#I can’t even filter the tag to get away from the shitstorm discourse
majikdog · 1 year
This Jim DeFroque thing really needs to blow over, y’all are too much
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ursae-minoris-world · 6 years
Voltron postivity masterpost !
Sooo…. In the middle of the shitstorm happening after s7 aired, I’m thankful that my dash stayed pretty positive and chill so, first of all, I’d like to thank you guys for being so cool !:)
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I’ve definitely also seen mutuals saying they wanted to spread positivity, and I’ve seen quite a few messages on my dash from people searching for positive blogs and content. So I thought I’d share a few things if it can help. Feel free to add stuff !
1- Positivity projects and events
Project #ThankYouTeamVoltron
“ Project #ThankYouTeamVoltron is a fanmade project to show the creators, cast, and other fans, love and support to combat the negative attention that they have been receiving. Use the tag #ThankYouTeamVoltron and @projectthankyouteamvoltron/@TYTeamVoltron on Tumblr and Twitter to let us see what you have to share! “
more info !
Letters for team Voltron
“Letters for Voltron is a positive space to write letters to Voltron staff, thanking them for their hard work. Write, draw, be positive! Tag @lettersforvoltron in your post and tag it with #lettersforvoltron, so that we can share it on here, but we will also be making a booklet to be given to the show runners for NYCC. We want lots of art, writing, doodles, etc! “
more info !
Video by the Let’s Voltron Podcast
The Let's Voltron Podcast on twitter is trying to get people together to make a thank you video for the cast and crew.
more info !
Under the “read more” : blog recs, curate your dash, create positive content, take a deep breath !
2- Blog recs
I’ve seen fans looking for blogs with positive content, here are a few.
First of, I always recommend the networks, they’re awesome ?! They’re ship-friendly, drama-free, don’t reblog from antis, there are some for a lot of characters  and ships (more or less active depending on the network). Everything is tagged, so you can blacklist any ship you don’t like, or just ships in general if you want to stick to gen content. Honestly, huge thank you to the mods involved in this.
So you have, for example, networks for characters  : @shiroganetwork​ , @pidgenetwork , @hunk-network, @mcclainetwork​ , @thealluranetwork​ ...
networks for ships : @sheithnetwork​ , @thealluranetwork​ ...
check their “affiliates and networks” pages to find more. There are quite a lot !
Also good blogs for ships : @fuckyeahsheith​ ;
and @the-sheith-tag​ , which just reblogs everything in the sheith tag without the hate !
Good blogs for characters, gen / ship free (but still ship and let ship point of view), drama-free : @fuckyeahkogane​ , @fuckyeahshirogane​
Other individual blogs :
gen : @officiallyvoltron​ , @heraimisgettinbetter​
Sheith / multiship : @dent-de-leon​ , @arahir​ , @kcgane​ , @as-many-times-as-it-takes​ , @flusteredkeith​ , @saltyshiro​ , @belovedsheith​ , @bellenomura​ , @prettyboyekeith​ , @paladin-pile​ , @malenkamyshka​ …
And I guess you can add me too !
(if anyone doesn’t want to be listed here please don’t hesitate to send me a message and I’ll remove your blog from the list !!!)
This is just a small selection from the blogs I follow. I’m sure there are many, many others.
Also : have a look at your favorite fanartists’ blogs. Many of them just post drawings and don’t get much involved in fandom drama (or at least not on their art blog). Same goes for people creating gifs (ex : @fudayk​ )
3- Curate your dash
This is a bit of fandom 101, but it never hurts to share it :
- Here is how to block tags on your dash : https://staff.tumblr.com/post/168546216735/tag-filtering-is-here 
There is also xkit, which I so far have not personnally used, but which is pretty well-known as a good tool : https://new-xkit-extension.tumblr.com/
Now, most fan-blogs are pretty good with tagging, and usually, when people rant, they have specific tags for it ; most commonly things like discourse, salt, and / or voltron critical. Often, people also have specific tags for that, just look at how their negative posts are tagged or see if they have their tagging system explained somewhere in their about / bio or in a specific page.
In times like these, having those tags blocked can be a life-savior. 
- Don’t hesitate to unfollow blogs that are too negative if that kind of content isn’t for you. More generally, you are 100 % allowed to unfollow blogs when their content are not your thing anymore, for whatever reason. It’s ok, I promise !!!
- Beware if you browse the tags
Honestly, I’m not even setting a foot in the tags right now. There was always hate and cross tagging, and I don’t want to know what it looks like right now. I prefer to get my content from blogs I trust. When I do go into the tags, I tend to block antis on sight, and after a while I see less sh*t.
4- Create positive content !
I’ve occasionally seen people intimidated by the idea of creating content themselves.  They think you have to be a talented artist or writer to do so.
There are some simple things you can do ! For example, sharing screencaps of your favorite moments, and maybe you can (but don’t have to) add a comment about why you liked them. Participate in the projects I have listed in my first part. Write a post about what you enjoyed in s7. It doesn’t have to be long or really analytic !
Memes can be pretty fun, too. Here are a few :
List your top 10 vld ships
voltron ask meme
voltron ask game (sorry @bellenomura, I haven’t completed mine yet and I can’t find the original, so I’m sharing yours).
Don’t worry if you haven’t been tagged or something. Let’s just say I tag you ! :p
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5- Take a deep breath
If fandom drama makes you upset or anxious, remember to take a break. Stay away from tumblr, go take a walk outside, talk to a friend, go to the gym / for a run / to the swimming pool, take care of your pets / garden / potted plants, read a book, play a music instrument, watch something else, look at silly cat videos on youtube, whatever makes you happy. Take care of yourself. Remember that this is literally just a cartoon. There are many other cartoons and series, and then many other things happening in the world. However overwhelming it might sometimes feel when you follow the fandom, this is actually not that important.
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