#I cant say I respect KOH all that much but I respect the hell out of Franch I just think she's past her prime
harristops · 2 years
ok but whether you consider what KK is doing racist or discrimination either way it's not good??? so i don't think people should be defending her or praising her just because she likes their fave? that's not how that works. she's problematic regardless
But that is the point you shouldn't defend someone who does shitty things and doesn't take responsibility. That's one point and I agree. What my point is that you can't say it's racist unless it's actually racist. You can be a shitty commentator without being racist. KK may as well be a shitty commentator without being racist but what the anon who's claiming racism is doing is not providing any evidence for saying she is racist. That's my issue. It's not with her saying shitty things or defending her, it is with people claiming racism without sufficient evidence because it takes away from ACTUAL racism that could be happening or is happening. I agree with you dude but aside from saying some people aren't world class players where are the real insults or shitty material? Has she name-called anyone? Made fun of how someone dresses or looks? Did she say anything about how someone's playing ability is directly related to the color of her skin? Did she tweet anything even hinting at a racial or discriminatory insult towards a player? Campbell is not a world class player. Franch is not a world class player. Hell, I will get flack for this but Ash isn't even a world class player--she's so clutch at her job and she's been a star ever since she was drafted but she's not Hope or Naeher. But she's still incredible in her own right. Fuck, they're all incredible at what they do, they're in a professional league, but the bar is so high. None of us could ever compare to them.
I can't stand Hope, but no one cuts close to Hope as a world class keeper, not even Naeher, who is stellar in her own right. But that's the point - world class is such a high standard that it's the best of the best of the BEST. You can't compare Midge to Dunn or Pinoe or Press. You can't compare Cook to Becky or Krieger or HAO. They are on another level and I agree, while Midge and Alana are fantastic at what they do and are only ever gonna improve, they're not world class players (yet). So please tell me, where is the racism in that opinion? Maybe the way KK worded it or how she said it but again y'all aren't telling me what she actually said or did so I can't put any blame on her (yet).
If she's using power and pace to describe only Black players but not White players that's annoying bc yes, there are more skills to a player than power and pace. But, like what, are we supposed to gloss over the fact Rodman is likely the fastest player in the league? She's definitely got more than power and pace but she does have power and pace, more power and pace than likely any current player, BIPOC or not. She absolutely deserves that compliment and more but she deserves that praise at LEAST. I don't think she's done enough maturing and she can be dirty at times and I'm not her biggest fan, but I can acknowledge her talent at least!
I don't watch other games so I haven't heard her speak so I have no idea what she has been saying that's provoked this much rage. I'm not defending her if she actually has proof of treating players differently by commenting in a purposefully malicious way, because that's going beyond being biased. If she thinks in her opinion that Alana and Midge are not world class players, she has a right to that opinion. Is it sus if she's only coming after POC players? Absolutely. But is she? I don't think she was ever onboard with Campbell or Sonnett, either. But is there enough evidence to suggest that it's racism? Seeing as no one is telling me what the hell she's actually saying and doing, I don't think so. People make mistakes and she should own up to it but she apparently didn't and if she didn't then she doesn't deserve to be defended, which is exactly what I said. My gripe is not about what she said or did its about the fact people are screaming she's racist without giving me any sufficient evidence she is. If you an pull me a quote, tweet, or action that shows she's purposefully insulting or defamining a player based on their race, then we can chat more and I would actually love to chat more dude.
Right now, if she's using words like power and pace for only Black players, saying two POC players aren't world class players, that is a ridiculously small sample size because she's criticized White players too. I just feel like it's been a whole lot of yelling in my inbox with no sustenance. This isn't directed to you but just in general it feels like a lot of butthurt white people trying to come to the defense of Black players as if they understand how racism truly works (hint: white people can never understand what racism is bc they can never experience it bc racism is systemic and they benefit from that system since they built it so none come in my inbox about that reverse racism bullshit, y'all will be blocked).
So again I ask, tell me what she specifically said, did, tweeted, etc., then we can talk about KK being a supposed living, breathing monster bc right now it seems v one sided.
I am not defending her if she did fuck up but I'm not gonna contribute to the racist witch hunt just because people don't like her opinions. Give me something substantial or go find another blog to scream your anger into. I want to have a discussion about it, not listen to people just play the blame game.
Anyways, TL;DR, tell me the specifics and have a genuine discussion and stop yelling.
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