#I cant believe Zac got away with doing this twice. and I want him to do it AGAIN!!!!!
archersartcorner · 1 year
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Felt like there were more similarities between why I enjoyed these two and Pib&Skip… and then I realized LMAO
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sherlolly-siya · 4 years
Magnum P.I. S02xE18-20 spoilers and tidbits
I thought i’ll give a prologue first 😅 Remember i pet project where i was trying to decipher the episode names? yea i didn’t get very far on that.. but i have come to a conclusion, that each title is a convention for what the clients in that episode, and/or our P.I. is going through. Eg. S02xE16 : Farewell To Love
Episode starts with Gladys and Bert who had given up on love but eventually found it in one another. The fact that Gladys narrated this part makes it poetic in a sense that she was the one who had to say bid farewell to Bert.Then TC and Teresa, they found the one that they always loved. The one who made them happier, but TC had to let her go go, he bid farewell to his love, instead of ruining 3 lives.In the beginning of the episode, we see magnum all in for online dating, but after what happened with Dylan, we see him coming to an abrupt conclusion that online dating is just isn’t the thing for him, also adding to the fact, the girl who met through an app (Abby) had just recently broken off with him. So magnum kind of bid a metaphorical farewell to finding love online.
Spoilers for S02x18, S02x19 and S02x20 under the cut if you wish to continue. Warning: My rant got hella long, longer than i planned and there are lots of pics and links below. Thanks @maggiesoa​ and @lizzysfavs​ for providing some food for my thoughts  😊
So.. lets begin with S02x18 : A world of trouble I’m just grouping together the pics that I’ve found so far which seem to be related to episode 18: Perdy and Bobby discussed about having a scene together ignore jay’s comment here, I’m all for #TeamJin and I will riot if they ever kill him. I believe the episode starts with Jin, showing up at Robin’s nest, where he ends up in a situation where he has to change in magnum’s clothes (note the t-shirt magnum is ironing... (Edit: DIDN'T HAPPEN!!?? I MEAN!! This could have been cute.. didn't have to be a total BTS for once!!) Where we get this scene, All i can guess right now is that is a tab in Jin’s had, and he’s being a fair judge for miggy while they prepare for their visa interview, or he could be here with today’s case
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Which takes us to to the primary promo for 2x18, where they solve the case at hand. Now my guess is that the case doesnt take up entire 47 minutes, because this promo also exists. What this secondary promo also shows is them at a office(?) guessing visa or may be its a school where the current client works? where magnum/higgy blurts out that they’re marrying and some lady says that they don’t look like a couple. We also see Katsumoto warning Higgy about the consequences of marrying their business partner. (Edit: this did happen and fueled Higgy’s resolve to back out.. nothing wrong there..but as Jin said.. may it be with Magnum or TC, u’re still breaking the law Mrs. I can figure out how pretending with TC is going to get good results? if anything.. it only comes out of nowhere) I’m sensing a connection here again with the title of the episode: A world of trouble:  - The current client, the case was definitely given to them by some one else because they approach the lady coz Higgy says “You’re in trouble, we just want to help you.”, which means she might have refused help at one point. - Literally 2 people in a 2 min worth promo have commented on their wedding, does this not sound like trouble to you?
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When magnum is possibly heading out to go to La Mariana, (Edit: DING! DING! DING! This was indeed before the bar scene.. which kinda broke my heart.. but we’ll talk about that in detail later) she tells him that she’s reconsidered her decision that she will be marrying TC instead (which is weird, but for the sake of it, OK). Which also implies that she’s going to have a heart to heart with TC how she had one with Rick before in 2x13. (Edit: Umm.. i would have liked to hear the entire convo here.. but i guess its going to come back a flashback some day?) Magnum than heads to the bar, with Jin where he meets up with his friends and we get this, going by past experiences, this is going to be the last scene where he’s with his friends. Now what leaves me confused is this guy below, the one that magnum rescued and now has a food truck (Rem S1x01, they got him all the way from there now). He’s not listed for 2x18, but the actors caption says 2x18? So is he like the caterer for the wedding? (i thought kamekona was doing that?) or he’s there for entirely other reason?
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Now this all leads up to S02x19 :  May The Best One Win Again the title is the synopsis here,
Magnum and Higgins are each hired by a different spouse who are in the middle of a contentious divorce to dig up dirt on the other, and Thomas and Higgins soon find themselves competing over resources. 
But i don’t think them competing again each other is the only thing here, remember this gem from TV guide magazine? - Jay mentions there being an odd jealousy there, and there is something percolating between the duo which magnum doesn’t want to address just yet. I think the competition is not just between Magnum and Higgy, for magnum it is also between him and TC. May be he’ll be still trying to show her that he is the one she should be marrying, even if that’s fake.  - And for the implied element we also have this garage fight, where they’re up against “just one guy, but a very big guy”. This again i don’t think takes forever to solve since, there’s an upcoming wedding everyone has to attend, we’ve all seen the famous pics, but this:
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Him again!! And looks like he is in fact catering the event. Now since S02x19 and S02x20 are to be merged into one mega episode, lets slip into: S02x20 :  A Leopard on the Prowl 
Magnum and Higgins help Rick when his father figure, Icepick , just out of prison and battling terminal cancer, gets double crossed on one last score. Also, Magnum makes one last bold move to help Higgins stay in the country.
This is the rick centric episode the viewers were promised, Adding pics of Zac coz he looks great here:
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But do you see anything missing here? My sleep deprived brain does. Icepick seems to be have fallen pray to something on the run, nothing pre-planned, the guy has terminal cancer, he’s dying any day now, why would someone spend any time to plan something against him? (He’s probably going to die in this epi..he only had few months.. the article says “reluctantly try to help him” seriously guys why do you have to be reluctant? And below pic is probably of the same related fight scene Jay talked about in the TV guide snippet:
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And if the video Jay uploaded is even close to the actual scene, it could be because the guy hit Rick/Higgy and Magnum picked up another fight with him.. or that’s just for insta.. I’ll leave it open. There’s a fight scene with TC as well i suppose. Now what does the title have to do with the episode? Here’s my theory: - Remember Dr. Kim i already mentioned twice above. He’s gotta be here for more than just “catering the wedding”, magnum said he was a code breaker, he was mentioned in one of Robin’s books, he instantly identified the co-ordinates which Nuzzo left for Magnum, (which is duh!  u’re telling me that magnum was a navy SEAL and can read waves but cant piece together actual co-ordinates?!!). Magnum was kidnapped by Ivan’s people coz he needed something from him which was in the books, later Ivan had magnum delivered to himself on a secret mission of retrieving Hayek, who was a weapons dealer but he got away with drones instead.. I think this is all related somehow, there has to be something in this episode that points to this.. I thought may be its in Robin’s books.. but they have never mentioned the same book twice.. I’m still looking for answers though.. But going ahead, see this ,
“ Magnum makes one last bold move to help Higgins stay in the country.” “You see Higgins in a unexpected position, which magnum is very uncomfortable with and where he is not sure about his place”
Soo.. the wedding didn’t happen? So that’s not helping her stay in the country? 
It didn’t bother me much before.. but think about this, what if since the wedding plan backfired, she has to go back to London until her visa is renewed/reapplied for : an unexpected position since she has found something in Hawaii she doesn’t want to loose. Which leaves magnum as the in-charge of Robin’s nest and Zeus and Apollo and part of the deal [I can almost see my HC at the horizon]. An uncomfortable position where he has to manage the estate and the hounds of hell without his “professional better half”. I think there is a beach good-bye scene on this day, may be an actual hug between miggy? Supporting evidence as follows:
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Now the last attempt Magnum makes, does he offer her a job? Does he confess? But that wouldn’t automatically land her in an unexpected situation , that would be magnum putting her in that situation while being full aware of his position. I bet lenkov has got pretty good plan for this to play out. Now this doesn’t back up my crack where Higgins leaves, because
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This story was posted along with the one where magnum is boating.. so they’re probably from the same episode.. where the last ditch effort has paid off but Magnum and Higgins roles have now been shifted a little and lenkov’s quote makes sense “Nothing really changes”.. has anyone ne noticed that there are no Juliet pics from 2x20 yet? 
I cant wait to see that though.. and for a 100% i know there is a season 3, its a gut feeling i have. Thank you for stopping by.. sorry it was too long  😘
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hannahindie · 7 years
85 Statements!
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
I was tagged by the absolutely amazing @ultrafandomcat Thank you so much for tagging me love!
1. Drink - Cherry Coke
2. Phone call - The dude from Ink in a Blink.
3. Text message - not a text technically, but @pinknerdpanda! <3
4. Song you listened to - As The Jurassic World Turns (Jurassic World Soundtrack)
5. Time you cried - Umm...sometime earlier this week. I found pictures my grandmother who just passed away took at my wedding last year.
6. Dated someone twice? - Not dated, but talked to. Dumb.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Oh, yes. Oh my, yes. And Facebook memories just keep popping up the fallout from it. -eye roll-
8. Been cheated on - ...This is weird to answer. No but yes? It’s a weird story. lol
9. Lost someone special - Yes.
10. Been depressed - Yeah
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - Yeeaaaaa. I used to be able to say no to this, and then I got old and my body decided to remind me.
Favourite colours
12. dark purple
13. bright blue
14. dark gray
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - Yes.
16. Fallen out of love - Nope! Still very much head over heels, thank youuuuu.
17. Laughed until you cried - Yep
18. Found out someone was talking about you - I’m sure people talk about me at work a lot. -shrug- I guess that happens when you get shit done. -flex-
19. Met someone who changed you - Sure have
20. Found out who your friends are - Uhh...I don’t think so?
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - Sure have! -whispers- My husband is my facebook friend.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - I’d like to say most of them, but I had a pretty significant time frame where I made alllllllllll the online friends.
23. Do you have any pets - My kitty!
24. Do you want to change your name - I changed my last name!
25. What did you do for your last birthday - I honestly can’t remember. I’m sure I went with my parents, we had a dinner with friends, I think my husband might have taken just the two of us out.
26. What time did you wake up today - 8 a.m.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Watching Grey’s Anatomy because I hate myself.
28. What is something you cant wait for - APRIL. I get to see my water bear and my twin and the boys and and and everyooooooooone!
30. What are you listening to right now - People talking about....something. I don’t know. Not paying much attention.
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom - One of my first close college friends is named Tom.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - Wanting to go home and being trapped here. lol
33. Most visited website - Tumblr, Facebook, BeFunky.
34. Hair colour - dark strawberry blonde I guess. Someone said brown once, but I don’t think that’s accurate.
35. Long or short hair - I miss my long hair.
36. Do you have a crush on someone - Yes. -whispers- It’s my husband. Don’t tell him.
37. What do you like about yourself - I’m pretty hilarious.
38. Want any piercings? - I toyed with the idea of getting my nose pierced.
39. Blood type - I have no idea. I live life on the edge.
40. Nicknames - Han, Hanners
41. Relationship status - Marrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeed
42. Zodiac - Pisces
43. Pronouns - She/her.
44. Favourite TV shows - Supernatural, Walking Dead, Criminal Minds, Psych, The Office, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Grey’s Anatomy (just recently. it’s my guilty pleasure)
45. Tattoos - One, on my foot. It says Amor motis est.
46. Right or left handed - Right.
47. Ever had surgery - Yup
48. Piercings - Yep: I had three on the bottom, but now I have two on the bottom, and the first hole is gauged, I have a regular cartilage piercing in one ear, and an industrial in the other.
49. Sports - I did roller derby for awhile. I am not an athletic person.
50. Vacation - New Zealand, Ireland, pretty much most places, okay, ,thanks.
51. Trainers - My favorite pair are black converse that are super glittery.
More general
52. Eating - I haven’t had lunch...but I had a McGriddle for breakfast.
53. Drinking - Still sipping on cherry coke.
54. I’m about to watch - Nothing. Because I’m trapped.
55. Waiting for - the contractors to be done with my house so I can move in!
56. Want - to go home, and see my parents, and also mooooooove.
57. Get married - I am! It’s pretty great. I thoroughly enjoy it.
58. Career - If I could make money from writing and cross stitching, and be able to survive...that. OR Moving into the ID department. Or an occupational therapist.
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - I like both very much.
60. Lips or eyes - Eyes.
61. Shorter or taller - Taller, because I’m already pretty short.
62. Older or younger - Doesn’t really matter...my husband is only like a month older than me. lol
63. Nice arms or stomach - Mmm...arms.
64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship, yo.
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - I can be both.
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger - Uhhh...I don’t think so? hahah
67. Drank hard liquor - Oh, yes.
68. Lost glasses - Yes
69. Turned someone down - Yes
70. Sex on first date - Nope
71. Broken someones heart - Yeaaaa....but not on purpose.
72. Had your heart broken - Yep. Facebook thought it would be cool to remind me.
73. Been arrested - Nope
74. Cried when someone died - Yes.
75. Fallen for a friend - Yeaaaaaa.
Do you believe in
76. Yourself - Sometimes.
77. Miracles - Sure do.
78. Love at first sight - I knew when I saw my husband walk across the street to meet me for our first date. Hadn’t even spoken to him in person yet.
79. Santa clause - Why wouldn’t I?
80. Kiss on a first date - That depends.
81. Angels - Yup
82. Best friend’s name - This makes me feel like I am going to make someone sad. They know. lol
83. Eye colour - Blue/Grey with a yellow ring around the pupil.
84. Favourite movie - Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, alllll the Marvel Movies. There’s too many.
85. Favourite actor - Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Simon Pegg, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Chris Pratt, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Zac Efron, Matthew Gray Gubler...there’s so many.
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