#I briefly wonked up posting this but I think it's normal now
neversetyoufree · 5 months
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Since writing my last post about how Vanitas understands "salvation" as the preservation of one's self, even at the price of death, I've been thinking about how that plays into Vanitas's thoughts on resurrection. It's only two short lines, but I find the view he expresses in this scene absolutely fascinating.
Vanitas tells Misha that the dead "don't come back," and the fact that he phrases it that way stands out to me. He doesn't say that resurrection is impossible on a physical level; he implicitly concedes that maybe Misha could "bring back" something that looks and acts like Luna. He doesn't quibble about the practicalities of reanimating someone whose body turned to ashes or bring up whatever concept of the afterlife he may have.
Instead, Vanitas says that a resurrected Luna would simply be "something else that looked like her." A resurrected Luna would lack some fundamental part of whatever it was that made Luna who they were in their first life.
But what would they lack? I don't think he's implying that a resurrected Luna would lack their soul—not really. Setting aside the absence of souls as a conceptual presence in VnC, I think that would be too concrete and specific for what Vanitas is gesturing toward. Rather, he's conceiving of the Self in a somewhat ineffable way. On a metaphysical level, a version of Luna brought back from the dead simply Wouldn't Be Her, and he can't put it in more concrete terms than that.
So why does he think this way?
I think the concept of resurrection is awful enough to Vanitas that he has to reject it outright for his own stability. He cannot even slightly entertain the notion that resurrection might be possible, because that would destroy one of his main coping mechanisms.
Resurrection is nightmarish to a man that relies on death as an escape. Vanitas is suicidal, but beyond his self-hatred, his relationship to death is very particular. He's someone whose body and being has been corrupted and violated several times—through violence, through experiments, and through Luna's bite, and he's desperate to retain control of himself in the aftermath. He's desperate for control in regards to everything in his life, but especially his body and his death.
Vanitas is being slowly transformed into something inhuman, and he plans to die someday to escape that fate. The idea that after he's gone, someone could override that decision and force him back into living a life he doesn't want must be unacceptably horrific to him. He dismisses it out of hand because he has to.
Vanitas says a resurrected Luna would, on some level, not really be Luna. Whatever comes back might look like them, but it would lack some fundamental self that makes Luna "Luna." Thus, if Vanitas himself were ever "resurrected" after his death, it would be the same. Death remains an absolute escape for him, and even if someone contrives to bring back something that looks like him after he's gone, it won't be him. That life won't be his problem.
In addition to whatever beliefs Vanitas might have about death and afterlives the feasibility of resurrection, I think this is a key part of his relationship to the concept. He lives his life knowing that death waits for him as an escape valve. He needs that looming death as his salvation. Thus, faced with the concept of resurrection, his argument basically boils down to "nuh-uh." He shoots down the concept and declares that a resurrected person wouldn't be themselves in some nonspecific way, because the possibility of anything otherwise isn't something safe for him to consider.
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mvjesties · 5 years
yeets this post 100mph onto the dash like a shit flingin monkey  AYoO it is i lacey and this right here is a short intro post for my newest Good Boy issa sooo...
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smiles weakly n hands u my trash. hit that ♥ and i’ll come to you for plots !
he is
foreign,, haven’t entirely pinpointed which country yet (ideally a small one) but i imagine issa is a mix of middle-eastern and caribbean.
as for his accent, if any of you watch game of thrones i’d like to think he has an accent similar (but not as heavy as) grey worm when he speaks english? rolled r’s, some hard consonants, most sentences are spoken in a low octave under his breath
aside from english, issa is fluent in arabic, spanish, and french in that order.
painfully well-intentioned. isn’t one to get involved in things unless he feels he must, but as far as others go, he always wants what’s best for them. 
selective of his company, but at the same time isn’t? he loves getting to know people plenty (and in more ways than one, wink wonk) but he does get critical about those he draws close. issa’s better known for being a kooky enigma of some sort, but he’s always open to be a confidant for anyone who feels they need one.
he enjoys deep conversations, isn’t afraid to ask intimate questions, and likes to understand others as much as he possibly can. he’s articulate although english isn’t his first language. he tries his best.
as i briefly touched upon earlier, issa isn’t totally closed off to familiarizing himself with those who spark an interest to him. he tends to get harmlessly (i hope jkdjfnk) flirtatious with company from time to time. the funny part is that sometimes it’s possible to catch him off guard when reciprocating the flirtation and the tips of his ears and cheeks will begin to glow bright pink
long story short he’s welcome to one night stands and friends with benefits but relationships is where it gets tricky,, he doesn’t understand the idea of being committed to a single person (not yet anyway,, he tried it once with daisey and she ended up cheating on him lmfao)
but he’s not afraid of being emotionally vulnerable to others in different ways. sometimes he’s blunt, and sometimes he beats around the bush. i guess it depends on the person and his connection with them
this isn’t to say that he necessarily cares or doesn’t care about others, but he would never go out of his way to cause anyone harm, is all. the boy just wants to have a good time.
a man of solitude. always has learned things best on his own, spent down-time on his own, and bounced back from hardships on his own. this isn’t to say that he’s not sociable, however. he enjoys company very much. he just prefers to be away from the crowds at gatherings, should he have the option to meander away.
unlike most magicians, actually doesn’t crave to be the center of attention. he still does the shows because they’re a good source of income aside from his shop, and he loves watching wonder flicker between darting eyes that second after he’s finished a trick. can’t promise he’ll perform magic for you every time you ask, but your odds of seeing a trick are much better than if you don’t mention it at all.
which brings me to the next section of information, the magic issa specializes in!*
(* you don’t have to read this part unless you’re interested. it’s just me going in depth about his magic style)
a very important thing you should know about issa is the style of magic he partakes in. while issa does happen to be a magician, we’re not quite talking your normal parlor tricks you’d see at a flashy show or a kid’s birthday party. issa’s interest lies elsewhere on a fine line between spiritual themes and something they call bizarre magic.
if you’re not sure what that is, allow me to explain!
akin to parlor tricks, bizarrists use sleight of hand and illusions, yes. but it incorporates a bigger purpose, thus making the magic tricks simply an element of the story, not the main focus. 
the difference, however, is that bizarre magic lies under an art form which utilizes mild discomfort for the full theatrical effect. this feeling of discomfort an audience may experience comes from a place where one might infer that the style of magic projected comes from an ominous place (in issa’s case, theatrical seance, etc). but, this is what makes the magic feel more real to those watching. so while magic is in fact, still part of the show, the audience is still caught on the notion that they have begun interacting with the unknown in order for such events to take place.
while he practices forms of magic that is conventionally seen as inauspicious, he doesn’t wish to portray any form of ill-will to those around him. i’d imagine he kinda gives off vibes of a witch-doctor or healer, perhaps? someone who does practice magic plenty, but never to harm anyone.
issa currently specializes in:
bizarre illusionism: close-up magic, misdirection, escapology
spiritualism: divination, mediumship
issa is currently working on:
mentalism: hypnosis, clairvoyance
kinda lazy when it comes to serious things, just wants to adventure around or take naps instead. pretty easygoing guy
soft-spoken, gentle in nature, and is kind to all that are civil to him. enjoys teasing company, however. but he never means any harm. can sometimes come off a bit sassy, but that’s the most problematic he wishes to be. doesn’t get involved in fights unless absolutely necessary
very big on tarot readings, the zodiac, crystals, the aura/energies people give off, growing his own herbs, etc. one would call him a hippie if he was a lil more drugged out jnfdkgj but he’s crazy enough without em. i imagine him coming off as some sort of gentle witch to everyone else in town JNDFK maybe givin off some eccentric healer meets witch-doctor vibes
someone get him a headdress like melman’s to wear around his shop
often seen in loosely-fitted button downs tucked into simple trousers. very summer style, since he’s known summer all his life where he’s from. pray for him when winter hits cos this man don’t know what a fckin jacket is. also wears a shit-ton of jewelry. we’re talkin at least 4 rings a hand, 2-3 layered necklaces goin down his chest (which explains why his shirt’s always buttoned so goddamn low), a tiny gold hoop in each ear,, he’s not satisfied until he looks like a mfin Christmas tree.
speaking of trees, the environmental conservation club is the only part of school he partakes in aside from classes. he has little care for being a part of the community, but he looooves his plants. talks to them sometimes because he’s a firm believer that it helps them grow
i also have headcanons that he gives inanimate objects pronouns and personalities and absentmindedly speaks to himself from time to time but thats about all i can remember about him for now jdskfbg
you get the general idea by now i Guess
i typed sm more than i thought i would,, oh my god i’m so sorry
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bearpillowmonster · 6 years
Butch Hartman
More recently things have been appearing about Butch Hartman and what he is doing, I just kind of want to give a bit of my perspective on it.
Butch came into the realm of the internet through YouTube and various other outlets, I was always speculative about this because of the way he was presenting himself. It’s like he’s trying to be a YouTuber to get views, when he was already so much more than that and doesn’t have to become like that. That’s why I don’t like seeing celebrities getting YouTube channels who are already famous because they normally think that that is how you become a YouTuber, through views and click count, subscribers, where is the passion? It just makes it seem fake. He would take popular trending things and put a spin on them by drawing them, some of the stuff I think he did understand but some of it I think he just did it to do it while plugging. He acted all high and mighty when in reality he has a small amount of subscribers, it almost seems like the norm to have over a 100k subscribers now and days and he has 700k which is good but he’s just not the biggest YouTuber or internet personality on the planet. Some people do look at him as this big high and mighty guy but because of this, I didn’t, I took him with a grain of salt and thought he was alright.
Now the first accusation I want to address is the Mary Kay situation. I watched the video here it is around 2:30 (couldn’t find just the clip): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFp5iojguU&t=182s
He says that she sadly passed away, keep in mind he has child viewers and is a filtered person in general, I mean that’s what Oaxis is even about! So he doesn’t mention too much of her considering it was suicide. Now he makes a joke saying “Tara had something to do with that” which is uncalled for but I see posts that put it in a much worse light saying that he jokes about suicide, he wasn’t joking about suicide, he was joking about Tara, not even Mary Kay. However there was a convention that Butch attended that I believe was a religious event. I’m religious so I roll with that, however he mentions that suicide wasn’t really a problem back in the day and it is now because of media. Now that’s not me quoting it, you can find the video yourself, because I couldn’t find just the clip or good enough quality. But what he says is a very “old person” thing to say. You can’t hide the fact that Butch is 53, he’s going to have opinions based on the time that he was born, he may display himself to be trendy as I mentioned before, but obviously that’s an ignorant thing to say. Suicide has been around for a long long time and yes it has risen but that’s partially because it’s gotten harder, not so much media influence. I know about suicide because I’ve talked to and been good friends with people who have attempted it and even tried to help them out of it, it’s a scary situation and makes me depressed thinking about it.
The people that say he’s “lying” about Oaxis seems kind of dumb to me. Yes there was lack of information but I don’t really see any lies. I personally wouldn’t really mind it being a Christian based platform, I mean look at Veggietales but I also don’t think it’s right to not display it as just that and then reveal it afterwards, which is what I think everyone sees it as, but it’s on his twitter that it won’t be a Christian based platform so if that ends up being a lie then by all means, but until Oaxis is released and we actually get to see what it is exactly, I would just hold it in. Also the kickstarter reward system was stupid and wonk but we knew that going in from the start. The refunds being denied and comments being shut down seem kind of ridiculous, I think part of that is Butch’s team, not so much him (do you really think he edits his own stuff? xD) Honestly though, if everyone just decided to back out of an already successful and completed kickstarter before it’s even begun to develop then I would see why they’re cautious, because they don’t want to lose all the funding but I hope some light comes to this soon.
The big thing that rubbed me the wrong way was when he said that “Introverts are self-centered” in one of his speech bubbles. I wouldn't call that being an introvert or any of the “sitting in a corner” that he talks about, I'm an introvert, and I have ideas ready to communicate but nobody will listen to them. It's finding people that understand, fellow artists, creative people and yes introverts alike. I agree with the whole "you have to be ready thing" but it's not that simple. He's saying how introverts are "self centered" but how self centered is that to think that way, stereotyping to the max. He has this big ego and acting like introverts have one, that’s just lack of misunderstanding. Funny how he mentions the “not being able to communicate ideas” thing but his Oaxis kickstarter says otherwise.
Video Link to where he says this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2RvN6XtYZ0
Now the big livestream incident. This question and how Butch took it, I can see being taken two different ways. The question was if he saw the Family Guy Oaxis meme. First Butch could’ve just ignored the question but idk. Now we didn’t know the way this guy was asking, he could’ve been a troll showing him this meme that goes against what Oaxis is, therefore offensive. Or he could’ve just been informing him of it, asking him if he knew it was there and kinda warning him. I would’ve liked to see a response from the dude in the chat but I couldn’t find such evidence. Now Butch’s answer is very long winded and confusing but he’s also playing a video game, when someone is talking to me when I’m playing a game, I’m only half there because I’m focused on the game at the moment, he even says “what will get a rise out of me is this game” kind of brushing it off. Now who exactly is Butch’s response aimed towards? Nobody really knows, because he could just be talking about the guy who made the meme which makes it a little bit more justifiable.
link to livestream highlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikQR9-nmcPY
The other thoughts are that it could be aimed towards everybody or it could be aimed at the person who asked it. Well apparently the guy who asked the question has a Youtube channel and revealed that he wasn’t trolling, he was actually really broken up about how Butch said this. Butch mentions early on that he wasn’t even going to say his name, that could be because he didn’t want to bring attention to him though...
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The guy’s name is also DuelingDuelistDrew, kind of a tongue twister, so there’s that. I’m trying to be as justified as possible here but I would say that if Butch Hartman made a response it would just bring more attention to the matter but also cover him a little bit to kind of prove it wrong. I didn’t expect a follow up...until I saw DuelingDuelistDrew’s video about how he says Butch Hartman butchered his childhood and basically broke his heart. That is definitely reason enough for Butch to make a video, an apology, because he hurt this guy’s feelings. Shame on him if he doesn’t now because of all the added baggage that he could address at least briefly as well in that video. I will say that DDD has made a few videos since then of Butch Hartman and Oaxis memes, which kind of defeats the non-hateful speech thing that Oaxis was all about. That was why Butch didn’t like the Family Guy meme, because it slandered his message. However I don’t think Butch has any problem with Family Guy in general, I mean he’s friends with Seth Macfarlane.
Here’s the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFXcPxYVXhU&t=466s
I’m not going to be the judge of this fiasco but there’s my two cents. All I ask is that you be better and if you fight, then fight in a peaceful manner, it’s not the message you’re trying to hurt, that’s why people endorsed Oaxis in the first place because they liked the message, so create it within yourself.
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orbemnews · 4 years
Joe Biden bets on previous allies to assist him confront new crises Collectively, they signify the achievement of a promise — courting again to the early days of the first — that Biden would prioritize experience and governing expertise steeped within the average mainstream of the Democratic Celebration. However he has additionally been criticized, largely from the left, for closing his eyes to the challenges he’ll face in bringing Republicans to the desk and never broadening his interior circle. It’s a group, Biden allies say, that has been assembled realizing that the brand new president will enter workplace with no area for bureaucratic hiccups, pointless drama or on-the-job coaching. The coronavirus pandemic is killing hundreds of Individuals every single day and decimating the economic system, whereas exposing calamitous gaps within the social security web. “Usually, a brand new administration tries to measure their success and plan their accomplishments for the primary hundred days. However this can be a group that does not have that type of luxurious,” stated New Jersey Rep. Andy Kim, a former civil servant who labored on the Pentagon and State Division. “It is a group that must be postured not for 100 days, however for 100 hours.” The Trump administration’s foot-dragging has additional difficult the scenario. A presidential appointee in November delayed formally acknowledging the election outcomes, briefly locking Biden staffers out of the workplaces they are going to quickly takeover. And Trump continues to publicly amplify absurd claims a few rigged election whereas chatting over dead-end plots to overturn its outcomes. “What provides me consolation,” Kim stated, amid uncertainty over administration officers’ cooperation, “is realizing that this Biden group is aware of govern already, that this can be a group that has been examined.” Breaking into the interior circle However a number of the selections Kim says are serving to him “sleep higher at evening” have additionally rankled Democrats who have been hoping Biden would forged a wider web. Biden has stated he needs to be a “bridge” to a brand new era of leaders. However lots of these closest to him, particularly in senior White Home positions, are both loyalists or grizzled get together operatives. The announcement on Tuesday that Bruce Reed, Biden’s chief of employees as vp, will likely be his deputy chief of employees subsequent 12 months underscored the President-elect’s want to encompass himself with longtime allies — even when they anger some within the get together. Main progressives have spent weeks arguing that Reed, a centrist who labored on the 1994 crime invoice and welfare reform throughout his time in Invoice Clinton’s White Home, must be shut out. Progressives vying to embed leaders from their very own ranks have broadly praised the marketing campaign and transition for being accessible, however have discovered that convincing Biden to step out of his consolation zone might be the best hurdle to clear. “The actual problem,” stated Julian Courageous NoiseCat, the vp of coverage and technique with Information for Progress, “is extra of who’s within the interior circle — and the way do you get people who find themselves not within the interior circle into consideration.” Biden’s interior sanctum of aides is on observe to carry a slate of essentially the most influential jobs within the White Home. Incoming chief of employees Ron Klain is a longtime Biden confidante and Steve Ricchetti, one other shut ally, will likely be counselor to the president. Mike Donilon, who held that job in Biden’s vice presidential workplace, has been named senior adviser to the president. Antony Blinken, Biden’s prime international coverage adviser, will likely be a brief stroll away on the State Division, which he has been nominated to steer. Susan Rice, Denis McDonough, John Kerry, Tom Vilsack and Vivek Murthy are among the many Obama administration veterans more likely to be a part of Biden’s — with Vilsack and Murthy nominated to the identical positions they held beneath Obama. Biden has additionally recruited quite a few progressive leaders, led by New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland, to prime jobs and extra to influential however lower-profile advisory positions. The additions on Monday of a former prime aide to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Bharat Ramamurti, as deputy director for the Nationwide Financial Council for Monetary Reform and Shopper Safety, and Joelle Gamble, tapped to be particular assistant to the president for financial coverage, to Biden’s Nationwide Financial Council have been main victories for liberals. And the identical announcement that included Reed additionally named Gautam Raghavan, chief of employees to Congressional Progressive Caucus chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal earlier than becoming a member of the transition, as deputy director of the Workplace of Presidential Personnel. However the administration’s large tent nonetheless facilities on the middle, making a roster up to now that largely displays the President-elect’s politics whereas in search of to ship on his pledge to craft a group that “seems like America.” That effort has yielded a whirlwind of historic firsts, starting together with his resolution in August to faucet California Sen. Kamala Harris, who will quickly turn out to be the primary Black girl and individual of South Asian descent to function vp. Over the previous few weeks, Biden has rolled financial, public well being and international coverage groups stacked with groundbreaking nominees. Amongst them, pending approval within the Senate: Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, the primary girl to carry that job, who’s now in line to do the identical as Treasury secretary. California Legal professional Normal Xavier Becerra, chosen to run the Division of Well being and Human Companies, can be the primary Latino in that place. Retired Military Gen. Lloyd Austin is in line to be the primary Black individual to go the Protection Division. A longtime nationwide safety skilled, Avril Haines, is on observe to be the primary girl to function director of nationwide intelligence. Alejandro Mayorkas can be the primary Latino and immigrant to serve on the helm of Homeland Safety. Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s alternative for the Transportation Division, will — if confirmed — turn out to be the primary out LGBTQ Cupboard member authorized by the Senate. Liberals vow to not repeat previous errors The Biden transition has been distinctive for the extreme scrutiny it has acquired from a various assortment of curiosity teams and motion leaders. It’s the first Democratic Cupboard-filling course of to play out within the social media period. These main the cost from the left are additionally extra knowledgeable and bullish concerning the powers of the presidency and company leaders than they have been greater than a decade in the past, when Obama took workplace. “The Revolving Door Undertaking is an specific response to what I noticed because the failings of progressives in 2008 and 2009, however much more usually throughout the Obama period to completely have interaction with the significance of the chief department,” stated Jeff Hauser, the watchdog group’s founder and director. “Particularly the transition, however all through.” However Hauser, whose criticism of nominees and potential picks over their enterprise ties has reportedly irked some round Biden, is extra of a wonk-with-a-cause — to stress Democrats to aggressively pursue their agenda by means of all accessible means — than a insurgent firebrand. “I perceive that amidst all these crises, there is a bias for experience,” Hauser stated. “Biden thinks he has a mandate on that primarily based off of how he positioned himself within the major. And so whether or not or not it is precisely what I might do, I can respect that as having a foundation.” The questions going ahead, he added, doubtless will not be answered in headlines and headline-grabbing nominations to huge bureaucracies, however down the pecking order as Biden, his group and senior administration leaders start to fill out assistant secretary, undersecretary and chief of employees jobs — all alternatives to herald much less seasoned however completed folks from outdoors the churn of Washington, DC. Melissa Byrne, a former aide to Sen. Bernie Sanders who frolicked on the primary Obama marketing campaign and volunteered for a interval on his transition, argued that empowering personnel with motion backgrounds would profit the White Home in the course of the inevitable conflicts with hardline Republicans. Her issues converse to broader anxieties amongst Democrats, who fear that Biden’s orbit is likely to be overestimating its capacity to forge good religion negotiations with a radicalized, Trump-loyal GOP. “You want folks that do not waver when issues get actually laborious. As a result of that is going to be actually laborious. I do not know if individuals are actually ready for what the Trumpers are going to be doing over the following 4 years,” Byrne stated. “It may make the Tea Celebration seem to be they have been Obama’s BFFs.” The promise of Biden’s marketing campaign, within the primaries and the overall election showdown with Trump, additionally looms over post-campaign decision-making. His mandate is huge and sophisticated, and it may — when he takes workplace and begins to push his agenda — create conflicting imperatives. The largest problem forward, stated Nina Smith, a former marketing campaign aide to Buttigieg, will likely be, merely, “the politics.” “Biden is presenting himself as a healer and healers should take care of wounds and scars. And this can be a nation that has been deeply wounded and scarred,” Smith stated. “So the politics of every little thing from the insurance policies he pursues, to who reveals up in numerous conferences, to who he hires to implement his agenda — it is all on the desk.” Supply hyperlink #Allies #bets #Biden #Confront #Crises #Joe #JoeBidenbetsonoldalliestohelphimconfrontnewcrises-CNNPolitics #Politics
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