#I am unstoppable. omnipotent. I am excruciatingly familiar with triangle strategy's storyline and will be haunted by it until my dying day
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All the chapter scripts for Triangle Strategy are now up on the wiki! The scripts should contain essentially all of the text from the game, with the exception of some UI and other not-dialogue things.
Long-winded list + rambling about what I still need to clean up under the cut:
I haven't touched the mid-battle dialogue yet for the most part. It's all pasted in every chapter, but I've pretty much just slapped a "This dialogue is triggered if [condition unknown]" label on all of the lines and called it a day.
The dialogue for each side story is only included in the data once, so if one side story is included in multiple different route paths, there's a decent chance I missed that. Once I get the basic script down, I'll go back and take a closer look to make sure I have the side stories duplicated where they need to be.
There are also a few scenes that were in the script and that I can remember playing through, but they didn't seem to actually be in the chapter the datamining said they would be in, so I need to track down where they actually go.
Event descriptions are mostly all there, but there were a few places I need to go back and check.
There are a lot of little general things I might have missed (things like conditionals that didn't show up in the ids I was looking at, so they flew under my radar).
Question-answer associations are likely mixed up in a lot of places. I touched on it in a previous post, but this is due to the fact that when Serenoa is answering a question, there's no real id that's used to indicate what dialogue follows a specific answer. So I've mostly just gone off of what sounds right for the time being. But if you're dying for a not-tldr explanation (and of course you're dying for a not-tldr explanation!!!!):
The way I've been "datamining" a lot of this isn't actually datamining so much as it is sort of......... making educated guesses based on the developer's variable naming system. Like for example, a specific piece of dialogue might be named:
And what I did was sort of reverse-figure-out what those ids indicated. I figured out that MS stands for "Main Story," 01 is the chapter number, X indicates that it's part 2 (if there ARE two parts, otherwise it's just the whole chapter), A1 is a reference to the location (Wolffort Demense), 0010 I think is technically some sort of scene id, but I haven't been able to crack what exactly the value indicates. "F" is the gender, "FRE" indicates that Frederica is the speaker, and "0070" is some other numbers that I did actually figure out what they meant but it's not relevant to datamining (it's a counter for how many times a specific character has spoken in a scene, which was probably useful for making sure each dialogue line got a unique id but it's not super useful in any other sense). (Also my little brother was actually the one to figure that out for me so shout out to him!!!)
There are variants on this with other information included, such as:
Which is a line of Erador's dialogue with roughly this interpretation:
MS: Main Story
02: Chapter 2
X: Main Chapter Content
RESEARCH: Comes from Exploration phase
01: Version 1
DRAMA: This happens during the exploration phase (as opposed to before or after it)
M: Male
ELA: Erador is the speaker
S01: Scenario ID 1 (usually means this is the dialogue that displays the first time you speak to him, vs. any time afterward)
0020: speaker count again
With questions specifically (like Benedict asking, "What do you think the purpose of the tourney is, my lord?"), those lines of dialogue usually get the label S03. That "S03" label is applied to all parts of the question-related conversation, including: the question itself (e.g. "What do you think the purpose of the tourney is, my lord?"), Serenoa's answers ("I think it's to show off our military might", "I think it's to make friends," etc.), and any NPC response that follows (e.g. Benedict saying, "Not quite, my lord. You see, it's actually..."). As far as I can tell, there's no way to tell what answer goes with what NPC response. It would PROBABLY be in the code somewhere, but while variable names are really easy to see, the actual code is a lot harder to break into and would require likely learning a new coding language and other stuff I simply don't feel like doing.
So thus I'm just guessing a lot of times. For a fair amount of it, it's pretty easy to tell what response goes with what question, but whenever it's ambiguous, it's entirely possible I mixed up the placement of a few lines here and there.
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