#I cannot live without the ragbros
lunargrapejuice · 9 months
I am new to your blog. Can I say that I absolutely love your work! Your blog is like the perfect blend of fluff, wholesome, angst and horny (pls don’t hate on me for the last one but I just love the way how you write smut). You are so talented and your work is so immersive.
I also love how you are unabashed about being a fangirl and posting the self ship arts that you commission. I love seeing them. I am currently in university and I am barely scraping by for rent and living but someday I also want to get self ship arts with my favs 😩
I also love Diluc a lot. He was the first 5 star I got (in my first 20 wishes. I was so lucky. I got him before he even appeared in my story haha). The minute I saw him, I fell in love with him. And after getting to know him, I fell harder (lol look at me talk about him like he is real life man hihihi). Anyways I have this theory that Diluc’s love language is acts of service. I believe this because of his character. He loves his nation and he served it in any way he can - first as a Knight and now as a vigilante. He is not very obvious about it. I have a feeling that sometimes he knows about Kaeya’s missions and he intervenes in a covert fashion if the mission is too dangerous. Kaeya knows but Kaeya will not point it out because he doesn’t want Diluc to become skittish.
And it’s the same with you as well. When he initially starts dating you, it starts of small. You don’t even notice it. When he is at your doorstep, about to knock, he notices that your doorknob is loose. That’s dangerous so after dropping you back, he will fix it in the middle of the night as he guards Mondstadt. Or how when you cook dinner for him, he will insist on cleaning up but not just that, he’ll meticulously put things back in order and make a mental note of the supplies that need to be replenished. Or when you go out on a chilly night, he knows that your cardigan isn’t sufficient to keep you warm and his coat is too heavy and bulky for you to walk around in so he always carries a nice, warm scarf and gloves (that matches his) in the pocket of his jacket.
You eventually start to notice it when he becomes a constant presence in your life. He often stays over at your place instead of the tavern now. All your stationary supplies never seem to run out. You could have sworn that you were running out of shampoo but now there was a brand new bottle in the bathroom. On nights that you took longer to arrive home, if he was in Mondstadt and not on a mission, he’d prepare a nice warm meal for you. He will massage your shoulders and remark how stiff they are because you overwork (look in the mirror, Diluc). Even in days when he has missions, he quietly enters your home while you are asleep, and notices how your duvet is slipping off your frame. He will gently drape it around you, he cannot wait to be in bed with you and share your warmth. So he will take a quick shower and slowly slip into the bed with you. You always wake up earlier than he does because you have to work. You leave him to sleep (obviously after kissing him on his cheek or forehead) wishing you could stay with him but duty calls. He wakes up to find you gone. Although he has a busy day, he will check if any chores in your house needs to be done. He will clean the dishes that you left after breakfast and clean the house. He finally will make the bed and leave you a note with cute messages. He always will sign it with an intricate D
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thank you so much for your kind & thoughtful words & for reading my writing 🥺🩷 it means so much to me🩷🩷 i could never hate another smut lover hehe
ahhh these men got me good i don’t know how to not fan girl like mad plus i am addicted to getting self ship arts done (my wallet not so much either lolol) but i am glad you enjoy it, I love seeing people gush about their favs too it’s the best & just so wholesome & sweet🥰💕
ooo lucky baby! that’s so awesome he was your first 5 star!🥰❤️ it took like 2 years before he came home to me fjfkfkfk but i totally feel falling in love with him from first sight - dreamy longing sigh heh AND EVEN MORE SO AFTER WHAT YOU WROTE AHHH 😭😭🩷 YES 1000% AGREE WITH ALL OF THIS! he’s so thoughtful & sweet & he really does show that in the ways he looks after you🩷 watching over his brother too fjdkfkfk !!!! YOU ARE AFTER MY HEART ARENT YOU
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leeryder · 1 month
A Call for Action in the Ragbro's Community. IMPORTANT! Please read
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So many of you have been sharing information, educating yourselves about what is happening in G@za , spreading donations links, and more. We have all been watching everything that is going on and how so many people are trying to currently cross the border to escape.
Many of you are aware of Operation Olive Branch and how they are helping the people in G@za.
As well as Erin Hattamer who has used her platforms to help pair content creators with families trying to raise funds to escape.
There are still a lot of families still needing help. Several are over 90% complete, but stuck at the tail end of their fundraiser. They cannot help their families get to safety without these funds
While I am not a very large content creator myself, I know that as a community the ragbros fans have a lot of voices. I'm asking everyone in this community to help me adopt Dr. Sanad Albeisi's fundraiser & spread awareness/donate to help him raise the last 10% of his goal
While I am not a very large content creator myself, I know that as a community the ragbros fans have a lot of voices. I'm asking everyone in this community to help me adopt Dr. Sanad Albeisi's fundraiser & spread awareness/donate to help him raise the last 10% of his goal
He volunteered at Al-Shifa Medical Hospital and helped tend to the people there His home was destroyed by the b0mbs They are currently living in a tent in the south dealing with a lack of food, poor hygiene, and diseases
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Despite all of this, he has continued to keep working at hospitals in R@fah and even created a medical point that serves 16,000 people. He works around the clock serving and tending to hundreds of people a day
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While he continues to help as many as he can, Dr. Sanad is losing hope. He is begging people to help however they can to help get his family to safety.
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Ragbros community, please help me spread awareness about Dr. Sanad so we can help this selfless man get his family to safety. Please, spread the word about him and share the link. Donate if you can. Let's adopt him together and help him finish raising the funds he needs
This fundraiser is a part of Operation Olive Branch. It is 90% complete and just needs a bit more help to be fully funded. And while that last 10% seems daunting, if we work together we can help him reach his goal.
If anyone gives me proof that they either donated or made their own post about Dr. Sanad, his family, and fundraiser I will draw them a doodle for free.
Much love and thank you <3
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
Olay so apparentl the hisden strife event had lore drops? And lettwrs hidden around Mondstatd! And a huge one was super hidden from kaeua???🌵
Ok! Yeah that's a thing! It's kinda sad cause it was, like, the first time they gave us hints about Kaeya's family. Now it's a bit obvious in terms of lore bu there were some interesting things.
(I wasn't there either, I just know about this by researching it.)
So, the main part is this:
The objects in the box are all pretty old. One particular sheet of paper stands out. A piece of it has been burned away, and the remaining parts show signs of hacing been rescued from that same flame. Every line on this sheet of paper has a matching one right under it. From the handwriting, it looks liike a child wrote on this first before an adult stepped in, held their hand, and taught them how to do it a second time. The writing are as follows: “Remember always that it was the Alberich Clan, who did not have royal blood, who stepped in as regents when the strength of the one-eyed king Irmin failed” “Though we could not restore Khaenri'ah to life, we of the Alberich Clan should leave lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers.” If you flip the paper over, there are other words there. You reckon these must be annotations of some sort. “I saved this one memento from the fire ‘Father’ made while he wasn’t paying attention. This was in violation of our principles. Our clan’s affairs should never be recorded. For me, this sheet of paper cannot serve as any form of identification, and will not give me pasage anywhere. Now that I look at it, his handwriting was as grieving as a smoking ash pile. There is no way that I can write something like that, living in Mondstadt as I am.” Moving the paper aside, you can see a cloth bag underneath it that conatins an eyepatch of significant age. A sticker is attached to the side, and the text on it reads: “Hah! to think that all that play-acting as a one-eyed pirate would eventually end with one actual wounded eye. I have never blamed Diluc for that. I suppose I must have been asking for it, telling him the truth the day my adoptive father died without expecting conflict to emerge somehow. He seems to believe that I really was blinded, though that’s not the case. Well, I’ve fooled him for a while, haven’t I? Might as well keep going.” Two letters lie beneath the bag, all of which have “D” as their sender. The letters are in great condition, and there is a time written on the back. This is most likely the time these letters were received. You can tell that the words have been written in a strong but elegant hand. A small paper bag lies next to these two letters. It contains nothing but a few seashells. They have lost most of their luster. It is unclear how much time has passed since they were picked up.
It's interesting because it gives us ideas on the Alberich's policies which, hindsight after 3.5, really make sense for the Abyss Order.
“Though we could not restore Khaenri'ah to life, we of the Alberich Clan should leave lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers.” Meaning they do not wallow in the past but burn themselves just for the sake of revenge against the gods!
Also the reason I don't buy Kaeya not knowing about the abyss since... he clearly was not spared the worst details. But that's another story.
Also we learn that they burn any comunication which is... interesting.
I will link all the letters here if anyone's interested. Compiled by the lovely @transxiao on Tumblr. The rest is mostly either Diluc lore or Ragbros and I'd advise you to read this if you have free time on your hands!
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