#I am: ready to be attacked oh gof
writhingcreature · 3 years
Are you still doing the character ask thing? If you are- Jason Blossom?
I am ALWAYS doing this, no joke. I've been having so much fun please feel free to send in asks about any of the characters of any of the shows you see on my dash. (based on this post)
1. Favorite thing about them
Okay so here's the thing we don't see a lot of Jason, and what we do see isn't super flattering I'm gonna be real honest. I will say, wherever he started and whatever mistakes he made, the willingness he had to not only protect the love and relationship he had but the willingness this seventeen year old boy had to leave his entire family to be a good dad is genuinely so heart warming. Like you know what, not my favorite character by a mile but this boy chose his new family over his old shitty one and on a lot of levels he absolutely deserved the life he would have had if his shitty dad hadn't gotten involved. I bet it would have been happy.
2. Least favorite thing about them
God I will never forgive him for leaving Cheryl behind. He was valid for leaving! In fact, the narrative I've always gotten from Jason was thus: he was a douche, and then he met Polly and she made him a lot better but he was still very easily pushed around and so he decided the best way to find happiness was to get away. I have no problem with any of this. Only one bump in the road actually: why didn't he take Cheryl with him? Like... he was aware of all the shit their family was facing and all the really really bad things that were about to slam them in the face and he was just going to pass it all onto Cheryl who's even worse off than he was? Like. What the fuck Jason
3. Favorite line
HE DOESN'T HAVE A SINGLE LINE IN THE ENTIRE SERIES PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG. Never says a single fucking thing. Not even one time. It makes me crack up every time I think about it
4. BrOTP
Again we have. So very little context for literally anything this boy has ever done, but I always hc'd that he'd have a really good relationship with Reggie. I think they were like best friends actually and that Reggie and Cheryl bonded over losing someone they both cared very much about. No I don't anyone named Canon sorry you have the wrong number
5. nOTP
Literally any pairings that have him with anyone other than Polly? I hate it. I loved the sort of story we get between them so much and no matter what happened with Polly's storyline after Jason's death I really loved the painfully little amount we get about their relationship. They were each other's freedom and GOD it makes my heart ache. Like they really were both trapped in so much trauma and bullshit and honest to god abuse on both sides and they found something good and it was so good they were willing to leave everything else behind? Amazing! Fantastic! I'm here for it
6. OTP
I have said enough about Jason and Polly at this point. It has a lot of negative connotations in the show as a ship but I think when they were together it was very good.
7. Random headcanon
Jason learned classic "woman work" while Polly and he were planning on running away. He promised her he was going to take care of her and he was going to hold up that promise. They talked about baby names while he learned to sew and cook and clean and Polly learned how to knit and she'd make sweaters and he would sew the buttons on you cannot convince me it was any other way.
8. Unpopular opinion
I am genuinely terrified of posting this because I already know people are going to come for me - "But Cameron they're related!!!" Okay listen here. First of all, they're like cousins five times removed or some shit and at that point it's just too far of a relation to matter. Not as far as I'd like, but like. It was like Betty's dad great grandfather wasn't it? I don't know, but my weird take is that it's a big enough gap. They never hit me as incest, the show was just trying to be really fucking dramatic. (Please don't lynch me oh my god.)
9. Song I associate them with
"Better Man" by 5 Seconds of Summer
10. Favorite picture of them
Tumblr media
This is literally the only good image I could find if him so here ya go folks
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authormitchel-blog · 6 years
GOF: Part 15
Millicent had something on her mind. They were in the library, reading anything that could possibly help them with the last task. Hermione and Ron had a copy of Tournament Tricks: The Ultimate Cheaters Guide to the Triwizard Tournament open in front of them seeing if they could decipher any news about the grand and final task.
           But Millicent was pacing.
“Anything particular on your mind, there Millicent?” asked Blaise, who was pretending to do his Herbology assignment.
           “Of course not,” Millicent said, shaking her head in a rather irritated fashion.
“Hmm,” said Blaise. “It almost looks as if you’re looking for someone.”
           Millicent stopped then.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Zabini, I was merely warming up. It’s blasted cold in this castle.”
           Blaise chuckled under his breath, something that sounded a lot like, “Sure” before Millicent sat beside him, brushing him harshly with her shoulder.
           “Ouch, Bulstrode, no need to attack me. I was merely attempting to calm you as you seem to be concerned about something.”
           Clearly Blaise knew something that Harry didn’t. But as the dark skinned boy didn’t seem to be letting up, Millicent sighed only for Dobby to pop into existence right beside Blaise.
           “Mr. Zabini,” said Dobby then spotting Harry. “Oh, Harry Potter, sir, hello.”
“Hey, Dobby, how are you?”
           “Good, sir, very good sir, just come to thank Mr. Zabini for his gift again sir.”
“Gift?” Harry asked, eyeing the brightly colored blue sweater Dobby was sporting along with the gift that Harry had given Dobby for Christmas.
           Blaise blushed, something Harry had never seen the handsome boy do.
“Don’t mention it, Dobby, it was merely a present for the work you do for the school,” Blaise added, sounding a bit rehearsed.
           “Okay then, sir, but Winky is wanting me to tell Mr. Zabini that she is still loyal to the Crouch’s sir, but that she will gladly wash Mr. Zabini’s new robes in the periwinkle soap as that is his new signature scent. She doesn’t cry nearly as much as when she washes Mr. Zabini’s robes special.”
           “What?” Hermione shouted, breaking the cardinal rule of the place she loved most in the world.
           “Oh no, mate,” said Ron, as Millicent laughed devilishly beside a now white faced Blaise.            
           “Thank you, Dobby,” said Hermione. “Please do tell Winky that she has no obligation to wash Blaise’s robes separate from the others.”
           Dobby looked confused between Hermione and her righteous anger and Blaise and his rather impressive impression of a kicked puppy.
           “I better be getting back to the kitchens. Good day, Harry Potter,” then he blinked out of the library.
           Hermione wasted no time.
“I can’t believe you.”
           “What?” Blaise said, straightening in his seat. “I was merely trying to give her a present. It’s not my fault she couldn’t be swayed alone by Honeyduke’s finest.”
           “Yeah, Hermione,” said Harry. “I don’t get it.” “Oh, I do,” replied Millicent, seemingly ready to pay Blaise back for whatever the two had been on about before. “He’s trying to win your little elf’s loyalty, Potter.”
           “Oh no,” said Blaise. “Dobby is too far gone. He doesn’t want to be house elf anymore, but Winky’s just lost her family, I’m merely looking out for her best interests. And my mother is extraordinarily kind to loyal house elves like Winky.”
           “Her best interests?” said Hermione, voice still a little too loud for the library. “You mean trying to get her to come and work for you and your mother for free instead of staying at Hogwarts?”
           Harry looked confused. He was clearly missing something.
Hermione took pity on him.
           “On the rare, and I mean, very rare occasion that a house elves family is dismantled or the last living relative dies, or a house gets abandoned then that elf is essentially a free agent, and can be won to a new house with favors.”
           “Gifts,” Harry supplied.
“Yes,” said Millicent. “But it’s different for house elves especially for one who is just newly separated from her family. A wrecked house elf will want to feel useful which is why Blaise is…            “having her wash his robes. Do you even like Periwinkle?”
Blaise nodded sheepishly.
           “I was just trying to help her. Winky is clearly lost without Crouch, and my mother happens to always be in need of a new elf.”
           “How many does she need?” asked Millicent. “She already has enough to furnish my family’s mansion and hers.”
           “Yes,” said Ron, “but it’s like a status symbol isn’t it among purebloods?”
Blaise and Hermione nodded.
           “A sick tradition,” Hermione said. “And one that you are unlikely to win. If even one of Mr. Crouch’s relatives are alive, Winky will more than likely feel that she owes her loyalty to them.”
           “Aw,” said Blaise. “But I can be quite convincing, Granger.”
“As long as you stay away from Dobby. He’s free and I want him to stay that way,” said Harry.
           Blaise nodded.
“Of course.”
           “Then why did you get him that sweater?”
Blaise shrugged.
           “Everyone looks good in blue, Potter. Besides, I wanted to prove I was a better knitter than Granger over here.”
           Hermione’s eyes went wide, choking on what she was going to say next.
           The Quidditch field was no longer smooth and flat. It looked as though somebody had been growing long walls all over it that twisted and criss-crossed in every direction. Harry heard footsteps behind him. He stood and looked.
           “It’s a maze,” said Krum, looking out over the hedges. Harry saw it too then.
“Vill you walk with me?” Krum asked Harry. Harry nodded. Krum let them to a quiet stretch of ground a short way from the Beauxbaton’s horses’ paddock.
           “I vont to know,” Krum said. “Is there anything going on between you and Milly-cent?”
“Are you interested in Millicent then?”
           Krum looked around as if he was concerned they were being listened too.
“I am merely concerned that you do not hurt her. She is an incredible person and rumors are that you are also with this Hermy-own-ninny Gr….”
           “No,” said Harry. “I’m not, nor have I or will I ever date either Hermione or Millicent. We’re just friends.”
           “You haff never…you haff not…”
“No,” said Harry very firmly and Krum seemed to visually lighten.
           “Besides,” said Harry. “I think they’re both a little too good for me on just about every level.”
           As they started to walk back Harry noticed the scarf wrapped around Krum’s neck. “That’s funny, my friend Blaise has one just like that.”
           “It is hiz. Not entirely varm, but Blaise says its in the fashion. He says I lack in that area. No pizazz, vhatever that means. It is just that people where I’m from do not concern themselves with such things. But school vont last forever and I vill soon be gone.”
           Krum looked out over what was the pitch.
“You fly very well. I vas watching at the first task. Perhaps you vill be the one to beat me.”
           “Thanks, but I doubt the second part,” said Harry, grinning broadly. “I saw you at the Quidditch World Cup. The Wronski Feint you reall….”
           Something moved behind Krum in the trees.
“Vho is it?”
           Harry was reaching for his wand when suddenly a man staggered out from behind a tall oak tree. Harry almost didn’t recognize the man then he realized it was Mr. Crouch.
           He looked as though he had been traveling for days. His robes were ripped and bloody. His face was scratched. He was unshaven and grey with exhaustion.
           He was muttering and gesticulating like he was talking to someone only he could see.
“Vosn’t he a judge?” said Krum, staring at odd Mr. Crouch. “Isn’t he vith your Ministry?”
           Harry nodded.
“Mr. Crouch?” Harry said loudly. “Are you all right?”
           Crouch didn’t or couldn’t’ answer. His eyes were rolling in his head, unable to focus.
“Vot is wrong with him?” Harry shook his head. “Listen, you’d better go and get someone…”
           “Dumbledore!” gasped Mr. Crouch. He reached out and seized a handful of Harry’s robes, dragging him closer though his eyes were staring over Harry’s head.
           “I need….see…Dumbledore…I’ve done….stupid..thing….Must tell….D….” Crouch muttered something about “escaped……must warn…..my fault….Bertha…dead…Dumbledore…Harr Potter….the Dark Lord…stronger…Harr…”        
           “Keep him here,” said Harr, pulling himself free of Mr. Crouch.
“I’ll be back with Dumbledore.”
           “Hurry, von’t you?” Krum called after him as Harry sprinted toward the castle. Halfway to the castle, Harry stopped. Of course, he’ll just send his patronus.
           After conjuring his stag and sending it off with a message, Snape and Dumbledore were there and together they quickly walked back to the woods.
           “They were here,” Harry said to Dumbledore as they looked out over the now empty area.
           “Lumos,” Dumbledore said, lighting his wand, sweeping it until its beams fell on a pair of feet. Krum was sprawled on the forest floor, stunned. There was no sign of Mr. Crouch at all. Dumbledore pointed his wand at Krum and uttered, “Rennervate.”
           Krum opened his eyes, he looked dazed.
“He attacked me!” Krum muttered. “The old crazy man attacked me.”
           “Lie still for a moment,” Dumbledore said. Harry looked to the hill behind them where Karkaroff was running toward them with alarming speed, clearly having been summoned by Dumbledore.
           “Oh, Viktor,” Karkaroff said, ushering Krum back toward the castle.
Harry was released after they were all safely back indoors.
           Stronger. Bertha Jorkins. Warn. Escape.
It was clear who Crouch had been talking about.
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Thoughts/Background on Sorcerer’s Stone
Just Some Thoughts on movie one. Please, let me know your thoughts. Suggestions on how better to spend my time will also be appreciated....lol 
Ready. Here we go. 
Pivet Drive. Do you think that owl there was sent by Dumbledore to tell Professor McGonagall that he was on his way? Or is it just an ordinary, non-magical owl? Do they have owls in England? Is that a stupid question?
Another owl? And the singular street lamp a la Narnia.
Dumbledore looks so unnatural here. They are literally in what is one of the most ordinary places detailed in the books, and we know the importance of dressing for Muggles, but he doesn’t here. Maybe because this is the eve of Halloween? They just know that they will get away with wearing whatever here. Or are they disillusioned somehow?
Cookie cutter house. Cookie cutter lawn. Cookie cutter cars.
The deluminator makes it first appearance in the series. We won’t see it again until book seven. Rowling truly is a genius at this.
One light is left on behind Dumbledore’s head. So, the deluminator in the seventh book obviously leads Ron back to Harry and Hermione. Maybe the deluminator does more than take and give back light. Maybe the deluminator truly does act as a light guiding it’s owner to the place where it most needs to go. Ron really needed to get back to his friends, and that night, Dumbledore needed to be directed to where Harry, in canon, would be the safest. And with the blood wards, that was with Petunia at number 4.
It seems like Professor McGonagall is a bit of a gossip here. I bet she gives all the lowdown on everything to Sprout, Flitwick, and Poppy.
Sirius’ bike!!!! That is a sick bike!
Hagrid is the only person among the three who look appropriately soft here regarding Harry.
Harry is in a blanket that looks hand woven. Who do we think did that?
Just right on the doorstep? Not even a basket? Dang!
Okay, so the same handwriting that is on the envelope laid on Harry is the same script that is used for the Hogwarts letters. So, we can theorize that the headmaster addresses all the envelopes. So then, Dumbledore really did know about Harry’s treatment and where he slept each night?
Petunia here unlatches a latch on Harry’s cupboard door.
It looks like there are several cans of paint beside Harry here. It’s cramped. At least he has a blanket and pillow. He has a light which is good, and that looks like a glass of water behind him.
Dudley is such a little fucker. That carpeting is also soooo nineties.
He calls him cousin here which I can’t decide if that is him being patronizing, you know, with the subsequent pushing and shoving. Or if Dudley really is just too young to truly realize how Harry is being treated here. He knows that it is fun and funny to mess with Harry, but does he truly realize the scope of his actions? We do see some redemption in seven though which does show some redemption.
I also love the headcanon that Dudley eventually had a witch for a daughter.
I wonder how many breakfasts young Harry has burned either accidentally or because Vernon was running late for work and he wanted to spite him. Though young Harry admittedly doesn’t seem to be evil, I bet he could have a naughty streak.
Look at all those huge, gaudy wrapped presents. Still, Dudley in front of a literal collage and shrine to Dudley has a bitch fit.
Harry is over this shit.
Why is Vernon threatening Harry here? What all has Harry done to this point to all of them that he is being threatened like this? I remember the bits of accidental magic mentioned in the book, but this seems a little extreme to me. I need a fanfiction where Harry knew about magic all along, and just insisted on messing with the Dursleys the whole time. Grey!Harry would be acceptable. Dark!Harry preferred.
I saw on Buzzfeed I think, that someone pointed out that the school group leaving the Reptile part of the zoo are wearing all green. Green like Slytherins who are leaving the reptile house when their house is literally represented by a snake. Nice tidbit, if that was intentional.
“Make it move!” is a good line here. Dudley trying to force a creature to go against its nature when they are trying to get Harry to turn against his own nature.
Petunia like nicks Dudley on the chin here, like, “Oh, my darling baby.”
Harry’s monologue here about lying there day after day while people press their faces in on you echoes his life in the cupboard, and that really infuriates me in a way that watching and hearing this the first time didn’t.
Harry is so polite, and since the Dursley’s don’t speak to him, and probably don’t stress the the differences between reality and fiction, that Harry is like legit okay with a snake just randomly seeming to understand him. When kids are young they have trouble with differentiating fact and fiction especially when it comes to things on tv and in media. We know that Harry had a hard knock life, but in that cupboard all he had was his imagination to really entertain himself. I think that imagination is what allowed him to be so okay with finding out about magic the way that he did.
That is a big flipping snake.
Petunia is freaked out. Vernon is automatically suspicious. I’m telling you Harry has pulled some stuff back in the day.
This scene of Petunia ushering a almost cataonic Dudley into the hosue echoes the one in the fifth film when she is ushering him out after the dementor attack.
Petunia is cooking here.
They have got that wicker furniture in the back yard. Like every other house in the nineties.
Three birds. Three letters.
Harry has toys that are knights. Which later in the film they play chess where Ron makes the big move on a knight.
The rest of the family always looks so pristine and put together while Harry is wearing the same clothes that they went to the zoo in.
The anguish here on the Dursley’s faces is just insane to me.
Dark and stormy island near a dark and stormy island???
Hagrid literally wasn’t going to wait a minute longer to get to Harry. He literally got to him when the clock turned 12:00 on the date of his birth. Someone had to have been watching Harry because why else would Hagrid have been there right on the dot?
And Hagrid is super angry here with the Dursleys. Maybe he tried to watch the family weeks prior to this, but then noticed that something wasn’t quite right. They, at Hogwarts, must have known that Harry wasn’t being treated right, and that the Dursley’s were reluctant to let him go. That’s why Hagrid was able to track him down, and take him right away.
Hagrid knows what’s up. I’m telling you.
They have got to have reports of accidental magic as well, right? I need details on this Rowling, details.
He’s had his name down since he was born? Because of the prophecy? What if Harry had been a squib? Fanfiction writers, I will also be needing this story. Harry is still the chosen one, but is a squib.
In the sixth movie, Harry mentions that he never side along apparated before. How did Hagrid get him off the island? A boat? It couldn’t have been a portkey with Harry’s complete confusion when dealing with one in GOF. Was it the motorcycle again? Or a broom? Maybe Harry got an advanced flying lesson? Or advanced experience with riding on a broom? That would make the flying lesson and his ease with a broom make more sense. Am I reading too much into this? Yes, yes I am.
The cauldron on the sign becomes clear as they get closer. I never noticed that before.
Everyone in this movie looks like they are from the eighteenth century.
Quirrel won’t touch Harry because of the blood protection from Lily.
The literal entrance to Diagon Alley is tapping around clearly missing bricks in a circle? Can we not have more intensive security measures installed please.
We see Madam Malkins, and the emporium.
That witch in the background of the broom shop is stylin’.
For a building as secure as Gringotts, that construction is wonky.
Are goblins considered beasts or beings? I know that one classififed being refused status, but I can’t remember if it was the goblins or not, not wanting to be recognized by the Ministry.
These vaults are sick looking. They are underground, completely secure. You have to ride a track to get to them. The vaults are secured with a key, but that seems to be the least measure of security.
Stalagmites are hanging from the ceiling. I suppose that it is meant to look ancient and earthy.
Diagon Alley does really look cramped in close together.
Ollivanders looks very tidy. I bet Ollivander rides that ladder around all day.
I wonder at Ollivander’s cataloguing system. He seems to be one of those people who live in a mess, but who know where everything is in said mess.
Why is it so dark in the Leaky? Get some lights, Tom.
Hagrid can literally take him all the way to King’s Cross, but can’t take the practically Muggle born to the actual barrier?
Then Hagrid vanishes? It’s a wonder Harry doesn’t think that he is having a mental breakdown right now.
This director really must love red headed actors. The mother and the baby, and then the Weasley’s right after.
I always thought that a magical train would look a little more magical on the inside, but those views are pretty spectacular.
They have literally bought like fifty bucks of candy. I wonder how overpriced that trolley candy really is???
Ron, can’t you be happy for your friend. So, at any point in time your collection of cards can just be empty places where wizards are supposed to be because they are just wandering around from card to card? Seems like a rip off, give me the candy any day and be done with it.
Holy Cricket!!!! Lol I love Hermione. She’s such a nerd.
Ron has yellow and red gummys sticking out of his mouth. Gryffindor all the way.
The people holding the doors must be prefects.
The arriving by boat is so iconic. The first view of the castle is beautiful. Rowling was a classics major right? In Greek mythology, you take a ride with the ferryman to get to the underworld. This feels so reminiscent of this because really, they are sacrificing one life for another.
Y’all see that one kid jumping up the stairs? Who is that? Seamus?
How on Earth did Trevor get there? I mean, for real? Be glad McGonagall didn’t squish you.
Look at that maliciousness in Tom Felton’s baby eyes.
I love Mrs. Norris.
Watch what you say Ronald.
I wonder if the sorting hat feels pressure to place kids where they need to go? It had to have some sort of consciousness right? Does it keep Dumbledore up at night thinking, man I really should have put that Susan Bones in Ravenclaw, but she did seem to be more comfortable with the puffs, and I think she is getting on. Or that Lebold boy might not be getting teased as much as if I put him in Gryffindor. It’s all my fault.
What are the animals that are holding up the fire along the wall? Phoenixes? Does that change with the headmaster as well? Does all of Hogwarts get a redo when they change headmasters? Like they change the currency in England with the new monarch? Though, maybe they aren’t phoenixes. They kind of look like winged werewolves or something like that.
Wasn’t the bloody baron all morose and depressed? Not a laughing pirate?
Hogwarts looks absolutely bloody giant? Like if you aren’t in shape after a few weeks you just aren’t going to class plain and simple. That explains all that extravagant food.
The Gryffindor common room seems huge sometimes, and in others it seems quite small, but it is stunning, and I want to go there so badly.
All of the boys here have their clothes laid out for the following day. Who did that? The house elves? I like to think that maybe Dean or Harry started it, and the rest of the boys took notice, and was like yeah, that might be a good idea….lol
Do you all see Radcliffe’s feet here? They are huge. He’s supposed to be eleven?!
McGonagall ain’t taking no shit.
Snape is one of those teachers who are a total hard ass in class because they think that works best for classroom management, and he definitely, wrongly, makes an example out of someone immediately to let the other kids know that he will not be taken for fool.
I like the potions room in the later movies. This one is really light, and airy, but I like the dark, sort of cluttered room in the later films.
There is a cauldron heating in the back of the room.
At least, they are eating healthy at the Gryffindor table. Look at that fruit.
I love that all the kids are so used to this. But you are telling me that there isn’t at least one Muggleborn huddling in fear as things are legitimately falling from the sky? Unrealistic.
Madam Hooch is hot. Look at those eyes.
I love the castle that they used for this. I’ve heard that they filmed on location at a real castle in Britian.
Neville looks so nervous. It is a testament to how Augusta sort of sheltered him in the books that he didn’t get the obvious training in all things magical that Draco and some others had even though he, too, is a pureblood.
Okay, so, not once did Hooch think to cast a spell on Neville to keep him from falling to his death. I mean, what the fuck? Poor Neville.
Draco “knew” that Harry probably wouldn’t be able to challenge him at that height. That’s why he does it.
McGonagall’s office looks very delicate for such a badass.
Harry is amazed at his own talent.
McGonagall is debating seriously about whether she is impressed or infuriated. She makes her mind up quickly though, you can see it in her eyes.
McGonagall walks like an Aries. Like she’s got some place to be right then.
Why is he holding a lizard and talking about vampires? Is there a connection that I have missed here?
Hermione is trying hard to get in on this study group. She sits on the outskirts of the group though, and the others don’t acknowledge her leaving. Hmmm…..
It always sounds like she says, “You will make a fool of yourself.” Like dang, Hermione, that’s cold.
James Potter was a chaser not a seeker. That is my headcanon. Details are important people.
I wonder where all of the portraits in Hogwarts came from. It couldn’t have merely been old Headmaster’s. Are they all sentient? Were they all based off of real people or are some of them creations from someone’s consciousness? And who paints these amazing portraits anyway? And who charms them?
I know that the third floor corridor or whatever is forbidden this year, but that is far more dust and webbing then could have accumulated in a year. Unless, all of those spiders in Chamber of Secrets decided to camp out in this one section for maximum creep.
Mrs. Norris has powers. Fight me.
So the flames here are motion activated? And yet, no one can spell them to tell a professor or someone if someone has been where they aren’t supposed to be?
And that door was protected by alohomora? Wards, anyone? No. Okay.
And three eleven year old children fought back a giant three headed dog?
And on that note, it took them encountering a troll together not just the three headed dog for these three to become friends?
Wood is Hogwart’s Hottie every year. I think this is a universally acknowledged fact.
You are a keeper, Wood. Damn straight.
Love Wood. Can I just rewrite that over and over again until this scene is over.
Of course not, because the snitch is hidden in a little Hogwart’s emblazoned secret cubbie.
I’m so glad that Flitwick decided to change up that hair. He had a glow up for sure in the next few films.
Behind Ron and Hermione, Dean looks about ready to give up. “I knew this was all fake.” He looks DONE!
Poor Seamus.
Flitwick intentionally leaves Seamus’ face because Seamus set approximately three more fires that class, and he was frankly, to busy trying to clear the smoke out of the room.
I love that Neville is a little gossip in this movie. Ronald told me to tell you that……
No one is looking at Quirrel with any level of seriousness here.
Tom Felton’s scared face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See, this scene would have played out quite differently had they not been Gryffindor’s. Gryffindor’s run head first into trouble all the time. Would a Hufflepuff had shoved their wand up a troll’s nose? A Ravenclaw? No.
They have skylights in the bathroom. Hogwart’s bathrooms are more finely decorated than my house.
Snape barely deems Harry with a look.
Quirrel is bipolar.
Snape is so weird. That was less sneering and more mortifying.
Look at those Seeker refluxes.
Harry says he never gets mail. Make me sob, why don’t you.
Wood is in love.
Lovely reminiscing here about blacking out and coma. No one gives pep talks like Oliver Wood.
I love the colors of the pitch. I love that they are protected from the wind or sun from above.
Hooch’s referee robes are white and black striped. I never noticed that before.
Why is Filch in the middle of the Gryffindors? Is he supervising them? Is that the house that he thought he would go into is he had gotten his letter? We never really learned a lot about Filch’s history, but I think it would really be interesting to learn about him. Filch was just seen with the Gryffindors and then he was seen again with the Slytherins. Editing mistake.
Hermione, also, shows her Gryffindor here by immediately lighting her problem on fire.
Snape is missing from this shot. They got their equilibrium back quickly, like random fires just erupt at the teacher’s booth all the time during Quidditch.
Hermione is like, “Did I do it or not?”
Draco is demoralized.
Snape is back in scene.
Whatever Hermione says, Hagrid. She speaks for us now.
Hermione is heartbroken that she cannot fulfil her new role.
Beautiful shot of Hagrid in the snow. I love that Hogwart’s goes all out for Christmas.
Does those pieces just reassemble when they get put back in the box? Do they get a recuperation period?
Hermione is a shit starter.
Harry doesn’t have that kid thing where they are up at like four a.m. on Christmas because he is so used to not getting anything.
The incredulity in Harry’s voice when he says, “I’ve got presents?” kills me.
Behind Harry as he tries the cloak on for the first time is a stag on the tapestry.
When exactly is one able to enter the restricted section? Fourth year or above? What are the rules?
That book scared me. A man in a book, prepping for introduction to movie two? Maybe
When does Filch sleep? Why is he on guard?
So, if Snape doesn’t know exactly who Quirrell is then he knows that something is fishy about him. Does he think that he is trying to hurt Harry or does he think that he is after the stone for malignant reasons?
Again, what is with the security in this school?
Harry’s heart is so pure.
Harry, in the mirror, is smiling when real Harry isn’t. I’ve never noticed that, and that would be one thing that Harry would desire. He would want to not only be with his mum and dad, but he would want to believe that he would be happy with them.
“Most desperate desires of our hearts.”
Dumbledore really had to hide that thing because he probably really wanted to hide it from himself. Maybe he saw himself in Harry.
The guy at the table with the crew is not having a good day.
Ron is like, “Stop shaming me, woman. I’m more of a physical being.”
Hagrid was cooking or preparing for a dragon’s birth, hence the apron.
Hermione is dwarfed by that chair.
McGonagall was just grading papers, taking some tea, and bam! She has to deal with trouble makers.
Draco is like, “That did not work out like I thought it was going to.”
My headcanon is that Filch loves to wind the newbies up. It is probably the only line of defense that he has against those magical pricks. Like, a nefarious Santa Claus.
I love the idea of Hagrid just telling everyone that he misses Norbert even Filch. When one person leaves the Staff Room, Hagrid launches onto someone else. Poor Flitwick has it the worse. Filch is a surprisingly good listener because he could imagine what it would be like if someone took Mrs. Norris away. But enough is enough me.
The upper Slytherin years take pleasure in telling the firsties all sorts of tales about what is in the forest.
What is adult supervision in this world?
This looks like the same clearing that is used in the seventh movie when Harry walks to his death.
Quirrell picks the day outfits, Voldemort picks the night ones.
Firenze!! I know there wasn’t a lot of time in the movies to introduce the creature element, but it would have been cool to see him again later on in the movies like he was in the books.
The fireplace here looks open, like you can see it from both sides, which is a departure from movie four.
Hermione, Harry knows zero of the answers to any of the questions that you may or may not pose. Please, understand this.
Everyone in this movie looks young. It is like there are very few upper years that have been shown. The majority of people are the same age as the main cast, but in the later movies there are characters, even background characters that look a bit older. Maybe this was a directorial choice.
Hagrid is playing the theme song.
Hagrid’s hut is also in a different location for this first movie. I love the location that they chose for the third film for Hagrid’s hut. Sheltered and a little wild, close to the forest.
“Lie to me again, Granger.”
No wonder Snape doesn’t like Harry. He’s probably like, “Why is this mother f-ing kid staring at me like that all the time?”
The frog is not going to listen to you, Ronald!
I love that Neville and Trevor are just chilling there in the middle of the night in the common room.
Their textbooks rhyme? Education at its finest. Everything in every textbook ever should rhyme.
Everything is high in this room, even after they have fallen through a trap door, and then further down after the first trap. And when they are in the key room, moonlight is filtering in.
The doors are shutting behind the trio, locking them in. The whole thing here might have featured as one elaborate trap. Okay, so you managed to get through all of the trials, but good luck getting back out sort of thing.
They are literal chess pieces here, and in a lot of fanfiction they realize that they are check pieces in Dumbledore’s or Voldemort’s plans. They are the players, in the end, that change everything.
Harry shows a lot of logic here. While Hermione, in that Gryffindor spirit of loyalty, wants to rush right to Ron’s side, but Harry shows surprising restraint here.
They appreciate each other’s strengths, and that is friendship my friends.
The room looks like a sacrificial chamber. Why does this chamber exist? What was the original purpose of it? Was it created merely for the purpose of hiding the mirror and the stone? Or was it there when the founder’s build Hogwarts? And if so, why?
Quirrell’s voice is so changed here. It freaks me out.
If Quirrell knew that Snape was trying to save Harry why then is Voldemort so eager to welcome him back into the fold? What excuse did Snape give for that?
The stone representing life for Voldemort and for Quirrell, maybe freedom from Voldemort or perhaps the praise of his master?
Just how dependent is Voldemort on Quirrell, and vice versa?
The crumpling of Quirrell’s body has always disturbed me.
Harry has some Get Well cards on his bedside table. Some candy. That wrapper there looks like the Marauder’s Map.
This hospital is beautiful with the open windows that let the light in, but then in Half Blood Prince it is foreboding in the same way that it is pleasant and calming now.
The moving portrait on the wall features a nurse. Pompfrey has all the second opinions that she needs.
They also sell the Bertie Botts at Walmart now near the check out. I tasted one that literally tasted like how trash smells so, I don’t know that I would recommend them.
All right? In Britian slang means, “How are you?” Like people walk down the street, and how in America you say, “How are you?” They say, “All right?” Interesting tidbit.
These hats should have made a comeback, that’s all I’m saying. Formal occasion wizarding hats.
They look so cheerful over at the Slytherin table. I almost can’t stand the looks on their little sad faces at the end of this movie.
Snape is like, “Now, what the fuck?”
Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle never got over this shit, I’m telling you.
And literally, no one really knows what happened to the three of them, for all they know Dumbledore is literally making this shit up. Furthermore, if everyone did know what happened, and they told their parents, how did attendance not drop dramatically the following year?
How much math did Jo Rowling have to run for this to be legit?
It looks like everyone throws their hat for Gryffindor, but dang, y’all lost too.
Slytherin knows what’s up.
Harry gives Hagrid a hug. I love their relationship. I wish that it had developed a little more, and that they were solidly like tight friends or mentor/mentee relationship.
Lily and James……. I cry because I love them.
“I’m not going home, not really.” Hogwarts is Harry’s home, and honestly, same.
The students are hanging out the window of the train here, too, because some of them must feel the same way about their homes as they do about Hogwarts.
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authormitchel-blog · 6 years
GOF: Part 11
On Boxing Day, a special edition of the Prophet was released. Harry slammed a copy of the rag onto a table in the common room.
           “That woman’s going to pay!” he said. “Have you ever read such vile filth? Nothing and I mean nothing is wrong with Hagrid. Giant or not.” The announcement had been made at breakfast that a new professor would be taking over for Hagrid while he was on temporary leave.  
           “Calm down,” said Millicent. “I’m sure it’s only temporary.”
“Wrong there,” said Pansy, sitting gracefully by the fireplace. Malfoy had just been off to collect a book she forgot in her dormitory.
           “Unlike your one night transformation, that oaf will be gone for good. Everyone now will be afraid that he’ll eat us if we misbehave. Merlin knows he’s got room for all of us.”
           “You have to retract your statement,” Harry said as soon as he saw Crabbe.
“A Flobberworm bit you? Really? They don’t even have teeth.”
           “Hey!” said Crabbe indignantly. “I didn’t say it bit me, I said I’m always afraid that they will.”
           “Yeah,” said Goyle defending him. “It’s why he always beheads them before he does anything else if they’re used in Potions.”
           “And that’s why,” said Draco, trotting out with Pansy’s book. “You’re potions always turn to sludge. A whole Flobberworm does not mean whatever you can scoop off your table after the ritual sacrifice.”
           He sat on the arm of the wingback chair Pansy was in and kissed her cheek. The gesture was enough to make Harry puke. He locked eyes with Pansy, motioned to Draco with his eyes then shook his head. Pansy nodded once, discreetly. She had what she wanted now, and that meant Harry had her silence about Sirius and the slate between them was clear, for now.
           “Crying over that oaf. I always knew something was off with him, but I never could have guessed what Skeeter found out. That woman’s a genius with a quill.”
           Harry sighed, frustrated.
“She’s vile and you are too. What did she give you to tell such lies?”
           “You see, Potter,” said Draco standing. “I’m very intrinsically motivated. Hagrid is a stain on this school, worse than the mudbloods. Half breeds are abominations.”
           Harry rolled his eyes. He’s heard this all before. Draco stiffened at the gesture, rising from his spot beside Pansy to face Harry.
           “I stand by what I said, and that bloody Hippogriff did attack me. How you and your beloved giant engineered his escape I may never know. But a Malfoy never forgets.”
           “And the Malfoy’s need a new line,” said Harry.
He didn’t have time to waste with Malfoy. He had to see if there was something he could do about Hagrid.
           “We need to do something, petition the Wizengamot or the Board of Governors, lets go see Dumbledore.”
           “Calm down,” said Hermione. Harry had been in such a fit over Rita and her lies that Millicent had to explain to Hermione what happened.
           “Oh,” said Hermione. “That woman’s vile.”
“That’s what I said,” Harry said.
           “I don’t know about petitioning the Board, but we could do one ourselves,” Hermione suggested. “Professor Grubbly-Plank really knows her stuff though. Our first lesson was so brilliant…. I mean, I didn’t know half the things she told us about unicorns.” She stopped her gushing when she saw the blank look on Harry’s face.
           “I’ll see if I can draw something up,” she quickly went on.
“Great,” said Harry, relaxing a little.
           Within minutes, Hermione had a document ready and a charm on it that would verify that each signer had only signed once and only for themselves.
           After Harry, Millicent, and Hermione all signed, Blaise entered the library looking unusually disheveled.
           “Zabini, come sign this,” instructed Millicent.
Blaise signed immediately.
           “Reinstate Hagrid?” Blaise read. “Only you, Granger.”
“Actually,” she said. “It was more of a collaborative idea.”
           Harry raised his hand.
“I should have known,” said Blaise, shaking his head in a longsuffering kind of way. Millicent leaned over and plucked a large piece of lint off Blaise’s shirt.
           “Been exploring crawl spaces?” Millicent asked him.
Blaise shook his head no, plomping into a chair, looking exhausted.
           “I’ve been trying to explore Eloise.”
“Eloise Midgen?” said Hermione in surprise. “I saw you dancing at the ball, but I didn’t think you guys were…”
           “We’re not,” said Blaise. “Though that’s not because of me. She won’t hardly look at me, and I am very nice to look at.”
           “But isn’t she?” Hermione started.
“What Granger?” Blaise said, messing with her. Everyone knew Eloise Midgen was a rather heavy set Gryffindor third year who had acne and what Ron had called an off centered nose. Everyone else knew that Blaise Zabini was the both the textbook definitions of beautiful and charming.
           “Well, she’s you know…just…”
Blaise held up a hand, stopping her before she could dig herself any deeper.
           “She is,” said Blaise. “She is pudgy, and her nose is a little,” he made a motion with his hand near his face, “but man is she something else. Some stuckup Ravenclaws were giving her a hard time at the Ball so I waltzed over and asked her to for a waltz. I had only planned on one dance, but she was just….”
           “Too much woman for you?” asked Millicent.
“Really nice?” offered Hermione.
           “Ah” said Harry, noticing they wanted his contribution. “You really liked her, uh, dancing technique?” Harry offered.
           Blaise shook his head. “It was because she’s flipping amazing. Hexed those Ravenclaws before she took her first step. I do love a feisty woman even more than I love a cocky man. But now, she wants nothing to do with me.”
           “Rejection,” said Millicent. Blaise looked confused.
“This has never happened to me before.”
           Hermione tutted.
“I know Eloise to be a very respectable kind of girl. So, I’m not too sure if I believe you, Zabini.”
           “And respectful girls don’t go snogging?” Blaise asked.
Hermione shook her head, primly.
           “Well, well,” said Blaise. “Because as Eloise was doing very nice things to my person I do believe I saw another respectable young lady being not so respectable last night.”
           “Ron!” Harry shouted immediately and at the same time Millicent yelled, “Granger!”
“Exactly what I heard that night,” laughed Blaise. “Though I believe he said Hermione.”
           Hermione’s cheeks reddened an impossible amount.
“The last time I checked it was perfectly acceptable to snog ones boyfriend.”
           Millicent slapped her on the back playfully before dragging her off for “details”.
When Harry saw Ron later on the boy told him everything.
           “I just hope I don’t mess it up,” he said, cheeks blooming.
“No offense mate, but with Hermione’s knowledge of curses and antique toxic potions you better do more than hope.”
           Ron paled.
“Maybe I should have picked someone less…” He shook his head. “Nah, I think I’m quite good with her exactly the way that she is.”
           “Me too,” said Harry, congratulating his new loved up friend.
Harry couldn’t think of two people more suited for happiness.
           At the next Hogsmeade weekend, it wasn’t Skeeter that was an issue, but Bagman. After getting Harry alone he started in on him.
           “I just thought I’d congratulate you again on your splendid performance with the Horntail, Harry,” said Bagman. “Really superb.”
           At the bar Madam Rosmerta served a group of goblins who eyed Harry and Bagman shrewdly. Harry thought it looked like the goblin equivalent of the “evil eye”.
           “What do they want?” asked Harry.
“Er…well…,” said Bagman, looking suddenly nervous. “They….er…they’re looking for Barty Crouch.”
           “Why are they looking for Mr. Crouch here?” said Harry. “He’s at the Ministry in London, isn’t he?”
           “Er…as a matter of fact, I’ve no idea where he is,” said Bagman. “He’s sort of….stopped coming to work. Been absent for a couple of weeks now. Young Percy, his assistant says he’s ill. Apparently, he’s just been sending instructions by owl. But let’s not spread that around, huh, Harry. Wouldn’t want Rita Skeeter making it more than it is. Barty Crouch is not Bertha Jorkins,” Bagman said, though he looked about as convinced as Harry felt.
           “Say how are you getting on with your golden egg?”
“Not bad, nearly there,” Harry lied.
           “If I can help at all, just know that I’m here,” the man offered as if the two were conspirators.
Harry nodded. “And have you offered help to Warrington?”
           Bagman frowned.
“Well, no, but it’s just I’ve taken a liking to you is all.”
           After thanking Bagman for his blatant offer to cheat, Harry met Hermione were she had been gathering signatures.
           “This is great Hermione,” Harry said. He nodded towards Hagrid’s. “Let’s go.”
           “Nearly everyone,” Hermione said as she handed the long scroll to Hagrid. “Loads of people support you, Hagrid, this is just proof.”
           The man who had been sitting primly in his chair with a mug of hot tea now began weeping openly, so grateful and so happy that his happiness overwhelmed him and the cup of tea he was holding onto.
           “This…means…so…much…ter…me,” Hagrid said through his sobs. Harry smiled at Hermione and mouthed, “Thank you.”
           Whether Hagrid was reinstated or not, it was nice to watch the haunted look Hagrid had when they first entered his hut fade away, and be replaced with a look of genuine love and appreciation as he hung the scroll, with nearly every student in the school’s name on it, on his wall and smiled.
           At breakfast the next morning after having quite the conversation with Hagrid Harry felt like he had actually accomplished something the previous day. Rita Skeeter may be a stain on journalistic integrity, but at least she hadn’t gotten Hagrid, or Hermione for that matter. So far, all of his friends had been spared from that woman’s pen, and Harry couldn’t be more grateful. Harry sat down at his table. Millicent seemed to be running a little late so Harry saved her a seat. Blaise sat in front of them like he normally did, and the two were chatting when the mail arrived. More letters that usual seemed to fall onto their table as kids reached up and grabbed them.
           Several letters hung in a large group right in front of where Millicent usually sat, and seemed to be waiting for her. The birds had left, but the normal hustle and bustle and tearing of envelopes was missing as Millicent walked into the hall. Everyone seemed to be watching her. Flipping her hair to one shoulder, Millicent didn’t seem to take any notice of the people staring at her until she saw the stack of letters that seemed to be waiting for her.
           She looked like she normally did, Harry thought, but when she got closer to the table it looked as if she hadn’t slept. Her eyes were puffy, and her hair was a little frizzy, like she had been running her hands through it repeatedly.
           “Hey, are you…” Harry started, but Millicent held her hand up.
“I am perfectly fine, Potter,” she said, loud and clear enough for everyone who was paying attention to hear what she said. It was then that Harry realized that the letters waiting for Millicent were not ordinary letters, but howlers.
           As Millicent sat down, despite Harry’s concern and “let’s go take a walk, Mil,” the girl simply wasn’t having it.
           “No thanks, Potter, if you want to take someone for a walk may I suggest Weasley. He always has some extra energy that he needs to burn off before he’ll sit nicely for Granger.”
           As soon as her butt touched the bench the first one started in on her.
“Do you really think that you deserve VIKTOR KRUM? YOU ARE A SNAKE! A SLYTHERIN! AND NOT EVEN A PRETTY ONE!”
           Millicent scooped some eggs on to her plate.
The next one: “YOU UGLY, FAT TROLL! Thinking that you’re better than everyone when YOU”RE NOT!!”            Millicent grabbed some bacon.
“COW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t believe he even touched you!!! DID SOMEONE CAST SCOURGIFY!!!”
           Millicent deliberately grabbed some more bacon.
“HIDEOUS! Not even a pretty dress can hide the FAT ROLLS!! EAT SOME MORE WHY DON’T YOU??”
           Millicent grabbed a pastry from and shoved the whole thing in her mouth.
“Yummmm,” she intoned.
           One after the other the howlers berated Millicent, calling her names, and chanting evil things. Different voices every time. Voices from girls in other house that were clearly smiling as their vitriol rolled off the parchment and into Millicent’s ears.
           The teachers had tried to stop it, but no one could seem to get the howlers to quiet. Quite a few of them had set off to get Professor Flitwick. Millicent continued to eat her breakfast. Only those closest to her could see that her hand was beginning to shake. But she was proud. She was a snake, and she was not going to let these people see her break. But Harry knew that it was getting close and that a person could only take so much. Some of the other Slytherins had tried to form a circle around her, but anytime one of them got close, the howlers would seem to attack. It was like they wanted to make sure that Millicent could be seen by the whole populous.
           There were older voices too. Apparently Rita had run another article, and the whole population of England thought that Krum deserved someone better. But as far as Harry knew Millicent wasn’t interested in Krum like that. She had told him the day after the ball. We just get along, she had said, and that was it. Harry had believed her.
           Just as Millicent started to bite her lip, tears brimming at the corners of her eyes that a rocket of red sparks shot through the air and into the horde of howlers, exploding them to ash. Then Fred Weasley who had just entered the hall, climbed onto the closest table and cast “Sonorous” on his voice.
           “Now, you lot listen here!”
The students all looked in Fred’s direction. The twins were normally up for a good time no matter what, but the look on Fred’s face was murderous. And the few who thought that perhaps he was just going to go along or agree with them and their howlers slumped in their seats, their smiles falling.
           “Now, I think I must be mistaken because I thought when I woke up this morning that I was in Hogwarts, is that not true?”
           “It sure is,” said George who stood solemnly by his brother’s side as he had appeared out of nowhere. Fred spared his brother a grateful look. The twins were back together again. That message was sent out to the Great Hall and everyone in it.
           “Now surely George, students as smart as Ravenclaw will know what bullying looks like. And surely Hufflepuffs know what it’s like to be an easy target. And Gryffindors know that being brave doesn’t mean that you don’t have confrontations with others, but that you don’t go around their backs like a bunch of wankers, but that you say it to their face. And lastly, I know that Slytherin is the house that protects their own.”
           People were looking downright ashamed now as Fred Weasley held court.
“But how do you know these things, Freddie?” George asked, and Fred smiled evilly.
           “I know, Georgie because I spend a lot of time in the library researching charms and potions to use for our extracurricular activities,”
           A shudder ran through the room. A prank from the twins was always fun until you were the one covered in puss or had half of your eyebrows shorn off in the name of humor. Some Gryffindors reached up to their own eyebrows reflexively as if to make sure that they hadn’t fallen out while Fred was talking.
           “And I always see Ravenclaws there, also reading books. Now, surely they would have learned something about what it means to be a student and Hogwarts and what it means to be an ignorant little Twat. And I also know this castle like the back of my hand. Secret doorways and entrances, hallways that only a few students use. I know the paths that most students have to take to get to their classes and I know about the Peach.”
           The Hufflepuffs noticeably started to eye one another though Harry didn’t know why.
George eyed his brother expectantly.
           “And what else do you know, Fred?”
Fred, finally, looked over at the Slytherin table, and Millicent forgot her breakfast and looked back at him. Almost daring him to keep going.
           Fred cleared his throat.
“And I know that Millicent Bulstrode is one talented witch. She’s strong and crafty and a smart mouth and cunningly evil, and beautiful….And I know that while she was pretending to enjoy her breakfast that she was making a mental list of all the people that had sent those fowl things, and she’s going to destroy them in the most elegant way possible because she is a Slytherin. But I am a Gryffindor, and Gryffindors prefer to do things the messy way.”
           Fred then eyed everyone in the hall.
“And here’s one last thing that you should all know.” Fred opened his arms wide and swept them around the room before pointing back at Millicent.
           “You should know that if one, even one more howler is sent in her direction or I hear that one more disgusting word was sent her way that I will not only unleash terror on that person, but the whole school will be subject to ALL HOLY PRANK TERROR!”
           Harry could hear the simultaneous gulp of the students, their minds wondering what exactly that could mean and their eyes saying that there is no way that they want to find out.
           Fred nodded to an incoming Professor Flitwick. Before saying, “That is all,” and stepping down from the table, grabbing a biscuit to go, and leaving the Great Hall. And this time, Millicent was watching him.
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