#and to be clear I did not delete the post because OP was a TERF
accessibleaesthetics · 11 months
i don't know how to get this out there so i'm sorry for sending it to you but since you reblogged it, crab day was started by a violent transphobe. the person who made the other 'crab day' post received hate mail about the whole terf thing but also responded with 'i do not have the same views as you' which is also heavily suspect. i'd love to actually support tumblr and keep it running but i do not trust the person who's running it at all
Disclaimer: I cannot verify the claims anon is making, please do your own research when it comes to TERF accusations, and even more research accusations of violence. Do not just take people's word for it.
Usually, I ignore anons like this, but I'm going to answer this one and I'll tell you why.
I know you are coming from a good place.
You didn't actually name names, and I just deleted the post in question from my blog, so if anyone cares to find out who the OP was, hopefully they care enough to fact-check your claims about them.
I can't actually talk about what I want to talk about without acknowledging that this is stems from someone accusing the "Crab Day" OP of being a TERF
So here's my take: I think bad people can make good points, and good people can make bad points. I don't believe in rejecting everything someone says based on an unrelated belief. However, you are also free to choose how to run your own blog, so if you ever seen an "event" like this crab day thing come from someone you believe to be a TERF (or otherwise someone else you disagree with), remember you can:
Start something similar yourself
Just just do the action (e.g., buy crabs for someone to support Tumblr) anyway without any fanfare
When it's just an info post, rather than an event, remember you can always share the info on your own post too! Don't let the source of something stop you.
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When did you start the original owl vid blog and what was it like? Was it more focused on reviewing owl videos? I’m just curious as to how you ended up involved in a bunch of discourse* about not-owls.
*lets just call it that for simplicity’s sake ahah
I made the original in either January or February 2020 after being frustrated to a breaking point seeing another video of an owl in an obviously bad situation being shared uncritically because the OP had mislead their followers about what was going on. “Oh this owl LOVES his kitten and duck friends!” “Oh look at this owl having SO much fun in the bubble bath!” It was endless. At the time there was genuinely no one questioning anything going on in any of them. My only outlet was to vent it to some of my friends in group chats and such. We would pass around different videos that ended up on our dashes and discuss the issues amongst ourselves just to be in a space where people actually said something because outside of those chats we were going mad seeing it time and time again.
I made the blog while scrolling tumblr aimlessly during a particularly long winded seminar I was sitting in on, I had reblogged a photo of a wild owl and tumblr began recommending various owl abuse videos mislabeled as cute. I had enough. I made a blog name and used large bold letters and emphasizing colors so my posts would be seen by people scrolling the reblogs. I scoured the entire owl tag and rated every single video I came across, typing paragraph upon paragraph detailing everything wrong with those photos and videos and it didn’t take more than a day or two before I had amassed a few thousand followers, people were interested. People were listening, there were a few “okay Karen” types here and there, but the large majority were willing to listen in a way I had never seen before. I had made posts like this on Facebook (not under an alias) and my posts were always immediately met with “who cares if the owl dies it’s just a fun video it’s not that deep let people enjoy things” and threats of lawsuits for “defamation” from the online personalities and “sanctuaries” i critiqued. To say tumblr was a breath of fresh air was an understatement, I have been on this website since ~2013-2015 (not on a themed blog, just various personal blogs I deleted and remade a few times, and a discourse blog or two mixed alongside a few admin slots making pride icons with cartoon characters for people), and I can honestly say this initial experience was the last thing I expected from this hellsite.
For the first few months, I wanted to hang onto that. I didn’t want to bring politics into it, this was just about owls and wildlife, I didn’t want to detract from the goal of educating people on how to spot animal abuse. And for a time that worked well. I was happy. The followers were happy. Until I started paying attention to the people following me and interacting with my posts. Usernames like “radical-clit” or “jake1488” would start to pop up more often. More icons would have kekistan pride flags, or just iron crosses outright. Some icons proudly just said “TERF is a slur” while others were naked white women in wheat fields. I had what I asked for, a truly “apolitical” space where everyone, even Nazis and TERFs felt very welcome.
And I took exception to that.
I made the first real post using my voice and my stances. I said trans women are women. I said Black Lives Matter. I said ACAB and I said wear a mask when COVID started to hit. I started blocking the ones that didn’t scatter from my blog like roaches, I went through my follower list manually and blocked every TERF, Nazi, and any other type of sleazeball I could find. I manually vetted a few thousand people.
This resonated with people. I expected backlash, and there was a fair shake of it, but I received more asks than I had before. Hundreds of strangers thanking me for making my stance clear and letting them know they were welcome. And that stuck with me.
I had made this blog to educate, and that is what I was going to do. So when I started getting asks from those opposed to my open sharing of political subjects, I responded to their hate mail as though it was a debate. I wasn’t trying to change their minds, I’m not that naive, it was to further educate anyone else reading about it, to tell the full story and to arm them with tools to fight back against bad faith talking points the right weaponizes. From that point on, I would get off topic asks questioning my political stances, and I continued to answer them. I wanted it to be clear where I stood because I did not want marginalized people to ever question if I was secretly a bigot.
I never stopped actually reviewing owl videos, however I did stop using the flashy long format responses to avoid annoying people. I had a following by then, I didn’t need to shout to be heard over scores of people fawning over animal abuse. I still rate videos today, but if it’s one that I’ve rated at all within the past year or especially one I’ve rated multiple times, I tend to ignore the message. I don’t go looking for them anymore for the same reason I’d imagine you probably don’t go out of your way to find videos of dogs and cats being abused. It’s upsetting, it’s emotionally tolling. There’s also only so many ways I can say “owls cannot safely cohabit with other species or more than one other owl”, “owls cannot swim well and don’t like being fully submerged in water for a viral tiktok”, or “owl cafes and pet keeping of owls are inherently abusive”.
If I’ve already rated three videos of people letting their toddlers or other pets manhandle large owls, do I really need to be sent six more? My point is Education, not sending as many upsetting videos of animal abuse as I can find to place on your dash and say things you already know if you’ve seen my other posts.
Anyway, for a shorter answer to your question: I get non-owl discourse consistently because I don’t shy away from addressing it. I don’t want my stances to be vague, I don’t want good people wondering if I support trump or genocide. I am a firm believer that silence is violence. I’m not going to do what white culture favors and simply look away and avoid the topic of injustices simply to make white users more comfortable.
This blog was never meant to be comfortable.
This is the “animal abuse is bad stop that” blog.
It would be weird of me to oppose animal abuse and them remain silent on abuses and injustices faced by human beings.
I don’t wake up in the morning saying “okay today will be 80% international politics, 12% discourse about the causes and ethics of pedophilia as a mental disorder, and 8% birds with 1% of that being owls. If someone asks me if I support trans rights I will answer them. If someone attacks me for that then I will respond to their attack.
If some days I don’t feel like looking for upsetting animal abuse and formulating an entire essay on why abusing said animal for entertainment is wrong, I do something else.
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mokeonn · 2 years
Hey if you saw my mini-meltdown last night or you found this blog because the OP of a post reblogged from it and was not happy with me, this is the apology for that. If you're here because a bunch of terfs decided to hijack my trans positivity post, I'm not apologizing for that.
Last night I had a mini meltdown because I woke up to 4 messages that told me that 2 posts on this blog were basically not good. One is a trans positivity one where I talked about my experience with how womanhood is viewed and how it is used against trans women, the other was a tone deaf post of mine, I'm gonna apologize for having a meltdown on my blog of constantly posting and deleting and I'm gonna apologize for that post:
What I did was I reblogged a post about white gays acting a certain way and I added my 2 cents (I am a white gay) in the tags. The post was not for me, and my 2 cents wasn't helpful at all and just came off as "not like other girls". That's on me. I deleted it and I will not be addressing it any further because, well, what is there to address? I tagged a post in a very tone deaf way, and didn't listen to what was being talked about. My bad.
I constantly posted the anon hate and other little posts (as well as a not good apology) because I was not in a good headspace (or physical space) and I panicked from seeing that I fucked up (and "fucked up" according to the other post I'm not apologizing for) and was triggered into a meltdown. Does this excuse the above behavior? No. This is an explanation for any who might have seen my erratic behavior last night and why this apology took hours after I saw the post.
I will be clear, there's nothing more I can do than just acknowledge I did wrong and I won't do it again. This post is for any who I hurt or really... just annoyed in the process of adding my 2 cents where it doesn't belong. I know that some people might go to the op's reblog rant and find my blog so here is the explanation for that.
And finally, once again: because 2 posts I made are causing issues, this post is not nor will it ever be about my "cis people see womanhood as pain" post. If you have a problem with that post, I don't care.
#long post#i was not in a good space to apologize before#but I now that I am I wanna apologize and leave it all behind me#and make it clear WHAT i am apologizing for#i realized this morning im just going to keep fretting over it until I apologize#so... here it is#there's nothing more I can do than just learn from this experience and not do it again#so im not going to linger on it#im going to move on because there's no point in fretting#you may not accept my apology but that's not really my problem. is it?#anyways im gonna go prepare for my flight home#probably just gonna draw (draw women to be specific)#also I will edit this later and add a read more but I cannot since im on mobile#and im also going to keep anon off forever#sorry some of the messages I got really just lost the anon privileges#like. if you're gonna tell me to die say it with your whole chest and with your face visible#anyways getting off topic#one last thing though#sorry if the tone at all seems snooty or mean. that is not my intention. i am just... AWFUL with tone#i kept rereading this to make sure it didn't seem backhanded because I want to make it clear#i am genuinely apologizing because that's all I can really do#just#make it clear I did wrong. explain WHAT i did wrong (so it doesn't seem like I'm being vague on purpose to dodge accountability)#and apologize for that wrong#i pulled a not like other whites without realizing that is a super white thing to do#well im not like that <- said the person like that#so yeah#my bad#post deleted#not gonna dwell on it because there's nothing to dwell on
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azulapropaganda · 4 years
Hello everyone. Today (August 2nd 2020) I noticed a blog who earlier tried to accuse me of being a terf has once again made another post about this. This time she accused me of some other things and since her post suddenly started gaining attention, I decided to clear some things up and reply to every single claim she makes in her post.
I’m genuinely tired of all of this.... So, there’s a insanely popular atla TERF (@what-would-azula-do) blogger that’s been attacking me and my friends, and she worked with a group of TERFs to ban my og spop blog. I literally just made this blog but I’m tired of getting attacked by TERFs, so I’m making a call out post (ew ikr) to end this.
I am not a terf. I did not work with a group of terfs to ban your blog, you did this to yourself by tagging your post with “terfs please interact”, “terfs do touch” and other tags. You’re attacking a minor with false claims that are easily debunked. I have not been attacking you or your friends, I don’t even know who your friends are. I specifically added the “please do not send op any hate” tag when I called you out so my followers wouldn’t harass you.
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First off, what-would-azula-do is a pretty obvious crypto TERF. She reblogs and creates a ton of TERFy posts that might flow off the radar of cis people, but directly harms trans people. She constantly reblogs and makes exclusionary feminist posts that exclude trans women, and use TERF rhetoric, and she doesn’t have any trans or non-binary mutuals. She also just posts full on TERF shit a lot, and whenever she gets called out she gets defensive and deletes the evidence. I got this info from an anonymous trans woman that pmed me, but she also used to just be a full on out TERF in 2016, and posted transphobic slurs and memes regularly, and also was a SWERF. Allegedly she deleted the blog and remade with her new main and the what-would-azula-do sideblog. Again this is just an alleged anon tip but I believe it. She also ships a pretty TERFy atla ship (tyzula) that à ton of TERFs on tumblr ship. Now I’m going to go to a huge pile of shit already, ONE OF HER MUTUALS IS LITERALLY AN OPEN TERF.
You say I reblog and create a ton of terfy posts. Which ones? I only talk about atla on this blog and actually make an effort to tag anything else as “off topic”. I don’t think I even made a post about feminism on my blog. You also say I don’t have any trans or nonbinary mutuals, do you have any proof of that? You contradict this claim further in your post (“Has trans mutuals even though she’s a TERF”). You say I post “terf shit” a lot, could you provide screenshots of that please? And according to you, “whenever” I get called out I delete the evidence. I got one anon once when I accidentally reblogged something from a terf I wasn’t aware I was following. I personally wouldn’t call my reply to this anon “defensive”. You say you got info from an anonymous trans woman that I used to be a full on terf in 2016 and that I posted transphobic slurs and memes regularly. In 2016 I was 13-14 years old and I didn’t even have a tumblr blog. I don’t even know how to address the tyzula thing. How is a ship “terfy”? And just because I reblog art, doesn’t mean I actually ship it? I reblog art of several ships just because I like the art.
Unholy-lesbian is one of what-would-azula-do’s TERF mutuals (she has about three crypto TERF mutuals too) that’s just a full on TERF. She was really into the TERF sphere a month ago but went crypto when she became mutuals with what-would-azula-do (probs to protect her crypto TERF identity) she said she’s not a TERF anymore, but she still reblogs TERF rhetoric and all her mutuals are TERFs. She also put TERF in quotation marks which means she probs thinks it’s a slur, which is TERF rhetoric. She’s also a gold star lesbian which means she excludes trans women from her dating pool. I’d go into this bitch more, but this callout ain’t for her.
Could you please give me the usernames of my three cryptoterf mutuals? Look I’m not going to deny that unholy-lesbian was a terf a while ago. She told me this yesterday or two days ago when I talked to her about your post. She also told me she was done being a terf because the community was so hateful all the time. She’s 15 years old, don’t pull her into this.
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I’m friends with her so she can find a welcoming and nice community in the atla fandom. She’s on the right path now, do you seriously want to go hate on her for this?
This is a lighting round of all the shit she did, and also her track of aphobia and ableism, so here we go:
I literally have autism and adhd myself.
Used the t slur on her old blog (alleged)
No I haven’t? Could you provide proof of this please?
Has trans mutuals even though she’s a TERF
You contradict this earlier in this post, once again without any evidence.
Misgendered an artist on what-would-azula-do and didn’t apologize
Who? I use “they” whenever I don’t know the gender of an artist. I wasn’t aware this ever happened and I’d like to apologize to said artist of this claim is true
Liked an aphobic meme
Which meme? Also my likes aren’t even visible.
Mutuals with an aphobe that bullied an ace kid off tumblr
Uses her queer followers as props to denounce her being a TERF
This is ridiculous. My followers know I’m not a terf so of course some of them are going to defend me and support me.
Gaslight her former nb mutual
Reblogged from a TERF with TERF in her username
Yes and I addressed this already. Someone sent an anon about this, I deleted the post, unfollowed the user I wasn’t even aware of following in the first place, and thanked the anon for telling me about this.
Said the r slur on her main
No I didn’t? Do you have a screenshot of or a link to this post? Also I literally have autism, as I have mentioned earlier on this blog.
Slandered a queer artist on what-would-azula-do
I reported your post once because you were accusing me of untrue things and harassing me, a minor, and you were threatening to murder my followers. I didn’t work with terfs at all, they came to your post after you tagged it with “terfs please interact”
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And what does your sexuality and gender even have to do with this?
Even if she wasn’t a TERF (which she is lol) she worked with TERFs to ban my blog that exposed her, which is violently lesbophpbic and nbphobic.
Your blog was banned because you were harassing a minor and throwing around false accusations, not because you are a lesbian or nonbinary. I did not work with terfs to ban your blog, as I have mentioned twice earlier.
So y’all really shouldn’t follow or support her anymore, unless you’re a TERF just like her. (Dm me for screenshots, I didn’t want to post them here since she’d just gaslight me)
Please post all of the screenshots you have in a reply to this post.
Also, could you stop harassing my followers. This is just incredibly gross behavior.
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genderfluidlucifer · 3 years
Response to being asked to give  an opinion on Connie’s calout by residentevil-4
(Tw: CSAM, rape fic, incest fic, predatory behavior, racism, ableism, kink mention, nsfw mentions. Minors should probably dni.)
“Connie and I know each other irl and went to school together for 3 years, although they now live in a different state and have cut contact with me. We went to a private therapy school in Manhattan as we're both disabled and were deemed unable to attend public school. Even though we were pretty close, Connie didn't like having photos taken of them, so I don't have any selfies of the two of us; however, these are from our sophomore and senior yearbooks which at least confirms that we were in the same year at school. People who have seen Connie's selfies should be able to confirm that that is what they look like. First and foremost, Connie is not TMA. They are intersex and the two of us have discussed intersex issues both in person and online, but they are still decidedly CAFAB.” Ok so first off, I want to address this part of the callout. To be honest...was it really necessary to literally doxx Connie ehre? Because this textbook definition of doxxing. Yes Connie’s done some shitty things but I freally don’t think that what they’ve done warrants this level of doxxing. Or...even better, any doxxing. This feels like a really unnecessary breach of privacy, revealing sensitive information on Connie’s childhood that they choose to confide in you with. I really don’t agree with this aspect of the callout as it feels very invasive and bordering on stalkerish.  Btw when I say bordering on stalkerish I’m not directly calling you a stalker Bonnie. Just so we’re clear. I am not defending Connie supposedly faking being TMA. Because faking being TMA is a very serious issue. HOWEVER since I don’t know Connie irl and to be quite frank it’s none of my business what the nature of their agab is. Were not close and I’m certainly not going to like lead Connie onto thinking we’re friends just to confirm this with them because that would be creepy. So to be honest I’m going to take this part of the callout with again of salt for now.
[ID: A cropped screenshot of a numbered list Connie posted to their blog hadrosaurs in response to an ask. 
“3. I’m TMA And that’s completely irrelevant. I’m not accusing them because of their gender I didn’t even know their gender when they said that to me saying that they said that because they fucking said that and the reaction to it was incredibly alarming. Don’t fucking say that stuff to people.]
I mean I”m not a trans woman so take this with a grain of salt if you want but...I don’t see how this is really proof of Connie being deliberately transmisogynistic? Yes Connie gives iffy retellings of mistakes they’ve made in the past. I’ve seen that on their blog before and I won’t pretend it doesn’t happen. BUT here they sound genuine enough and to be honest a growing issue I’ve seen with callouts as of late is. A person confirms they in fact did not do the thing they were called out for. And then the people who make the callout choose to see it as proof of incriminating behavior anyways. To be honest it’s a big problem and it’s also incredibly unfair to the person being called out. If you’re so determined at that point to see the person as bigoted no matter what they say then of course anything they say can be seen as proof. So I’m going to have to pass on this bit of evidence. “Connie responded: “Final note: I have spoken extensively with several trans women about using TMA to describe myself. I will not be getting into discourse about that on this blog again. All that leads to is people demanding my medical records and calling me slurs. If you wanna have a thoughtful conversation about it direct message me cause it’s not happening again here.” Again this really doesn’t seem all that self incriminating. Connie mentions here that they’ve talked to rl trans woman about whether or not they can be considered TMA. Connie really doesn’t have to disclose that personal information to people for any reason. Yes even when people are e including this ask response in a callout. And considering lots of people DO get invasive about Connie’s medical history ans general personal life over matters like this? I feel their reaction is pretty understandable here. “Connie has constantly compared “exclusionists” (or anyone, really) to TERFs, even when the people in question are not transmisogynistic, trans exclusionary radfems, or are even transmisogyny affected themselves.
“ Gonna have to disagree with this part of the callout too. Lots of ace inclus blogs, even some run by trans women , have proven that the ace exclus movement was started by swerfs/terfs. But the blog that has the most evidence for this is courteousmingler on tumblr. I suggest you check out that blog’s archiving of the history of ace exclus rhetoric before rushing to call me a transmisogynist for disagreeing with this part of the callout. I looked through all of the evidence for Connie being racist and tbh as a black ndn it all feels incredibly flimsy. It’d be one thing if Connie was using their experiences to derail and invalidate the discussions about how black people are oppressed But they weren’t doing that there at all. This part of the post feels incredibly biased. And like OP is looking for things to be mad about. Going to have to pass on this list of evidence. Also uh I seem to recall that residentevil04 got called out for some questionable behavior as well. “Both me (insepsy, hi) and ezrat have had really weird spikes in activity on our Statcounters, both on the same day. (Saturday, 4/17/21) For both of us, majority of the pages looked at by these visitors have been related to or about Connie, or have been posts that Connie would find "problematic" such as the f slur untagged or something related to "panphobia"/aphobia. I’m sorry but...none of the proof of cyberstalking holds any water. Visiting someone’s blogs and rbing posts to disagree with them is not cyberstalking. Keeping tabs on urls that an abusive person who has harassed are using so you can block them (in this case with kyoshi) and warn your mutuals is not stalking. As a victim of rl stalking it’s...really weird to call this legit stalking at all. Much less claim that you have damning proof of it being stalking when no such evidence exists in the callout. Besides after Connie and nonbinarydave called out one of kyoshi’s buddies for sending a death threat hate anon to nonbinarydave’s toddler st4lker partly admitted to doing it a few times. Then other mutuals in kyoshi’s toxic social circle clearly began joining in. Making side accounts where they tried to spin a false narrative of nonbinarydave’s daughter being one of their alters (ableist as hell.) And also trying to do it in such a way that they thought would trigger nonibnarydave’s psychosis (also ableist as hell.) If you’re going to drag Connie for their mistakes and never let them move on from those mistakes then it’s only fair to do that to people you agree with who also do toxic/bigoted things. ALso the fact that your wording here suggests that you think panphobia and aphobia aren’t real makes me doubt this claim even more. Exclus and their allies are notorious for mislabeling inclus disagreeing with them as stalking. “connie said that they would release that info at a later time and the minor began to argue with them that they had a responsibility regardless of their complicated relationship with age. in this argument connie for a time kept their age ambiguous and at one point told the minor (who confirmed in a later ask that they were severely traumatized by adults) that they obviously weren’t traumatized. connie quickly deleted this ask and any mentions of it and the next post they reblogged was about how wrong it was to try and quantify or discount others’ trauma. on my old blog i @ed them in the replies and asked if they had just done that. connie admitted to it and said it was fucked up but quickly blocked + deleted my comment. i can’t remember whether or not connie apologized to the minor, they may have? but yeah. i thought that was pretty weird.”] I do agree with some of the concern here that adults shouldn’t over expose minors in discourse. I’ve been contemplating this for awhile myself. And trying to figure out how to take better steps to avoid including minors who are triggered by discourse in discourse, especially. HOWEVER I have one little issue with this addition to the callout. If that is the case then exclus and their allies need to practice this as well. You cannot ignore the fact that the reason a lot of minors are getting involved in exclus discourse is due to adult exclus and their allies forcing minors to pick a side in the discourse. Y’all are not at all exempt from this problem. I still remember an ex mutual of mine trying to convince a minor to agree that aces can’t face corrective rape. And based on how aggressive it got with me when I tried to avoid giving an opinion on the matter, I can’t imagine that it would’ve reacted better to the minor refusing to give an opinion or to the minor outright disagreed. Refusing to put these standards on exclus and their allies is both hypocritical and quite frankly very transparent. The claims about them glorifying dark topics on AO3 through their fics also seems unfortunately legit. I mean those asks of shaming people who ask their viewers to not romanticize or glorify abusive relationships in their works is very damning. I’m very disappointed to see that Connie has taken being an inclus to the point of validating antis anti culture wholeheartedly. I can’t think of much more to add to my opinion on that part of the callout. As for the issue of Connie interacting with pro shippers in the past, I do know that this claim is legit. I’ve seen it before and so has Breeze. This was why for a brief time we decided to stop following their blogs. Because it was triggering to have pro shippers put on our dash. And sometimes we just don’t feel it’s worth it to always let people we’re platforming know they’re rbing triggering stuff. So sometimes we just quietly unfollow and choose to not interact until we’re sure they’re filtering what they do and don’t rb in some way. I definitely don’t agree with that behavior. And if they’re still doing that I”ll deplatform again. “The anon asks: “A weird question but do you know any other stimboard blogs with your follow criteria? (No radfems, racists, fandom antis, etc.) I was hoping to find more through your “similar blogs” but a lot have no anti-antis for their DNI or allow truscum/transmeds and exclus. :(“
The user responds: “I know of @turtle-pond-stims, @outofangband, and @kinaesthetics! 🍂🍄" “[ID: A cropped screenshot of an ask sent by Connie from their now-deactivated blog, butch-with-a-tortoise.
Connie says: “hey anon I have safe stim blogs. dm me if you want them. And radfems/bigots aren’t allowed to interact. For my own safety (because the community is honestly terrifying) I can’t publicly say on my blogs that I’m safe for proshippers/kinky people but I try to spread word how I can.”] [ID: Screenshot of a post by evilwriter37, which reads, “I’ve been seeing posts about fandom police leaving ao3, and it’s like: Good. We don’t want you here anyway. Go find your own fanfiction site.”
The post is tagged “#Fandom #AO3 #Antis #Purity Culture” and has 87 notes. It was posted on December 21st, 2020.
There is a reply from main-to-outofangband-andothers saying: “there are Silm antis on that site who are against Russigon (Maedhros and Fingon) not because they’re cousins but because they’re both male (coded)”] [ID: A screenshot of an anonymous (though signed off as being from outofangband) ask sent to evilwriter37, which says, “Melkor and Viggo solidarity is ‘Look there’s nothing wrong with keeping my enemy chained up in my personal chambers at all times so please just focus on the war efforts and I’ll focus on the boy* in my chambers’ -@outofbangand.
*boy used figuratively @ antis”
The user responds: “Pfft!!! Hahaha! You’re absolutely right! (And Viggo does refer to Hiccup in canon as ‘my boy’).”] I can’t really say anything to refute this. Because these are all posts of Connie outright stating that they disagree with antis. And not only sympathize with anti antis but are fully against antis. Looks like very damning evidence. Although ngl I’m not entirely against kinky blogs as a whole? Just so long as they truly stay in their lane with their kink content. And don’t force it on others in any way. Or shame people who are triggered by their kinks. It is true that being entirely against kinky blogs no matter what is dipping your toes into swerf rhetoric. Tbh I’m not going to look at the rest. This is pretty much all I need to make a decision on whether or not I”ll continue platforming Connie. Though I will try to get some more  perspective from people who I interact with as well. Because I feel better about making a more definitive decision after doing that. Also in general please don’t not try to get an opinion from me on how I feel about syscourse. A lot of the claims about Connie’s age weirdness and them using their alters as a shield feel like syscourse to me. Especially if this callout was written by one or several singlets. Singlets should never be trying to judge how legit someone’s system is ever. Even if their system friends encourage them to. You can call out a horrible person with a system without trying to insinuate that they’re lying about their alters in some way. Doing otherwise is ableist ESPECIALLY if you’re a singlet. Also in general the reason I stay out of discussions of judging how someone is handling their systems is because it’s syscourse and syscourse is triggering for my system and I. If this post was an attempt to get me to give an opinion  on the validity of Connie’s system I don’t appreciate it. And I would appreciate not being dragged into such matters again, thank you.
In general there’s like a few parts of this callout that feel legit. Which is unfortunately cluttered with obvious bias and obsessive hatred of Connie. I’m not here to stan or coddle Connie. I know they are not a perfect person. Especially since no human being in the world is perfect. But I feel the way this callout was created was very sloppy since a lot of the evidence was messy at best. And some points were very hypocritical as well as there being some no true scotsman moments from OP. In acting like exclus never do any of the thing that they tried to call out Connie for. Which is behavior that I am not a fan of. This is why people need to be more careful about callouts and like make roughdrafts and have a more unbiased person helping them if they don’t feel they can do it on their own. I’m even trying to make a resolve to do better at that myself. So it’s not like I’m unwilling to put my money where my mouth is. Anyways those are all my thoughts on this messy callout. And tbh I’m not going to get too much more heavily involved in this. Because I need to focus on more immediately serious rl stuff more often, like doing what I can to get out of the hellish landscape of a house I currently am stuck in.
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a dilemma: I reblogged on mobile a post about Cleopatra because it had amazing commentary on actual facts about her, but looking at it now on pc, I see that commentary was made by a bunch of radfem terfs and now I debate if I should keep it or not. I don't want to give a platform to those kind of people, but the post itself is historically accurate and good. The sad reality of "sometimes bad people say interesting things"?
Oh man. I know this dilemma, but I have a definitive answer for myself.
Part of reality is that everyone, even extremely shitty people, are human. They have layers. They have nuance. There are definitely people I get along with in every day life who are deeply shitty in certain ways. Off Tumblr being able to cooperate with assholes is part of being an adult.
Tumblr seems to forget that everyone is human, which not only means good people have flaws, but bad people have virtues.
I am not supporting radfems. Just want to make that clear, because Tumblr likes absolutes. I am saying humans are complicated.
So yeah, some TERFs know interesting facts. Hell, if you met one on the street and she didn't start slavering at the mouth and shrieking a venomous diatribe about how much she hates trans women you might not ever know.
And my heart really goes out because Cleopatra is such a deeply fascinating figure. I may have reblogged that exact post because I have literally not touched a non-work computer in roughly four months. I am always on Mobile.
So here is what I do, delete it. I always mourn the loss of any valid information lost BUT unless the post has nothing to do with women in any capacity odds are they are trying to say something about their hateful beliefs. They are insideous on purpose. They try to lure people in, slowly luring them into their bigotry. And you have probably seen how quickly these kids lap their shit up.
I don't want to give them a platform. I don't want their bile on my blog because odds are they have somehow implied it, even if they don't seem to at first glance. And I don't want people to go from me to them.
Ultimately it is a gray area. There is information in there that may be good. It depends on how you feel. On the one hand, i really get wanting to share information. I still sometimes think I should have left up that health post that talked about the specific medical info for people with uteruses because of helpful information in it for anyone with a uterus. The OP was a TERF though. Other people had jumped onto it (including people who stopped the thread of using "women" and started saying "people with uteruses"). The original post did not seem obviously hateful at first glance, but once learning the OP was a TERF it became much more sinister. I realized that "men" meant "trans women" and the doctors they were vilifying were very likely the ones prescribing HRT/supported modern science. I feel bad about losing the actually good info, but so much of what TERFs say is colored by their hateful philosophy.
So I guess what you should do is read between the lines and see what the TERF is trying to say. What they might be injecting into it. History is always political. Always. And also consider what it means having them on your blog. It does mean that someone might go onto the radfem blog.
In the end I feel like that might be the most important part. I don't want them getting the mic. I don't want to be responsible for spreading their virus. I don't want any more impressionable kids still learning about the LGBTQ/Queer community and feminism to get this deluded impression of the movements and their histories.
So that's me. But like I said. I get the dilemma.
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firewindmill · 6 years
Gonna speak for myself and only for myself first and foremost. If you find something in this that’s for you, feel free to identify with it. If you don’t find something here for yourself, then it isn’t for you.
In case it isn’t clear, the person who runs pics of shiro, keith and sheith blogs is Mexican (Nican Tlaca/latinx, I use all these terms for myself), queer (biromantic, demisexual, trans with he/they pronouns), autistic and affected by scoliosis that will only get worse as I age if I don’t take care of it with careful maintenance. In case people have trouble believing who OP is (@Firewindmill aka me, Nemo) — know that all my pics of blogs are side-blogs and I specifically chose to remove my main avatar from the side-blogs because that’s my choice provided to me by this website — it gives the idea that these are all professional looking main blogs. Occasionally this may become apparent that they are side-blogs when I make a mistake and reblog something to these blogs intended for my main blog but I try to delete them quickly to amend my mistake, and some of you have kindly told me when I do and I appreciate it, I am an imperfect human being after all.
I want to speak to the entitlement and oppressive actions that people seem to have in online spaces simply because the space is public. I’ll go into that under the cut.
Because of what happened over on my blog pics of Keith, I’ll be focusing on that, but the overall sentiments are the same for all the blogs I administrate, including those working with me.
I headcanon that Keith is biracial/mixed race (I think of him as mixed asian/latinx), queer, trans and autistic. He doesn’t have to be for you but he is for me and for many other people, not always at once and sometimes people relate differently to his character based on their own perceived experiences that I can’t relate to but I don’t go on people’s posts to derail/hijack it. That’s what my own blog is for, to make my own posts and create my own content. Some of you may have enjoyed or seen my answer to an anonymous user about trans!keith headcanons. I chose to answer it with “headcanons” because it’s not necessarily canon, perhaps even the evidence is weak on why I think something is the way it is for a character — but sometimes headcanons are completely baseless and people just say ridiculous things to be funny, to have fun, have a laugh but the end point is to feel good, and for trans headcanons, it’s to find something in someone that we see in ourselves and make us feel good. If anyone has a problem with trans!keith, haven’t you heard? There’s a blacklist option now on tumblr and for mobile so if that ruins the character for you then use it and blacklist it so I don’t have to see your comments shitting on people who like it. (Meanwhile, to any followers who see that post, it’s up to you to also block those users, a lot of them are transmedicalists/right wingers etc and are overall have this entitled attitude. Do not engage the way I did, that’s my job and I do it professionally.)
With that, just because a website/blog is public, doesn’t mean that etiquette ceases to exist. My analogy is that I’ve opened my backyard for 24 hours for people to check out my garden. Here, I chill in my hammock, sniff the flowers, observe birds at the birdfeeder at a distance. My rules include people not overwhelming the hammock and taking turns, people not picking flowers or destroying them because they don’t “like” them, and people maintaining a distance from the birdfeeder to not scare off the birds. It’d also be nice that people pick up after themselves if they make a mess etc common sense stuff.
So let’s say someone pulls their pants down, takes a shit.
Pretty gross right? Well its my right to kick them out because it’s still my yard. I don’t have to take abusive behavior in a public or private space.
Another good example is this restaurant analogy on twitter, it’s a good read if you have time for it.
It should go without saying that I will never ever let bigotry in any form be perpetuated on my posts and I will rarely reblog my responses to the pics of blogs except to my main so that they exist in prosperity for the most part in a public venue as receipts. I will not be gaslighted, and even take screenshots for my own protection because these are public blogs. Because I’m Mexican and literally moderate several pages online to ban bigoted user comments from pages, comments that seek to silence marginalized voices of people of color, I use the tools at my disposal, the wonderful block button to control who interacts with me and my audience that enjoys the specific brand of fan experience that I provide with my unique personality. People have been thankful for how safe they feel to express themselves because of it, and my life mission has been to amplify voices less heard, including my own.
Because I’m Mexican, I seek to decolonize myself daily and analyze my behavior to deconstruct anti-blackness within myself, and shed any homophobia and transphobia, to confront misinformation and reblog posts by people affected by their own unique issues while not speaking over them or adding unnecessary commentary. Because I’m queer, I will not ever make fun of people for seeing themselves in fictional characters, nor let homophobia or transphobia be perpetuated on any of my posts either, whether it’s from other trans people deciding what other trans folks do or don’t do, or from cis people, I don’t let it slide. And because I’m autistic, I won’t let ableism slide, I won’t let people speak badly about any other issues or headcanons based on disabilities whether mental or physical. I won’t let anyone come between me and the communities I’m in to divide us with their terf/truscum rhetoric either.
I want people that follow my blogs to see that I am active in what I claim to be my values, which is why you see the evidence on my main blog that I walk the walk and not just talk. I want people who have recently followed my blogs and don’t know me to know where I stand so they either feel reassured or can take a hike if they don’t — I’m not here to recruit for a club, I’m just a fan curating my fan experience, MY way, and you either like it or you don’t but you don’t control what I say, think, or do. I don’t need you.
That’s all I’ve got to say for now.
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Hello! I tried to stay far far away from his personal life a long time ago, I didn’t search m’s name since her face creeps me out, but the last event made me think and there is something I need to understand. You said in one of your previous posts that she is a “vile woman who fetishises LGBT+ people”. And more. What did she do?
Hi anon, sorry for the late response. Yesterday, I was far too angry to articulate my thoughts well and my wifi was terrible. But I’ve calmed down now so I can respond.
She fetishes gay men a lot. She made a sign last year saying ‘I had gay sex on this sign’ and made D hold it. She’s also responded to one person to comment on C’s  ass since their handle was like ‘colfrsbutt’ and she wass like ‘Ooooh i love’s butt’. She has done a few other things I can’t remember right now but she rarely talks about LGBT people without making it sexual.
She also mocked C*ry M*nteith’s death which is why I strongly dislike her. Context for this tweet - CM was supposed to do a BTS interview with LM and C and D were going to do the same on the day CM died. Obviously, they had to reschedule. Then, when they finally recorded the interview with C&D, M posted this lovely tweet:
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She has never apologised for this. IN fact, she only addressed it eight months later when someone who was a friend of Croy’s found out about it. He was made aware of it when he promoted her band and deleted the tweet he made about her band after learning what she said. After this, she went on a rage, blaming everyone who was angry and completely deflected the blame. It’s clear, she only addressed it because her promo was taken away. If she really felt bad, she would’ve addressed it when it happened and clarified what she meant. It’s not the first time she’s made fun of people with drug addictions though.
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She said thsis when someone had been told by many of her fans to kill herself because she wasn’t a fan of M:
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This one is minor and maybe not proof of anything but she was also consdecnding towards C. She was supposed to interview ohim on the red carpet and she bragged about it. He didn’t show up and she tweeted thsi:
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(Also. This is speculation so no one come for me - but allegedly she assaulted D after this. She was on a rage, D defended C so she attacked him. THe next day this rumour was released, D showed up with a huge bruise on his face from ‘gum surgery’. I trust the source that told us this but like I said I do notknow if this is true and it’s speculation)
This is also a minor one, and one I thought was a joke at first. But conisdering her leaked post from instragram demanding presents, I think she’s just like this and it just isn’t something that’s apealing to me
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Like I said, She might be joking. I’ll admit I would do jokes like that. (Especiallly since I have an uncommon name) but with her latest insta post that was leaked, I don’t think she was joking that much. 
This tweet here bugs me, mostly since it raises issues with why people are against feminism
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I do understand why people are criticl of feminsm. It is sadly filled with a lot of people who use it to shame people who aren’t ‘perfec’t and people who are just as sexist as the ones they claim to be against. And there’s SWERFs and TERFs (I should also point out, M has made a lot of TERF like comments that annoingly I can’t find but she’s made comments that have came across as only women have vaginas and onl men have penis). But comments like this... miss the point on misogyny. Men who hate women don’t hate them because ‘lel you can’t give them orgasm’s. It’s usuall a deeper reason than that. It also kind of ignores the fact htat there are gay men who are misogynists so this tweet just reeks of her wanting to cash in on activism to show how ood she is, while not really doing anything (since last years women’s march, I don’t remember her doing anything for feminsm and the fact she just follows D around and only lets herself be seen as hi GF raises a few eyebrows for me. I believe she’s a feminism of convenience rather than actually being one).
She has also insulted D a lot of times - most notable calling him a ‘D-bag’ during HATAI, is often quite rough with him (it’s even been bragged by friends and fans that she’s violen’t with him) and often uses him for photo ops. There’s at least two videos of her plastering a fake smile on her fce when she notices cameras and tries to make them more coupley. 
I’ve probablly missed out a lot since I’ve been following this shit for six or seven yeras now but I hope this clears things up! I just want o say this is why i’m angry at the engement. I wouldn’t care if it was anyone else but it’s mostly due to it being her and because of the qu**rbaiting D has participated in over the years
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dreamofbecoming · 7 years
ok, gonna clear some shit up and then be done i did not comment on that post looking for "is queer a slur" discourse. i could not care less what personal identifiers people use, beyond respecting their choices when asked to use or not use certain words when referring to certain people. i commented on that post because op screenshotted a reaction to an existing post, which contained lots of detailed explanations and historical context for the comment, then made a post bashing the person who reacted and complaining about the lack of context. that's a shitty thing to do, regardless of your politics. i also reblogged it specifically because i wanted the person i reblogged it from to be aware of the missing context, because they're someone i trust and whose content i enjoy, and it's easy to get caught up in manufactured outrage. i've certainly done it. i wanted to bring to their attention that the post was heavily edited and if they were looking for an explanation, there in fact was one, that had been deleted by op in an attempt to shape their argument. (again, shitty. we have enough real debates happening, you don't need to manufacture new ones.) i don't believe everyone who dislikes the term "queer" is a terf. i do believe that, if your first instinct when you see someone reclaiming a term you don't identify with is to tell them they're a bad person for using it and try to shame them out of them community, you need to examine where that impulse comes from. terfs are gatekeepers, who try and police who is and isn't allowed to be part of our community. there are other groups of lgbtq/mogaii/queer/non-cishet/whatever you call yourself people who use similar tactics to silence and police other queers. they all have common ancestors in the (white) gays and lesbians in the late 20th century who decided that trans people and bisexuals and drag queens and queers of color were dragging down the image of their community, and waged campaigns to vilify and ostracize them. queer was the identifier of choice for many of those targeted groups, and deliberately targeting those who use it as "not good enough" or "not one of us" is a tactic that's been used from the beginning- it may not be your intention, but those are the origins of the rhetoric you're using so examine that for a minute. "queer" began as a slur. no one is debating that. but there are literally no widely used terms for anyone in our community that have never been used as slurs, in addition to there being very few umbrella terms for people whose identities don't fit into neat little boxes. i, for instance, am still figuring my shit out. i've dated men, i've even been in love with men, so i don't think i'm a lesbian, but the longer i'm out the more i feel i'm only interested in women and femmes. does that make me a lesbian? maybe. does that make me pan with a preference? maybe. i don't know what that makes me except "not straight," and the only word i feel expresses that feeling is queer. i'm also just starting to explore my gender, but i really have no idea what i'm feeling about it, so queer is the only thing that works. it's ok if you don't want to use queer. i never use it for someone without asking, and i appreciate when people ask me first before using it for me. when i talk about the queer community, i literally mean "people who identify as (or at least are not uncomfortable with) queer." otherwise i say not-cishet or lgbtq or "our community." i'm not forcing the term on anyone. i don't want to force the term on anyone. but using its history as a slur to silence people and police their identities is a tactic used by terfs and other gatekeepers, and that is a fucking shitty thing to do. just because you personally don't hate trans women doesn't mean you can't use the same rhetoric as those who do to alienate innocent people. you might not be a terf, but you sure as hell quack like one, and i don't take any fucking chances. so please stop trying to make it sound like less of a shitty thing to do and leave me alone.
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