#I couldn't get my pipe threads to stop leaking no matter how much I tightened them or added or subtracted teflon tape
random2908 · 1 year
You know, sometimes I’m grateful that my first summer in my graduate lab, at the impressionable age of 22, my main assignment was to design and build a full closed-loop water cooling system, with a chiller whose heat exchanger had to also be connected to the building cold water system (which, if you screwed it up, had enough water flow that you could flood the whole lab). And I gained familiarity with all the main types of hose, tube, and pipe connectors and how to install them.
I also learned the very important life lesson of, if all else fails, a blow torch can solve nearly any problem. I think I solved three different problems with a blow torch that summer.
No home plumbing I might undertake will match the disasters I ran into that summer.
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