#I can see the echos of mo du just a bit in their dynamic
grassbreads · 2 months
God I'm so glad I decided to read No Pollution, No Public Harm. Gan Qing is a fucking gift. I'm genuinely thrilled that for once I've found an interesting m/f dynamic where the woman gets the be the tortured, edgy, mysterious one.
I'm in mid to late book three, and man, the other women in the novel are a mixed bag, but Gan Qing is just so good. She's a shameless brash menace of a person on the surface and an obviously traumatized hardass underneath. If she's not already a murderer, then she's constantly teetering on the edge of becoming one. She's got layers. She dropped out of high school but she corrects the mistakes on Liu Zhongqi's english homework. She hangs out around her apartment in oversized basketball shorts and gets sick from running after eating too many chicken wings and she could slit somebody's throat with her house key. She's cool as hell and legit terrifying and she's gross and messy and weird. 10/10 the love interest of all time genuinely.
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