#I did explain on my first WCOC post why I always tag these guys with 'Cats of the Past and Future' but for those who weren't here for that-
kybee-the-bee-cat · 2 years
I’ve been thinking of making OC family trees (more specifically for my Warriors OCs because that’s pretty much all my OCs anyway), because A) It gives me an opportunity to draw characters I don’t draw often or have never drawn before. I mean I can’t just give the main guys attention. And B) For the background characters that have family, I want to map them out not before I forget later. My memory is fuzzy when it comes to characters I hardly think about. Basically I’m a virtual crazy cat lady, and I need a way to keep track of all these guys.
It also gives me an excuse to talk more about them.
Of course, it would be best to start from the beginning. The first generation (or the first generation you’ll probably ever see)
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Cloudy, Rose, Lunar, and Luna were all born around the same time, as were their kits.
(Also just to get this out of the way early, I actually made a mistake when I was typing in Rowan’s name. I forgot I named him Rowanstorm and went with whatever I thought I named him. Uh . . . Which it wasn’t lol)
Lunar and Heather were your average couple (assuming all the couples you know of are good to eachother), and they were excited at the thought of having kits. However, the Clans were not made yet. There was no medicine cat to heal the sick or wounded. Heather would go on to have their children, but would pass away soon after their birth, leaving Lunar devastated. Luna was the first cat he thought of when he went to find a cat to raise the kits (saying he’s a tom and they’re still newborns, he didn’t have any milk to give them). She had her kits sooner, though the father wasn’t around. Luna, hearing what happened, agreed to raise her brother’s litter as well. 
And as there was not yet a system yet, their kits weren’t given any suffix. Well . . . except for Nightshade, but she was named after a plant with the same name. Everyone else was just Owl, Charcoal (who never joined the Clans, so he kept that name), Heart, Moth, Flight, and Remorse. Lunar’s kits eventually growing up to create the Clans. Not being able to choose between their children, Luna and Lunar decided to live together in a different area away from the new territories. Charcoal joined them too.
I would go into too much detail on that, but I’ll get to that later. I actually should get around to this lore, so it’ll definitely happen. Just not here. Weve also got another family to talk about, plus I think I explained some of this before in some discord screenshots a few months back.
But anyway, let’s move on to Rose and Cloudy’s group. Again, their relationship isn’t anything special, they’re your average couple. Unlike Heather, Rose actually lived to see her kits grow up. Both of them did. Blossom and Rowan grew really close to their parents. Cloudy would take them on adventures to explore the territories. Rose was more relaxed, but she was the one who usually broke the two up when they were fighting. And if she noticed something bothering either of her kits, she was almost always the first to reach out. 
When Lunar’s kits began warring against eachother over who should rule, both Rose and Cloudy took Flight’s side. Rowan and Blossom didn’t know what side to pick, and neither were they willing to potentially fight their parents if they ended up disagreeing with them. For a short while, Rowan and Blossom escaped to Remorse’s group (she made a shelter for the cats who didn’t want to be involved in her siblings’ war, or planned to stop it). 
When they found out their parents had died in the war after it ended, they were torn between joining the newly-founded FlightClan in honor of what their parents were fighting for, or to stay with Remorse’s group (now RemorseClan). Eventually, they both decided on the former, saying their good-lucks and good-byes to their old groupmates. One of Flightstar’s first acts as leader was giving everycat under her care a new name, while staying respectful to the names they were given, thus Blossom and Rowan’s new names: Blossomheart and Rowanstorm. 
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