#I can't deny we are very funny no matter the site
dandelion-idk · 1 year
Just like an adventurer that shares to the world their treasures, I'm going to share with the world my favorite cuttletavio tweets that I found while scavenging, just so you don't have to go to that site unnecessarily.
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sdra2dubisswissless · 2 years
this exposè is bullshit.
to clear up the sora sexuality thing, it comes from one of LINUJ's QnAs, which, are not held on his site, but through email, so we really only know about their contents through other people sharing them. the thing about sora's sexuality could've very much been true. there are several translation docs where similar things are said. its not just the dub server spreading misinfo, it could very well be a real email sent by linuj which says this info, stating it as misinfo and saying that the dub server pushed it on people, is not true in the slightest. i went looking for the QnA in question and, it says the following: "Q - is Sora bisexual? A - She's heterosexual, for now, at least." and then, in the Evernote archive that some KR fans made of all of LINUJ's responses to their questions, the same reply can be found. The translation of the Evernote, specifically for the A2 responses, can be found on Wattpad by Criticalerr0r, at the very end of their "Super Danganronpa Another 2 Character Profiles Translated" book. This translation also includes the reply to the "Is Sora bisexual?" question. Now, does this mean you can't HC Sora as bi, or a lesbian? No. You can do whatever you want, but you cannot say that the dub server was going around spreading a lie - because it is very much true that LINUJ has stated Sora to be het. (Also, I'd like to add that Criticalerr0rs translation was posted in Feb 2022, almost a year after the dub server closed its main channels, so the controversies with the dub mentioning it, and this translation, have nothing to do with eachother.)
about emma's VA, I'm not denying the possibility that they COULD be proship, however, before swinging around claims as such, you need evidence. you can't just. claim things and throw them out there for other people to gawk at and believe with no further questioning. you need proof - especially since the claim is HUGE and could potentially ruin the career of said person, because no one will believe them even if they fight otherwise. PLEASE have basis for said claims. Please provide proof, don't just swing it around as "common knowledge." it ISN'T common knowledge.
The super straight comment is in poor taste, but the mods have made clear in the past few months that they are uninterested in moderating the server. It's the reason they shut down the channels in the first place - because they have their own life to live, that doesn't involve modding a shitty fangame discord server. It is entirely possible the mods overlooked it. You can't bring down the entire server because of a comment someone unrelated to the dub project made. You need more solid proof than this.
It is also very funny to me that you're running an exposè blog, but you're asking other people to send you proof of the dub server being bad, as you yourself have provided nothing to the argument.. please, before making stuff like this, get something actually substantial and not easily disprovable.
Well, this is a long one to say the least
I do vividly remember something saying that Sora was "heterosexual but it could change", so I feel like taking full fault on this, and I apologize for it. The problem however, is that they had stated it was because of the Soruko ship. Which in my opinion, is a very petty reason to announce such a thing, if they had simply stated that Sora was heterosexual, I wouldn't have mind.
Multiple people have stated that Emma's voice actress is a proshipper, and as much as I tried, the only Twitter account I could find from her voice actress is deleted/private.
I respect the opinions of the moderators on that matter, people have jobs so they can afford basic human needs, but it is still very problematic that I had saw it, I do not know if the user had done it multiple times or not, or if they were confronted. I also highly doubt a blog on Tumblr will ruin a popular(Well, from the time I was on it, I currently don't know the amount activity on the server) server
Although I do appreciate you were able to reach out to me on my faults, specifically enlightening me on the Sora controversy, so thank you. Mod Emma, out.
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cardhouseandthecage · 6 years
I actually am wondering about the Star recruitment process, Denizen-Star communication, and the interface between our reality and Faerie with regard to all this. Like if you or I was to get sucked into the Star process, what would it be like in terms of ordinary logistics? How would they first reach out to us? What if we tried something like getting other people involved who legit believed in all this but the Cardhouse really didn't want them involved? Apologies if this can't really be answered!
an EXCELLENT QUESTION, friend, and incidentally a subject of ongoing investigation on my part. THE subject of ongoing investigation. My whole life. Which is to say: I can’t give you a complete answer—I can’t even necessarily give you a correct answer—but you have absolutely come to the right place. You wont get any kind of answer anywhere else. Here’s what I’ve pieced together from my research, thus far:I. The first thing you need to know about Stars is that they don’t actually believe in fairies. Not Literally. Not necessarily. 
You are familiar, I assume, with the Moment of Magical Proof™? You’ll find it with most stories that begin in the mundane. Our protagonist might want to believe in magic, but they can’t—magic is fake and everyone knows it—so they’ll rationalize for as long as they can. Then something happens. Magic intrudes upon their lived experience in a way they can no longer deny. YER A WIZARD, HARRY. Magic is real, and will continue to be real for the duration of the narrative.
That moment never happens.
There is no first contact for a Star, no revelation, no paradigm shift: it’s only ever a slow fade. And that little voice of in the back of their heads, the one that knows none of this could ever be real? It never goes away. That’s important. It’s part of what splits them—and without a split there is no harvest.
The Cardmaster settled upon this business model for a reason. Certainly he could present the Cardhouse more literally, but he’d be working against dominant trends: most people don’t believe in fairies literally, and our beliefs govern the channels through which fairies can contact us. So if you don’t really believe that some fairy bitch could pup up in your window and approach you with the deal of a lifetime, they’re going to have a really difficult time making that happen.* It’s much more cost-effective to build on a pre-existing system of belief than to overturn it. 
II. But what’s all this nonsense about the power of belief, HQ? Are you really going to sit there behind your screen and tell me that you subscribe to Magical Thinking? Who exactly is funding this study???
AHAHAHAHAHA NO ONE, naturally, but also: no. No, of course not! I may not be funded but I take myself very seriously here: I’m not arguing that our beliefs can change reality directly. Antoine was absolutely right about the tree root: that’s a thing in the physical universe and it’s going to go on existing regardless of what we think about it—outside of what we think of it. Oxygen doesn’t care about my feelings! There’s a side of things won’t budge, no matter what I believe (I know this; I’ve tried). Even if I clapped my hands and dreamed with every fibre of my being, it wouldn’t wouldn’t make a fairy into something I could bring into a lab and prove.
But my belief would change something. It would change the Faerie-Reality interface. If I believed fairies were real, they’d be real to me. It would change how they exist in the extra-dimensional space in my head. And that space in my head—in all of our heads—that’s the dimension of things that connects up with Faerie. That’s what empties into Faerie, perpetually, without our volition or consent. I’m fooling myself if I think I’m in control of that space just because my thoughts effect it: I didn’t choose most of my beliefs any more than I chose my body. There’s a whole world of thought that I inherited, and correspondingly a whole landscape of Faerie that’s built up in connection to Reality over time. By this mechanism, then, our beliefs can alter reality: indirectly. Reality generates Faerie, but Faerie is incessantly fucking with us in return, and the ways in which it fucks with us influence the actions we take in Reality. III. Any agency behind such fuckery I term “a fairy.” 
Fairies “live” in the backworld (they’re made of the same stuff it is) and can manipulate the residue that accumulates there: they’re not real by any means, but they do exist. It is worth noting that fairies, by this definition, don’t give a damn whether we believe in them. This may first strike you as counter-intuitive: if they’re made of our thoughts, then surely our belief means a great deal to them? To which I answer: yes, it does. Absolutely. Just not in the way that you’d think. I’m guessing you’ve probably encountered some version theory of belief-dependancy and the Decline of the Mythical? It’s related to a lot of things (many of which are true, see: placebo effect), but generally it asserts that the vitality of imaginary beings has diminished in direct proportion to our diminishing “belief” in them, and consequently there has been a great falling off in the power of gods and fairies and the like as we have entered the modern era. My findings suggest the otherwise. I say we still believe in plenty of “unreal” things, and as strongly as ever we did. Even our science feeds into the Faerie: it’s made of our thought! We use science to describe reality, but it itself is not fully “real.” Besides which, it’s not as if fairies are limited to drawing upon our literal beliefs. We don’t generally think of fiction as real, and yet it shapes us. And a desire can be every bit as potent as a belief. Fairies don’t care whether we believe in them: all they require is that we want to. They’ll play our beliefs against our desires and catch us between them, bring us to our knees before the impossible; we’ll yield our sacrifice readily enough, god or no god.  All they require is that we dream. 
So no, I don’t think we’ve impoverished fairies at all by sorting fact from fiction as we have. I think we’ve blinded ourselves to their power, locked the door and thrown away the key only to have them catch it. I think we’ve given them everything. I think we’ve spoiled them.
IV. But I digress. You asked me about the logistics of Star recruitment and Denizen-Star communication. 
It starts, traditionally enough, with a fairy ring.
Not a literal ring, generally (that’s very retro), but the there are certain channels of interface—certain ‘meta-forums’—that the Cardhouse keeps open as traps for potential candidates. For a while now, the internet has been the best “place” to set up such a forum, so they frequently overlay or branch off from real online sites. But they could be anywhere. Any work of fiction can easily serve as a jumping off point (provided it’s fantastical enough), or else game of make-believe, or even a good old-fashioned glade or a shopping centre or an abandoned house. If you’re intrepid enough you might find your way to to one through pure whimsy: it’s only a matter of stumbling into the right headspace.
Unfortunately, there’s no clear indicator for when such a stumbling has transpired. The meta-forums interface so seamlessly with what we think of as plausible that we don’t recognise them when we see them and we can’t tell once we’re in.** You can’t necessarily tell when someone else is in one either. It just looks like preoccupation—an obliviousness to the “real world.” But it also looks perfectly realistic, especially from the standpoint of the Star. Because fiction exists, and games exist, and there are all kinds of things you can get obsessed with on the internet and none of them especially challenge the laws of physics. They way you engage with the meta-forum doesn’t look different from how you’d engage with any other imaginary thing. Generally, it starts out as a game or an RP or a kind of choose-your-own-adventure story through which you get to know the characters and the basic setup. That setup presents itself very differently depending on what you’re into, but you’re usually given to understand that the Cardhouse produces very special magical items, and that you can help the Cardmaster gather ingredients for these items by undertaking quests or solving puzzles or making certain offerings or blending the perfect tea or getting your two favourite denizens to make kiss or doing whatever it is you’re doing that is “playing the game”. One denizen in particular serves as your primary contact and guide. You might also be given to understand that Cardhouse products are all a part of the ongoing effort to Fight The Encroaching Darkness. It’s a very all-consuming obsession, and while you’re immersed in you often ‘forget’ it isn’t real, but never in a way that raises any suspicion. For the most part, you know it’s just a game. And for some people that’s all it ever is, and they move on.
If you are destined to become a Star, however, at some point the game will change. One day, your denizen approaches you in great distress: the threat of the Encroaching Darkness, they say, is much worse than they had previously let on. The game might end, as if it had never been! You may well never see us again, in which case… farewell in advance! It will be a very moving performance, and naturally you, the potential Star, will be deeply upset by this news. If you’re right for the job you will offer up your assistance on the spot, unprompted. You will say the magic words. Is there anything you can do to help?
…Funny You Should Ask.
And now the denizen will lay it out: there is, in fact, a way. You may not know this, but you happen to be a very special sort of person: a Star sleeps within you—a great power—but its light is not for the human world. If you were to promise to fight on our behalf, we could help you unlock that power on the other side. You would swear fealty to the Cardmaster, pledging your light to the cause and security of our House, and help us to beat back the darkness. But be warned! It is no task for the faint of heart. You would be asked to undertake missions in the depths of the Wild Lands, where evils reign free. You would be placed in grave danger. So yes, you really could save us, but we would never ask anyone to accept such a burden! If however you should choose to do so….well. You would be richly rewarded.
If it’s gotten to this point, the potential Star (feeling very heroic) almost always accepts.They are assigned to a team and presented with a “cage” to help concentrate their powers and serve as a holding space for any magical items they’re give in Faerie. The cage exists between realms and the Star can access it from either side. Generally, the more they use their powers as a Star, the more it fills up with light for them to draw upon. Doing certain things in the Mundane however can cause that light to diminish or spill out, so they learn to avoid doing those things. Yet insofar as they are human, the Star still regards this all as a kind of fantasy. Insofar as they’re a fairy, however, it is very real. How any given Star rationalizes the paradox will vary, but at no point does the human fully “believe” that what’s happening is real. So a fissure develops between the two selves, and the more and more the Star invests in their fae identity, the deeper it splits them.
And here is the difficult part—the part no one understands. People often ask me what a Star’s human self is doing when they are a fairy. Are they sleeping? Unconscious? Physically elsewhere? Mentally dead? Sitting behind a computer screen as in hypnosis? All of those, possibly. None of those, necessarily. The trouble is that there’s not a one-to-one correspondence between time spent in Faerie and time spent in Reality, so it never maps on perfectly. It’s very difficult to make it add up: I don’t have a working model for this part at all.
But I do know this. When a Star is harvested, they are harvested whole. No one notices them go, and there is no body to find. Everything that ought to have been real about them has been redirected to the other side. They make ghosts of themselves. They split off without a trace.
*Oh, you might say, well if it’s as easy as believing…—no. Believing is far from easy, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Not convinced? Then try! As an experiment: just try to alter your basic beliefs in what’s possible and what’s not. Tell yourself you might wake up in a flower tomorrow morning. It’s possible! Tell yourself the earth of flat (come on, really in vogue). Or tell yourself I’m right! Tell yourself believing makes any difference. COME ON JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF,,,YOU CAN DO IT!! Ha. Of course you can’t. 
**This may appear to stand in contrast to more traditional fairy-lore, but I think it’s actually very much in line (and it’s one of the many reason I’ve chosen to call these creatures fairies). Sure, in those stories, the human usually knows that they’ve crossed into some kind of Other Realm and accepts the fairies as real, but none of that especially shocks them. They’re not experiencing any major paradigm shift: either they’re in an altered state or this encounter still falls well within their understanding of “plausible.” But their conceptions of plausibility will only stretch so far: they don’t understand that time is passing differently in the other realm, that a very alien set of “rules” governs the very fabric of it. The shock only comes when the person tries to leave Faerie as they would leave a party at someone’s house, and finds that they can’t. And it’s the same with Stars. Our notions of plausible versus implausible have shifted a little, so the trick happens at a different level, but it’s the same trick. The human has passed into foreign territory, but they’re still processing it in mundane terms, and consequently they won’t pick up on the most “unrealistic” aspects of the encounter (if ever) until it’s too late.
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opisafascist · 8 years
"I can't take criticism so I send out my minions from 4chan out to get you" blocklist
I’ll be honest, I do not get what are these peoples deal but they seem to always get on the bad side of everyone and they can get to this very contrarian personality from 4chan /v/ so I’ll just take that a hint to making a list of them, they aren’t fascists by any means, crypto-fascists at the least, but they often gobble up the worst of people from this website and have probably been co-opted by fascists multiple time because of their apatheticness and coyness, the whole “I’m not a SJW! I don’t like protesters, fighting for something is dumb!” kind, shit they aren’t even probably right-wingers so this is a very special blocklist because I keep seeing them on tumblr whenever something bad happens, in fact i see so many fascists on this site only follow these people, so it’s probably better to block them to cut off their social rings immediately. 
--The list that has probably already been made once--
moontouched-moogle - Not much interesting to talk about here they’re just this hive mind for /v/ people. They kind of helped me build this list a bit. 
thefeelofavideogame - This guy never catches a break of not minding their own business and can’t help but feel cynical about anything but just ‘vidya’
nentindo - This one deserves a special mention because they’re 15 years old so it’s better to just block them and ignore them in advance rather then let them act elitist, i mean jeez kid you’re 15 you BARELY experienced life yet. Like really this amount of them surrounding themselves by adults that don’t wish them the best is an unhealthy obsession for them at it is. 
inkerton-kun - Dontcha hate when a porn artist has to have a ‘personality’
steven-universe-official - Kind of like the grand papi of this gang, I don’t even need to tell people to block them because I think about everyone does already due them sending their weird combination of anti-feminist fans around sending hate to anyone that would do criticism against their shitty attitude, technically in the recent years they kind of toned down on going around spewing bullshit and being THE uncle tom but it’s good to double check
dream-cassette - Oh this one I’ve heard of the most! Used to make child porn by the name of hoshime, in the name of rule 34, along the lines she deleted her original blog because she believed the obviously fake “down with cis” situation was the biggest EXAMPLE OF BIGOTRY in the world and the not absurd at all rival towards inequality (ignoring how it works systematically) and ever since then she’s been hanging out with the anti-sjws. 
thathomestar - I think they used to be a 100% gamergater but then again almost everyone here on this list was at one point. They still have that suspicious aura of “all the misery in the world is the left-wing’s fault for fighting back against their human rights being removed rather than just submitting!”. Says everything that is politically incorrect is just a joke, might be just a weird case of /pol/’s law (haha, get it?)
mr-cappadocia - Also an infamous gamergater, they sorta hold a grudge so much against social justice they end up sounding like they’re high on sherm. You know those try-hards that sound REALLY hard to sound politically incorrect? Yep! They sound like that. I also recommend blocking leopirate too as they are also a hotspot for gamergaters. Both are pretty terrible Islamophobic people. 
takashi0 - The OG Anti-SJW Brony of Tumblr! What a title. 
shitpost-senpai - I don’t even know why this guy’s on this list they’re just a 100% obvious fascist to the point they won’t stop being antisemitic about everything but hey, I guess because they like anime and metal gear rising that’s enough for them to fit in this blocklist... They’re also constantly being reblogging by this social ring of people and could just be the reason why a sum of people don’t trust them. 
maoh - They hate it when people fight back against oppression in general, the old cuck-like mentality of “No, don’t do anything, don’t fight back and die and it will be a win!” without knowing that peaceful protest holds no consequence and allows fascists to do anything they want to do at any time while removing human rights. They’re very petty about god damn children rather than just let them be too. What kind of an adult is this? Kind of funny that they changed their description recently from “I dislike the left-wing of tumblr” to “zero tolerance for faux morality and art censorship”, dude got some brand new codewords to pass off “I hate criticism” and “I’m a nazi sympathizer cuck and I’ve been brainwashed by the enemy to say that violent dynamics, no matter how history shows the story otherwise, is ineffective in justice and is villainous, anyways let me just frantically love an anime where they beat someone up”. It’s basic praxis and how the world works! 
shameshack - Ey! the-cringe-channel, known for producing their own cringe content because for some odd reason they keep ignoring the academic values of things and brush ofF everything in the world as mindless paranoia but probably aren’t a very smart person themselves and would rather waste their life making fun of kids and fueling the quickly made anti-sjw blogs on this website that all have urls like “tumblr-is-dumb-because-i-hate-minorities”, out of everyone who acts coy about why people dislike them, this one acts the most coy out of them all, what a malicious kind of guy. I really don’t know if they legit don’t get how things work in the real world because they take silly things seriously and serious things as if they were silly. Have you ever tried living life once where you have to don’t have to keep insecurely looking down on others that are just harmless oddities to fuel your ego or what?
--End Of List-- 
Just copy and paste each url onto your blocklist if you wanna. 
Again I repeat these guys aren’t “fascists” and will deny they’re “anti-sjw” (Even though they don’t do anything to show for it besides say “Oh don’t worry we make fun of anti-sjws too! But we sound exactly like them when we go against our vague idea of social justice”), but fascists and crypto-fascists always seem to be around these people because they act coy about it all the time for the sake of being contrarians. They don’t want to care about them being followed by neo-nazis, just the power of having many followers that come straight from 4chan’s /v/! Almost the same as sympathizers.  
It’s the same odd link towards people who take video games and substancless anime too seriously and... Neo-Nazis, seriously what’s up with that? Anyways be careful when you criticize anime or them and don’t have them checked! 
Special mentions: KanColle fans I guess? Moe anime attracts a lot, and I guess that’s what happens when a medium genre is 100% bottom feeders towards substanceless girls just being cute, blogs with gray backgrounds, the nihilists that blog about trump jokes “ironically” (poe’s law), youtube celebrities, it’s more about ethics in games journalism and not objective game design. It’s not like they can’t be analytical ABOUT EVERYTHING right. Like how video game game design isn’t the only analytical theory in the world to take into consideration when criticizing media. Why is it always the gamers? 
Won’t say it again! Act coy about it all you want but take the loss because you guys have negative connotations and never really worked on it. 
This isn’t a “Reach” like a lot of you guys keep blaming it to be one or just belittle it as just “discourse” (the most thrown around word ever), the fact is just that you simply won’t accept the weight of your actions by either doing bullshit yourselves or allowing fascists to co-op your communities because you guys aren’t actively critical at all despite your contrarian image. 
Anyways this blog’s been moving slow (Which is good! Unless they've just been more secretive) to the point I gotta make a list out of these infamous dudes that i’m pretty sure everyone on tumblr already blocks or at least is suspicious about the people who reblog from them so i’m gonna go jack off to hentai rather than cowardly reblog ecchi to my blog to remind people I do indeed jack off to anime have no mistake about it. 
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
No kidding it's called misappropriation and diverting funds
It's Unconstitutional and is a violation of the Constitution
It's a violation of national security reference many laws regarding funding of military during wartime. We are still at war w terrorists per the act
It's dirty pool as well as Trump says sets them up to fall... Hecwas recorded last week saying out loud about the border patrol and USA mil. Posted there it "lowers thier guard" Trump said and continued signing the order to divert funds openly admitting his high crime while signing
Nobody noted it, but we did.
He and those around him are up on treason charges are to be apprehended upon site.
We have two of them know which ones? Sat near him at lunch munching on his bones as they say the other was in the bathroom bothering him like idiots.
We pulled them over in a cop car he got out and approached us we drew ordered him onto the ground. Bystanders clapped as they saw him annoy me so many times.
They fell for it he muttered
In captivity he exclaimed victory so many times he wouldn't stop. We hit him each time he just kept saying it you hit us we win.
We asked what his problem is
He muttered this he always denies me everything I have to show him
He said this I'm not a spoiled little bitch just bothering him I'm a big fat pussy to be fd.
We rot we suck we breath we blow
You suck at it so badly we HV to kill you all the time
We try just not around him
We are here due to him beating your body duevto him survived duevto him duevto your actions demeanor behavior that affect him he tells uscwevact
He says we're not old enough to know better
We told him "your here because you are annoying him too much and your plan is ruined and yet you continue to harp on him regardless without any consideration to your plan as if your obsolute idiots"
He says " I'm not an idiot you are for having me here"
We play back his memories, he has a lot of you telling him to f off and him thinking oh this one. You saying no your obscene him fluffing it off
He then says ok so I didn't care still don't we stuck a knife in him
He cared
Then pulled it out blood all over duevto lots of milk
He winced I want my lawyer we laughed so loud it was funny
He cringed I tell you what you knife mevto death now I'll pay you
We said ok why are you such losers.
He said "to distract you, cause confusion attention and damage to force a war"
We showed him us destroying his city and surrounding
He said he got the report and many more
Said oh poop that's what we do
You sit there asking for it
He bent over said he doesn't care his woman drives him nuts about him
Tries donkey Kong 24 7 we say so they all do
Your so susceptible
He fails to see the point then gets irate, you have me on camera. Falls asleep.
We get him up several times he finally says this he acts lk a little girl and walks around lk a king so we poke him all day. Nothing comes out
We hear this later oh he says it
Then stops. Says I'm through we say yes you are
He flips over won't talk we start buzzing in his ear and annoying him. We torture you now for a year then your dead
He looks up and says what day is it we say Sunday or Monday he laughs good. 357 more we said nope 365 then smiled he found it.
We fig out they want to rob u of sleep. We want him up. To CK on him
Then he stops. Why.
We do an action on your turds, blow them up. Here too. Ok loser. We have real answers so do you... No you annoy him we grab you blow up your stuff
Pussy is what Justin is. Lays open talks a lot asks to be nabbed ppl do. He gets them back by grabbing Intel we got f up both houses with it thank you justin
We say this he has been waiting for this day as your very very annoying to us all started blasting your stuff killed billions with us of yours here and you still smirk and smile so we take it all to shut you up. See what you say then
I can't help it she's such a botch
Wevsaidcwecwill thank her she's in the next room hanging
We showed her to him
He blabbed all night we got this here that there. Easy as pie. So you saw you Tricia revealed it
Fine your a jackass for thinking otherwise
Mop ok. Her story is your nice to be w they aren't. It's true they threaten all the time.
Your all losers won't shut up and suck as mates. We kill you as you suck so badly and yes your humungous bitches little faggot bitches.
She's right your willing to lose your lives money plan only to spit and say stuff to me lk fags
Atrocious losers don't care don't work drop it all for nothing he's going to win
Justin we know we can't help it
You will now we hunt you down your a fag tell them all as one Jen or close to hangs
He would go the other way and play games. You incite pplwho grab you to do damage to you and yours Justin as you do here. Whatcha pill
Asshole kid is what Justin is, his character you see has him locked into being a weak loser
He could care less part of his make up
Wierd as hell they all left him there to tear it all up saw him doing it. Kept him in. Still do. Waiting. Nothing arrives still. Sit back and wait Macs.
Haha lol I'm gonna go nuts Tricia says
What are ya waiting for Macs a free ride
We wait for it to start
So what he's no fool you fed him as you want to arrest him hide him away now vmcant duevto what you had Biden do
We can't see it. No war your opposed
No stupid we lose lose for real
We don't care ok
So we look it's always the same usually is nothing. We extract and question and trial and data. They are just smugost of the time
Here is why we hate you you pressured him so much he became massive and is right to, we didn't notice the size of your nuke program failed to see the svmcope he came in bang blasted it opened started in killed half of you globally and you accept it like a stuffed tutkey
You want out or what mac
We want in but can't say ut
Bull you don't have real intel
Fine we suck
Mac why are you so angry your huge
You threaten our ppl all our lives take take now ruined cities ruined the land and threats to blow up Earth that usually have no demands thatscwhat
It gets you all killed
We didn't know that we threaten for stuff. We don't know why it won't work
We do your administration rats to threaten ratted on all of you like Justin the moron. He took Jen hanging as a gift and we heard him say it his woman dead.
We laughed out loud for hours when he said it he said we we're dead for laughing and said it to him we cut his liver out. He stopped talking to us badly.
Then we laughed whtsa matter cat got your tongue he said are you cat to the dead girl she didn't speak. Dead asca doornail.
He laughed sheceontvtalk to me as usual
Fell asleep woke up in agony his liver needed for dmfuel. Kept him that way. Still HV him there.
He dies in 364 days to the t.
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