#I didn't mean to but there's a man that lowkey could be brenner on the BG. is it him๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ it probably is๐Ÿ˜”
katimanki ยท 11 months
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An AU where they grew up as upper class rich kids going to fancy charity events and banquets every weekend.
Mike hates them and is dragged to them against his will, but at least Max is also forced to attend with her family, so they don't have to suffer at these stuck up formal parties alone. The Byers-Hoppers are new in town and are attending their first charity event as members of the rich people community of Hawkins and Mike has a bi panic moment when he spots the family's twins in the crowd. (at first his silly ass almost mistakes them for a couple until Max corrects him)
The Wonder Twins(as Max calls them) seem like an intimidating pair, they are in their element at the fancy events, and Mike is very much not. But when he catches the twins pulling pranks on the sidelines of the events, he gets the courage to try and befriend them.
(this had a companion piece of Mike and Max, but anything I made would just not look even close to what the sketch did, so I just put the sketch under the cut)
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acrossed-cartoons ยท 2 years
i'm so mad about stranger things s4
like... i was annoyed last night when i finished watching it but then i got on here this morning and saw everyone being like "here are all the reasons this season was bad"
and y'all... they have some points. to me it boils down to the duffers doing too much with the plot and not enough with the characters. there was something going on every fucking second plot wise but no time for the characters to talk with each other about all the shit going on, how they had changed as people, how they're relationships had changed.
i also think this was made so much fucking worse by that damn time jump!!!! how tf are you going to make a two hour and twenty two minute episode and have maybe four minutes of resolution (that made no sense by the way). at the end of s3 we got to see max's reaction to billy's death, eleven finding out hopper was gone, we got to see the characters talking and explaining and grieving. why, pray tell, were we robbed of that this season when we needed it 1000x more?????? everyone was so hyped for the finale specifically because everyone was split up the whole season! we thought we were going to get a huge reunion when everyone needed it most and then we just... didn't? eleven not asking a single question when hopper showed up??? ... ok.
speaking of eleven, yeesh. wtf is up with her being the only one who is possibly able to do anything ever? why have the hawkins gang make a plan just for her to swoop in and save them?? let other people help and fight and be heroes!! why couldn't max help fight vecna or at least be the one to remind eleven how loved and important she is (she would have done a better job than mike... that's all i'm saying. her memories with eleven were even her next happy memories to hide in that she had queued up after the snow ball)!
i mean seriously, the duffers screwed everyone over this season. not one character got some helpful, healthy growth (or even some pain that caused them to change!) will, robin, steve, nancy, jonathan, the sinclairs!!! erica and lucas deserved so much better, my god.
the last thing i'm going to say are the deaths (or lack thereof) were... bad. i was actually happy with brenner's death! i thought it was done well and it was very necessary (honestly, i thought the whole nina storyline was pretty good). i don't even think i need to talk about eddie's death because every third post on here is about why it sucked. i think the deaths felt so disappointing because the cast and crew had all been hyping up that this season there were going to be real deaths. like, main characters, not just killing off the newest character AGAIN (bob and alexie). we kind of needed a main character death! what happened to robin, steve, and nancy all getting strangled by vines for a solid half hour?? eddies death felt like a total cop out.
honestly, i need s5 to be good. i've seen some posts on my dash saying, "they've already started filming season five and they just had to cut this season short" (the noah in a harness photos). i hope so, man. i hope the reason this finale sucked was that they could not for the life of them figure out a good way to wrap this season up because they had such good wrap-ups planned for next season. i mean, there were parts of this season that were great! dear billy was incredible! it was a good comeback, they handled the gang being so split up pretty well, the plots were (mostly) good, and st lowkey never misses with it's music or villains. i just think the finale fucked up really bad, and i hope st redeems itself with this last season. i predict that there's not going to be much of a time jump between s4 and s5 like there is between most seasons because of what we saw happening in hawkins with the flowers and the dust, so hopefully it doesn't need a ton of exposition. ok, this is officially long as fuck but i don't care because i needed to rant!
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