#I can't say everything but I guess we once again are on edge of veing thrown away from stepfather's house
doli-nemae · 2 years
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Wanted to draw my Sith Inquisitor but I'mm too broken to draw something normal so I drew myself.
I'm so fucking tired. I just want to go back home.
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meenasmoon · 8 years
Prompt idea: Some guy tries to subtly flirt with Meena within earshot of some of the theater family. Meena has no clue she's being flirted no matter what the guy says, which is amusing to most of the theater group. It gets to the point where ash and Eddie are stopping the others from clueing her in cuz they find it funny and Mike can't believe how dense she is.
First prompt of the weekend! Here we go!!!!!
“Who’s that guy talking to Meena?” Eddie asked Ash who wasbusily sifting through the messy pile of her sheet music. She hadpacked it up in such a hurry that morning that when she had shoved themin her bag the music sheets had gotten mixed up in each other. At Eddie’squestion she looked up from the pile before her and examined her friend with acritical eye. Meena was checking the rigging and examining the tech panel whilea muscle bound moose strutted around after her.
“Oh that’s the goon Moon hired to help with back stage work. Meena wastraining him until you got back from lunch. That dumb idiot has been trying toget her attention all day.” She smirked and chuckled to herself as she watchedthe moose trying to flex as Meena directed him to test the stage lightsone by one.
“That’s hilarious.” Eddie snorted and started to slowly move closer,straining to hear what the moose was saying to their Meena. Ash looked down atthe mess that would probably take forever to sort through and then over towhere Eddie was casually leaning against the wall looking at his phone. It wasan easy decision to abandon her mess and hurry over to join Eddie. The closershe got the easier it was for her to hear the brute trying to hit on Meena.
She snickered at his pitiful efforts and she and Eddie exchanged anamused look, “This is even better than I imagined.” she snorted in an effort tohold back her laughter when the moose turned on the wrong lights because he wastoo distracted flexing for Meena while she checked off tasks on theclipboard. Meena gave him a slightly annoyed look before showing him where theright light switch was and went back to ignoring him.
“So how do you feel about raisins?” he suddenly asked, and Ash gaveEddie a questioning look but the sheep just shrugged and they turned back towatching the unfortunate interaction.
“Um… I guess they’re pretty good.” Meena gave the moose an odd look and turned backto her checklist, visibly confused.
“Then how do you feel about a date?” he asked and gave her what wassupposed to be a suave grin but just turned out to be creepy. Meena seemed toactually contemplate the question before looking at him innocently and givinghim a tentative smile.
“I prefer raisins to be perfectly honest. They’re easier to bake with.”With that she wandered back over to the rigging and checked all of the ropes,checking each one off of her checklist as she went.
Ash was laughing so hard that no noise was coming out of her mouth andshe was using Eddie to prop herself up. Eddie’s whole body was shaking with theeffort to keep his laughter inside but despite his efforts a few snortsescaped. These noises only made Ash laugh harder as she slumped down to theground and held her aching stomach.
“Oh my god she’s so oblivious.” Ash wheezed out as she desperatelygasped for air, “She is the most oblivious person on the face of the planet.”She finally took a deep breath and calmed down slightly just in time to catchthe shocked expression on the moose’s face. It sent her into another fit ofgiggles that finally seemed to attract some attention.
Gunter bounced up to them and plopped down on the ground next to Ash,his usual dopey grin plastered to his face. “Vat is habening here? Vat is zofunny?”
“Oh Gunter. My man Gunter. This dolt is trying to flirt with Meena. It’scomedy gold.” Ash grinned eagerly and wrapped her arm around his shoulders andpointed over towards where the tenacious moose was checking himself out in thereflective surface of a light. Gunter grinned eagerly and settled down on hisstomach to watch the spectacle before him.
Satisfied with his appearance and having regained his confidence, themoose turned around for another try, cornering Meena near the large controlpanel that controlled the lights, sound equipment, and everything else onstage.
“If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.” He grinned and flexed hisarms slightly. Meena frowned uncomfortably and shuffled backwards and away fromher companion.
“Um, that’s nice, but I’m an elephant.” She mumbled and hurriedaway towards the scenery pieces that needed to be stored in the nearby storagecloset. Ash was practically rolling on the ground and this point and Eddie wasdesperately hiding his face in his jacket in an effort to conceal his uncontrollablelaughter. Gunter was laughing uncontrollably and holding his jiggling belly.
The moose looked confused for a second and seemed to go over his linesin his head before following her, flexing his muscles with every step. As hestrutted over to Meena, Mike strutted over to where the three of them weregathered, still chuckling over the latest flirtation attempt.
He stopped and sneered at the lot of them, twirling his stylish littlecane as he walked. “What the hell are you bozos laughing at?” he asked andwaited impatiently for them to calm down enough to answer him.
“The new guy is trying to flirt with Meena.” Eddie finally got outbetween chuckles and Mike immediately frowned. He had become very protective ofMeena since their first show and at the idea of anyone hitting on Meena he wasimmediately tense and ready for a fight.
“Alright who is he? I’ll teach him to mess with Meena that’s for sure.”He raised his tiny fists and looked around for his opponent. Ash rolled hereyes at his theatrics and sat up from where she had been slumped on the ground,her stomach aching with laughter.
“Relax ‘Tough Guy’. Meena doesn’t even know that he’s flirting with her.It’s hilarious.” She pointed to where the moose was making a fool of himselfonce more by trying to lift multiple set pieces at once. Meena was watching himworriedly, lugging her own set piece. There was a great clatter as the moosedropped one of the set pieces on the ground. Meena mustered up as much of aglare as she could, which resulted in her looking slightly perturbed. The newguy brushed off her annoyance with a charming grin and tried to pick up the setpiece once more. Despite Meena’s protests he picked it up once more and thistime he made it to the storage closet.
“Give it a minute I just know that he’s gonna try again.” Ash saidexcitedly, suddenly wishing that she had a bowl of popcorn to enjoy while shewatched the poor idiot struggle to win Meena’s affections.
Mike rolled his eyes but settled down somewhere where he could see thespectacle that was about to unfold before them. Eddie bounced inanticipation as the moose slicked back his hair and headed over to whereMeena was struggling with a particularly heavy set piece.
“Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?” he said smoothly andstruck a cheesy pose in front of Meena who just stared at him in confusion fora few seconds before shaking her head and gesturing towards the set piece thatshe had been struggling with while he had been checking himself out.
“I wish you would help me with this set piece, and then I wish you wouldmove the rest of those pieces into storage.” She said politely and then lookedat him pointedly until he bemusedly walked over to the other side of the setpiece and lifted it up. They moved it into the storage closet and then shedirected him to which pieces needed to be moved into there as well while shelowered the lights down to the stage and began checking the bulbs and therigging.
Meanwhile her friends were dying of laughter off to the side. Mike hadfallen on his back and was having difficulty getting back up because of theforce of his laughter. Ash was laughing so hard that the force of it had madesome of her quills shoot out into the floor of the stage. Eddie’s head wasfully buried in his read jacket where his muffled hysterics could be heardthrough the fabric. Even Gunter was rolling so much that he nearly rolled rightoff the stage before Ash grabbed his shiny gold jumpsuit and heaved him backaway from the edge.
“How can she possibly be so oblivious?” Mike asked as he finally got hislaughter under control and struggled back into an upright position.
“How can that idiot moose still think that he has a chance with her?She’s rejected him three times already!” Eddie peeked out from his jacket tothrow in his two cents, his grin so wide that it could barely contain thesnickers that snuck out of his mouth.
“Ve must get Rozita. She vill enchoy zis as vell!” Gunter scrambled uponto his feet and dashed off the stage before anyone could stop him.
“Oh great.” Ash groaned, her good mood suddenly stifled. “Whelp theparty is over now.” She stood up and shoved her hands in her pockets.
“What? Why?” Eddie frowned at her sudden mood change and pulled his headout of his jacket. Even Mike quieted down and stared at her, his grin slowlydying.
“Because Rosita is gonna get all protective and ruin the fun.” Ashgroaned and slumped against the wall, watching Meena tend to the lights with abored expression on her face. As if on cue Gunter appeared, dragging Rositaalong behind him. He was babbling so quickly that he was practically incoherentwith his heavy accent.
“Gunter wait-Woah!” Rosita exclaimed as she plopped down next to Gunteron the stage floor and looked around at everyone gathered around her.
“What’s going on?” She asked and everyone just turned to look at Ash whowas for lack of a better word pouting against the wall. She looked away fromwhere Meena was fussing with the lights and rolled her eyes when she foundeveryone looking at her for an explanation.
“Some muscle bound idiot is hitting on Meena and she’s oblivious toall of it. It’s pretty funny.” She smiled a little bit at the thought of anyoneflirting with Meena. To her utter shock Rosita’s face lit up with an eagersmile and she looked around eagerly.
“Really? I’ve got to see this. Where are they?” Ash pointed to whereMeena was standing checking off the last light as the aforementioned mooseapproached her from behind, his cocky strut undiminished by her previousrejections.
“Oh my gosh it’s starting again.” Ash said eagerly, forgetting her shockat Rosita’s positive response to their little experiment. She eagerly pointedto where Meena was standing, unsuspecting of what was about to happen to her.
They all leaned forward in anticipation as the moose swooped in for hisfinal attempt. He grabbed Meena by the shoulder and spun her around making herdrop her clipboard and pull her ears in closer to her head.
She recoiled from him in surprise and frowned when she heard thedistinct sounds of snickers coming from somewhere near her. She ignored thenoise as her companion forced his way in close to her face, startling her.
“If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d put ‘I’ and ‘U’ together.” Meenablinked in surprise, staring at him as he made an odd face that she didn’trecognize.
“Uhhh…” she looked at him blankly and tried to back up but ran into thelight fixtures. This odd moose had her trapped and was making her distinctlyuncomfortable. He had been speaking nonsense all day and she had no idea how torespond to it.
Thankfully she heard familiar footsteps approaching from behind and shefelt her whole body relax as a familiar hand slid onto her back to rest gentlyon her lower back. She was saved. Relief flowed through her body in a rush asshe turned to greet her boyfriend with a blinding smile.
Johnny smiled back at her and leaned in to gently kiss her cheek, herears opening up in happiness at his greeting.
“Wotcha love. Abaht ready ter go? Ya kna ‘a your mum gets if we’re latefer supper.” Johnny asked, completely ignoring the strange moose that hadcornered Meena when he arrived.
“Just about Johnny,” She said, blushing slightly, “I’m just finishing uphere with…I’m sorry what was your name again?”
Suddenly the attention was turned back to the stricken moose that wasstanding in front of them, his face frozen in surprise. “B-Brock.” he finallystuttered out and held out his hand to which was quickly enveloped in Johnny’sfirm grip.
“Nice ter meetcha Brock.” Johnny said, sounding friendly enough, but hisbrown eyes were hard and his smile was forced, not that Meena noticed. “Can yafinish up so I can get me girl ‘ere home in time fer dinner?”
Brock nodded dumbly and Johnny flashed him his teeth in a bright smile.“Thanks mate.” With that he led Meena away, his hand still resting on her lowerback, and her sweet smile still focused on him. Once they were out ofsight Brock slowly picked up the clipboard and slowly finished up what littleMeena had left for him to complete.
Ash turned to the others as they exchanged triumphant looks and a fewchuckles. Gunter and Eddie were mid high five when Buster’s voice rang outbehind them, making everyone jump.
“What exactly do you guys think you’re doing?” They all turned aroundsheepishly, looking down at the imposing figure of Buster Moon as he stoodthere with a frown on his face and his hands on his hips.
“Uh… I think I hear someone calling for me…” Ash said and quicklydisappeared, everyone else following her lead except for poor Eddie who didn’tquite make it in time. Buster grabbed him by the sleeve of his jacket andstarted pulling Eddie’s reluctant form up to his office.
“I think an explanation is in order.” He called out and Eddie groaned indespair, looking around for someone, anyone to save him, but they had allscattered as soon as Buster appeared.
Brock was just finishing up the last of the lighting work when hesuddenly found his path blocked by a smirking ash, her arms crossed over herchest.
“You never had a chance buddy.”
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