#I could never kill a firefly bc they’re pretty so I just let them hang out in here
thedickcavettshow · 2 years
the amount of fireflies in my room is INSANE I’ve never had fireflies get indoors before let alone like 10 every night… they put on the craziest light show every single night and its SUPER DISTRACTING when I’m trying to sleep!!!
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severalbakuras · 7 years
ok so voltron/night in the woods au, heavy end-game spoilers for nitw and lost constellation and season 2 spoilers for voltron
it is v. late where i am and this is by no means complete. this is just for allura and the paladins. i’ll make a new post when i decide on coran and other characters.
i wrote this on impulse so if things don’t make sense and/or i’ve wildly misinterpreted the characters (and if you’ve read my recaps of the series holy shit you’re definitely familiar with that!!!) then you’re probably right and i’ll probably reread this tomorrow and think ‘what the fuck was i thinking’. sometimes i can be very arbitrary.
for reference this is a ‘voltron characters in nitw’ au, not the other way around.
some of these are a lot longer than others bc it’s been a while since i replayed nitw. and voltron’s nowhere near done yet so this could all be rendered invalid by season three and that prince guy who’ll probably ruin my life given my track record on liking the most assholish characters lmao.
so. keith is mae. now he absolutely doesn’t match her perfectly. in fact he only just about matches half of her, but this isn’t a 1-1 character replacement for anyone.
i don’t think he’d be the type to steal a convenience store robot display and call it his son. i don’t think he’d travel two hours away and dance on his own at a party for a college he doesn’t go to and do a secret handshake with a cute college boy. even though they’re both drop-outs, i don’t think they dropped out for the same reasons - but they were good ones.
i do think he’d go to the train tracks with someone even weirder than him, help them put metal people in place and sit between the tracks with them to see what they’d look like after being run over. i do think he’d climb around the rooftops no matter how many times he was told to get down. i think he’d wonder if his closest bonds were genuine, or just a product of proximity. i even think that if things got really, really bad, he’d disassociate to the point where even people are just shapes, things that only have meaning inside his head, that don’t matter unless he writes it down and makes them real. he’d also be kind of a dirtball lel change your shirt!!!!
shiro is bea. i’d wondered for a long time who shiro should be and who could take bea’s role and ultimately this is it. because i see a lot of ‘world’s best space dad’ shiro out there, and a lot of ‘perfect leader who always knows what’s right’ shiro.
i never see shiro who resents that he has no choice in his future anymore because of the actions of others, or one that would rather not have people think he’s badass just for being imprisoned and tortured and losing his arm. i never see shiro playing the old music records of his lost crewmates to remember them when he’s stressed out.
i want to let shiro be angry at the world, even if he knows it won’t change anything. let characters have fun with shiro but don’t act like a single night messing with fireflies or running wild in the mall can fix everything forever and ever.
hunk is angus. he’s kind but he’s not a pushover. he likes to cook when he’s stressed and scared, gotta take care of everyone right cooking helps people be taken care of right??? he gets irritated when dumb shit happens but that’s only because it could screw up their future. he’d look up at the sky and know god wasn’t in the stars, but he’d believe in the people who cared enough to put one there. maybe a long time ago he hoped he’d find god, or god would find him, but ultimately he’d put his faith in numbers and chemicals instead. and lance.
lance is gregg. he tries to be the lighthearted jokester of the group sometimes, though slightly less intentionally most of the time. he does stupid impulsive things that usually bite him on the ass in some way later. he’s a damn good shot and he’d absolutely steal keith’s journal to write ‘lance rulz ok’ on every page he’s relevant on. he’d wear a leather jacket at all times and put cups on his ears to hear the sea to remind him of where he’s working so hard to move to. he’d wonder if he was a shitty person deep down, one who doesn’t deserve someone like hunk. he’d think he was no good to anyone, despite hunk thinking otherwise.
pidge is lori m AND germ. smushing two side characters together basically gives you a main character right? right. anyway. she starts out as lori. kinda quiet, a little weird. would have totally hecked up the dudes in the mural to make everyone see that something was wrong, and wonder if the dinosaurs knew the meteorite was going to kill them. also i think lori m’s theme suits her the most for reasons i can’t explain.
as she hangs out with keith and the others she gets braver. she kicks lance’s ass at skate wolf on the reg. she finds a possum and makes it her pet and starts hanging around with the hobos and travelers who stop by the town every so often. when she finds those dumbasses at the bottom of a well on her property one night she gets a rope to help them and wonders why she hangs out with these weirdos, but still shows up to band practice.
allura is adina astra, who isn’t actually in nitw as a character like the others, but  the main character of the side game ‘lost constellation’ which ties into some of the folklore for nitw as well as a sort of mini prequel. she puts up with some pretty fucking weird people, but she doesn’t let that stop her from trying to help them even if they’re dead and trapped as snowmen and in her way from her goal of seeing the ghost star. she doesn’t let the witch in the woods intimidate her and tries desperately to help the child she stole, even if said child thinks knowing allura will never see her again is a blessing once the witch is defeated. she even mourns the witch’s poor sister. i was briefly tempted to have her be selmers but i can’t see her burning silicon cities to the ground anytime soon and there’s a world weariness that allura doesn’t have.
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