#I can't promise there wont be any of obstacles among the way where I'm headed but damn ppl you'll NEVER realise how much it meant to me
thekenobee · 7 months
Guys, there's never the right time to say it but what I wanted to say is ..thank you.
To all those who've been following me for some time now, you probably have seen my ventings and you know that my family is abusive, toxic and suffocating.
I'm in a better place now, I'm most likely to stay in Ireland another 2 years and finish BA here before- hopefully moving to the UK- which gives me a space to breathe, far away from my 'parents' who shouldn't be called that in the first place.
But what I wanted to say is massive, huge, enormous THANK YOU- for just being here, replying to my posts, sending messages, lifitng me up, because it's what saved me.
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