include. Here’s hoping that we get to see *cough* other characters looking at pictures of themselves that Clarke has drawn. You know ... no one in particular.
“Tell me what we’re looking at.” 
“I don’t think we’d see it the same way, but all right. That’s where the trading post will be. And next to it will be a farm, and a workshop, and a mill ... And a real medical center, for Abby. To the south, there’ll be homes dug out of the ground to preserve the trees, and at the center, there’ll be a well, a place for people to gather, talk, debate ideas.”
“And a school with a playground where kids can blow off steam and bitch about their teachers and kiss under the bleachers. My kid.”
I think this is the very first time (with the exception of Briller and the chickens) where any character has explicitly voiced their greatest wishes for the future, how it looks in their mind. And it’s so fucking tragic because you can just visualize it so clearly, but it feels so far away. That future doesn’t seem possible. It’s so melancholy and I love how Ian and Ivana delivered their lines in this scene.
Also, soft!Charmaine is EVERYTHING. Her line about the school and the teenagers “bitching” and making out and doing regular teenage thing was just so ... normal, it was honestly startling to think about. That’s the life that the hundred should have had - that they’ll never get now. I love the baby storyline so much (and I never thought I would like a pregnancy storyline but I do) because it humanizes Diyoza in so many ways. 
The music in this scene was gorgeous and matched the tone so well, I honestly started tearing up a little bit don’t @ me. I have a really big feeling that this discussion will come up again - either because we’re going to see this vision completely destroyed, or because we’re going to see it come to fruition. With the space travel theory, I do kind of wonder if we might get an “epilogue” of sorts for the people who stay behind on Eden, where we see Kane and Diyoza’s vision has come true (and maybe they’ll both even be there). It would be like a farewell to the characters who remain on Earth. I think it would be beautiful. (But that’s all assuming that the space travel theory is correct.)
As mildly annoying as it was that Kane literally named Diyoza’s baby for her (wtf Kane???) I did appreciate the symbolic purpose of naming her child “Hope”, especially considering the episode title “Pandora’s Box”, in which hope (aka. Kane/Baby) was the last out of the bunker and then flew away with Eligius. It’s a nice follow up to that little piece of mythology.
In a way, Kane, Abby, and Charmaine are delivering Hope (literally and figuratively) to the people. Which is also why I believe that they may all remain behind in Eden at the end of this season as we see our mains (ie. Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, etc) take off into cryo sleep, officially saying goodbye to all of them forever. (Goddamn I’m already crying and the season finale hasn’t even aired yet? THe fuck)
Also side note to talk about how vindicating it was when Kane was judging Charmaine the entire episode about her damn notebook (”names of the people you killed?” stfu) and it turned out to just be a goddamn list of baby names and defense strategies. Sit the fuck down, Mark.
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I present to you: the creepiest fucking shot this show has done. And yet, I really liked it? Showing Cooper’s reactions by shooting through her helmet was a really well done creative choice. It was so trippy and it made her death feel so visceral and real. It honestly kind of sickens me to watch this scene, tbh.
On another note, I cannot BELIEVE how many stomachs Jason has forced me to watch explode this season .. the audacity ...
Emori establishing healthy boundaries is ... EVERYTHING. It’s so important for the writers to have addressed the toxicity in their relationship in this way. 
“Trouble in paradise?” I kind of love that McCreary says this to Memori because it is exactly what Murphy said to Clarke and Finn in 5x06 after the massacre. That’s some sweet kind of karma right there
Everything about Raven and Abby in this episode was absolutely devastating. Lindsey and Paige both killed this scene - the emotions were so real. Lindsey did such an amazing job portraying Raven’s hurt and rage - I could feel her emotions so viscerally. 
“Don’t you talk to me about pain.” If anyone deserves that line, it is Raven. She has been through hell and back and has had to be so strong for so long. I really liked that line.
CLARKE SITTING ON BELLAMY’S BED IN HIS TENT. Man, I would LOVE to see how that scene went askskqisks
Also, Clarke comforting my poor baby just like old times ... *sigh*
Although I have some reservations with the dialogue in this scene, I do appreciate the sentiment. Despite everything that has happened, Bellamy and Clarke still have such an understanding of each other. They forgive so easily - it’s practically second nature at this point. While I hated how Jason Rothenberg-y Bellamy sounded when he called Clarke a “mama bear” it IS nice that he is acknowledging the role that Madi plays in Clarke’s life. I feel like he finally is starting to understand just how crucial she is to Clarke, and recognizing that he felt the same way about Octavia. It gives them something new to connect over. Also, I’ll never turn down Bellarke being soft with each other.
Plus, have you ever seen a softer smile than Clarke Griffin’s? Cause oh boy am I not over that. She looks so fucking bashful when she looks up at Bellamy I can’t deal gotDAMN
“The worms were already loaded in the rover, so. What was Cooper doing there?” Marie’s delivery in this episode was SO good. God, she’s so creepy and she’s Killing It.
“Careful, big brother, or I’ll think you helped her and we’d have enough prisoners to settle this in the ring.” LISTEN. I WANTED THE EVERLARK AU SO FREAKING BAD CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT NEW MEANING THE WORD “TOGETHER” WOULD HAVE HOLY SHIT
But also, Bellamy’s desperate looks/protests were A Lot in this scene. He really can’t fathom losing Clarke again. His and Clarke’s tragic looks towards each other just really fucking hurt - they’ve been here before. And last time, they didn’t see each other for six years. 
“Keep Madi safe. Promise me.” “I promise.”
GOD. CLARKE LITERALLY JUST GAVE HIM FUCKING CUSTODY OF HER CHILD UMMMMM HOW ONE DOES FUNCTION??? She trusts him so much i’mma cry. Also, his called out promise. He sounds so wrecked, but he needs her to know that he will keep Madi safe, needs her to have that comfort, just in case he never sees her again. Don’t Touch Me.
“Did he hurt you?” Protective!Zeke is always a plus but I’d be lying if I said that this scene didn’t immediately remind me of Bellamy asking Clarke the same damn question in 1x10. God, these unintentional Blarke parallels are really coming for my life huh
“Have you ever loved someone so much that no matter what they do to you, or themselves, you take it?” “Mom or dad?” “Mom. Drank herself to death.” I loved that Raven has finally found someone she can open up to. Feels Good, feels Organic. But also this scene came for my LIFE it was so angsty and so good. Raven breaking down absolutely ENDED me (and Zeke comforting her ... someone call 911). I really loved how they made the parallel between Raven’s mom and Abby - it just made the previous scene all the more devastating. So often it feels like the writers on this show forget about these characters backstory and I’m so happy to get these little callbacks every once in awhile.
“The answer is yes.” The fact that Raven and Zeke have this new unexpected thing to relate about is A Lot. I felt this scene deep in my bones. 
Plot twist: Abby dies because she is eaten by Vincent, and her withdrawal symptoms are just a red herring to keep us on our feet. ;)
“So much for The 100.” Hello, favourite line of this episode. Y’all have no idea (NO IDEA) how much it means to me to hear a reference to the heart of this show again, especially from Bellamy. He hasn’t forgotten, but it appears that Miller has. Wow. I felt that one.
“I can’t let you kill Clarke, O.” NO YOU CANNOT
“Here we go again. Pleading for the life of a traitor ... who you love.” DO I NEED TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THIS LINE HONESTLY Y’ALL ALREADY KNOW WHY IT ENDED ME
I totally overlooked this the first time I watched it but I love how Bellamy tells Octavia that HE made a deal with Diyoza. Clarke has already been sentenced to death and still, he’s protecting her. He won’t let Clarke get hurt for the deal she made - instead, he takes the blame. I just love him a lot fam.
Bob and Marie’s acting in that final scene was SO FREAKING GOOD. Both of them killed it. It was so devastating. 
“My sister, my responsibility.” While I was predicting before that this line would happen if Bellamy had to kill Octavia, the fact that it came back in the same context (with Bellamy having to protect others from Octavia, rather than the other way around) was so perfect. I love when writers take old lines and give them new meanings and that’s exactly what they did with Bellamy’s old mantra. It was so powerful.
That was a wild ride.
Hope you enjoyed reading my take on 5x08 and my favourite parts! Looking forward to the next episode in a few days. See ya then! 
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bonjourtoaya · 6 years
Hundred Days Husband Ep. 14 Comments
[Naver] ‘Hundred Days Husband’ Doh Kyungsoo ♥ Nam Jihyun, Reunion That Leads To Kiss. The Reveal of Han Sohee’s Secret
source : naver 1
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1. [+2440,  -10] So this is why the adults are telling me to write a diary.
   > [+136,  -1] That’s a really nice one ㅋ
   > [+91,     0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
   > [+11,     0] This one makes me LOL-ing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+1041,  -25] My all time favorite drama! Doh Kyungsoo’s acting towards the end was daebak ㅠㅠ Is next week the last episodes for real? I can’t let this drama go.
3. [+687,  -10] Next week will be the last episodes~ I hope it’s a happy ending for sure
4. [+596,  -6] Today was also daebak. The ending was goosebump-inducing. Doh Kyungsoo’s electrifying acting.
5. [+524,  -13] I’m also enjoying the chemistry between the Crown Prince and Jung Jeyoon, and today the passionate kiss that Hongshim and Wondeuk shared was so heart racing!
6. [+253,  -3] No, but, today just before the kissing scene (in which he wore the traditional hat), Doh Kyungsoo’s face is a bit too much to me... I wasn’t a fan of his, but now I think I’m becoming one, and actually I’m still not able to escape the shock over his beauty in that moment yet. I don’t even know what I’m talking about right now, but seriously it’s as if his face is a blessing from God, and it’s the first time I’ve ever felt this way to a celebrity. Ah, it’s just. Hundred Days Husband is the best.
7. [+200,  -1] Am I the only one who’s uncomfortable that the drama’s gonna end next week?
8. [+198,  0] Can’t believe it’s already the 14th episode ㅠㅠ today’s dialogue was truly beautifully composed... “I have loved the 20 years old you whom I couldn’t meet. And I will still love you, up to your countless day,” the way he said it, Crown Prince ㅠㅠㅠ
9. [+187,  0] What’s with that Doh Kyungsoo kid? Is he an acting genius? To think that this is his first time doing sageuk, I truly can’t believe it.
10. [+175,  -1] “I have loved the 20 years old you whom I couldn’t meet,” he did this dialogue, and I’m not kidding. Hearing this, I thought I was upside down from a heart attack.
11. [+106,  -1] Right now, he becomes a person who’s looking creepily at the Queen. Yesterday, he was that guy who called “Yi Seo-ya.” with such deer-like eyes. It’s amazing how he’s showing such a big acting spectrum in one work.
12. [+101,  -1] Doh Kyungsoo is really doing a lead role’s work ㄷㄷ I get startled everytime I see him, cause he’s so handsome...ㄷㄷ
13. [+91,  -2] Honestly, Doh Kyungsoo’s acting is too good.
14. [+89,  0] Look at the dialogue that God Noh Ji-sul wrote ㅠㅠ I want to keep seeing Nam Jihyun and Doh Kyungsoo on the TV, but who is this who selflessly decide to cut it in only 16 episodes.. Let’s create the “Half a Century My Prince” as the follow up. [Lmao]
15. [+79,  -2] It’s the first time in my life that I watch a drama with such a solid story and awesome plot development.. The scene shown in the teaser, was only the scene from the 1st episode ;; It’s so unbelievably goosebump-inducing.. So, this is only the beginning. Everything else was a reminiscence of the past.
- etc
[Naver] ‘Hundred Days My Prince’ Doh Kyungsoo and Nam Jihyun’s Kiss ♥ “I will love you, up to your countless day”
source : naver 2
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1. [+693,  -5] Wondeuki’s passionate kiss ❤ That was really nice. “I will love you, up to your countless days,” this is the unforgettable highlight ^^
  > [+19,  0] To think that next week will be the last episodes... no, it can’t be... Don’t let this drama end ㅜㅠ
2. [+647,  -14] As an actor, Doh Kyungsoo’s vocalization, pronunciation, gaze, emotional expression, are all seriously so good. It’s to the point that the fact of him being originally an idol never crossed my mind!
   > [+36,  0] He’s like an actor by nature, that left me surprised. This makes me wanna follow his filmography.
   > [+34,  0] I originally knew him as an actor, it was only few days ago I found out that he’s an EXO member.
   > [+11,  0] Me too.
3. [+213,  -6] Truly so heart-fluttering.
4. [+93,  -1] I really love the look in Lee Yul and Yi Seo’s eyes, seriously... if this drama ends, how do I continue my live without it.
5. [+71,  -3] In his past life, Doh Kyungsoo must’ve been a Crown Prince for sure. Otherwise, how was he able to portray such role so naturally.
6. [+61,  -1] I really like Doh Kyungsoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠ His small posture never once come into my sight. His acting, his face, his voice. There’s no need to feel inferior to tall person (when you have this).
7. [+47,  -1] Please create the season two of this drama!ㅠ Of course, for Mon - Tue schedule again..ㅠ I can’t let it go, after being trapped by the gaze of Crown Prince’s eyes.ㅠ
8. [+44,  -1] Started stanning Doh Kyungsoo, and that got me busy watching EXO’s video as well. Why it has to be now. You, appearing in front of me ㅜㅜ
9. [+36,  0] Today’s episode is also great. It’s too bad that the drama will end next week, but I hope it’s going to be a happy ending.
10. [+31,  0] Yesterday, he was holding tears from falling down, with his eyes glazy like a deer’s. Today, he was looking at the Queen with such a creepy smile. His acting spectrum is the best.
- etc
[Naver] “Hundred Days Husband” Doh Kyungsoo Got His Memory Back... The Disclosure of Han Sohee’s Secret
source: naver 3
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1. [+506,  -6] Aaah, can’t believe next week this drama is going to end! It’s sickening me. I’m uncomfortable! My “Monday Blues” that’s already been healed by this drama will act up again! Eventhough I’m hoping for the next Monday to come soon, but I can’t see Doh Kyungsoo further more. Thinking about this drama that’s going to an end, and there won’t be new episode afterwards ..ㅠ ㅜ two episodes is too short for Prince Yool to take his revenge.. I wanna see  it longer ㅠ ㅠ
2. [+204,  -1] Today, as well, the Crown Prince with his heart-fluttering gaze~~ to think that next week will be the last ㅠㅠ Please, surely.. Make it a happy ending~~
3. [+134,  -4] Your highness, even with just doing the smirk in the last scene, you look so cool.
4. [+111,  -2] The large picture of the Crown Prince.. Seriously, along with that impassive expression, his charm was blowing up.
5. [+68,  -3] It was so fun ~♡♡♡
- etc
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thelionshoarde · 7 years
untitled; obiyuki fic
for obiyukimadness, accidental soulbond
if i don’t stop now i won’t ever stop and i have work to do today, so here, have a couple of scenes from a fic that i may never finish and which, if i do finish, will probably either be scrapped or changed beyond recognition, since the rest of what i’ve written more recently for this stupid thing is pretty different already
what you need to know: harry potter au, seventh year, obi super-sneaky cast a spell to bind zen and shirayuki together without their consent and, wonder of wonders, fucked it up, so now he and shirayuki are all tangled together and shirayuki NEEDS TO STUDY FOR N.E.W.T.S, OKAY?? also there are elements of non-con throughout because of obi’s stupid, stupid choices. (o shit yeah also: i gave ‘em last names)
A clap of thunder woke her from a dead, dreary sleep, and Shirayuki -- without opening her eyes and with a groan of instinctual dismay, heart hammering and wide-awake with a sickening lurch -- slapped her palm desperately at her headboard and her wand in its bolted holster above her pillows.
Merlin, but she wished there was a gentler way to wake herself up.
The silencing charm on her bed curtains, at least, ensured that none of her year mates would strangle her in her sleep. And Prickle was the type of kneazle who could sleep through the entire castle falling down around their ears, so the heavy, warm weight stayed content across Shirayuki’s ankles, attempting to lure her back to slumber with indecent amounts of purring.
Shirayuki, alone, suffered the horrendous alarm spell.
A shift of agitation -- muzzy and sleep-addled, like the buzz of distant wasps -- looped about her sternum, tugging.
“Well,” she told Prickle, rubbing at her eyes and shifting up onto her elbows. “If he didn’t want to be a morning person he should have thought for a moment and realized that casting a highly illegal, highly temperamental soulbond spell on two students who had not given their consent would backfire on him in epic proportions. He can deal.”
After all, the whole thing was his stupid fault.
The agitation mounted, tugging more firmly, and Shirayuki scowled beneath her palm. A headache throbbed at her temples, and she felt sick, shaky, weak. Not dissimilar to how she often felt woken so suddenly, on little sleep, still exhausted and worn from the mountainous work assigned her, but much, much worse and with a significantly more frustrating cause.
Reaching unsteadily for her wand, she forced her wrist to move into a smooth clockwise circle, and then cast, “Tempus,” on the sudden uptick. A clock face wavered into perfect existence atop her wand point, hour hand at four, minute hand at ten.
Nearly ten hours since she had last seen him, and considering the distance -- Hufflepuff Basement versus Ravenclaw Tower, could this possibly have been a worse combination -- between them, it --
Was getting worse.
Last week hadn’t been nearly so bad. But each day the spell pulled on them tighter and tight, cinching them inward, pushing them hard until they were plummeting deeper inside each other, until struggling out, away, apart, became an excruciating exercise.
How bad, she wondered, would this have to get before they fixed it? How many hours would they have before the side effects became unbearable? Exactly how close would they need to be, for how long?
Ugh, it was too early to dwell on it.
A wave of her wand dismissed the spell into a dissipating, pearlescent fog, and she gripped the length of applewood in her fist as though for comfort, rubbing at her chest where she could feel him curled tightly in annoyance, woken by her own slap-dash heartbeat and sudden startlement.
Probably, she should say sorry; should go back to sleep and head into the Great Hall at a later hour, let the ache and nausea and exhaustion abate with his presence; should, no doubt, not have skipped out on performing the second-half of the ritual to end this on the last new moon.
But she wouldn’t, because N.E.W.T.s waited for no witch, and it was all his own fault.
So instead Shirayuki was going to get up, escape from the comforting weight of Prickle, and the soft glide of her warm duvet, and she was going to get dressed, and make certain that her robes were not on inside-out this time, and then Shirayuki was going to get some studying done, and to hell with Obi Karasu and this stupid, stupid soulbond.
If the agitation prickling along the barrier of her ribs eased, soothed, turned rueful and fond in response to whatever involuntary feelings of apology and guilt Shirayuki may or may not have felt at waking him up at 4:50 in the morning, then she just sniffed, annoyed, and ignored it, because she wasn’t going to say she was sorry, and if he knew that she was then that was cheating and did not count.
“This sucks,” Shirayuki told Prickle, who opened one glittering green eye and yawned, teeth gleaming, plumed tail twitching, and entirely without sympathy.
Stupid, stupid quidditch.
Slumped in an armchair in the library hours later, Shirayuki glared blearily at the quill clenched between her fingers. The ink on the nib had long since dried, and Yuzuri, at this point, had both elbows on the table, chin cradled between her palms, watching her with interest.
“You know...”
“I do, actually, know a lot of things,” Shirayuki interrupted desperately. “What I do not know is how I’m going to get any work done if he insists on flying about every morning.”
Yuzuri snorted. “It is quidditch season, you know. And he is their best player.”
“He’s just a beater,” Shirayuki complained, glum. “Maybe if he was a chaser then I’d understand. Or seeker, even! But he just -- hits things --”
“Mm, yes,” Yuzuri grinned. “And he does it very well.”
Groaning, Shirayuki finally released her quill and allowed herself to slump forward onto the parchment that was meant to be twenty-three inches of Potions essay, and was, instead, mostly just staggered blotches and emptiness. Merlin, but her head ached. There wasn’t much, she thought, that she wouldn’t do for the kind of migraine that could be cured by just going to the infirmary.
But no. It could only be cured in one way.
And just -- what the hell was wrong with him?
Didn’t he know how stupid it was to be on a team during Seventh Year? He should have been focusing only on N.E.W.T.s, he should have been studying, not hundreds and hundreds of feet up in the air, dizzying heights, far above her and out of reach, their bond pulling and tugging, straining worse than it did with the entire distance of the castle between them.
What an idiot.
“I think I hate him,” she wailed, voice muffled by the crook of her elbow as she buried her face in her arms. “I am so tired.”
Yuzuri patted her head gently, hesitated, and then plucked at Shirayuki’s hair. “You should really put this up in a ponytail,” she tutted. “You’ve got a bad case of bed head, Shirayuki. I meant to tell you. You can’t go see him looking like this.”
“I think I’m going to be sick,” Shirayuki whimpered.
“Then do so elsewhere, please. I’ll watch your stuff, so just go. You know it won’t get any better until you do.”
Unfortunately, that was true. Because of the stupid bond Shirayuki had to give up valuable studying time to hunt down Karasu by the Hufflepuff dorms so she could snag him after quidditich practice. When he was all sweaty, and flushed, and encased in leather padding, and...
Ugh. This was the worst.
“Well, now you just look down-right flustered,” Yuzuri commented when Shirayuki finally leveraged herself back upright, waving her wand at Shirayuki pointedly. “You look like you could use --”
“A hug,” Shirayuki said, voice flat, and refusing to acknowledge the flush that wanted to burn her cheeks.
“Sure,” Yuzuri winked. “If you wanna call it that.”
Ten minutes later Shirayuki was stumbling past the portrait that led to the kitchens towards the cluster of barrels that disguised the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. She was practically one with the wall by the time she got there, and let herself slump into a defeated lump on the floor to wait.
“I want a nap,” she told the empty corridor sadly.
It was all well and good that Yuzuri could joke about Shirayuki getting some, but the truth of the matter was that the side effects of that stupid spell Obi had performed were awful. The migraine was a pulsing agony, her vision slick and blurred, white lights and nausea to the point of vomiting. If she could have convinced her sluggish body to go any faster she would have, but she couldn’t.
The real kicker, though, was how sluggish her brain felt. Mental exhaustion was the worst of the side effects in Shirayuki’s opinion. She had N.E.W.T.s to conquer. A mental hiatus for any length of time was too long.
Despite the truly impressive amount of work she’d gotten done last new moon, Shirayuki did, indeed, deeply regret not finishing the ritual needed to break the soulbond spell. She just hadn’t realized how pervasive this spell would become. How incredibly, absolutely consuming, and impossible to ignore.
Next time, she promised. Next time I will not forget!
But in the meantime, she supposed it wasn’t such a bad thing if she just closed her eyes. Just for a moment. Karasu wasn’t going to show up any sooner just because she kept her eyes open, after all, so there was no point in bothering. She’d just...rest. A little.
And if she fell asleep listening to the fast-paced beat of another heart echoing inside her chest, well, no one had to know.
Shirayuki woke up when another body slumped down to the floor beside hers, almost close enough to touch.
“Mornin’,” Obi grinned, looking weary. There were bruises beneath his eyes, and his skin looked pale, soured. Even his eyes were glassy, too-yellow when usually they were a bewildering blend of darkened topaz and rich honey and pale gold. A bead of sweat lingered on his brow. “You look like shit, Akagi.”
“Touch me,” she said.
“Holy -- shhh, jesus fuck, Akagi!” Nervous, Obi darted his gaze around the hallway, but he must have waited to wake her until the rest of his teammates had gone inside, and there was no one in the hallway to have heard.
Honestly, Shirayuki wasn’t certain she would have cared if there had been.
“Touch me,” she ordered, voice slurred with sleep and pain, and lifted up her arm to offer her hand. It trembled, slightly.
Grumbling, Obi pulled off his quidditch glove and, after only a small hesitation, laid his palm against hers. Instantly, relief swelled through Shirayuki. It doubled as she caught the ricochet from Obi, the two of them overlapping, mingling, pressing into each other too intimately. “Ohhh,” Obi groaned,  leaning the back of his head against the stone wall and rocking it there, eyes closed, an expression of agonized bliss on his face.
Shirayuki bit her lip, trying not to think of Yuzuri’s suggestion. Trying not to think about anything other than how much she needed to get back to the library as soon as touching Obi stopped being as necessary as breathing.
“It’s like a fucking drug,” Obi complained. “Complete with body-wrecking withdrawals. I almost fell off my broom today, Akagi.”
Shirayuki frowned.
“Don’t,” Obi said, scrunching up his nose and refusing to open his eyes to look at her. “Ugh, I can feel your worry, all right, and your disdain for our practice sessions, stop it, that’s enough. What do you have against quidditch, anyway?”
“Nothing. It’s just -- distracting.”
Distracting, like the low-burn of arousal she felt from Obi every time the pain went away, a knee-jerk reaction. Like the horniness he carried with him every day, all the time, because he was seventeen and hungry and it was ruining Shirayuki’s life, because before this she had had control of her hormones, she had been better than this, damn it.
“You are so weird, Akagi, I don’t even know where to start." Obi sighed, lashes fluttering as he forced his eyes to open and remain so. “C’mon, we gotta go before any one comes by and sees us. Do you -- No, wait. I’m starving, actually. Have you eaten?”
Shirayuki admitted, “No. I didn’t want to loose it when the side effects set in. And I need coffee. Lots of coffee.”
Laughing, Obi went to his feet. Their fingers were linked, locked, never letting go. Shirayuki was tugged up with him, helpless to do anything but follow him down the sort distance to the entrance to the kitchens, basking in the way their momentary contentedness layered, sweet and soft.
No stranger to the kitchens -- late night study sessions in Ravenclaw common room necessitated copious amounts of snack food, after all, and Shirayuki had done her due diligence in retrieving it at three in the morning -- Shirayuki tickled the appropriate pear, grasped the resulting door knob giggling against her palm, and led them inside.
“Oh! Obi Karasu, sir! You has come again!”
Shirayuki’s forward march to a cleared space at one of the long, rough hewn tables bisecting the massive, high-ceiling room was brought to an abrupt halt. For a moment, Shirayuki thought about twisting her hand out of Obi’s grip. Most of the side effects of the spell had eased, though relief still shivered beneath her skin at the prolonged contact. But it was enough to get by; she could have easily escaped.
Sighing, she turned toward the house-elf quivering before them, and summoned up a smile, made all the more easier for the throb of fond affection Obi felt, suffusing her with an indulgence she might otherwise not have found without coffee.
“Now, Bonky,” Obi started, voice warm and curled through with amusement, “You know I couldn’t possibly stay away from you. How’s it been going?”
“Oh, Master Obi! We is just fine, just fine!” The house-elf, knee-high, with large, gleaming eyes and a neat, pale-yellow shawl wrapped about his little body, grinned fit to split his face. “Master Obi is too kind to ask after such as us, sir.”
“Is that so?” Obi asked, sounding convincingly surprised; but Shirayuki felt the frission of helplessness and frustration course through him, there then gone, and turned to look at him. Obi glanced back, eyes all honey-glaze and secrets. He looked back at the house-elf, but Shirayuki lost the thread of the conversation, thinking: he always did have a lot to say about house-elf rights in History, didn’t he?
Shuffling closer, Shirayuki took a deep breath in, let it out, and leaned against Obi’s side, arm to arm. He shifted beneath her weight, and she felt the sharp, bright note of his surprise before Bonky pulled him back into conversation.
Eventually, Bonky released them to be fed.
A veritable army of house-elves saw the two of them seated at a table near the massive fire, and a small spread of the breakfast mirrored above in the Great Hall had been set out for them. The crush of sound was almost comforting. The clang of copper pots and the thwock of knives, ladles ringing, dishes being washed eased the heightened, too-aware silence between them as they muddled through the indignity of eating one handed.
Shirayuki thought about being embarrassed. Thought about being horrified that handsome, clever, popular Obi Karasu was watching her get cream on her cheeks and nose, golden flaky bits of pastry all over her robes and sweater. Thought Yuzuri, at least, would be mortified at the way she shoved food into her mouth, heedless, reckless, without grace or poise or manners.
She had seen him far worse, after all, and that when they had been little more than acquaintances; when he had been Zen’s friend, an irritation on her peripheral that was too loud, too bright, too boisterous, glittering gold and shifting shadow, secret darkness too deep and treacherous to ever risk the venture.
And then Obi had wrenched that choice away.
So she stuffed herself full, uncaring, her fingers shifting, sliding, catching against his, their knuckles grazing the rough wood of the bench, pulling and tugging and readjusting, and never, ever letting each other slip.
Obi Karasu could deal with her, all of her, every single improper part of her.
He had no one but himself to blame, after all.
Later, after they’d each eaten their fill, Shirayuki said, voice low: “They’re quite fond of you.”
“The house-elves,” Shirayuki clarified with a faint smile, watching him steadily.
Obi grimaced, free hand cupped around a chilled goblet of pumpkin juice while he straddled the wide bench, his thighs -- still strapped into all-too-enticing, corrugated leather protective gear -- flexing as he shifted forward. Shirayuki sipped from her own hefty mug of sweetened coffee in a helpless bid to moisten her suddenly dry mouth.
Quidditch uniforms were the worst.
“House-elves have always been pretty fond of Hufflepuffs,” Obi dismissed. “And I mean. I’m not a part of S.P.E.W. or anything, which I think they appreciate. It’s not like I do anything in particular, I’m just, you know, naturally charming and awesome.”
“You treat them with respect,” said Shirayuki, and she opened her mouth to say more -- that he treated them better than most humans, like sentient beings deserving of affection and equality, like friends, and that it was all the more important for being a conscious choice -- but she felt the twist of his agitation and discomfort sharp in her gut, and let it go.
“I’ve never been to the Hufflepuff common room.”
“The Basement?” Obi asked, surprised. “No? Huh, that’s right. You Ravenclaws don’t really party much.” He grinned, a bright gleam of white teeth against dark skin. “Pity, we’ve got some good party favors. I would totally get you high, Akagi, you’d love it.”
If Shirayuki was very, very lucky, Obi took the hot, vibrant burst of arousal in her gut at his stupid, perfect grin as anger. She muttered into her coffee, “That is a waste of valuable studying time. Really, Obi, we’re in our Seventh Year.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Obi said, rolling his eyes. Between them, their clasped hands shifted, awkward, uncertain. “Anyway, wanna come with? I can show you.”
“I should really get back to the library.”
“Oh, my god,” Obi groaned, tipping his head back. Shirayuki stared at his throat, frustrated. In her chest her heart beat fast, hard, and she saw the moment it echoed in Obi’s because he started, chin coming back down with his brows raised up in question.
He decided, “Yeah, no, you need a break, Akagi. If you spend any more time in that library you’re going to actually become a fixture there, permanently, and then you won’t ever get to do anything with all that knowledge you’re hoarding.”
“No,” she said, and watched the way Karasu moved beneath the surge of her emotion, the roiling morass of half-thought, visceral reaction; the sting of irritation, the hot buzz of anger, the helpless drip of desire and how much Shirayuki hated feeling that way.
“I need,” she tried, again, swallowing hard, “to go back and study. Yuzuri is waiting for me. But --”
Obi wasn’t looking at her. He was looking down at their joined hands, and she could see the shift of his jaw as he clenched his teeth, the furrow between his brows; could feel him in her veins, a black tide -- regret, shame, acceptance -- that threatened to drown before pulling back.
“We do need to talk about this,” Shirayuki admitted. With a sigh, she slipped her hand free from his. “We -- the new moon isn’t for another two weeks, and we can’t go on like this, right? Pretending like nothing is happening and then almost -- almost falling off of brooms, really. So we... We’re going to set up a plan, a -- a schedule, or something. So I’ll see you later, Karasu.”
“Yeah, sure,” he said, slipping from the bench and standing, stretching, as if he hadn’t a single care, as if this was nothing at all. When Obi’s voice got sharp and flat, like a smooth sheet of tin, Shirayuki could hear the emotion strike off it like raindrops on a roof. He thought he was subtle. He was not subtle.
Honestly, it was endearing and stupid. He was endearing and stupid.
Shirayuki didn’t fight the surge of affection that got stuck in her throat, and huffed a sigh at the way his eyebrow twitched, feeling it. “You’re a menace,” she complained. “And I need to study. Don’t you need to study?”
“Eh,” said Obi, rocking back on his heels. He was waffling, now, confused by the swift change of her emotion, of the back-and-forth. She was exhausted, confused, furious.
None of this was fair. She hadn’t asked for this. For Obi in his stupid, sexy quidditch uniform, stretched lean and long and rippling before her, still sweat-damp and beautiful, and --
Eventually, Shirayuki realized she was staring because Obi was staring back, jaw dropped a little with surprise.
It was the surprise, really, that jerked Shirayuki away from her hormones. Irritation welled up in her, warring with the need to lick the sweat off Obi’s collar bones and neck until he was shaking beneath her, gasping, and --
A blush suffused his skin, his eyes wide with disbelief.
Did he have to look so surprised that she found him attractive? Really? What was she, a rock?
“You need to leave,” Shirayuki huffed, shoving at her fringe. “I mean it. I don’t have time for --” she waved her hand at him, fluttering it in the air in disgust, “-- this.”
His heart flipped in her chest -- lub-da-lub -- and --
“Right,” Obi babbled, edging toward the door out of the kitchen, sounding wildly confused by what he was reading off of Shirayuki’s emotions. “I’m gonna -- study, too, I guess, if just so you’ll stop nagging me? And shower. Cause I must stink. Rank, right? I left practice as soon as we hit ground to find you and so -- I, uh, sweat. Stink. Shower!”
“Go,” Shirayuki managed, before her stupid sex drive could quite finish latching onto Obi showering.
this thing wants to be some weird mash-up of angst and comedy or some weird shit and also apparently i really want to spend too much time talking about how badly shirayuki hates her father because i really think teenage shirayuki in an environment like this would not be quite so cool with daddy being awol, and there is just, a lot of things that are cropping up that i’m tripping along behind too slowly to keep up with, so yeah, we’ll see if anything else ever comes of this, HOPE YOU HAD SOME FUN THOUGH, i figured the least i could do was save the silly pervy-esque bit for you guys /thumbs up??
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The Long Night / S8E3
Ok took a bit but here it comes… kinda clinical recap as it is a fight recap mostly…
The dead has arrived and our forces are standing at the ready
In Comes Mellisandre not the most popular gal but she lights all the Dothraki swords on fire before they charge into battle… the fire did not seem to help them but when it went out we knew they all died
Death Toll: All Dothraki
Kinda expected that no matter how good they are they rode into a no-win situation.
Now it is the undead armies turn they swarm over the Unsullied. All forces join in and it is a massacre when they realize they are losing they retreat to the keep and the unsullied stand and fight. At this point Jon and Dani join the battle and burn as much as they can. Until a sudden snow/cloud forms blinding them from everything including each other ..few mid-air collisions. The dragons were to light the pit but well blind as I said after some futile efforts Melisandre is brought out by Greyworm and company to light the pits. Greyworm also drops the bridge keeping the undead on the other side and trapping many unsullied. Once lit we retreat to the keep.
**undead do not care about dying so make a great body bridge don’t ya think?**
Death Toll: Most of the unsullied Ed Many wildlings Many Northmen I’d say Wights but they just get back up
The battle proceeds in the castle attacks on the walls and the door. Sansa is sent to the crypts with a dragon glass dagger and Arya joins the fight.
Soon a Giant breaks in and is fighting the Mormont clan at the door. ..
Arya gets swarmed and flees Lyanna Mormont gets her body crushed in the hand of a giant the **sound was sickening** but not before she kills him with a stab to the eye
Beric and The Hound Pursue
Death Toll: Lyanna Mormont House Mormont More Northmen and Unsullied More wildlings
OK thus far this is really not going well… moving on
Arya, stealthy girl she is, flows around avoiding all undead and slips out a door only to be attacked and trapped. In comes Beric and the Hound to save the day, they pull her away and the Hound leads her out while Beric tries to buy them time. They finally make it to a room with Melisandre. Beric dies…. He has fulfilled his mission for the Lord of Light Arya has more eyes to close … specifically Blue ones.
What do we say to the God of Death? Not Today.. unless you are Beric in which today might suffice..
Death toll: Beric
We then find Jon on a Dragon battling the Night King who falls from his Dragon Jon crashes to the ground and Dani flies in to burn the Night King.. who does not burn. Would have been good to know that upfront. He tries to attack Dani and misses. The Night King raises all dead.. god damn we were almost there. Dani swoops in and cooks the undead attacking Jon who then chases the Night King… Dani makes her mistake she is on a dragon she should be in the air instead she sits on a battlefield, the dragon gets attacked and flies to try to shake the undead off.. in the process he shakes off Dani. Jorah comes out to protect her and acting as her shield dies for her.
**special note here**8 anybody else notice when the dead were raised all had blue eyes except Delores Ed who’s eyes were white?
So we find Theon and the Iron born in battle in the godswood protecting Bran all Iron Born die except Theon..
Back to Jon running through Winterfell in pursuit of the Night King to end this fighting his way through ignoring friends who may or may not need help. Heading to protect Bran and kill the King.
Meanwhile down in the crypts… uhhm who exactly thought putting people who can’t fight in a crypt while fighting a guy who can raise dead needs their head examined… anyway must have been fun for Sansa being attacked by long gone relatives.. so battle ensues in there and it appears like Tyrion and Sansa either made a suicide patch or just a ok lets go run out and die brave pact so off they go. Anyone else think they will re-marry?
Where the hell is Arya??? Oh NM we’ll come back to her…
Back to Jon still making his way but runs into Vyserion ok man vs undead dragon.. not an easy fight I think Jon will be a bit late… hopefully Theon can hold out..
Back to the Godswood the Night King and his entourage has arrived but Theon is a good man… so instead of running as is his usual tactic he fights and dies immediately and the Night King heads slowly to Bran guess he wanted to Savor this moment..
Suddenly Here’s Arya diving down on him out of nowhere which is a great tactic for no one he catches her and in an extreme badass Arya move our favorite assassin appears to drop her knife but only to swap hands and stabs him in the chest with Valyrian steel… all undead cease to be including Vyserion.. the north survived… somewhat..
Special note the knife that started this all ended it
Mad props to Arya my favorite little Assassin.. shame though she could not score a face from the Night King
Upon the morning Melisandre walks out to the battlefield to die.
Death ToLL confirmed: Beric Ed Dothraki – all 10,000 Unsullied – most 8,000 Wildlings most All house Mormont Many Northmen Lyanna Mormont Jorah Mormont Theon The Iron Born Night King All White Walkers All Wights Vyserion
Pre answers to questions
Yes Jon is Aegon Targyrian 6th of his name blah blah and has had his staredowns with the Night King. But every time they faced off the Night King ended up on top and Jon ended up making it out alive. Why think it would be different. Plus every standoff the Night King just raises an army and shows Jon he can never win. As much as people feel Jon should be the one..
What was all Arya’s training for? Just so she can slit Little Finger’s throat? Nah she had a purpose and as Mel pointed out her own prophesy and she was the one the Night King would not see coming. So her purpose in all this has been realized there is no real shocker here. I was pleased not disappointed.
All the Wights and White Walkers died because he controlled them all so once he died they died simple.
Whereabouts of Gendry and Sam So last we saw Gendry was on the wall and then not again. Somebody was pulled over the wall to their death I rewatched and the person’s hair was too bushy to be Gendry so his whereabouts are unknown but all things I check on the internet has him among the Living. Last we saw Sam he was on the ground fighting and looking to be losing when Jon ran by. We do not know the outcome and when all survivors were seen after the dead were gone he was nowhere to be seen. Still no confirmation of death so likely still alive. Neither were shown in the preview for next week either… in all fairness we never actually saw ghost dead but he never returned either I have less hope for him Direwolves do not live long in the Stark family.
I myself am wondering about next week.. from what I saw Cercei is now mobilizing, and while Dani seemed loaded with confidence they lost almost all their armies so… does not look good unless dani just takes the armies out with the dragons but lets face it who will respect her as queen if she does..damn it I keep forgetting I don’t think there are any families left north or South.
And now my watch has ended
A note on Arya killing the Night King
For starters way back in Season 1 Arya was taught the only god is death and what do we say to Death? Not today
Melisandre saw her and told her she had darkness in her and she sees eyes looking back at her, brown eyes, green eyes and BLUE eyes and they would meet again
Bran who sees all past present and future gave the Valyrian steel dagger to Arya for a reason.
Arya displayed her slight of hand Knife moves sparring with Brienne
And remember the ones who need protecting are the ones who get in her way..
Then something I noted on re-watch
The Hound hiding Beric trying to get him to help the Hound this is death you can not fight death. Beric: tell her that and looks to Arya. Beric had been brought back by the Lord of Light for one reason – Arya. He might have known both his and her future
The Dagger Arya used was pictured in a book in the Citadel which would indicate it is a legendary weapon 
All Northmen who did not back Jon that also were not between Winterfell and the wall would join them after that battle.
***Follow up questions and Steve’s answer in italics***
1. When that undead first busted through the wall into the crypt, was that someone who had been buried in there, or was it a wight who found a way in? Can the Night King only raise those who have been killed by him/his kind?
It is corpses from the crypt if it is dead he could raise it
2. I saw Gilly get attacked in the crypt, did she make it? My original thinking was no, she didn't. 
I dont think it was Gilly a lot of people were in there, however I saw Gilly in the crypt after the battle was over.
3. I know you want Tyrion to kill Cercei, but the prophecy of green eyes...does that mean Arya will kill Cercei? Maybe wearing Jamie's face, or do we thinking Jamie lives? 
Actually have been telling Susan it will be Arya wearing Jamie face. Tyrion is the most popular theory though. Jamie is still alive and redeemed himself a bit doubt she will kill him for his face.
4. Any theories about where Dani/Jon are going to find an army to fight Cercei? Maybe some Dornish people who hate the Lannisters? 
Nick and I were discussing this last night. If both Sam and Gendry lived...Gendry can be legitimized making him lord of Storms End giving him the ability to summon the bannerman and the Baratheon Army. Also Storms End is a great place for them to relocate to for the war. The outer walls are 40 feet thick facing Kings Road and the sides facing water are 80 feet thick and face Aptly named Ship Breakers Bay. So protection from sea and land attack and close to Kings Landing. Sam is now Head of the Tarly family so can summon the remaining armies and banners. With Cercei's prisoner Dorne would also join. And fleets from Iron Island.  Let's also not rule out Howland Reed and the Crannogmen
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madpicks · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.madpicks.com/sports-picks/coronapicks-questions-23/
CoronaPicks - Questions 2&3
Hi everyone.  I received a great question about a month ago over DM and rather than spend time responding to just one person I decided to post the Q+A for everyone.  The response was great and I happened to get 2 more great questions (from 2 different twitter cappers).   As always my answers are just my opinion.  I could be way wrong and leading you down the wrong path in a major way so as always do your own research until you are comfortable with the avenue you choose.  As far as the cappers who sent me the question. Know I am not writing back to you specifically (how I answer) but rather twitter cappers in general.
  QUESTION 1 – Hey Corona (thanks for sharing that write-up on BR management / level betting, 1-unit, etc). I have a couple of related questions: Assuming a 100-unit bankroll, what is the maximum number of units one should subject their bankroll to risk exposure at any given time? What I am trying to figure out is my personal threshold while taking into account my risk appetite & tolerance levels. I want to know if I should stick with my 5% (regardless of number of bets) or do you think I should up it to 10% so this way it gives me the flexibility to add more plays. Thanks bro.
  QUESTION 2 -Whats up brother before anything i want to thank you for sharing your wisdom with us on twitter love the info you share with us and the help you provide for us new to sports wagering.  Just wanted to ask any thoughts you might have for a guy like myself.  A rookie to sports wagering how can one start to learn how to cap games? Any guidance on where one would start or what to look for as far as stats or info? What would you consider the easiest sport to learn how to cap?
  Two great questions.  I am going to start with the first one.
Remember back about 10-15 years ago (for anyone over the age of 30) when the Poker scene was really taking off?  That’s when everyone, their dog, and their dog’s most recent shit felt they were the next Jackie Chan….ya now it’s jogging your memory right?
About 15 years ago I met up with a friend of a friend who happened to be deep into the poker scene and I developed a man crush on him almost immediately.  I loved poker (all forms) and having a seasoned vet showing me all the ropes was ideal.  There was one trip to the casino which really stood out (and I can remember it with amazing clarity to this day).  There was a player there and he just couldn’t win anything.  If he flopped kings there would no doubt be someone who called with an Ace and then hit on the flop.  After a few hours of this and many hands lost he went all in only to be called instantly.  This pour guy flopped a full house and got called by a guy with trips only to catch his 4 of a kind on the river.  This guy just could not win.
When this guy got up to hit the cashier for a 4th time my buddy actually said (in a private(ish) way so the whole table couldn’t hear) “Hey bro, today just isn’t your day, maybe you should look at calling it a night”.
This fucker lost his cool.  Started saying shit like “you think I can’t afford to buy in again, etc.”  My buddy said “Bro, all I am saying is you simply can’t win today and we have all been there.  Why not wait until a day when you’re running better”.
At the time I didn’t realize the significance of that conversation. After many years playing poker and many more betting on sports I now realize we have days, weeks, even months where we simply have ice in our veins (we can’t win).  You can talk to me about probability and statistics all you want and I don’t fucking care.  What we deal with as sports bettors defies all that shit.  There are times when if you bet both sides of a game it would still find a way to fuck you in the ass.  You all know what I’m talking about.
I’ve had times where it took me 2 months of painstaking day in and day out grinding to show a 20u profit.  Then in 2 fucking days of ice in my veins I lost it all and then some.  That feeling is sickening and it makes you want to throw your hands up and quit.  As a sports bettor our main focus always has to be protecting ourselves from those shitty (ice in your vein) runs.  Like a rival gang in prison you better know their coming, so have a plan!
2 things you need to do:
1 – You absolutely need a defined risk limit. This is an amount you are willing to have in play at any given time.  If you think of your BR as 100u I would say 10 is the stone cold fucking MAX!!  5-7 would probably be my advice.  I watch these guys lay out 3-4 units a day and then all of a sudden post 10u worth of plays.  The problem doesn’t come from them losing the 10u (or close too).  It comes from what’s about to happen the next day.   If the ice god has set up shop in their veins (which she probably has) that bettor’s going to chase that losing day all the way to $0.00 you mark my fucking words.
A lot of people would look at this question as just “How much should I allow myself to (potentially) loose in any given day.  Negative.  You need to also take into account the domino effect of that loss.  That’s the real killer here.  How much can you lose in one day which will have ZERO effect on your next day’s bets?  That’s your answer on how much you should put into play each day.  Now when I say zero effect I mean in a chase kind of way.  Lowering your bets should always been an option after a big losing day.
2- Know how to recognize it. How you’re running at any given time is very important.  “How you’re running” simply refers to how are your bets lining up?  Are they coming in easy, are you getting the breaks, are you seeing things clearly or the inverse to these.  Knowing how your “running” this week/month is huge.  How much you bet and how many plays you make should be largely influenced by this.  I’m not saying you should ever go above that 5-7 unit mark but how your running might influence how many bets you place and how close you get to that limit.
I generally will only bet NBA for one unit plays if I have 3 or less plays.  Usually If I jump up to 5 plays (or certainly above) I will roll back to half unit plays.  If the ice queen strikes on that day I really don’t feel comfortable losing $500+.  This is where I should say “But you have to do what’s comfortable for you” but that’s not really true.  If you want to win money at this you need to treat it like a business.  Feelings and what’s “comfortable” to you shouldn’t really come into play (that much).  Your goal is to make sound business decisions and often those can be defined.  The smart and proven play here is don’t risk too much at any one time & know exactly what your plan is when you feel ice in your veins.
Here’s something you never see.  A tout saying “You know what guys, I’m cold as fucking ice right now, I’m taking a week off or I might just have one play a day until this passes”.  We’ve all heard of the “going tout” curse.  This refers to the idea that when a successful free capper goes tout they struggle.  I believe this is a direct result of what I am talking about.  A tout has to keep the train moving ice in their veins or not and that would kill anyone.  I don’t care if you’re the best capper in the world when the ice queen comes knocking your only option is run full damage control until she leaves.  That’s it guys.  I have done this too many years and watched too many cappers who thought they could out persist the ice queen…..and no fucker ever did.  Use the time she’s hold up to learn new ideas, strategies, etc. but know there’s nothing you can do to help her leave.  She will leave when she’s good and ready.   Limit your bets during this time and wait until your running well again to raise them.
“The best defense is a great fucking defense”
On to question 2
The best way to start capping sports is to pick something that interests you (and makes sense to you) about a sport.  For example where I started was NHL (many years ago) and I would chart the probability of a team losing after so many losses/wins.  So if the Flames lost 2 games in a row they were 64% to win the next game.  Add this to the probability of the team they were facing and over time you could find “favorable” situations.  The trick is to not make it too complicated when you start.  Pick one or two trends/stats and follow them for a season placing your bets on largely just that information.  Over time you will naturally branch out into other stats and trends (idea’s) as you move forward.  It’s like anything, you have to learn to walk before you can run.
A very popular one is if an MLB team loses the first 2 games of a 3 game home series it’s a smart play to bet them the 3rd game.  I’m not saying do this blind but look at those situations and see which ones make sense to you.  It won’t take long before more and more ideas start coming into your field of view.  The trick is to take it slow and have a plan.  The old saying, if you try to chase 2 rabbits you will lose them both holds exactly true here.  There might come a day when you can chase (and catch) both but not when you’re starting out.  Pick one rabbit and you will know when it’s time to start looking in the other’s direction.
There is one key piece of advice I will give you.  You have to do it every day!! Not most days or when the mood strikes you.  Sports betting is like a dance, there’s a flow to it and once you get out of rhythm (take a week or so off) you will be out of sync.  Not to say you have to bet every day (see question 1) but you do have to follow it every day and simulate bet.  Even days when I only bet one play because I feel like I’m running cold, I still record what my full card would have been.
You also have to debrief at the end of every day.  This doesn’t have to take long but you should dedicate 5-10 minutes to go over your bets.  Why did they win, why did they lose, did you miss something, etc.  The amount you will advance your betting knowledge during a 10 minute debrief each night/early morning in immeasurable.
As for what sport is easiest this could be argued for hours but in my opinion MLB is the easiest to start out in.  Because teams play almost every day there is a rhythm you will start to feel.  My advice is take the top 30 starters in the league and throw out (don’t bet) any game they are playing in.  Betting those games takes a lot more experience but the rest are fairly equal (even if they seem like they’re not) so have fun.  Jump in the dance of MLB and see how you do.  What you learn in one year of everyday MLB betting (and daily debriefs) will give you a great base for betting other sports.
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks again for the questions
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