#I consistently spell his last name wrong lmaooo
thematronofravens · 2 years
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ltadoriyuujl · 5 years
Based on @cho-rates form
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(Art by my lovely friend Ari, as I can’t draw to save my life)
Name: Aria Rehn
Hero name: Nami
Age: 16
Birthday: May 20th
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Dark brown Afro that’s either tied up or in braids.
Appearance: Has dark skin with deep brown eyes. Her eyesight is horrible so she wears tinted contacts that make her eyes purple. Her casual clothes are a T-shirt and clean sweatpants.
Body: Well-proportioned build with broad shoulders, like a swimmer’s. Long legs and sharp features.
Quirk: Water manipulation. (Think waterbending)
As long as there’s H2O in an object, she can control it to some extent. (She can’t control blood though). She can even pull moisture out of the air if it’s humid enough.
Her quirk is affected by:
The amount of water in the object she’s controlling
How far away the object is
The environment she’s in
For example, her perfect conditions are a cool, rainy night by a lake or other body of water.
Dehydrates quicker than most, especially if she uses her quirk a lot.
Her quirk is weaker the less hydrated she is. At max hydration, she could easily control a small lake, but if she’s close to her limit a puddle seems like a daunting task.
Costume: See picture. (She always has at least one canteen or flask full of water on her in the event that her surroundings are devoid of water.)
Personality: She tends to be very optimistic, to the point where she could be perceived as naïve. Her intelligence is nothing to scoff at but 90% of the time only one brain cell is in use. She has a strong moral compass and isn’t easily swayed. She likes to think she’s rational but in reality, is very impulsive and emotional. She’s extremely loyal and absolutely won’t hesitate to stand up for others and what she believes in. This said she can also be very confrontational. If she’s truly desperate she goes from lawful neutral to chaotic good real fast.
Do they work well with others: She’s pretty independent but won’t object to working in a group. Her willingness really depends on who she’s working with.
Family: Mikita Rehn (Mother), Saito Rehn (Older Brother)
Family extras: She comes from a family of elementals. Her mom has a fire quirk, her brother has an earth quirk, and her father had an air quirk.
Her father adopted her mother’s last name when they were married.
Her brother works in construction.
Friends: Her friend group consists of the Dekusquad mostly, but she also gets along well with Kirishima and Denki is her partner in memes.
Enemies: She considers the League of Villains her sworn enemies but otherwise none to speak of. 
Romantic interests: Shoto Todoroki. At first, it was more of a social experiment to see if she could worm her way through his aloof exterior, but then they became genuine friends and she found that she’d caught a full-body case of feelings.
What do they think about heroes?: She’s idolized heroes her entire life and being a pro has been her dream since she was little. She believes that they’re genuinely doing the best form of public service possible. Her naivety shines through a bit here because she often refuses to acknowledge when a hero has done something wrong.
What do they think about villains?: Her views are a little less black and white here. For the most part, she detests them but her judgment differs from villain to villain. She despises the LOV though.
Is their first reaction to danger: flight or fight?: Her above-mentioned impulsiveness makes it difficult for her not to jump into a fight.
If they had to be stuck on an island with one BNHA character, who would it be and why?: Probably Todoroki. He’d most likely be really calm in that situation and they could quickly brainstorm a solution together. And if all else fails they could attempt to freeze the water and make a bridge back to the mainland.
Favorite holiday and why: She adores Christmas, especially if there’s snow. She likes having all her family in one place and her mom makes the best apple pie.
Do they have a certain way of dressing/style?: She is absolutely clueless when it comes to fashion and wouldn’t know a trend if it smacked her upside the head. Throws on whatever’s comfortable.
Pet peeves: She cannot stand lip-smacking while you eat. Leaving gum under desks and littering irk her too.
Favorite food: Mac and Cheese. Her dad always made it for her, so it holds a fond place in her heart.
Favorite drink: Any fruit smoothie is good in her book.
Favorite season/weather: She loves fall. She may be a cool toned person, but she really likes the warm colors that come with the season. She loves overcast days because it’s usually not too hot which means less dehydration for her.
What’s their sleep schedule like?: Lmaooo, what’s a sleep schedule? Sometimes she goes to bed at 8:30 pm sharp, sometimes she’s still up at 2 am. Depends on a lot of things.
 Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert?: She’s an ambivert that won’t object to a fun outing but will curl up with a book and be dead to the world for hours after.
Quickest way to upset them?: Genuinely insult anyone close to her and she’ll be on you in 0.5 seconds.
What type of student are they?: Straight A. Got an 89 once and cried. Willing to share their notes and tutor but does not tolerate cheating.
Superlative that fits them best: Teacher’s Pet fits really well
A song you associate with them: My Blood by Twenty One Pilots
What’s their diet like?: Actually eats relatively healthy!
Last thing they ate: Vegetable stir fry
Hobbies: She considers herself an amateur author and her (many) notebooks are filled with story ideas and poems (half of them are about Todoroki but don’t tell him that). She also really likes to swim!
Guilty Pleasures: Chocolate cake and curry. The curry is more of a loss than a win because of the insane levels of chugging she has to do afterward, but she loves it all the same.
When and what was the last thing that made them cry: Her favorite character got killed off in a book she was really invested in.
General extras: 
She’s an American transfer student.
Her favorite color is red.
Her brother calls her “Blizzaria” because once she got mad at him and iced the floor of his room.
Curses like a sailor for even the smallest annoyances
Has won 3 separate spelling bees.
Always has at least 3 hair ties on her in case the one she’s using gives out or someone needs one.
Has 4 piercings, 2 on each ear, but only ever wears one set of earrings at a time. 
Do you plan on filling out a roleplay form: No
Creator name: Daisy
Blog name: @chiefqueenenthusiast
Did I have fun?: This was really fun to fill out!
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