#I can't wait to see what other shit he can sing HAHAHAHA
matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
I'm sorry ya'll this ain't the last time I'm gonna be spamming cover songs on here- but I just wanna mention how WELL the AI did this fucking song?? It's not even english and I did it as a JOKE but LIKE-
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lululawrence · 2 years
So you saw the Chicago rainbow lights too! It was so shocking I didn't move at first. My phone was in my pocket and I though oh I missed it. But it KEPT ON so finally I was like ok, unlock phone, accidently take photos and not videos, and it was still going lol. Can't wait to see what's next on the LT unhinged tour
Haha I did!!! Like I said in the tags, I legit thought I was going crazy 😂😂😂 I have thought I’m going crazy with multiple things that it turns out other people have seen too, but we don’t have proof of it? Like at a couple of shows I saw his smiley flash green randomly? Like just once or twice and then back to its usual hahaha I was like omg I’m larrieing so hard I’m imagining it’s turned green 😂😂😂 and then same with these rainbow lights! It’s just. It’s subtle, you know? So while I’m dancing and singing as loud as I can and focusing on @londonfoginacup and Louis and the pride flags and and and I just ASSUME I’m not seeing it correctly and I’m imagining it 😂 it’s such a relief to know I’m not AND you got proof! Hahaha I just don’t trust my eyes during concerts because I’m so visually overstimulated I mistake shit regularly so I ¯\__(ツ)__/¯ and keep going hahahaha
ANYWAY I’m also excited!!! What’ll he do next?? No one knows… hahaha
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
Can't I Get a Break? (part 1)
(Again, beware of typos. I have no idea how this turned into what it is now, but it is what it is.)
Hermes pushed the door open and nearly tripped on one of goldie’s many stray brushes. The floor was also littered with paintings and marble statues of varying shapes and sizes scattered all over.
“You need something Herms?”
The blonde was in the corner, sitting down on a cushion, his eyes still focused on the canvas on his lap even when his brother was already standing over him.
“Dude, what’re you doing here? The wedding is about to start!”
“Eh? I thought it wasn’t until two months from now?”
Hermes stared, and wasn’t sure how to respond.
“Look, I don’t know what day you think it is, but I wasn’t lying when I said that the wedding is about to start.”
Apollo frowned, but then laughed when his instincts told him Hermes was telling the truth.
“Ah, shit. The girls are probably wondering where I am-” He immediately stood up and ran off into another room. “You can go on ahead Herm! I swear I’ll catch up.”
When the god took a glance at the painting he left on the cushion, he suddenly understood. It was a work in progress of Asclepius’ worktable covered in ashes.
Olympus’ garden was breath-taking; bioluminescent flowers blooming under the moonlight. The gods were having the time of their lives, drunkenly singing under the serene night sky.
Hermes couldn’t help but subtly gaze back at Apollo every now and then. Despite all the fun the sun god was having dancing with the muses, their conversation in the studio made him felt like something was off.
Then someone caught him off guard by wrapping an arm around his shoulder, and he instantly knew who it was the second he smelled the wine in his breath.
“Jealous?~” Dionysus wiggled his eyebrows.
Hermes raised an eyebrow. “Jealous of what?”
Dionysus motions to the muses; it was at that moment that Calliope had her arms wrapped around Apollo’s neck as the god gave her a small kiss. Hermes rolled his eyes, but oh little did he know, he was faintly blushing.
The younger brother sighed.
“Look man, if you’re going to keep this up, then you‘re absolutely hopeless. I mean, at this point literally everyone except the distracted dumbass you haven’t confessed to knows that you want a piece of that-”
“Hahahaha, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, have you seen Eris? I heard she wasn’t invited-”
“Hey! Don’t change the subject.” Dionysus glanced back and frowned. “Huh, where’d he go?”
Hermes followed his gaze and sure enough, Apollo was nowhere to be seen; just the muses chatting amongst themselves, along with a few other immortals. The wine god scanned the rest of the guests at the party, and gave his friend a confused look, who just shrugged in response. Then before he knew it, Hermes was being dragged by the arm over to the group of gossiping sisters.
Urania saw them first and waved, while Thalia gave the messenger a knowing grin.
“You looking for Apollo?”
He internally cursed. His brother was right, everyone did know. Before he could say a word, his companion answered for him.
“Yeah. Wasn’t he with you guys just a minute ago?”
Melpomene and Polyhymnia gave each other a look, before turning to Calliope. She sighed.
“He said something about taking a break.”
“Apollo? A break?” Dionysus looked up, at the moon. “But it hasn’t even reached midnight yet.”
The goddess’ smile became just a tiny bit strained. “I know.”
Hermes frowned. “Did you manage to catch where he ran off to?”
The garden was huge; its depths filled with paths most don’t even know of. Luckily Hermes knew his way around it like the back of his head. After all, he’s got good experience sneaking inside the garden from one of its many secret entrances.
The other deities’ slurred laughter were getting more and more muffled, until it was replaced by the crickets and the foliage crunching under his steps. Then out of nowhere came the familiar sounds of a certain lyre. His brisk walk slowed into a halt. He found the god of music sitting down on top of a small hill, back resting against the trunk of an old oak. He had a feeling he would’ve found him here. This spot was one of their favorites, because it also happened to be right in front of a giant crevice that overlooked a big chunk of the earth. The view was spectacular.
Apollo didn’t notice Hermes’ presence until he had already sat down next to him, which made him flinch.
“H-” “Hermes!” He glared.
“You could’ve at least said something! Gods, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
The messenger resisted the urge to laugh and just innocently grinned, while his friend sighed. His gaze then went to the turtle lyre in the musician’s hands.
“I still can’t believe you kept that. I mean, it’s not just that you kept it. It’s the fact that I always see you actually use it.”
Apollo smiled, with a look in his eyes that basically said, ‘Why wouldn’t I?’
“It’s a very good instrument, even if it was just made by some annoying toddler. Besides, the other one gives me bad memories.” He pauses for a moment. “What’re you doing here? You couldn’t find someone to flirt with?”
“I was looking for you.”
“Did someone need me?”
“Nah, if that were the case then I would’ve already told you. I was just… concerned?”
The blonde seemed confused; now Hermes was the one who sighed.
“Did you really spend two months just, holed up in that room?”
“Maybe, what of it?” The lyre went silent.
Hermes frowned, but after a few moments of thought decided to stand up.
“Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, but considering what happened, you probably just wanted some alone time-”
“Nono, it’s fine.” His voice was so soft he almost didn’t hear it. “Please don’t leave.”
And so the god sat back down, this time inching a little closer so that their sides were touching. Apollo saw him glance at the lyre again.
“You want to play something? Go on ahead.” He hands it over. “I suddenly don’t.”
For a few minutes that’s all it was, Hermes strumming on his lyre while the crickets sung; Apollo staring into the distance.
“Wait.” For a brief moment, Apollo’s eyes lit up like a pair of miniature suns.
“Hm?” Hermes paused.
“Nonono, keep on playing. It was just… isn’t that the song you played to me? When you tried to convince me that it was totally worth trading half of my cows for?”
“Y-” “Yeah.” He was surprised. ‘How do you still remember that?’
Hermes continued to strum, but now his cheeks were starting to burn up. It doesn’t look like Apollo noticed though.
“Am I unreasonable, Hermes?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m one of father’s older kids, hell, his literal oldest son. You’d think I’d get used to this now.” He picks up a handful of dirt and just lets the soil fall through his fingers.
“Well, it… wasn’t really a natural death now, was it? Dude, if that happened to my kid I’d be pissed at dad too even if he had a reason for it.”
“I don’t know I’m just… I’m so tired of this.” At first it was a hand on his shoulder, but he quickly ended up hugging him; pulling him even closer and wrapping his arms around the messenger’s waist. “I’m so fucking sick of this shit.”
Despite how much that had startled him and the fact that he was internally screaming right now, Hermes still managed a smile. At this point, the blonde had his face buried into his shoulder. The younger god stopped strumming on the lyre and gave his friend a gentle pat on the back.
“I know that I shouldn’t be making a big deal out of this but-” “but I can’t not!” His rants were loud murmurs; like yelling but in soft whispers with the occasional muffled sniffs and whimpers. “I can’t stop thinking about things like this. I don’t know why. Is there something wrong with me? I know everything dies and that what Asclepius did was a crime against the fates, why can’t my brain just shut up about it!”
“Hey, Hey look at me.”
After half a minute of silence, Apollo reluctantly looked up.
“Don’t beat yourself up like that.” Hermes putted the lyre aside and wiped away some of the tears trailing down his cheeks. “You’re not unreasonable. I mean, have you seen the shit the rest of this fucked up family tree of ours has been up to? I’d argue you’re actually one of the most reasonable.”
“Oh, of course you’d think that-”
“Shhhh” He cut him off by giving him a small kiss on the forehead.
Apollo faintly blushed and then started staring off into oblivion again; resting his head on Hermes’ shoulder.
“I guess at least…” He murmured. “At least you guys aren’t going to suddenly die on me.”
“I don’t know about that. I can’t exactly guarantee that I won’t do a very stupid prank that might get me kicked into Tartarus.”
“Tch. Well, there might be a chance that I would’ve been stupid enough to do it with you, so at least with that we’ll both get chucked down into the abyss. Hey who knows, Dio might join us too.”
Hermes laughed, and even the blonde himself couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“Well” Apollo sighed. “Thanks for putting up with that.”
“Of course.” He takes a quick look at the moon. “Maybe we should go back now. Someone might get worried.”
“I guess.” For a moment there, the god looked like he really didn’t want to leave.
“I mean, I don’t mind spending a few more minutes here if you want to-”
“No, it’s fine. You’re right; we really should be going back now.”
Apollo stood up first, and picked up the lyre; the messenger standing up not long after. The two deities had started to walk back when the younger god suddenly stopped.
“Hm?” Apollo turned around and frowned. “Something wrong?”
“I… I need to tell you something.” He suddenly felt a little nervous, and couldn’t help but stare a little; maybe even briefly glancing at his lips.
Hermes took a step closer.
“I-” “ACH!-”
But before he could do or say anything else, he felt something hard smack him right in the face. He probably would’ve fallen back onto the ground if Apollo hadn’t caught him.
“Are you alright?”
“What…” Hermes rubbed his nose. “What the FUCK was that?!”
Then there was a distant cackle, and it sounded oddly familiar; almost like it came from a certain goddess of chaos.
Out of the corner of his eye, Apollo saw a speck of yellow on the ground. It was an apple made out of solid gold, and there was an inscription scribbled onto it, but that wasn’t why he was staring.
Once his brother had fully recovered from the shock, he let go, for him to stand on his own. The fruit glimmered and sparkled under the ambient moonlight, enticing the immortal to come closer. He crouched down and picked it up. It glowed against his hand, and it flashed against his eyes.
First he felt the heat, like the sun’s solar flares were gently flicking and liking his skin. Then he smelled the stench of thick, red, mortal blood. His limbs were heavy and his stomach tied itself into a knot; his head filled with the slow rhythmic beat of drums, except it wasn’t drums. He wasn’t in the garden anymore; he was in a temple, his temple. He knew because of the statues, but they weren’t the only company he had in this large, hollow room.
There was a stranger in front of him; their steps the source of those loud, steady thumps as they gradually got closer, and closer…
He was a god, he knew he could easily kill them, but instead he found himself backed up against a wall. Then they grabbed him by the throat, and drew their sword. In the heat of the moment, he somehow managed to catch a glimpse his reflection in the glint of their blade.
What he saw wasn’t his face.
But the face had his eyes.
Apollo instinctively dropped the apple and cursed fruit quickly fell back onto the ground. His face was drenched in sweat; his fingers twitching; breath hitching and heaving.
“Apollo? Goldie?!” Hermes rushed towards the blonde and cupped both of his hands. “Hey buddy, what’s wrong?”
The god inhaled, and exhaled; closing his eyes. He squeezed both of the messenger’s hands and forced himself to calm down. When he started coming back to his senses, he glanced around, but the apple was already gone.
“Hermes, where did that cursed piece of golden shit go?!”
Hermes blinked, surprised. “I… don’t know?”
But what he did saw, was a few black feathers as dark as the sky above them. They were scattered along the path that led back to the main event.
“…Hermes I need that fucking apple.”
“Huh? What? Why-” “Hey, HEY! APOLLO WAIT!!”
Apollo had started to run back towards the wedding, and Hermes was right behind him.
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