#I called Hoxton's dad Jeremy lmao
what-yadoking-likes · 10 months
Dumb WolfHox AU Part 6
[Link to Part 5 here]
"Your kind are not welcome on my property."
Wolf feels the corner of his mouth curl. He takes his time flicking the excess ash from the end of his cigarette onto immaculately maintained lawns.
"You'll have to be more specific. Do you mean Swedish people?"
"You," Jeremy continues, seething so hard spittle sprays the side of Wolf's cheek, "have humiliated me in front of my family and friends with your - your - performance back there with my son."
Wolf continues to take his time, inhaling deeply and blowing a rough smoke circle when eh was done. "I thought they were quite entertained."
In the corner of his eye, Wolf sees Hoxton's father draw himself up to his full height - which isn't much, he realises with a smirk.
"I expect you to be gone before noon tomorrow. Am I clear? Faggots are not welcome in my home."
At the slur Wolf actually looks the man in the eye. He gazes at him - sees how anger and drink has blotched his face a violent red - how his jowls quiver - and how his curled fists shake.
"You'll need to repeat that. It's hard to hear when you're all the way down there."
Jeremy's face purples. He makes a noise like a wounded animal, and Wolf sidesteps his clumsy punch with ease. He turns, pivoting on one foot, and gives the man a good, hard shove into the shrubbery.
"Good fucking riddance," he says under his breath.
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