#I can't say when I'll do more with swapfell mh bc swap mh is my priority but I hope this sounds vaguely interesting for now ahah
missholoska · 4 years
Idk how long ago you said this but I think you said something about having some ideas for MH Swapfell??? I would love to hear them if you're still willing to share :D
context for everyone else: this was sent last week while I just so happened to already be drawing Swapfell MH for the first time, so anon your timing with this ask was impeccable
my ideas for Swapfell MH are based on issues I have with Swapfell in general, so to recap those: 1) I dislike the overly dark tone most Underfell, Fellswap and Swapfell takes go for where everyone's abusive to each other, and 2) the combination of Underswap and Underfell makes the characters feel too far divided from the Undertale cast to me, in that I can't see any of their original counterparts' personality traits or charms in the Swapfell (or Fellswap) casts.
the first one's easily fixed with my headcanon tone for Underfell, where everyone's edgy but still goofy and have the capacity to be kind, but the second problem is a lot more complicated, and it's the main reason why Swapfell is generally not appealing to me (Fellswap even less so).
...that is, until last year my brain went 'hey what if the Swapfell characters were to lack traits from the Swap MH cast due to being a Fell universe, which in turn bring back similarities to their UT selves', and somehow that fixed my entire problem and threw me in too deep. so I'm not gonna be making full character sheets for the entire cast but I will get them designed and post all my ideas for them eventually, and for now I'll share a few things to give a basic overview:
(also, I already say this about Underswap MH but it goes double for Swapfell MH: I know Swapfell is popular the way it is for a reason, so if my ideas for it don't appeal to anyone else, that's fine. this is all for my own fun o/ )
Swapfell MH Toriel:
unlike Orchid, she shares UT Toriel's adamant refusal to take another's life to let others free, and as such has never killed a human. instead she banished Asgore to the Ruins for declaring war and turned her back on her revenge-hungry people, stating if they wanted to gather human souls they'd have to do it themselves. her inactive leadership caused monsters to become crueler, as they began to value the strength to kill humans above all else.
her anger towards her people has since dulled with time, though she still thinks little of those who want to kill humans and blames Asgore for it all (not that she's innocent - her disinterest in what her people do has caused Many Problems)
while Asriel isn't her biological nephew, she’s still very close to him as he remained in New Home after Asgore's exile and the two were the only family each other had left.
Swapfell MH Asgore:
still has UT Asgore's trident, as he brought it with him to the Ruins and wields it for a reminder of what his decision cost him.
his regrets consume his life, but it is a Fell universe and part of him can't deny that he still wants vengeance for his adoptive children. this results in him being a sorta off-putting father figure as he struggles with his conflicting views when each human falls down.
only offers golden flower tea, and will be offended if it is refused.
Swapfell MH Papyrus:
has worse anxiety and lacks Noodle's ability to appear chill in public, resulting in him lacking popularity in town, not unlike UT Papyrus. and yet despite distrusting others, deep down he still tries to believe people can do better.
his greatest joy in life is making the most dramatic and dangerous puzzles; he considers The Gauntlet of Deadly Terror his finest work, and as such won't deactivate it for Chara.
will throw a cup of his awful burnt spaghetti at you if you insult his puzzles.
Swapfell MH Sans:
lacks Neptune's ambitiousness; like UT Sans, he doesn't care about getting any further in his job than a sentry and just does what he wants regardless.
while most monsters like to pretend they don't care, he's not afraid to be someone who openly does care for others. but he's picky about who's worth respecting, if you're not one of those few, he only values your life depending on how entertaining you are.
still tells bad puns, but mostly just to get annoyed reactions out of people. though, he's grown to appreciate a certain goat lady's genuine laughter in response too.
Swapfell MH Alphys:
still has a poor opinion of herself, but doesn't try to power through or even hide it like Axe - she actually weaponises her own self-dislike to catch foes off-guard.
the injury that scarred Axe's right eye was far worse in this universe, resulting in her being blind in one eye and having limited vision in the other. however, underestimating her because of this would be a fatal mistake.
she and Undyne are already dating, and she often gifts Undyne weapons stolen from defeated foes as if they're romantic flower bouquets.
Swapfell MH Undyne:
was far more lacking in scientific knowledge than Sci-Fi when she built Napstabot's body and became Royal Scientist. she's since learnt more with experience, but generally views science as "nerdy crap", although it's cool nerdy crap that makes stuff explode and impresses girls.
not afraid to use herself as a guinea pig for experiments, resulting in her having numerous scars and a few accidental poisonings. she also didn't bother making a fake left eye, and instead equipped her empty socket with a laser.
hates humans as much as UT Undyne and tries to pursue Chara throughout Hotland in a similar fashion to the original game, but like a cartoon supervillain her attempts usually fail and even accidentally help them at times.
Swapfell MH Napstabot:
their lack of self-confidence is so severe that they've never made a single public appearance, and even use subliminal messaging in their music to compel people to enjoy it. monsters only know what their box form looks like due to merchandise.
gets roped into assisting Undyne's attempts to stop Chara throughout Hotland, but as it's their first time being on camera for their shows, they're extremely nervous and mess up most of their parts.
their magic tears deal serious damage when they feel depressed, which like UT Napstablook, is most of the time.
Swapfell MH Happstablook:
can still be a little nervous at times like Glamour, but UT Mettaton’s charming performances are natural to him and he's a master at building a brand.
re-branded the Snail Farm as the Blook Family Snail Jail, which features a Thundersnail Gladiator Arena and live snails for monster children to take home and practice killing humans with.
constantly starts discourse on Undernet.
Swapfell MH Asriel:
loves causing mischief, and unlike Sage still wears a striped shirt to trick people into thinking he's an innocent child who doesn't know better. if his puppy-dog-eyes expression doesn't get him out of trouble, the reminder of his status as a Dreemurr usually does.
gave himself a very cool God of Hyperdeath-like nickname, 'The Blazing Thief of Chaos'.
never moved to Snowdin Town, but visits the area often enough to fill UT Monster Kid's role.
Swapfell MH Monster Kid/Temmie:
in life, they often did the talking for Frisk but usually followed them around like the younger sibling of the two. UT Monster Kid's "say something mean so I can hate you" line to UT Frisk was one of their favourite games to play.
as a plushie, after waking up in a world much darker than the one they used to live in, they were too afraid of monsters to become bored and twisted like Tem-K. she may not be able to feel love or compassion, but she's a genuine ally to Chara.
Swapfell MH Chara:
still hates humanity, thinks very little of themself, and is much more wary of monsters than Charity and less inclined to sass people they just met. despite all that, they're still inclined to show mercy and start to come out of their shell as they make friends in the Underground.
speaks quite formally like UT Chara, but uses slightly different vocabulary as they picked up the habit long before meeting Toriel.
likes white chocolate only. especially with raisins.
Swapfell MH Frisk:
while alive they were seemingly unfazed by anything, much like Canon UT Frisk. they often quietly performed good deeds, and sacrificed themself via buttercups as they thought trying to break the barrier was the best way to fulfill the role of 'the future of humans and monsters' Asgore referred to them as.
as a ghost, they're heartbroken to see how their family has changed since their death, and their narration is quite blunt and hopeless for most of Chara's journey, though they become more optimistic throughout the pacifist route.
getting their expression to change from the usual -_- face is truly an achievement.
I have more than double this amount of info on every character, but I don’t wanna spoil everything :’> but I hugely appreciate the opportunity to ramble about this, so thank you anon!! and I appreciate anyone who bothered to read all of this too ahah
also I have the basic ideas for all the character designs in mind but nothing drawn yet other than this tiny messy concept for Sans, so here’s that:
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(I’ll reveal everyone else’s nicknames another time, but the edgy star boy’s nickname is Mercury ✨)
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