#I consider myself cis but also Very Unattached to my gender
darkestshadeofgrey · 4 years
1-15 😘
1. how many muses, do you think, have you had in total while on tumblr?
Easily over 30. Most of them I have as unused sideblogs still, but I know there are a few shorter lived ones that are no longer with us. 
2. are there any tropes that pull you in or that you realise are reoccuring in your muses?
I tend to write a lot of mentor type muses. I also have a thing for writing mercenaries and Russians that I didn’t realize until I’d had a whole bunch and a friend pointed it out to me.
3. do you often get ideas when watching new media? do you end up wanting a canon character, an oc in that world, or just things involving current muses in the world / with those characters?
Oh all the fucking time. Pretty much any media I consume at least gives me new concepts if not a whole ass muse. Plenty of them honestly end up just living in the discord dms of whoever I chose to scream at about them, but sometimes they actually make it on site. I rarely, and I mean rarely, get the urge to write canons in anything. It’s typically OCs, either wholly separate ones or ideas I can apply to some existing one.
4. what’s the weirdest muse you’ve ever had?
One that’s never made it to tumblr, for sure. Weirdest one that has? Probably my Fae OC, Rosson. He’s...off, let’s say, even among other Fae. 
5. who is / was your favourite muse of all time to play?
That is tough. Purely from a how fun they’ve been to write and not so much about the events I’ve written/who I’ve written them with: probably Gideon. Sparknotes- He’s a relatively young but immortal mage who just has like no freaking filter. He’s a wise-cracking, pop culture spitting, always says what he means and has no shame ball of fun. 
6. is there a muse you’d add or bring back if you didn’t have to worry about whether others are interested in them or not?
If I wasn’t so worried about them coming under scrutiny I would bring over several of my muses that are part of a world I came up with years ago. So any of one of them, really.
7. what age group, gender and ethnicity do you most often end up playing?
Often 30 years old or older cis white men. That’s not the goal, but a quick onceover of my multi (the highest concentration of muses I have on site) shows that as the consensus. I don’t so much set out to have it that way, but it’s how things have shaken out so far.
8. who is your latest muse? can be someone you’re only considering / not planning to play at all, but is tempting you.
Working on bringing one of my Dragon Age: Inquisition Inquisitors to tumblr. Just gonna replay the game first to refresh myself on the story and such.
9. have the types of characters you play changed over the years?
Oh yea. Since joining tumblr I tend to be marginally more grounded with characters. I used to deal pretty much exclusively with fantastical powers and such-and I certainly don’t shy away from them now-but I’m far more willing to write muses with more toned down abilities, or no powers at all even. 
10. if you play original muses with canon roots  ( like oc siblings, coworkers, etc. )  or someone who’s been either just a name or a few lines of dialogue in canon, how do you build that character? do you pick the muse first and build from there, or do you need have the muse ready in your head and only then pick the connection, or a combination of the two?
So it’s rare that I make OCs that are like super directly related to/are underutilized canons. I might have them tangentially related, but typically in a way that if you pluck that canon out, the story/muse still works so I’m not reliant on it by any stretch. There have been a few occasions where I did do something to this affect, but they’re typically special cases. The 3 that come to mind are Dmitri- My OC Harley Quinn child that was the product of a magic anon years ago, Sully- A Gotham City Rogue that I built up to be very much woven into the fabric of Gotham and familiar with/to its various players, and Boris Turgenov- the very first Crimson Dynamo from Marvel comics who died in the same issue he appeared in. I got the idea on a while to flesh him out because I was like ‘they bring back like every bit character at some point why not him’ because as I researched, he’s hardly even been brought up and never revived since that initial appearance/death. I pretty much just made up what I thought ‘made sense’ at the time to explain his survival/continued existence.
11. have you ever built or picked up a muse because you wanted to use a certain faceclaim? how did it go?
I rarely make a muse solely for the sake of an FC. Typically, in OC creation in general these days, I’ll have an idea sorta just floating around unattached and then I’ll see a face and go ‘that’s a good face’ and keep it in mind, then at some point the idea and the face will link up in my mind (maybe I’ll see something the FC is in and it exhibits characteristics and mannerisms that line up with the idea) and go from there. It’s going pretty well so far.
12. what’s the weirdest thing that has ever inspired you to make or pick up a muse?
The song Between The Bars by Elliot Smith. The muse has never been finished, but it did spark an idea.
13. have you ever not gone through with playing / adding / making a blog for a muse because you’ve feared no one would care about that specific muse?
I’ve never held off on it because I thought nobody would care, but there are a few I’ve held off on because I thought people wouldn’t like them.
14. if you see that a friend of yours has just made a blog for a muse you were planning to play, will you still make the blog?
Yea, probably. One person’s portrayal of a character doesn’t take away from another’s. Hell, depending on the muse/friend, I might even suggest we figure out a way to make our versions of the character interact and see what hilarity ensues.
15. which muses of yours have currently very dead fandoms?
None right now. As it stands, all my muses are either OCs in fandoms that are still thriving or unaffiliated with any fandom at all.
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