#I could easily see him playing 4D chess with himself using sock puppet accounts online
zestyderg · 1 year
Still cannot believe Joe managed to form a crime syndicate while existing as a nearly powerless skull. How did he do that?? Speech 100? High charisma?? Both?? What did he even say to/do for Lester, Lola, and Cole that made them trust him and want to join up with him in the first place????
Oh also did he expect zz to just give up once the cup was stopped???? Imagine if Joe successfully sunk Caliosteo. Great, the cup is canceled, but zz is still out there and can just form another. What was joe going to do, take the bb brigade with him and follow zz everywhere he went to sabotage his every plan? Zz could also just start stealing random bodies to keep himself hidden and ALSO could have eventually found Joe and destroyed him himself.
I admire the dedication but like... Joe there has GOT to be a more straightforward way of doing this. I wonder if he'd destroy his own body just to kill zz. Would that even work??? Could zz just leave a corpse and possess someone else like nothing happened? Maybe if he was blasted to smithereens and nothing remained it would work.
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