badluckgoboom · 18 days
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This has to end…. Then stop me.
Jinx in Arcane season 2
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badluckgoboom · 18 days
"Another flock of nosy geese fluttering around, huh...?"
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"Who needs payment for that? I'll throw that party for FREE. It's been w a a a a y too long since I got to let loose, and even if it doesn't last...it'll probably still be a GREAT time!"
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badluckgoboom · 22 days
Rare it is that Jinx holds no violence in her heart. She wanders with hardly a thought past the melancholic woman, then stops mid stride, turning back a bit to observe the same bush, her expression tranquil.
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"Someone you had taken away from you too, huh...?"
The public garden had bushes of white roses, and it gave Lucia pause as she passed them. She hesitated, reaching to delicately touch the petals of one of the blooms.
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badluckgoboom · 22 days
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"Sincerest apologies, madam- perchance I shall ruminate on the employment of my locutions so their manner of presentation may be one of exemplary sophistication and delicacy."
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"As for the emotional toll the stuff people dream up'll take on them? Considering that sounds a lot like my day-to-day...I hope they at least have fun with it!"
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"I was thinking more about the emotional toll this may take on people, but all of that is true as well, I suppose. Crudely put, however."
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badluckgoboom · 2 months
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"I can already tell you what the tradeoff's gonna be- nothing we dream up can be kept, all our hard work is wasted, and the Stars go on about their business hardly ever caring if they made anyone sad or not, just poking at the monkeys caught in their cage."
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"...But I wonder what the cost will be in dreaming certain objects or people into reality. Surely all of this must have some sort of tradeoff."
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badluckgoboom · 2 months
Jinx merely gave an impassive hum when this man spoke of people fighting over money. She didn't really care- she usually did what she did for much more intrinsic motivation than extrinsic. She wouldn't at all be the type to hunt those bounties unless it happened to align with her interest.
Even so, she took the card he offered, flipping it back and forth between her fingers idly. At least the way he spat the words "morally righteous" got a laugh out of her.
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"I know, right? God, there's one from back home- been here before, too. Far as I can tell, one day she just dedicated her life to being The WORST EVER. She'll ruin anyone's life and not give two shits. If you ever see a lanky purple-haired cop named Caitlyn, just head for the hills."
If Cait were still here, Jinx could imagine even more vitriol would escape her murmurs.
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"They have bounties here? Huh. Kinda wonder how mine here compares to back home. Probably not NEARLY as much.
The damage there is a lot more p e r m a n e n t, y'know?"
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badluckgoboom · 3 months
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"They have bounties here? Huh. Kinda wonder how mine here compares to back home. Probably not NEARLY as much.
The damage there is a lot more p e r m a n e n t, y'know?"
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"I wonder how high are some of my....fellow isolan wanted posters are. Work is work and i do need to make rent for the business..."
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badluckgoboom · 4 months
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"...They're really stupid, aren't they? Thinking THIS can affect me anymore.
Thinking I'm not wise to their g a m e. That Jinx'll throw another big ol' temper tantrum 'cause they KEEP. Taking. Her sister away.
So dumb. So pointless. No brains in those skulls at all."
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badluckgoboom · 4 months
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"If you're not willing to blow up a building for them, you're not doing enough. Get a headstart and blow one up preemptively so they already know you're serious about this!"
👻 "Wait... I'm someone's girlfriend now..."
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"I have no idea how to act like a good girlfriend!"
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badluckgoboom · 4 months
"'s kinda weird to think about the fact that my Zapper and Fishbones are technically powerered by magic."
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"I mean, I could just as easily huck a live car battery at people or strap a bomb to a bottle rocket or something, but Hextech makes it SO much easier and less destructive to my things! At the expense of everyone else's things, of course."
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badluckgoboom · 5 months
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“Finally people around here start speaking my language. Let’s R E A L L Y light up the city to show how much we LOVE this place!” She’s already busted out Fishbones and is loading him up.
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badluckgoboom · 6 months
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"Huh. Nice of them to not even give me a SCRAP of hope this time. No use even trying to have a sister again.
Not while S H E ' S here too. "
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badluckgoboom · 6 months
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"Can we have a boom button instead? I'd have a GREAT time with that one!"
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badluckgoboom · 6 months
"You know, there's this weird phrase I heard about March before. They say it 'comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.' Guess it's referring to weather or something? Suuuper boring if you ask me."
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"How about 'in like a lion, out like a dragon'?" Swinging Fishbones up onto her shoulder, Jinx fired off a rocket into the air, then whipped out her Zapper and shot at it, setting the rocket off in a loud explosion that just came close enough to cast a blanket of intense warmth onto the terrified citizens below. To this, she broke out into a giggle fit. "Happy end of March, everybody!!"
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badluckgoboom · 8 months
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"Oh no, people would get way mad about it. I expect consequences to come my way. I just also expect to avoid them."
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"So you just expect people to put up with you blasting holes in their walls all the time, without any consequences?"
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badluckgoboom · 8 months
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"Well, sure, if you're the one worried about paying for them. But that's not a me problem, you know?"
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"I think that would get expensive, very quickly."
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badluckgoboom · 8 months
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"Meh, doors are overrated. Buildings should just have walls to break or blow up whenever you wanna enter. That's what I'd do all the time if I could."
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