#I didn't originally intend to add this long text to these pics at all but here I am
chevvy-yates · 2 years
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⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Something important I have to add:
I've read it a lot of times over the past few months now and I just wanna add my thoughts concerning this.
I know you guys always mean it in a cute and nice way, and I'm not angry about it but I just wanna tell you that Vijay was never an emo boy.
I get why you say it, believe me! It's just— I think this term could present him in a false light — after all the emo scene, thanks to mainstream media, often sadly used to be shown in a negative light (I don't think I have to extend this any further). I was a teen myself when this scene slowly emerged outta nowhere. People used to call me a satanist before they changed over to call me emo instead — just because I like to wear black(?), and have a more fancy looking hair style(?) and guess what? I was none of the two. Never. I am just me. Wanna pigeon-hole me, go with Visual Kei instead, that fits me the most.
But I'm trailing off and it's about my ginger boy: So is Vijay — just Vijay! Ofc, he may feel certain things more deeply as a Picses born, but it has nothing to do with his looks, a certain subculture youth scene nor said music genre with very emotional lyrics he may find a bit of himself in or not. Vijay sees every music genre he likes to listen to as ‘emotional’ because it moves something deep inside him, otherwise he wouldn't listen to it if it didn't and his taste for music reaches from 80s, 90s to Rock and Nu Metal, over to Pop and Rap and back again to Industrial and even Techno.
When I look at his 2065-68 self, I see his 'rowdy phase' instead and I would like others see it like this as well — be a bit punky, do some anarchy, do even something bad: vandalism, steal something, hack the systems, blow up cars, blow up people (yes) — not some emo fashion style and tbh, I don’t even see in his style I chose for him any style that can be assigned to some emo looks. It’s more punk-ish to me — if at all, if I had to define this with a certain style. But emo? srsly. google emo boy and compare it with my vp of 2068 Vijay – there's literally no conformity.
I assume, somehow he may appear to most people looking at him as a sad boy, especially with that past look, but that's more because he sorta looks detached (you can notice this state of him in all his years), he spends a lot of time in his head thinking, so facial expressions tend to slip. Of course, he may be sad at times, everyone is but he's a very optimistic guy, always looking towards the future and rarely back. He's the one who gives the prep talks and wants to help others. Yes, he had a sad childhood and yes, it was sad that his parents didn't care much about him, but guess what? He has put that behind himself. He dealt with it and looks forward, he doesn't need them. His friends are his family. He doesn't live in the past. If you continue to live in the past you'll never feel good and make your life better. The only real problem he has, has to do with a certain incident and bad things he did in the past he needs to face and finally talk with someone about it (because he never did), and that’s it.
I hope you understand what I wanted to say, it’s not easy for me to express and I hope I didn’t tackle anyone with that now. I just wanna say: Call Vijay sunshine boy, call him cutie, call him cinnamon roll, sweet ginger, jelly bean or whatever you can think of but please stop calling him emo boy.
Vijay is very, very dear to me — and so is Ryder too and same goes for him as well. If you wanna pidgeon-hole him: Raver boy is the right word to use. He even calles himself a Raver because he sees himself as a part of the scene (Vijay on the opposite does not see himself in any scene at all - he just happened to live with some outlas in portland where some of them have have conidered themselves as punks, vampires and what not but that doesn't mean he needed to do that as well).
Thank you for reading if you made it to this point! you are loved <3
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