#I am.Answering this at 6 in the morning I got up earlier to tryto do a bit more 😭
sunblazes · 1 year
ohhhg man i Feel u i did my graphics design gcse last year and missed out on my 9 (i was predicted that all yr10 ajd 11 .weeps) cuz the last stretch was so ..bleugh .. ... 😭 u can do it tho im rooting for u!!!!! if anyone can do it its u frfr <3333
OUHHH ANNONNNNY IM SSOO SORRY YOUR 9!!! we havve such a conneection right now The last stretch iis honestly so exhausting And for what reason…..THANKYOU SMSMSMM THOUGH YOURE SO LOVELY itmeans the world to me SRSLY!!!!!! ☹️❤️
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