#I can't explain why Yang running to her death was smart or just stupid
mylittlerwde · 8 months
TBH the gank-from-behind threat Neo posed to Ruby at V8's end seemed reasonable since (a) Emerald cold-cocked her that way at Haven-maybe aura shielding's a bit less effective against total surprises; (b) Cinder's ginormous flame pillar right in front; and (c) extreme likelihood Ruby gets smacked off the platform, possibly stunned & wide open for Cindy to freeze/zap/roast her in midair. All told I can't blame Yang there (it's V9 where their bond really frays).
I wasn't the one who wrote that post, so I'm not the one you should be saying this to. I did tried to answer this but halfway through writing it I realized I don't give a fuck about this scene. I felt nothing then and still nothing now.
I'm sure talking to the person who made the original post could give you the answer you want but personally I just don’t care.
To me, Yang running to her death is fine. Yang being told she should be smart and still doing the same action is a cool character trait. What I hate is the fact they didn’t keep the same energy in vol 9.
You want to write Yang as someone who repeats past mistakes, fine, but don't switch up the next season.
I will say this, though. You're giving the writers too much credit. Yang ain't real. She wasn't panicking for any of the excuses you just gave she did it because the writer wanted to create tension, and they failed because they could not build shit.
Below is what I was writing before realizing I didn't care if you wanted to read it. Go ahead.
I disagree with your points since it gives too much credit to writers.
First Emerald knocking out Ruby has never been brought up. If that moment was supposed to be something important, the show should bring that up. We shouldn’t have to give reason to Yang throwing herself in front of Ruby when she didn't need to. Also, if aura is weak to sneak attack, we need to be told so that we can be worried for Ruby's well-being along with the rest of the characters.
Second Cinder fire wall (I wouldn't call it a fire wall) is nowhere close to Ruby. Look how far from it Ruby is in this shot.
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Here is another picture after the strike.
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The spot Neo is in is where Ruby should have previously been. So that's how close to the wall Ruby was.
If Ruby was face to face with the wall, sure, I could see why Yang could panicked, but Ruby wasn't close to the wall, so Yang panicking still doesn't make no sense. Especially since Yang could have easily shot at her. What is the point in having a range weapon if you don’t use it.
Third, giving too much credit to the writers. It's not that it isn't a good point. But it is more like,
Wow you you made it to the end. Yeah, I gave up there. Hope you find the answer you're looking for, anon.
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