#I did the abs counterpart to this post months ago. I figured it was time to follow that up with the shoulders
💪🏻S H O U L D E R S💪🏻
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Huhh so, here’s some general characterization/fun fact things for Incredibles AU!! I usually don’t post this kinda stuff but since I’m still working on chapter three, figured I might as well! 
Phoenix (36), Mr. Incredible/Bob Parr counterpart
Superpower is super strength
Superhero name is Captain Indestructible.
 Didn’t really start to realize his powers until late in high school, though he didn’t actually begin superhero work until he was in college. Mia was one of his professors and she ended up eventually catching on to his abilities and offered to be his mentor (as she’s also a super). They worked as a team together up until the point Mia was killed in a severe incident, from that point on Phoenix ended up working alone. He did end up taking Maya  under his wing since she was supposed to train with Mia before she died, though she eventually branched out on her own as well.
Was an art major, and had plans of mainly working from home as a freelance artist. 
He really does try to be a good dad, okay, and he fucking loves his kids. It’s not his fault that every job the government’s placed him sucks the life and willpower out of him. He studied art dammit, being stuck at a desk job selling insurance was his worst nightmare come true.
Was in peak shape during his hero days, but years of being hunched over at a desk and little to no exercise--not to mention poor eating habits ended up developing into a soft dad bod that he’s a tad insecure about.
Meets up with Maya once or twice during the week, they usually end up getting burgers and reminiscing about the old days together.
Tried so hard to forget about hero work and live a normal steady life with his family, but that’s easier said than done. His entire den at home is decorated with all sorts of posters and articles and lately, he’s been spending just a bit too much time in it.
He’s already blown cover on their family twice, and he’s so torn between wanting to stay put and wanting to resume hero work.
Miles (36), Elastigirl/Helen Parr counterpart
Superpower is elasticity. 
Superhero name is Flexuous. 
Has been dealing with his powers pretty much since childhood. After his parents died, he was taken in by Manfred Von Karma and trained to be his prodigy. 
He ended up breaking away from Von Karma’s teachings sometime later and tried to do hero work on his own, his first instance of this being when he and Phoenix met for the first time. For a while they actually were rivals, before becoming friends and eventually dating, and were far too amused by the media’s obsession with their supposed rivalry.
Was studying to obtain a law degree and had hopes of becoming a lawyer, but when the lawsuits started happening and superheros were all uprooted, he ended up having to abandon any hopes of having any sort of high profile career. 
Sometimes works as a legal mediator just to make a bit of extra money/put his law knowledge to good use. 
He is the true backbone of the Edgeworth-Wright household. It would be in shambles if he weren’t in charge of it, as hair pulling as such a task is. For some years he and Phoenix co-parented without a problem, but with middle age starting to settle and Phoenix delving into a midlife crisis, he’s more or less been having to manage things on his own.
Phoenix and Miles -
They formally met through a foreign language course they were both taking, though officially had actually met several times under their super personas. It didn’t take long for either of them to figure each other’s identities out, however.
By the media’s standards, Captain Indestructible and Flexuous were rivals to one another, which up until a point was true. When they started dating, however, the rivalry all became a pretense just for the public’s entertainment. Though that wasn’t to say their butting heads and bickering outside of their super suits wasn’t all real, because it very much was. 
They dated for about two years before they were engaged, but their wedding had to be put on hold due to all the lawsuits and Super-related scandals going on. 
Miles pretty much planned his and Phoenix’s wedding up to a T, which didn’t matter in the end since they couldn’t afford the venue they’d wanted. They tried to wait a while, so they could save up enough money but that didn’t work out, and thus they decided to just go ahead and have a small private ceremony at the local courthouse. 
Phoenix knows Miles will never admit it, but he’s heartbroken that they didn’t get to have the wedding they wanted, especially after all the effort he put into it. That and the venue they’d booked was where his parents had gotten married, it’d meant so much to him to have their wedding there and they didn’t get to do that. 
They made the promise to each other that someday, when they were more financially stable, that they’d renew their vows and have the ceremony they’d always wanted, however that’s easier said than done when you’re trying to pay off bills and raise three kids.
Adopted Apollo two years into their marriage, then Athena a few years after that, and just recently have adopted Trucy. 
Apollo (14), Violet Parr counterpart
Superpower is invisibility/force fields.
The oldest child of the Edgeworth-Wright family. 
Has a crush on Klavier, who’s one of the more popular students in school because of course he is.  
Struggles with having to keep his powers a secret, which in-turn causes a great deal of self doubt.
Enjoys classic literature and music. 
Is stressed 24/7. His family is weird and he just wants to be normal, please help him. 
Athena (10), Dash Parr counterpart
Superpower is super speed.
The middle child of the Edgeworth-Wright family.
Her biological mother was also a super, who was killed by an ex-villain. Something similar happened to Miles when he was young, so of course he was all for adopting her. 
She has way too much energy for her own good, and has trouble focusing on one thing at a time. Her parents have tried time and time again to find a proper outlet for her to take her energy out on, but nothing’s worked so far and has only resulted in multiple visits to the principal’s office.
She wants so badly to play sports and has begged her parents time and time again to let her try out for one of the teams, though this usually ends in disagreement. Miles will put his foot down over the fear of her having an unfair advantage due to her powers, while Phoenix wants nothing more than to let her go ahead and do it. 
She very much loves and cares for her siblings, even if she does tend to pick on Apollo sometimes. 
Trucy (11 months old), Jack Jack Parr counterpart
Superpower is transformation, but the rest of her family doesn’t know this yet shhhh. 
The youngest child of the Edgeworth-Wright family.
She was an urgent emergency adoption, as well as being a closed one, so not much is known about her birth family. 
Maya (30), Frozone/Lucius Best counterpart
Superpower is telepathy/telekinesis.
Every woman in her family ended up developing these sorts of powers one way or another, so when hers started to get out of control she confided in Mia and was promised help in the matter. When she did finally arrive in the city though, Mia was dead so Phoenix took over the whole mentor thing, even if admittedly he wasn’t very good at it.
Despite everything, with Phoenix knowing next to nothing about Maya’s sort of power, he really tried his best to be of help to her and they ended up becoming close friends, even when she went off to do hero work on her own. 
After the superhero relocation program went into effect, she started work as a medium as a low key means of using her powers without giving herself away. She now owns her own small “mystic elements” type of shop where she does palm readings and the like, though nothing too drastic since a full display of her powers would give her away and have her relocated. 
Has never once been relocated come to think of it, and Phoenix is kind of jealous. It helps that she can be more subdued about her powers, while he doesn’t really have that option. 
Pearl lives with her and works in the shop as well. She ran away from home several years ago after a fight with her mother and Maya’s been looking after her ever since.
Is the cool, eccentric aunt to Phoenix and Miles’ kids. She or Pearl are their go-to whenever they need a babysitter (since they can’t actually afford one lmao). 
Franziska (33), Edna Mode counterpart
Has no superpowers. 
Works in the fashion industry, used to be responsible for a lot of super’s suits before the whole lawsuits and relocation shit went down.
The adoptive sister of Miles, who at one point was incredibly resentful towards him due to their father paying him more attention than her due to his having powers. They’ve both made peace since then, on the account that their father sucks.
Before Phoenix had met her, he was wearing his own homemade suit which she absolutely tore to shreds upon seeing. Ever since that day, he’s been low key terrified of her. 
Is essentially that wealthy lesbian aunt who likes to show off around Christmas and dump expensive presents on her nieces and nephew. 
Travels around a lot due to her job, so she’s not around often.
Dick Gumshoe (45), Rick Dicker counterpart
Has no superpowers.
Works with the whole Agency that regulates supers and what not, personally made sure that he’d be both Phoenix and Miles’ assigned case worker since he’d already known them a while.
Is doing his best in a crappy situation. Personally if you asked him, he’d be fine with supers coming out of their forced retirement but he’s not able to do much about it in his position. Regardless, he’s still a valued family friend and the kids love it when he visits.
Is married to Maggey Byrde because its what he deserves. 
Dahlia Hawthorne (32), Syndrome counterpart
Has no superpowers so to speak, but instead relies on technology invented by her family’s company.
She and Phoenix crossed paths during a supers convention, where she tried to convince him to train her as well, going on and on about how she wanted to be a hero too. But seeing as she didn’t actually have powers and wasn’t a hero herself, he turned her down.
The first attempt wasn’t the last, as she tried time and time again to get his attention and get her to train him, and each time he would refuse. He admired her efforts but the fact was, she was a civilian and even with her technology, she could be seriously hurt. 
Inadvertently foiled his attempts to sabotage a villain that ended up causing a railway explosion. She was arrested afterwards for interference with hero work, and Phoenix didn’t see her again for a long time.
Took Phoenix’s rejection very personally, and holds her public humiliation towards her arrest as his fault. 
Moved away to the island after she got out of jail and spent the next several years building up a brand new company from the ground up as part of her revenge plot. 
Iris Hawthorne (32), Mirage counterpart
Has no superpowers.
Is the twin sister of Dahlia.
She took on many of the company responsibilities until Dahlia was released from jail, then was forced into being her assistant for the new company. 
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