#I deleted the post becasue I don't have the energy or desire to find out if they are a 'violent TERF' or not
i don't know how to get this out there so i'm sorry for sending it to you but since you reblogged it, crab day was started by a violent transphobe. the person who made the other 'crab day' post received hate mail about the whole terf thing but also responded with 'i do not have the same views as you' which is also heavily suspect. i'd love to actually support tumblr and keep it running but i do not trust the person who's running it at all
Disclaimer: I cannot verify the claims anon is making, please do your own research when it comes to TERF accusations, and even more research accusations of violence. Do not just take people's word for it.
Usually, I ignore anons like this, but I'm going to answer this one and I'll tell you why.
I know you are coming from a good place.
You didn't actually name names, and I just deleted the post in question from my blog, so if anyone cares to find out who the OP was, hopefully they care enough to fact-check your claims about them.
I can't actually talk about what I want to talk about without acknowledging that this is stems from someone accusing the "Crab Day" OP of being a TERF
So here's my take: I think bad people can make good points, and good people can make bad points. I don't believe in rejecting everything someone says based on an unrelated belief. However, you are also free to choose how to run your own blog, so if you ever seen an "event" like this crab day thing come from someone you believe to be a TERF (or otherwise someone else you disagree with), remember you can:
Start something similar yourself
Just just do the action (e.g., buy crabs for someone to support Tumblr) anyway without any fanfare
When it's just an info post, rather than an event, remember you can always share the info on your own post too! Don't let the source of something stop you.
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