#I did eat chicken today it was tasty. also I’m keeping Wrathful Trevor. for some reason in the character creator I kept trying to make him
mobbothetrue · 2 years
uuugh weird dream again.
It had two halves, first half was my parents picking me up from somewhere and taking me out on an extended car ride literally just to berate me for something? We ended up screaming at each other until my actual real life mother woke me up to ask me if I had heard any weird noises. I said no and went back to sleep
Second half was I was stuck in an unfamiliar classroom and forced to play dnd with like 20+ people that I did not know. What I did know was that the school was haunted and the ghost was violent.
I do remember my dnd character though, brief aside about him. His name was Wrathful Trevor and he was a monkey with three hands, who was supposed to be arrested for using his third hand to cheat while gambling. He was on the run and pissed about it.
There was a laptop at the front of the classroom with a character creator on it, so I started trying to make Wrathful Trevor. The ghost started out small, weak maybe, and kept deleting my progress. That got me angry enough to give up on dnd and I ended up wandering around this weird dream school with one of my friends. We ended up finding a phone that was essentially a direct line to the ghost, hissing with static and generally with just the worst vibes coming off it. We kept it with us and kept joking it was a way to connect to our alien overlords(?)
We ended up finding a kitchen, which had a broken light. It also had a platter of chicken? We had some. It was good. The phone hissed and spat some more static so we started joking about the aliens being like ‘whoah they EAT??’ and then this part is dumb but I turned around to leave the kitchen and the platter of chicken was hovering at about eye level and just past it I could see this misshapen human form, just for a second, and I started and fell backwards and hit my head on the kitchen cabinets and that platter of chicken scared me so bad
Thinking about that moment now, awake and aware of the dream, still scares me.
We left the kitchen. Went back to the dnd group, of 20+ people, maybe three were left. The ghost had been hunting them. We ended up sitting around a table and I got so mad and upset I ended up picking up the phone and just cursing into it and the last thing I said, mouth mashed into the speaker, was ‘dumb ass’, and then I woke up
Anyway as ever getting it down in text has made me feel better back to sleep I go
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