#I do have the mochis around who are watching me play technically so maybe this isn't too far off.
nimue-hidden-lake · 9 months
Ah, my bad. Here's the obligatory Fling Posse related post of the day
Because what is a day without a Fling Posse mention at this point?
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I might be playing Puyo Puyo Tetris right now but I picture doing it with at least one of them around. I mean, sometimes I like to think that the guys and I do our own thing in the same room but we look over to another to see what we are doing. So I see Ramuda and/or Gentaro work and Dice... Lazing around and not gambling for once while they watch me not mastering Tetris anytime soon.
Perhaps they even get disrtracted - Ramuda cheering and telling me not to give up. Gentaro chuckling because it's funny to see me try yet might guve pointers here and there if he knows what to do. Dice is just laughing yet would point out that it's good to see me try at least as I got his support.
Been kinda fun seeing it that way.
Here's an imagine idea for later. What imagine? You'll see soon enough!
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kittae · 3 years
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader
Side characters: Min Yoongi
Summary: A drabble series where Taehyung is a successful artistic erotica actor but has to expand his areas of expertise in the rapidly evolving world of adult film. Lost and inexperienced in everything that doesn’t involve classy settings, flattering lighting and romantic scripts, he basically has to start from scratch to make it in the online porn community. As a highly demanded A-lister in that community, you take him under your wings (or better yet, between your legs).
Genre: Smut, fluff, a bit of comedy here and there. Maybe some angst, who knows.
words: 1256
Disclaimer: dialogue-heavy, foul language
A/N: things are being set in motion!
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“–All I’m saying is that you’re not Paul Walker in Fast and Furious and you only drive like that when you’re really upset about something, so why can’t you just tell me? What happened? You missed that cat by a hair, by the way, you almost killed that poor animal.”
Yoongi sighs as he shuts the door to his apartment behind them, keys rattling when he pulls it out of the lock. “You’ll get it when you see it for yourself.”
“What could be so bad that you were ready to drive us to our deaths–”
“Taehyung, for the love of god, stop being dramatic and sit down. Please.” Yoongi groans, a hand coming up to press against his pounding temple, his mind going a hundred miles an hour.
“I’m being dramatic? Wow, okay then.” Taehyung complies but raises his eyebrows, mildly offended by the hypocrisy. “Aren’t you even gonna ask about the seminar?”
“Later. I need you to see this first.”
Taehyung frowns when he sees the website opened on his manager’s phone. “Hyung, i just came back from a three hour seminar, I think I’ve watched enough porn for–”
“Just watch it!”
“Okay, okay! fine…” Tae takes the phone in his two hands and lets the video play. “Oh, he’s cute! So handsome… woah, look at that body!” He whistles in appreciation.
Yoongi only grits his teeth in response.
Taehyung watches the entire video, adding some commentary and making acknowledging noises from time to time. “Cool! I don’t think I’ve seen this guy before, is he new?”
“Yeah, he’s new alright.” Yoongi answers, a pinch of bitterness lacing his tone.
“Okay... What was so urgent about this, though?” Tae wonders out loud, still clueless.
His manager sighs from deep inside his chest. “Tae… please, think. What could be urgent about a young, hot, talented newcomer in a very competitive industry?”
Taehyung snorts, waving away his friend’s concern. “Hyung, new people get into porn every day. Does that mean we have to panic like this every day?”
“No, you don’t get it. He’s going to be your direct rival.” Yoongi presses. “Remember why we’re trying to expand your horizons so you can take on more versatile scripts and different genres. We’re trying to get you as many jobs as possible to increase your online presence.”
“Before a rookie with a 7 inch dick comes along?” Taehyung cites the lecture he remembers.
“Exactly. This guy, this Jungkook, is that rookie. He doesn’t shy away from any trope or genre and is already well on his way on catching up to your following on OnlyFans when you’ve been in the industry for a longer time. Look at the number of subscriptions on his video platform, too. He’s massively popular at the moment.”
Taehyung swallows hard, the gravity of the situation sinking in. His face must be an open book, because Yoongi quickly adds some nuance.
“He’s not better than you, Tae. He’s new, interesting, maybe a little different but not better. You’re at least as talented as him, but we have to step up our game. You just need to level the playing field. We have to make sure you’re not old news by the time this guy hits his peak.”
“But how can we do it fast enough? I’m trying but… I can’t take hard core degradation scripts and BDSM stuff on yet, you saw what happened yesterday!”
Yoongi goes to sit beside his friend, wrapping a slender arm around his shoulders to pull him closer. “Listen, there’s no need to freak out yet– yes, I know how I reacted and that doesn’t help but I’m just thinking ahead. I need to think about every possible outcome, everything that could happen so we can be prepared. That’s my job. Your job is just being you and doing your best, alright? Got that?”
“What if that’s not enough?” Taehyung murmurs, sadness seeping through his words. “What if I’m not enough anymore, hyung?”
“Stop that. You’re doing great, you’re still in the top 5 of most popular adult actors. You just continue to do what we planned and I’ll take care of the rest. You’re going to be very busy the next couple weeks.”
Tae’s eyebrows crease questioningly. “Why?”
“We need to get our asses in gear. We’re too outdated, too old school. You need to be more active on social media and make a lot more content. People want instant gratification, the ones who want exclusive, luxurious stuff will still pay the right price for it. But we can’t rely on those customers alone anymore.”
Taehyung’s face twists with distaste. “Hyung, please don’t tell me I’ll have to be a camboy…”
“What? No, of course not. I know that’s not romantic enough for you.” Yoongi winks, the younger visibly relaxing. “No, we’re going to do something different. And I know the perfect person to help us with it.”
“A miniseries? About what?” You squeeze your phone between your ear and your shoulder to prevent it from falling while you pour hot water into your favourite mug. “Yoongi, stop apologising. I can make time. Besides, things are a bit quiet since I’ve finished the Dom & Dommer series with Hoseok, so I could use something small and fun to keep me busy, actually.”
“Well, technically you’re not really asking me for a favour if I’m getting paid while doing it, right? So you can stop feeling bad for asking before you make me feel bad for accepting.” You chuckle, plopping down on your couch next to your cat, whom you absent-mindedly start petting as you listen to your old friend’s voice. You blow on your tea to cool it off while he speaks, Mochi purring happily underneath your fingers.
“No, I swear it’s no trouble at all. It sounds fun, I’m excited!” You shrug, a genuine smile playing on your lips. “Stop it! It’s a win-win situation. Um...what does Taehyung think? No! No, uh, you don’t have to put him through, I was just curious.”
Your cheeks feel hot and you catch yourself biting your nails for a second, an old habit you used to have when you felt nervous. “Okay, that’s good. Good to hear he’s looking forward to it, I’ll be too! Okay. Yeah, just send it to me or my agent when you’re done. Alright. Talk to you later! Bye, Yoongi.”
The call ends and you take a sip of your lavender tea. “Ow, fuck! Ugh…” You curse as the boiling hot water touches your tongue, simmering for a few seconds before the burn subsides. You weren’t paying attention, thoughts elsewhere.
Mochi meows, the sound somewhere between indignant and mocking.
“Watch it,” You warn him, your eyes narrowing to slits, which he only takes as a display of affection, returning the gesture before crawling into your lap.
Murmuring, you scratch Mochi behind his little ear. “A miniseries with Taehyung?”
Unaware of how your breathing becomes more shallow, or your heart beats a little faster than usual, you grab your phone to look him up online. Immediately, you’re met with an influx of images from the man you’ve only just seen yesterday. You don’t know why you’re doing this, but you find yourself browsing through his social media as well. It’s probably just because you haven’t done any new projects with a new co-star in a while.
“I should try to know more about him if we’re going to work together more often, right? I’m just being professional.” You mumble out loud, Mochi perking up questioningly.
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silver-mist · 4 years
BTS In The SOOP EP4 - HOBI’s REVENGE (The full recap)
I havent done a recap since Ep 1 and technically that wasnt a recap but more for fun. However, after watching today’s episode, I felt inclined to share some thoughts as I found this to be such a lovely and heartfelt episode that truly exemplified not only each member and how they are as well as dynamics between them so im making this exception. This may be a long read for some but if you make it to the end then ❤️and feel free comment. Welcome to a summary/analysis of my thoughts throughout this episode full of cute moments between certain member “ships”. I put that in quotations to point out that I look at these platonically in a friendly way (with the exception of 1 lol) but also as a way to emphasize how each member looks to another as different likes and circumstances arise. We all can fully see that OT7 truly have a special bond unlike other idol groups who pretend for years only to be discredited later. However, it shouldnt come as a surprise that some members are closer to some than others and that isnt a bad thing, just like we all may have that 1 or those 2 people we wanna tell first when you have a major life event or need to just talk. That is the main reason for my recap today, to talk about these and how it genuinely warms my heart because even though they may not act like their full real selves here, after all, this will be seen on broadcast by the general public and not just fans, this is probably the closest we get to their domestic normal selves, no narrative, no event or photoshoot to prepare for, just them doing things as they go. 
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We start off after the dinner scene where everyone has dispersed into their own thing. Cue to V sitting by himself in the main house about to sing karaoke. As anyone who has followed him along the years, you already know that he often prefers his own “me” moments and its just cute to watch him start singing to his hearts content that its even pointed out by his hyungs as they sit outside further away chatting. Its nice to see him happily enjoying whatever he feels like doing with no care in the world but I do shy away from calling him an introvert as he can be the social butterfly. 
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We then cut to Namseok sitting outside, drinking some beer, having a heart to heart. The rap line has obviously been close for a long time but the way Hobi speaks about his chat with Joon that night and how it feels natural and not awkward shows you that they gravitate towards one another vs possibly some other members in terms of lets say normal adult discussions where its not about jokes or laughter but just growing up and responsibilities or random hobbies and its a beautiful thing to see. Between Hobi wishing he could sing (I think he has a lovely voice and should try it out even when he thinks he isnt good) to Joon talking about writing in a journal or feeling like this is a break they should have where they retire, its cute, its normal non celeb talk, and just a moment between 2 likeminded friends. I’ll finish off this scene with another *Joon should just not touch things in general* moment when he drops the mosquito defector and all Hobi does is smile and reply... 
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(Friendship Goals...)
Jimin decides to join shortly after but doesnt have a beer in hand, the hyungs are quick to point that there is some in the other fridge but Jimin dismisses it and goes to sit as all he wants is to be in their company awww. He mentions that he will take some cold medicine and Hobi immediately questions if he’s feeling unwell to which he replies that he is in fact not feeling well. This cause an immediate reaction of concern from the hyungs as Joon tells him to put his hood on to evade a bit of the cold air and Hobi insists in a serious manner to not disobey and do as they say after jimin says its fine. Double awww 🥺
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Their night ends with Minimoni heading out to another mini tournament of ping pong because why not, Jimin trying to convince Hobi to watch them because awww, and Joon telling Jimin to not torture Hobi like that 😂. Joon reading the room and knowing its not his thing cracks me up, baby mochi just wants him around haha.
The scene then cuts to the next morning where we finally see Yoongi waking up from him sleep nest in the search for water. He is still out of it as he cutely blames someone from taking his water to only realize a few moments later that that someone was him 😂.
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Lil meow meow cutely wobbles out of his camper to go get a drink only to suspiciously look around like he’s spotting the cameras. Perhaps to make a Yoongi Part 3 impromptu advertisement??? We all know how good he is at those 😂. He finally asks himself “What should I do”. Story of my life he probably thinks in his mind... meanwhile I go, just rest. 
We then cut to another episode of the Chronicles of Jin: The “It’s still Hot” saga where I genuinely wonder why he still chooses the tent when im sure another arrangement is possible but do you boo. As always, the forever RJ representative cutely wears his pj’s as he heads to the main house not before stopping to do the most random thing ever... 
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The editor’s caption speaks for itself lol.
He finds his way inside to stumble upon baby Tae still kinda sleepy looking complaining to the sink where dishes were left unwashed the prior night. His annoyance cracks me up and then he starts to play with a mini skillet/stove? and we finally get a moment of Tae cooking... yayy. He cutely complains as the rice is not staying together and tests out the sugar level to then realize it needs more and its adorable. Hobi wakes up and heads downstairs to encounter Jin at the piano again and cutely heads towards Tae to smack his butt and ask for some food, cue VHOPE cuteness, which later continues when Hobi wants to time Tae’s food with his jog haha. Tae again complains about the dishes and proceeds to drag a chair closer to the stove because I guess the 2 second distance from the table is too much? 😂Cute..
Back to 2Seok which to what I have seen in videos is not often, agreeing to go for a jog as well as disagreeing on how to go about it. Jin is like America (we go out to the store in sweats with unruly hair and not give an F LOL) and Hobi is like Korea (Where everyone dresses nice no matter what the occasion) Side note* this is my perspective as an american who has visited korea, they just do fashion better over there and I want to buy it all ☺️. I guess Hobi ends up finally convincing Jin to change because next thing they are out and about in their morning jog.
Back to baby Tae and random inexplicable moment of the episode #2... He removes the plate from the chair then proceeds to sit on the floor to taste his treat when the chair is now empty...🧐😂
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2seok is now on their jog down the road and Hobi stops to rest on the side with Jin judging him “We only ran for 3 minutes and you already want to rest?” LOLOL. He then proceeds to take some of Hobi’s water and insists on carrying the bottle back because it makes him look good on camera. LMAO Jin, stay humble always... 😂. Hobi just does a literal SMH.
Cutscene to the view where different rooms are shown at once and I spot the second room next to Jungkook in the floating house with the door open.. Hmmm who opened it I wonder? Was someone using the room??
Back to V being his cute self enjoying his “me” time. He proceeds to play again with the rc boat and I almost panic a little at what seems like he may fall into the water trying to place it there. Good thing he doesnt but he gets the wrong control remoter and rushes back to get the right one. Once it finally moves its like all is right in the world. Cute. We get a short glimpse of him in the floating house and seeing that Jungkook is still fast asleep.
We then see Yoongi back at the top house heading in to read his book, shortly after the 3 amigos V, Hobi and Jin are walking in as Jin previously mentioned he was hungry, cue to start of meal prepping. 
We finally see the final member we havent seen wake up, baby mochi in all his fairy like self is still in bed. Tae is the first to open the door to his room and proceeds to cutely jump over him, play around, get pushed back and complain and then just lay on top of him with his butt facing the door. Excuse me while I melt in cuteness..my VMIN heart... ❤️
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Only to literally do a 180 and LAUGH my ass off when Hobi walks in, sees them there and just goes NOPE.. walking out 😂
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Apparently 2seok have decided on their meal plan and the ever so helpful ray of sunshine seems at a loss on how to set the charcoal on fire, note that he could have asked Jin but he heads to Yoongi for help (Bring in some SOPE love :)). Either way here I was hoping Yoongi would just chill and it seemed like that was the plan until he saw Hobi’s lostness and eagerness to help so he decides to step up again and help out. It’s kinda evident he didnt plan to when he goes “Oh ok” after being told what they plan to eat but proceeds to jump in at Hobi’s lostness in terms of making a fire. Cute. 
Cue back to Hobi disturbing the soulmates and whatever little cute slaps Tae was giving Jimin to probably wake up to ask him to fetch the torch because hes finally done running between the houses like last episode lol. The ever obedient Tae obliges immediately, Jimin remains in bed. 
Were back at the main house and maybe not every caught on but its ADORABLE how Joon goes out with the plan to play with the boat like Tae but leaves it abandoned to see where all the other members are. Note, he is for some reason limping all of a sudden and I think it may have to do with why he left early for personal reasons, I hope he was ok. Potential theory, could Jin slapping the boxer bag have anything to do with it? 🧐.
Anyways, even with his leg issue he literally walks around to the other house, checks on all members and ends up back at the main house sitting next to Jungkook, encouraging him as he is building a glider and then ultimately telling him he will keep him company by sitting next to him and reading a book. Even takes care of him by bringing him a drink. Awwww KookieMonster ❤️
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anddd were back to the others in the upper house. 
SOPE taking the lead with building a fire..
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TAEJIN figuring out the fish with Tae sporting an adorable hat and looking lost but still willing to help his hyung. Cutely Tae later makes Hobi aware on how this is his first time putting a knife on a fish and learning that a fish’s life is previous. AWWWW.. 
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Its the little things that I like to point out, the members gravitate towards who they feel more in tune with. Tae to help Jin and Suga to help Hobi although the opposite would have be interesting to watch lol.
We then get Yoongi thawing out the ribs, Hobi trying to get veggies and LITERALLY pulling out the roots of a poor plant 😂, Yoongi legit pulling up a chair to read while cooking (poor thing haha), Jin crying because hes wasting the fish fillet as hes still learning, Joon adoringly looking at JK while he continues building his glider like a big brother, JK finally giving up and whining that hes gonna ask Hobi for help (HOPEKOOK cutely building a glider? yes please), JK looking over to see what Joon is reading, giving up again and ultimately moving out with Joon looking up like “You leaving me?” and then looking at the camera LOL. 
The 3 cooks up in the upper house are busy in their own thing when Jin asks for the location of the wrapper with SOPE rapping in return making a joke about them being the “rappers” haha. 
Back at the main house Taekook are cooking together. It makes me laugh at the difference between the hyungs cooking above. For starters, JK is cooking sausage for some time but I legit wanna teleport myself over there to tell him “Hey, cut it in pieces, you are burning the bottom of it but the inside is still raw” 😂... thankfully he does that eventually.... Meanwhile little sweet Tae is getting fancy on us and bringing his wine habits into the mix making an appetizer and struggling to open the Jamon packet even though (as the camera clearly zooms in on) the scissors are right next to him...These two are funny. 
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Finally someone acknowledges that Jimin is still alive somewhere LOL and its none other than Yoongi who says it out loud in the kitchen then passes by his room but instead of waking him up just cheers him on then walks away haha (YOONMIN ❤️)
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However that lasts for about 2 seconds before Yoongi comes back and ask Jimin to gather the others from the other house for lunch as the other members are busy and Jimin listens obediently by rolling over and calling Joon and with a hoarse voice letting him know Yoongi’s instructions. Poor Jimin, he sounds unwell 🥺. Joon goes to gather the younglings, Tae makes it up and decides to decorate the cheese with a red umbrella only to look dissatisfied and make it a blue one lol. They then have some random cuts of moments because JK’s sausages appear on the table but we never see him walk up and then he magically walks out the house but dont show any of that.. hmmmm. I’ll leave my thoughts at that since some people might understand what im alluding to :). 
Yoongi is taking out the ribs and accidentally drops a piece and we get the following reactions;
Yoongi: little scream 😱
Joon: Just use the 3 second rule 🙂
JK: Just wash it and then recoat it with more sauce and that should fix it 😄
To which Yoongi can only look slightly flabbergasted at the suggestion and throws it back “Do you wanna eat them?” hahaha
They all finally gather at the table including Jimin and I see that both him and Joon look a little off, I hope they got better soon after but for sure they seemed sick. Jin sweetly talks about always wanting to make the dish he prepared and how complicated it is and refers to it being a hard dish to make for a Family (the BTS bond is one of a kind). All the members admire the sampling of food, Jimin calls out the cuteness of Tae’s umbrella on the cheese, JK helps Jimin break the ribs apart, Tae tells everyone to try his appetizer, the member’s cutely all aww and ohh when they find out he cut the melon 💜, everyone but JK and Tae seem to know the dish, Hobi and Jimin cue to immediately try it for their friend so he doesnt feel left out, after trying it he cutely asks Jimin how it tastes and waits for his response, another awww, soulmate responds with its diff (which probably isnt his taste but eats it anyway for him ) lol and it zooms out with someone asking (sounds like Jin?) what they will have for dinner to have another member whom I cant tell reply LETS STARVE.  These clowns 😂but I get it, it took like hours to cook each meal.
They get ready to clean and apparently prep something for dinner with Joon washing the dishes and eventually asking Jk for help who is busy cooking rice eventually summoning Jimin who heard his name with Jk cutely smacking his butt to tell him Joon called him to then Jimin telling Joon not to worry and he will take over ( I reread this whole sentence and ran out of breath haha but then again im not here for proper grammer.. oopps). This leads us to a sweet domestic Jikook moment where he asks JK to help him dry the dishes and the other obliges and they just fall in routine.. just cute.
Joon heads back to the main house to pack and I honestly think he probably was heading for a doctor check up, he just seemed out of it 🥺
Jimin gets done with the dishes and ends up next to Tae as the soulmates cutely discuss the game he is playing and Tae announces his kills and loses.
Jimin is then next to Hobi in the other house who is getting ready to customize his shoes, he asks Jimin to join but he doesnt seem enthusiastic to the idea so Hobi just goes “I’ll just do what I like” and to me sounding a little sad since this isnt the first time hes asked Jimin to do an activity with him lol. Before walking away Jimin starts singing a song about it. Yoonjin are back again as buddies down the lake fishing and we get a sweet after interview of Yoongi admitting he is not interested in fishing but he does it because Jin invites him. You KNOW you only do those kind of things for your closest friends or family and that was sooo sweet. YOONJIN goals!
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Back at the house we see that Jimin ultimately decided to join Hobi and we get cute JIHOPE moments. Im glad because I honestly got the vide since the beginning of in the soop that he wanted to spend more time with Jimin and hadnt had the chance. They both decorate a shoe each and are careful not to splatter on each other. I also spy with my little eyes... an Iphone?? tsk tsk tsk.. all the others are at least trying and Jimin is like nope hahahaha. If that was indeed a samsung then my bad.
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Next thing we know JK and Jimin are harmonizing and sounded just beautiful, can we get another subunit please? I know they did Who and We dont talk anymore but a legit korean song.. anyone? Ok.. moving on haha
Now here is a group I havent seen hang out together often, I  know yoongi mostly keeps to himself but I was wondering if we would see any interactions longer than just passing food or related to meal prep between Yoongi and JK/Tae but here we are, the 2 kiddos singing and the hyung just watching on. Yay..
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We later see Jimin revealing his excitement over the art project and im glad he enjoyed doing that with Hobi.
Hilariously enough, not long after, while deep into another song, Yoongi tells Jk that he needs to get out to pack. Jk’s reaction? Proceed to continue singing and kinda ignores hahaha. Cue to the camera angle still showing JK doing his thing and an exasperated looking parent *aka yoongi* just staring at him like 😐
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They all head to pack their belongings and we fast forward to them playing games in the upper house. While Jimin is packing he walks out and asks to no one in particular where his hanbok piece is, then sees Jk playing in with the VR and proceeds to go up to tickle him cutely (domestic much? 🥰). This is ironically followed up by mischievous Tae wanting in on the fun by standing up from his spot and moving behind JK and after what seems like thinking it over, carefully tugs his pants down but not with the intention to actually pull them. JK laughs at this and goes “You shouldnt do that” hahaha. Which begs the question, did he know who tried to pull a fast one on him? LOL  
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Everyone is back to their usual roles, the 3 cooks prepping the dinner, the maknae line just doing their thing between JK still in the VR game and Vmin cutely playing games in the corner. Yoongi seems like he NEVER rests, poor thing. He sees them prepping the ramen and suggest they add meat and ends up cooking meat. He is such a DAD and im all for it. While all this is happening there is a whole ruckus in the background and we hear the maknae line having a blast but only get a short glimpse of what is happening when the camera is still on the cooks. Apparently Jimin is now on the VR game and Jk decides to mess with him by taking a controller away and putting it behind his back, as Jimin tries to reach out to find it somehow, mischievous Tae is back at it and steals the other and moves it all the way to the other side presumably above the food shelf LMAO. I gather from the way that Jimin reaches UP and not straight out when reaching towards JK and the controller that this is DEF not the first time this has happened and when it has JK played the “I am taller and you cant reach this” stance, so of course Jimin’s instinct is to reach above his head hahaha.
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They finally get down to eat and they all run to the table, I spook a cute Jikook moment of JM sitting next to JK and pulling the chair up leaving little room LOL, then Hobi still needs help so Jimin proceeds to go in to help with JK not far behind and a cute JiHopeKook hug alongside a Jikook sweet moment (I see that waist caress there JK 👀🥰😂😏) and they all make it back to the table with their meals ready. Tae makes sure to remind Jimin there is also meat for him to grab. Aww, ive lost count of the times that these two have been looking out for the other and its just so subtle but sweet af. 
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Its time to finally go homeeeee. They all decide on who’s going in what car and then suddenly Jin remembers to check his fishing rod. 
Now... you may be wondering why I called this Hobi’s revenge. Well well well.. I want to say that slowly, Hobi decided to butter Jin up by hanging out all day long to eventually go full betrayal mode muahahaha. I kid I kid. But as life turns out, Hobi was presented with an opportunity to return the favor of Jin’s BV4 master plan to abandon him in New Zealand. Well well well... how the tables have turned. He tells his plans to the other nearby and they immediately agree 😂. Cue to a total pandemonium... Hobi rushing them in, Yoongi slowly walking to his car because of course he aint gonna run, Jimin trying to drag his suitcase, Tae running from the house in a cute manner probably going hehehehehe as he hears the plan, Jungkook walking up to them with no idea whats going on, having like 1 second to understand it, and then immediately running unsure of what to do until Jimin goes “Help me load this in!”. 
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Jin finally approaches and they get in in time and start driving off. Jin finally goes heyyyyyyyy and cant believe what is happening, shouts out Yoongi, like you cant do this to me LOLOL. You can see Yongi’s big ass smile through the windshield which is even funnier. For a second he stops and it seems like Yoongi decides to have mercy on him, even open the door for him to stick his suitcase in. Hobi, Jungkook and Jimin seem to believe it as they are seen walking back up away from the car guessing the plan is a no go. That is until Yoongi goes full AGUST D and says “Who's the king, who's the boss?”... JK but lets just pretends he says that 😂, and literally does start driving off. Jihopekook see this and run their asses back to the car like little kids and laughing all cute as can be HEHEHEHEHE and they end up leaving Jin there LOL. Revenge is a dish best served cold and you just got served Jinnie.
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Legend says Hobi slept well that night. 
The end. 
Hope you had fun reading this long post, probably will never do another since it took forever but I had fun making these gifs and pics and typing in my 2 cents hahaha. Borahae everyone 💜
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matt-skc-rp · 3 years
Summer Heat Wave|| Swiftimer AU Drabble
A/N: Shout out to my girl @suzydoozy, who's been working really hard all summer so I decided to surprise her with a drabble I wrote in the morning. Love you, boo! Keep going you got this!
Matt woke up early and flinched slightly at the cat Mochi sleeping on his chest. He gently moves the feline and slinks out of bed, shuffling to the bathroom to get his bearings and sneak a cigarette. Suzy's phone was still going off, although she was dead asleep from their late night. He creeped over and turned her phone off, which caused the girl to stir, putting a reassuring hand on her back and rubbing it, receiving a sleepy groan in response. He looks down and sees her notifications (even though he shouldn't) to see that Arin had called her and texted her all night. Her DND must turn off in the mornings.
He didn't pay it any mind anymore.
The two had been hooking up since the end of the last semester and she begged him to make sure nobody knew. It wasn't like Matt was in a relationship himself, but she even instructed him not to tell Kristen, which was different. He told her everything, even if it was nothing going on. Those planned occasions when they would go to a fancy restaurant and just spill the tea on their respective houses and plan their next attack on how to keep the campus as aesthetically pleasing as possible. It started so innocent: Suzy had been up late and wanted to stream a scary game, but didn't want to be alone. Arin was busy- well she thought he was busy because he wasn't answering his phone at all- and the girl thumbed over the other's contact, thinking that she might reneg and just ask her ex-roommate from Theta instead. But no. A few very brief messages later he showed up to Gamma, his lanky frame in his OG Twitch hoodie and some black jean shorts.
They sat together day after day playing games, eating, and just hanging out- their platonic touches falling away innocently for the thrill of fun and companionship. That's what they told each other. She remembered how she felt the day that she was standing in Theta with his hoodie draped over her and nothing much else, feeling more comfortable with him than Arin but not by much. She knew it was for the moment. She knew it was temporary. Matt is just so sweet and at times a little hard to figure out, but she really felt at home. She still doesn't remember what exactly got them to their lips touching in the still kitchen, the light from the windows shining on them. He had walked away that day.
Now she was sleeping in his bed, wearing his t-shirt with nothing on, fully satisfied after yet another late romp. Every morning she woke up in his room, she reveled in the smells of smoke and herbal air freshener. That gentle hand on her back as she stirred awake, his way of coaxing her to sleep in. He's so polite. He really cares even though he's not anything. Maybe that's what makes all of this so hard for her but so easy to fall into. She heard her phone ring and then stop, then the hand on her back, a light press of lips in her hair. She slept in her makeup again, but she couldn't help not caring about how she looked around the man. The girl stretched in the bed, moaning as Mochi stretched with her and climbed into her lap once she sat up. The girl pet and gave love to her kitty as she refused to look at her phone.
"You want breakfast?" Matt asked, closing the window but not shutting it as he put the butt in the ashtray. Suzy shakes her head as Mochi runs off to chase the shadow of the trees on the window, making the girl giggle lightly. "You wanna talk?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck before stretching himself.
"What happened with you and Gabbie?" she asked simply, pulling her hair up into a ponytail.
"Eh, I mean we're still going, but she's just taking a lot of different directions. She went home before finals ended. Why?" he said, picking up his extra clothes from the floor before starting his pushups.
"Just curious..." she said, watching him and moving to the edge of the bed to see better.
"If you're wondering if I'm cheating, technically I am, but Gabbie isn't exactly in the headspace to worry about me right now, I'm actually glad I get a break from trying to understand somebody," he said with grunts as he pounded out each one, "I mean we're not super serious according to her, so I don't see the harm in test driving a few other ideas while she's not here."
"So...if she came back and wanted a relationship.." she started.
"I ask her if she's sure..then I'd be all for it. I still really like her, but I'm not running to go and be cuffed up since cuffing season is approaching, you know?" he replied.
"Wh-what would happen then?" she asked, playing with the helm of the t-shirt.
"What's with the questions?" he said, standing up and sitting on his knees after taking a breath.
"I dunno...guilt I guess," she said.
"You have nothing to be guilty about, at least I don't think so...Same with you, I'm not worried-"
"So what is this?" she blurts.
"What?" he asked after choking on his water, "What is what?"
"You know...this," she gesticulates, thrusting her hand back and forth.
"Fling. It's a summer fling. They're really popular this time of the year...Why are you so worried about it? Aren't you excited to have him to go back to?" he asked, sitting down in front of her.
"I mean...yeah, but..I really like the fling..I'm just saying," she began, not really sure how to finish.
"You can like the fling, but it's a fling. It's gonna end..and we'll go back to being friends or complete strangers, but I think that's the difficult part of that," he says, taking her hands, "For me, at least."
"Oh...well, do your planks," she giggled lightly, deflecting her feelings.
Suzy bit her lip, clicking through her chat and switching tabs to make sure OBS was recording, watching chat start just to roll in, she greeted her stream. It was supposed to be just a typical night for her. Some games, some ideas, some editing then she was going to bed.
Matt stood impatiently, checking around to see if anyone can see him, still checking his phone to make sure he wasn't getting any calls from his sister especially.
They embraced how they usually do, but tonight Suzy didn't let go. "Heyy, what's up?"
"N-Nothing..I just..I guessed I missed you," Suzy said, trying to hide the red flushing her cheeks. She backed away and showed him to her room. She walked on her tiptoes through the hall, hearing the faint noises of the other gamers in the house before getting to her door, decorated with cheap Halloween decorations with a little work done to make them scarier and aesthetically pleasing.
Matt shrugged off her response and followed behind her until they were at her door, the one with Halloween on it no matter the time of the year. He liked all the little things that were different about her, but still reminded him of Gabbie, like their love for dark themes. Suzy still was acting weird to him, but he passed it off as some hormonal thing or a mental episode and she just needed the company. He had just seen her a few days ago and she wasn't like this, but he never really took the time to know why she was even at the school in the first place save for a few traumatic experiences she shared that they bonded over.
Once they were in the room, Matt broke the silence, "Com'ere," he muttered, pulling her gently by the hand, which she allowed herself to turn around and shuffle towards the taller man, he picked her head up and gave a soft peck on her lips, wrapping his arms around her, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing-I...I dunno. I usually know," Suzy explained softly, not wanting to break the sound barrier of his embrace, "I barely made it through the stream..I guess I've been working too much."
"Maybe you need something to take your mind off..hm?...But I saw your stream, you did great despite how you felt," he said, pushing her hair from her eyes and lifted her head up by her chin. Suzy was already feeling better with the kiss, but the way he just cradles her and makes her feel like a little girl who just scraped her knee. She wanted him to buy her ice cream to match his sweetness.
"Were you busy? Is your sister gonna call tonight?" she asked, shifting her feet underneath.
"No..I told her I had a long night of editing to do from that road trip that I totally lied about. I'll tell her tomorrow that the files were corrupted..you know...stupid stuff just to get away from my phone...I wasn't doing anything when you called me," he replied, scoffing lightly with a smirk shifting with her. Maybe it was this that she missed: idle dumb conversation about how their lives were. Not planning how they were going to approach their fling with the utmost clandestine. "The real question is..why didn't you call Arin?" he asked, wasn't sure if he was allowed to.
"Wasn't picking up, and he isn't in his room, so I guess he's at a Grump session or he's playing games with his friends...but I guess you'll do," she joked, finally cracking a smirk.
"Sounds good to me, that's literally what I'm here for," he said at a regular volume, "It's just a matter of what we're gonna do now...feeling sexy? You want me to make you something to eat? To drink?"
Suzy looked up when he asked if she was feeling sexy, it rang in her ears that it would be the perfect distraction. She had ignored her thoughts all day and did everything she could to push the idea away in order to get more important things done and to just act like she was a developed person who could function without it. Guess she was wrong. "I-I do...feel..like I could use some..uhh..attention I guess..see how I feel.."
"Well...what do'ya want? Ball's in your court," he said, surprised that her first choice was sex, but he was the fling, of course they can have sex. That's the whole point. He was willing to do more, but maybe he needed to get some clarity and figure it out later. He let her go, kicking off his shoes and setting them by hers by the door, and sheds his jacket, setting it on her gaming chair before approaching her again.
"Uhh...I guess just the usual, just like...I dunno...go slower?" Suzy said, rubbing her arms and holding herself. Matt was confused and didn't feel the most comfortable. He took to grabbing her hand gently, kissing her fingers, which she quickly pulled back and made her giggle. She loved that when she asked him to go slow, it didn't dampen the mood at all.
"Take your clothes off...." he said after he pulled her into a hug, sliding his hands under her sweatshirt to help.
Suzy was already feeling better about having Matt over, even if the feelings weren't going away. His lips on her bare skin brought her goosebumps, drawing a soft hum from her throat. His hands caressing her waist to help her take her shorts off.
Once they fell to the floor, Suzy turned around to hide her front against his naked top and rough shorts. She liked looking up at him and seeing those kind eyes, ones that just felt like home away from home. His large beard that she had gotten lost in on many lazy afternoons, and probably would do it tonight if she had time.
She was focusing on his hands, where they would go next, how they would carry her into a descent to a place much more lovely and sweet- a place she was used to. She shuffled backwards, never breaking eye contact until she fell back onto her bed.
Matt grabbed a random pillow on her bed, stuffing it beneath his knees as he looked down at a blushing and anxious Suzy. He sat in his knees, still towering over her and gave her thighs a soft kneading rub down. He loved when she would relax into his touch and consumed every tentative noise she made. He wasted no time and adjusted his body lower, giving her flower cute long kisses before slowly nipping her thighs, bringing a satisfied him from her.
Suzy's legs were trembling as he massaged them, her mind still racing about Arin and Matt's hands and whether or not she fed Mochi. She felt his fingers pushing and curling so steadily and careful she felt so dirty and so free. Her hands didn't rush to grip anything just yet, she just laid her head back, letting her staggered breath and noises slip from her lips. His mouth moving just as slow on her folds made her jump a little, which she prompted him not to stop. She could feel her thoughts beginning to cloud as she thought of the first time he did this. The girl was a whole mess. She's learned to enjoy these moments. Nothing was stopping her now. The way he just knew to speed up just enough to bring her to the next level of her pleasure made Suzy wish she could live in the moment for a few days. Her legs open and seemingly small in Matt's hands, her flower wet and exposed, twitching at the outside stimulation. She was thinking of his kisses on her lips those days and nights when there wasn't much to do. The fireworks they watched and accidentally made out under. The way she came for him after an OnlyFans shoot and they laughed it off over lunch. The girl let out a long greedy moan, which caused him to change what his tongue was doing, sending her. She wanted to close her legs, her knees rising as he found the right spot and the perfect tempo. Her arousal becoming almost too much, she felt exposed s though they were being too loud in the library. She covered her mouth, feeling the pressure build and an orgasm on the horizon. He pushed her legs apart by moving up and looping his arm around one, and resting it on his shoulder, going back to his teasing now that she was locked in place. No turning back. Matt was always so focused- "once I start, I don't like stopping...I just want to warn you.. but let me know if you need a break or anything.."- he was so gentle and kind. She hadn't felt so seen, and cared after, as to say Arin didn't do his best all of the time. "Make me cum~" She whined, running her hand through his hair, "I'm ready..."
"You know that's not how you ask, but you look so good right now... so I'll give you a pass..." he brought his head up to say, thumbing over her swollen clit while he watched her plead from the slight edging. He smirked at her as he coaxed another edge. He enjoyed watching her writhe against his hold as though she might explode or fly away if he didn't have her. Suzy was spilling from the mouth after the seventh edge, begging and pleading to cum. It's the longest she's lasted since he introduced her to the idea. Ever since the first photoshoot he helped out for that had a happy ending like this one, Matt had been helping her to have better control over her sex. Giving her what she asked for and teaching her a few things along the way. She liked to say he owned her pussy for having such a keen idea on what she needs, but he always said that it's more like satisfying a girlfriend's family, and the pussy is the sister or the mother. He retracted his fingers making it the hardest edge yet, and stood up, wiping his hand on her bed, promoting her to get up by tapping her thigh. "Get into your favorite position," he said, taking his pants off in one go and avoided touching his bouncing cock. He watched as the girl got up slow, getting on her knees and reached out for his hand, which he took hers and moved him behind her, leaning back and letting him do the rest of the work of pushing in.
"Don't touch me anymore.." she started timidly, "Just choke me until I tap out...please.."
"You sure?" He asks, giving light thrusts to get her used to the size, holding her waist and kissing her neck and shoulder as he found a rhythm.
"Yes baby...I need you to make me cum as hard as I can..." she mentioned between slutty moans as he steadily raised his speed, creeping a hand between her breasts and gripping her throat just hard enough to limit airflow and allow her to talk. The girl became a need of loud moans and soft screams as her orgasms run through her body. Suzy burst with pleasure, Matt not halting his thrusts as he was instructed, her eyes rolling back as the results of Matt's hard work ran down her leg and splashed against the bed. Her embarrassment crept up as she tapped his hand gripping her neck and he released, allowing her to try and close her legs although she was still getting pounded with both of his hands on her thighs to keep her from falling. Her moans changed as he finally got her spot dead on and begged him not to stop, another orgasm washing over her.
"You like cumming like this don't you?" He asked, his voice gruff as he was nearing his own orgasm.
"Yes, yes I do... fuck I-I think I'm gonna cum again~" She gasped.
"That's right baby... cum for me... you're doing so good... you want me to cum too?" He asked already feeling it coming on.
"Fuck, fuck just cum fuck... please cum for me baby~," she moaned quickly.
Matt gripped her hips tighter as his orgasm rose and bubbled over, hearing Suzy's crying out, falling against his body and stroked slower until he was strong enough to pull away and allow both of them to fall back into bed, Suzy immediately cuddling up to him out of breath. They both shared a tired giggle fit before Mochi came up and rested on the foot of the bed mere inches away from the wet spot on the bed beneath their feet.
"Oh my god, Matt~... look what you made me do~"Suzy said, looking down.
"I ain't doing nothing, you were wet like that when I got here," he joked, pulling her close, kissing the top of her head, "You held out longer this time... you should call me to fix your attitude more."
"I don't think that's a good idea...I don't think I could do that everyday," she laughed.
"I bet you could... keep practicing like you have been," Matt said, shifting to sit up.
"I can't... everybody would notice-"
"Notice that you're in a better mood... you don't owe anyone an explanation..." he explained.
"I-i guess you're right.. but I just..I guess I'm self conscious about that... aren't you gonna smoke?" Suzy asked.
"Not in your room.. remember?" He replied, "Too much of a giveaway.."
"What are you gonna do after this?" She asked, tracing his chest.
"Eat something and get some sleep... figured I wasn't gonna stay long when you called me over... and speaking of calls...I think your phone rang while we were busy."
Suzy hadn't even given her phone a thought since Matt came through the door. She used her trembling legs to go to her desk and see that it was a missed call. From Arin. He left her a message and texted her that he was outside her door. Her heart sank into her chest. She felt so exposed and disgusting for letting him down.
[Text: ARIN] Uhhh i think you're watching porn ill come back later lol
[Text: ARIN] Sorry for not getting back to you sooner I guess
[Text: ARIN] Have a good night, lovely! 🥰
"What's wrong?" Matt asked, trying to respectfully stare at her back, "Arin try to come by?"
"Yeah..." Suzy sighed as she still tried to figure out how to feel about nearly getting caught. It was more of the rush, the thrill of knowing he was being cucked and he didn't know it. And if she was going to compare experience, Matt had Arin beat for right now. Her mind danced about with the idea that although Arin was familiar and reminded her exactly of home, Matt made this place. This place was filled with their memories and every touch and sound that littered their dorm walls. His southern ways and the way he keeps to himself yet remains so kind and happy. She felt like he was a nice little treat she found while having another treat: Shawna. These thoughts and memories of Matt made it hard for her to concentrate on her work, and his touch made her melt faster than an ice cube in an oven.
"Yeah? Did you need to talk to him?" Matt asked, scratching his neckbeard, then smoothing it out.
"Pfft! No. He thinks i was watching porn-"
"You?.. watching porn?.. at full volume?" He asked, trying not to laugh as he put his boxers on, standing up and handing Suzy her shorts.
"I'm the only girl here. Of course, they think I'd be watching porn at full volume.. to them I'm always in my room or I'm doing something for someone else..or I'm going to class.. but since this whole lockdown and the moving, nobody's sure," she explained.
Matt understood and walked up with her shorts, "One thing I'm sure of is that it's past curfew and the doors are locked... so I can't get out until the morning," he looked at the stream setup on her desk and played with her keyboard, accidentally waking up the desktop.
Suzy took her shorts and slid them on, then realized something, "Matt."
"Yes, darling?"
He killed her when he said that. He was so cool and sexy with his words, it matched his touch.
"Where are my panties?" She asked biting her lip, she turned to him.
"Answer my question first," he replied with a dark smirk, "You on birth control?"
"I'm fine...I take care of all of that, so just know before you get here, there's a lot of work being done to keep me safe," she said proudly.
"Safe and not pregnant are two different things at this school. Yeah nobody's passing around chlamydia, but girls do get pregnant around here... that's what I was told," Matt said wrapping his arms around her exposed midsection and rocking her back and forth. Suzy was so welcoming to the touch but it made her nervous that he was trying to lead onto something. He wasn't suggesting that she gets pregnant, but that he's noticed it hasn't been a concern for her.
"You believe everyone who tells you something? Especially here?" She leaned against him, absorbing his scent.
"Not always but I feel like you getting pregnant would draw a lot of attention to you that you're not ready for-"
"I'm not stupid, Matt. I may be sick sometimes, but I wouldn't risk everything because I didn't take my pill," she bit back, she didn't mean to be so aggressive, but he gave her confidence she never knew she had, "I should make you shower for coming in from the outside, putting me at risk like this."
"Oh trust me, I have condoms, but you've never brought it up and you told me yourself you're not quite worried..I just never asked what you were doing on your end," Matt said kissing her neck.
It did surprise her how this little funny fake fight to so long to happen. The fact that he was able to bring her to reality, without ruining anything. The kisses on her neck gave her goosebumps, and she could feel his hands hold her waist, then turn her around as she placed her phone back on her desk. She faced him and allowed herself to be pulled into another kiss before he walked away, and she just wanted to pull him back in.
"Answer my question," Suzy said, trying to keep her composure.
"Ask away sweetheart," he said, grabbing his phone to answer a text message.
"Where did my panties go?" she asked again, "I remember having them when we started and they seem to have not only disappeared...they're not even in the place that they originally were."
"You want them back? Why do you want them so badly?" Matt asked.
Suzy thought for a second, "What? I need to earn them back?" she couldn't help the smirk on her lips.
"You might have to, but you can just ask me much nicer than that...I like how you look with no panties- is that a crime?" Matt mentioned, finding the remote and turning the TV on.
"No, but they are mine..and I don't want to find them tomorrow after you leave," Suzy said, "They belong in a hamper."
"If you crawl up here and ask as nicely as you can, then I'll tell you."
Suzy folded her arms and pouted, "I gotta suck your dick too?"
"Nope. Just ask me. I think we're past the sex portion of my visit," Matt grinned, throwing his hands behind his head, "Come on, you can do it.."
Suzy sighed as she trying not to laugh. He was a goofball when he wanted to be, and it was always so much fun to indulge. She sauntered over to the foot of the bed, straddling his legs, and did a sultry crawl up his lanky body, feeling his eyes following her. She didn't break eye contact and was feeling so dirty as he devoured her figure. "Matthew," she asked with a much lighter and cuter voice.
"Yes, pumpkin?" he asked, cupping a hand on her face and caressing her cheek with his thumb.
"Can I please have my panties back...sir?" she sat up on her knees.
Matt smirked, trying not to laugh at how committed they were to their jokes and fun. He took in her body before him, every curve softened by the low stream lights in the room. Her aesthetic made him want to take pictures and short clips of her movements. He wanted to study her as a muse. He bit his lip as he gave her one more glance, "They're under the bed, in one of your shoes..I think it's your chucks."
The girl sat back with a look of disbelief, "Seriously?..How'd they get in there?" she dropped her voice act and sat on his legs.
"I put them there. You're too busy getting head to watch me stuff them in there..but then I stuffed you so I think it's even-"
"That is not even!" she laughed, pushing his chest playfully.
"You don't think so?" he laughed back.
"No~ you're not allowed to use sex as a veil of mischief. That's super sneaky.."
"I was in here- you snuck me in here- right? Your dude comes looking for you and he thinks you're watching porn..and you're gonna let him believe that and you're telling me that I'm sneaky..you have no grounds to tell me that I'm being sneaky. I'm trapped here until morning because of you-"
"Well the window's right there! You're welcome to leave anytime you want," Suzy said, picking up a pillow and hitting him with it.
"Ah~ now you're abusing me..get off me!" Matt tried to dodge her strike but took the soft hit.
"No I will not get off you," Suzy said, "Not until you take it back."
"You can ride my dick, I'm not taking it back..I call them like I see them," Matt folded his arms.
"In your dreams, Matthew Brian," she said, "You're sneaky too."
"I'm only sneaky because everyone in this house wants my head on a spit. You just want extra attention," Matt said, placing his hands on her thighs, which sent a shock through her, "Such a shame, too..You're already not wearing panties-"
"Because you told me to take them off!"
"Because you sent me a text."
"That's not important. If you were doing anything you would have come over anyway."
"I'll come over for you," he said sweetly. Suzy's heart couldn't handle him sometimes and cursed him for being so sweet and just being a general-
"You're a boob," she said trying to contain her big smile and a blush.
"Aww I think someone liked what I said~" he teased her.
"It's not..what you said..It's how you said it..." she whined.
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“There’s an old saying that says every demon was once an angel.
So tell me, is it possible for a demon to become one again?”
guardian demon! Jimin x reader
word count: 14.6k
genre: slow-burn, angst, fluff, romance, comedy, slice of life
Related works: see masterlist under Guardian Demon! Jimin
A/N: Shoutout to @milady-mira for this moodboard! Thank you all for the kind messages throughout the month as I worked on this T-T Unknowingly I had sucked myself into doing another chonky chapter but enough on that, let’s roll!
It’s been a good three days since Jimin sprang those tickets on you and you’re still riding on cloud nine. You wake up every day still thinking it was all a dream which makes you check your phone almost religiously, pulling up the app to see that yes, the two GA tickets to BTS’ Love Yourself Tour were sitting in your inbox. It’s gotten you feeling so good that you didn’t mind going to work at all for once. Today is no different, you started your day by spending a good ten minutes in bed after waking up just staring at your phone, smiling so widely that your cheeks ache. After drinking in the sight of the tickets for the nth time, you sigh contently, placing your phone on your chest to stare aimlessly at the ceiling in reflection.
“You’re not coming?” You can’t help pouting, head leaning heavily against Jimin’s chest as he carries you bridal style back to yours and Jaehee’s house. After much crying, you’ve protested against apparating back home in fear that you might actually throw up. It was a tough argument to make but when you threaten Jimin that if he risks it and you end up puking your guts out even when you had warned him, he’ll be responsible for cleaning it. So that got you both to come to a consensus of apparating as far as to get off the building and walking the rest of the way.
“Of course not cherub, would it make sense for someone who looks like the mirror image of your idol to be at their show? It’ll cause a riot.”
“Oh right… Good point.” You mumble, all tuckered out and practically half asleep at this point. “Sorry.”
“Stop apologizing already.” Jimin reprimands, adjusting his hold on you as he continues to walk. The rest of the way was filled with silence, with you more or less trying to fight off falling asleep right in Jimin’s arms. It’s proven difficult though, in your post-drunk state you’re more susceptible to the soft sounds of his heartbeat lulling you to a drowse. On top of that, the gentle rocking you feel from his strides does nothing to help, only making you feel more and more like a baby being put to sleep. So it’s no wonder that you lose track of all sense of time because the next thing you know, you’re entering your home and then you’re in your bedroom, being placed down into the comforts of your bed.
It takes everything in you to peel your eyes back open for just a second and the sight that greets you makes a lazy smile tug at your lips.
“What’s with that smile?” Jimin asks. You hear the beginnings of a chuckle slip through his words so you know he doesn’t mean anything snarky by asking. You blink but it feels like you’re keeping your eyes closed for way longer than necessary each time you do to consider it blinking.
“Thank you…”
“You’ve said that about eleven times tonight too.”
“Yeah…but I’m really thankful…for you doing this…” You say, words slurring into a mumble as you begin to finally give into sleep. The chuckle finally comes out softly as he takes a seat on the space by your head.
“Again, don’t mention it darling.”
You feel fingers comb through your hair and you instantly melt at the touch, eyes slipping close and unconsciously leaning further into it, a content hum escaping past your lips. His ministration nearly makes you miss his next few words.
“You should call your friends, do something for your birthday this weekend. You can figure out who you can take to the concert then.”
You probably should’ve told Jimin that stroking your hair was a sure way to make you knock out in less than five seconds (drunk or not) because the last thing you remembered before falling into a dreamless slumber was mustering up another hum in response and the feeling of soft, dexterous fingers against your scalp.
You had woken up embarrassed as heck and with a pounding headache but overall, overwhelmed with giddiness and gratitude for the demon that you had wanted to repay him somehow.
And see, there’s your problem right off the bat; how do you repay a demon besides forfeiting your soul to them? You suppose you could….Jimin doesn’t technically own your soul — you and him were just connected via your soul contract. You snort to yourself, the idea making you realize you’d make the statement of ‘selling your soul to the devil for some BTS tickets’ come true (he’s not the devil per se, but semantics). Still, you’re not sure if you want to jump that gun just yet since it’s a pretty big fucking life changing decision to say the least. But then your mind wanders; if Jimin were to ask however, would you agree?
A small part of you whispers yes.
But then that other half of you is telling you; you’re fucking nuts (you could only guess it’s the human instincts of self-preservation).
You let out a loud sigh, conflicted. Seeing no use in just laying around thinking about it until your hair turns grey though, you decide to get up finally, even if you did have the day off to lounge around. As you go through your routine, you continue to brainstorm on what you can possibly do for Jimin but, to no surprise, you come up with very few, meagre half-ideas that don’t seem right. As you’re finishing and heading to the kitchen to fix yourself a light breakfast, you realized something —
You haven’t really seen JImin at all for the past three days.
Your hand pauses on scraping the cream cheese on your bagel, head tilting to yourself. Now that you think about it, this is probably the second longest time he’s been gone. You never had the need to question it (probably some demon-related business) but that just means it’ll be even harder to do something nice for him. Maybe you should shoot him a text…? You grab your phone and pull up your message thread with him, tapping the text box until you’re confronted with the blinking text cursor. How should you go about this….?
“Hey…. What are you up to?”
You backspace on that; it doesn’t sound or look right to you. You try for a different approach.
“Yoooo….. Where’d ya go? Lol”
Wow, you’ve never backspaced fast enough. You let out a long sigh, slumping shoulders and tilting your head this way and that out of frustration. Why are you thinking so hard on this for? It’s just a check-up text, like asking your….friend if they wanna hang out after a long time. Ugh! Whatever! You puff up like a cat, bracing yourself unnecessarily as you type rapidly the first thing that comes to mind.
“Hey, haven’t heard from you for three days so just wondering where’d you go?”
Then you hit send before you can second guess yourself, tossing your phone onto the counter as if it has the plague. You turn away, not wanting to get sucked into that black hole of waiting around for a text back. So you settle on munching away on your bagel and finishing your cup of tea. You shuffle around the kitchen, cleaning and putting away dishes, all the while trying your darnest to avoid peeping over your shoulder to stare longingly at your phone like some lovestruck teenager waiting for her crush to text back. But after putting away the dishes and cleaning the countertop, you still have yet to receive a reply back from the demon in question.
Another sigh escapes you before you can stop it. You gotta find something else to do so that it’ll take your mind off of it — maybe watch some Netflix? You grab your phone, moving over to the couch to turn on the TV. Scrolling through the Netflix account, you blindly pick a long-running sitcom you had decided to binge one day and then stopped because you completely forgot about it. As it plays, you find yourself only half paying attention to the episode as periodically, you swipe your phone to scroll through your Twitter (and a small part of you begrudgingly admits hoping you’d see Jimin’s reply). As expected, your timeline is filled with BTS related things, whether it be about the first North American concert happening in three days or just compilation videos of members doing XYZ.
You stop on a particular one of Jimin and as the clip plays, a smile immediately stretches across your lips. Watching Jimin acting silly and laughing with his whole body is not something you haven’t seen before, but it never fails to make you laugh every time. You would bet that no one could resist either, even if they might not know who Jimin is because who can help it when he has a smile that turns his cheeks round and soft like mochi while making his eyes crease to the point where he can’t see anymore. Besides that, he always had an aura about him that glows with such warmth that anyone could clearly see how kind, sincere, and hardworking he is. And when he’s on stage — the thought alone makes you shake your head in disbelief because it’s like he becomes a different person. He’s no longer just a talented boy next door, he’s someone who was born to perform with an overflowing amount of charisma and stage presence.
A true contradiction if you’ve ever seen one, Park Jimin has somehow managed to embody both youthful, innocent smiles and sultry, seductive gazes. You chuff a laugh to yourself —  the more you think about it, you suppose it’s a rather good fit that your guardian demon looks like Jimin, and not just because he’s someone you associate affection with. You pause in thought, realizing something. From the start, you always had a clear distinction between your guardian demon and BTS’ Jimin because in spite of being mirrors of each other, they’re completely different, like the difference between the evil and good twin. But as time went on, you discover that they…. are actually quite similar, more than you had initially thought.
You absentmindedly scroll through your timeline again, so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t notice you’ve landed on an audio edit —
Of Jimin body rolling and doing all other manners of EXTREMELY RUDE THINGS TO VERY SULTRY MUSIC.
Your phone nearly goes flying out of your hand at how fast you chuck it away, cheeks warm and eyes wide. On second thought, you think it’s better that they’re a little bit more different from each other; having one Jimin who knows how to control his body like that is already one too many.
You shake your head as if to physically rid you of the thoughts because if it stays there any longer, you feel like you won’t be able to look your guardian in the eye for a very, very long time.
So you resolve to finally pay attention to the episode playing out in front of you until Jaehee arrives home. Your evening passes by in a flash and yet still, Jimin hasn’t texted you back. Dejectedly, your eyes cast away from the phone beside you for the umpteenth time that day, hand mindlessly going back to shovelling your fried rice around with your spoon.
“Hey, what’s up? You seem really distracted….” Jaehee comments across from you, concern furrowing her eyebrows.
“Ah… no it’s nothing…” You try to brush off, shooting a small smile but Jaehee doesn’t buy it, even her glasses (a rare sight for even you) doesn’t hide the way her deep brown eyes look at you with such dubiousness that it makes you doubt yourself.
“You keep staring at your phone like a kicked puppy. Is it about the BTS concert? It’s happening pretty soon right?”
You can’t keep the wry smile off your face at the mention of the concert. It gives you away on your sudden changed circumstances regarding it and Jaehee easily picks up on that along with your hesitancy to agree with her assumptions of what’s bothering you.
“Well….About that…” You start off, not knowing how to break this as lightly as possible. “I…actually have plans on going to their next stop…?”
The reaction is immediate, Jaehee’s hand stills and her eyes shoot wide open as she blurts out in rapid succession, “What?! Really?! So you got tickets?! I thought you said you weren’t?!”
It makes your lips quirk up more, her enthusiasm overwhelming you to where you had to abandon your dinner altogether to tackle all of her questions. “Yeah, I thought I wasn’t too. But then…Well…” You take the time to unlock your phone to pull up the solid proof to your claims, sliding it closer for Jaehee to see. She picks it up and gasps, a loud, drawn out noise with a dramatic flair at the end, eyes practically bulging from you to the phone screen and back.
“Oh my God, shut up!” Her rising excitement is contagious and so you can’t help but to return it with a wide grin. “You’re really doing it! Is it for the upcoming concert this week? Or the one after that?”
“The one after that.”
“You’re going with one of your friends then yeah?”
“Uh…Yeah…” Your hand comes up to rub your neck, already feeling your cheeks heating up. “I’m going with a friend of mine. Ji— Julien! Julien — he’s actually the one who got me the tickets.”
Even with the partial name slip, Jaehee drives forward, this new development clearly taking hold of her if her gaping mouth and wide sparkling eyes is anything to go by. “Oh my GOD! Are you for real!? Julien got you these tickets?”
When you nod, abashed, she only squeals delightedly before gushing, “Y/N! I think you found yourself a keeper!”
“Huh?” The sound escapes you before you can help yourself along with the rising heat of your cheeks. Jaehee passes the phone back to you, a knowing smile taking form on her lips.
“Julien seems like he’s really into you and totally gets you. I mean, to me, this is like the ultimate profession of love in your language — getting you tickets to see your favourite band.”
You feel your blush intensify at such a profound statement, wondering whether or not you should even mention that he’s paying for all the travel expenses as well and that on top of the tickets, that’s what you’re troubled over. So you settle on going with a half-truth; you think Jaehee might end up coercing you to marry Jimin right at this moment if you told her everything.
“Well, yeah I think it’s great and all but I feel really bad. I wanna do something nice in return for him.” You sigh, “I just don’t know what.”
“Ah…So that’s what’s bothering you.” Jaehee nods, leaning back in her chair with a pensive look, arms crossed. “You could maybe….treat him to dinner?”
Do demons even eat anything? You think to yourself. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Jimin consume anything for sustenance other than alcohol but even then, you think it’s just for the heck of it instead of a need. You shake your head — if it were anyone else, the suggestion would’ve been perfect.
“I don’t know what he likes…? He has…” You fumble for the right words to cover up your….special circumstances. “Dietary restrictions.”
With that, both you and Jaehee fall back into a contemplative silence. Every once in a while, Jaehee would pipe up with another suggestion but they all end with a shake of your head.
“Ah well, I’m sure something will come up. Like maybe after your trip….?” Jaehee wriggles her eyebrows suggestively and you nearly choke on your last spoonful of fried rice. She barks a laugh at that, assuring you that it was just a joke (“…unless?”, she had tagged on which earned her an indignant smack from you and a cackle from her). You clean up and pack away leftovers before you eventually bid each other goodnight, heading off to wash up and settle for the night.
You were halfway through an episode of a drama that caught your interest when your phone lights up, the chiming notification muffled against your bedsheets. Your eyes instantly whip to it and when you catch sight of the name, you pause everything you’re doing, swiping to pull up the text thread.
“Miss me already? You’re so sweet cherub
(You roll your eyes)
But since you asked, I’ve just been doing errands here and there, mainly for your trip. Nothing to worry about.”
You huff quietly, though an endeared smile creeps on your lips at the thought all the same. However, the guilt indefinitely creeps back to you as you find yourself worrying your bottom lip at the mention of his generous act. You really want to do something nice for him, show him just how grateful you are that he’s going out of his way to do this for you (you honestly think this might even be out of his contract agreement as a temp guardian). At this point, you think you’ll have to settle for something like a bottle of alcohol — it’s the only sure thing you know that he’ll enjoy. Or maybe…
You shake your head; you need to give more thought on that.
“I’m just making sure you didn’t accidentally discorporate or something okay?
Who else is gonna pay for my flight and hotel XP
But I’ll make it up to you when I get to the duty free at the airport. I know you like alcohol but I’m still a broke college student so just accept my token of gratitude that way.”
You type, sending it off before you can overthink it. God you hate this — since when did texting Jimin become such a nail biting thing? You blow out a stream of air, flopping back onto your pillows in frustration.
Get it together, you tell yourself, patting your cheek only to come away scowling from how to warm it feels. A chime saves you from wallowing in your self-consciousness any further, bringing up your phone to check his response.
“Don’t worry about it, just go and have fun.”
Your heart involuntarily flips and you have to take a moment, putting your phone down for a bit — he’s not making this any easier. You roll around in your bed for a couple more minutes, reading and re-reading his message as the metaphorical butterflies in your stomach run wild. Once you’ve managed to reel in the rampant onslaught of feelings, shaking out your trembling fingers, it makes you realize something else; something rather important. The corners of your mouth tug downwards and after hesitating, you decide to shoot your shot.
“So… Are you not coming at all?”
When he doesn’t reply back immediately, regret instantly makes you backtrack, hastily typing an explanation but his response bubble pops up, stopping you.
“Never would’ve pinned you as a clingy type but I don’t mind ;)”
You have to smother your face in your pillow to muffle the loud groan you let out. When you get it out of your system, you race to finish what you were typing and hit send.
“I’m asking because we’re technically bound to each other by a blood contract and you never disclosed the finer details of it i.e. if large distance effects it or not.
So I need to know if it’ll be a problem because if so then you have to come too even if it means not being near the arena.”
“Haha, relax cherub. I get what you mean.
And you’re not wrong, distance does effect the bond of the contract. The farther away we are from each other, the less of a read on you I get. If anything were to happen to you, I won’t be able to help.”
You figured that much. It wouldn’t make sense in having a contract at all if important factors such as distance between the two parties didn’t have any effect. That just means either one of you could run away from the other and that would leave you both vulnerable; you in harms way and him risking the chance of losing a bail for his mischief with heaven. Besides that, a small part of you admits that you’d feel a little more comfortable traveling if you knew Jimin was going to be with you since this would be your first time flying with just another friend, even if it’s not that far out — it’s still a new place neither you nor your friend are familiar with.
As if reading your mind, another text pops up from him.
“I’ll be close by, I promise.”
A smile breaks out onto your lips, the butterflies erupting again and though they’re restless inside you from his words, you’re put at ease.
“I trust you…”
“…It’s late, you should go to sleep.”
“Okay… Goodnight.”
“Sweet dreams cherub.”
Dark chocolate eyes remain fixated on the screen for a moment longer, a number of emotions swirling within his chest threatening to become a hurricane, all from three simple words.
I trust you.
He thinks you a fool — there’s never, in the history of mankind’s existence, been a human who had openly said that they trusted a demon.
It never leads to good things.
But he thinks himself a fool too because those words mean more to him than he could ever imagined. Shit, he’s in deep, the acceptance of it pulls out a dry laugh from Jimin. He drops the phone away from his face, arm flopping to one side as his view shifts to that of the starless night sky above him. He’s had a lot to think on these past days ever since your birthday and though it wasn’t exactly a lie when he told you he was running errands, most of that time was spent trying to sort out his feelings.
The fact of reality is Jimin doesn’t have a lot of time left as your temporary guardian. By the looks of it, he’s pretty much done a good portion of what heaven had demanded of him and once he gets the official decree, the contract between you and him will be broken and he would have no business to linger around you less it was to tempt you into forfeiting your soul to hell — something he’d rather not do.
Yet in spite of it all, the thought of leaving you is something he couldn’t imagine doing, would not accept at this point. But as long as he is around, Jimin will only become a burden on your life, a toxic weight chaining you down in a pit of misery for he is a demon; a creature that causes misfortune on others and thrives off of it and as such, you’ll never be blessed with the good karma you receive from doing good deeds because he is not capable of bringing it. Any and all good things that happen to you will be short-lived in exchange for a hefty price because that is the demon code — nothing is without a cost, a sacrifice. And thus, he cannot remain with you as a temporary guardian nor demon.
In his other hand, he grasps at the bottle of whiskey and drags it over this lips, the liquor leaving a burning trail down his throat in the big gulps he takes. It distracts him from his troubled thoughts but as per usual, the effects is much too short to offer any real relief. He doesn’t have long to sulk about it though because he senses another presence coming towards him.
“I have to say, this is uncharacteristic of you to have willingly called for me brother.” Jungkook steps close enough so that he towers over Jimin, forcing him to stare up at that annoyingly handsome, twenty-something year old idol’s face that he’s so fond of, doe-eyes gleaming mischievously with dark wavy locks framing either side of his face. “I’m a little suspicious.”
Jimin snorts, a hand wrenching free from one of his belongings to reach up and pinch the younger’s ankle. Jungkook skips out of the way with a throaty giggle before rounding back to the elder’s side. He makes himself comfortable, sitting down next to Jimin in his oversized t-shirt and baggy sweatpants that makes Jimin think what a waste of a body to be dressed like that. They sit in silence for a while, letting the city night life below become their white noise as Jimin watches the inky abyss above him with unseeing eyes while Jungkook carefully observes him.
He’s not unfamiliar with Jimin’s brooding and aloof nature, has seen it enough times over their years of being friends to the point where he’s able to read him quite easily. But now, as he gazes upon this perfect mask, there is no signs of indifference marring the almost angelic features, not even a hint of annoyance. Instead, the emotion he sees is melancholy — something that he’s never seen before but it is there, clear as day. The sight of it stirs an uneasy feeling in the pit of Jungkook’s stomach but he refrains from asking directly, choosing to hold onto the belief that perhaps it’s not anything serious. For now, he’ll do what he does best; prod for information.
“You seem awfully moodier than usual…. Has poppet’s gloominess finally affected you too?”
He sees two eyes slide over to focus on him, their colour a subdued ruby that belies the warning beneath them. But they seep away just as quickly as Jimin doesn’t move to enact said threat, not even verbally and his eyes drift back to staring listlessly above him. It has Jungkook quirking his eyebrows and before he can let his curiousity overtake him, Jimin’s voice cuts through the still night air.
“If you must know, she’s no longer not going to the concert.” He states plainly, “I’ve made sure of that.”
It takes a while for the words to register in Jungkook’s head but when he does process them, he’s gobsmacked.
“You didn’t…!”
When he’s met with no response, it only further confirms that indeed Jimin had gifted you tickets to your most sought after concert. Jungkook’s mouth falls open but he could produce no coherent words from the shock. It’s only after a minute of shuffling around, not knowing what to do with himself that the younger demon finally throws his head back with a loud bark of laughter.
“I cannot believe this!” He chokes out between cackles, “You actually bought tickets for her even after you claiming you’re not a ‘miracle worker’! Brother, you hypocrite!” Jungkook’s gives a hardy smack onto Jimin’s shoulder and ignores the glare sent his way from it. Once he calms down, wiping at the corners of his eyes, Jungkook continues teasing.
“So did she promise her soul to you in five years time or something? Surely you would’ve taken advantage of such a golden opportunity.”
Again, he’s met with silence from his companion only this time when it drags on, the air shifts and the unnerving feeling grows within Jungkook, the playful smile slipping from his lips. His thoughts begin to race with a multitude of questions, all coming to a conclusion he doesn’t think he’s ready to face yet. He opens his mouth in an attempt to carry on the light nature of the conversation but unfortunately for him, Jimin begs to differ, as if finally growing tired of humouring Jungkook.
“Enough with the small talk; like you said, there’s a reason why I’ve called you here.” Jimin says, his tone low with a seriousness that makes Jungkook think he’s about to deliver some grave news. “I have something to ask of you.”
From the way he says it, Jungkook feels like it’ll be a loaded question and it puts an immediate stop to any possible attempts of deflecting. Despite the darkness surrounding them, Jungkook could clearly see the swirling emotions that reflect in Jimin’s eyes, even if his face, for the most part, shows no signs of that turmoil. He wouldn’t have known just how conflicted his companion really was otherwise and it makes a small part of him not wish to know what the elder wanted to ask. But curiosity, the double-edged sword, has him gripped in its tight hold so he swallows, bracing himself with a shield of feigned disinterest.
“What is it, oh dear brother of mine?”
Jimin lets out a heavy breath, as if he too was bracing himself for something but he’s had time to mull it over thoroughly, his decision made and it’s now or never. So he pulls himself together, schooling his expression and he utters the words he knows will surely become a catalyst in disrupting the very order of heaven and hell itself.
“…Is it possible for a demon to become an angel again?”
His quiet words seem to ring even louder in the night that it’s impossible to be misheard by anyone. But that’s exactly what Jungkook wants to do, tries so desperately to convince himself to do, to the point where people will call him delusional. The question is so ridiculous that the younger demon is stupefied for what seems like an eternity before a loud laugh of disbelief escapes him in one choked exhale, the sound forced and unnatural.
“W-What? That’s— Don’t be ridiculous brother! You and I both know that —“
All laughter ceases immediately at the name he had not heard in so long. It leaves him short of breath, shuddering as he inhales sharply like he’s been doused by cold water. Jaw clenching, Jungkook swallows as his eyes focus onto Jimin, the irises beginning to simmer a deep golden topaz behind the dark chocolate hues as he fights the tremors that threaten to overtake his body. Jungkook shoots up from his seat.
“You…” He strains, raising a threatening finger to Jimin, voice tight with effort to keep it steady. “I don’t know what games you’re playing at but—“
“No games I’m afraid,” Jimin says with a quiet, breathy laugh, an eerie calmness about him that has the younger demon slowly becoming more enraged. “Demons were once angels before they fell from grace, it doesn’t happen often but the fact of it is true. So surely, if that is the case, the opposite can be done as well.” Gaze flitting to Jungkook, Jimin adds, “Am I wrong?”
“I—“ The younger struggles to formulate words, teeth gritting and eyes glaring down at him, “What does it even matter? It’s impossible either way!”
“So there is a way?”
Jungkook freezes, mind stuttering at how he had accidentally got the tables on him turned by Jimin, but he supposes it’s only natural; behind that angelic face lies a cunning demon after all and unfortunately for him, one that always seems have a way with his words. Still, that won’t stop Jungkook from clamming up about what he knows or doesn’t on this matter.
“Like I said, it doesn’t matter whether I do or not hypothetically because I won’t tell you regardless!” Jungkook is huffing as he gets all of that out in one seething breath, his young face contorting into what Jimin worries will become a permanent stony scowl. It makes the corner of his lips twitch at how cute he looks but he suppresses it, not wanting to perhaps anger Jungkook more — he needs answers and he knows Jungkook is his best, if not, only chance at getting them. So Jimin remains steadfast, determined to getting Jungkook to spill.
“I don’t have much time left here…”
“Exactly, so why do you even want to know something like this? What’s the point?”
The question triggers an unintentional chortle from Jimin, gaze returning back to the desolate night sky briefly, the barest of smiles pulling at plush lips from the irony of it all and Jungkook could only stare, perplexed.
“I…” Jimin starts, trying to search for the right words. “Let’s just say I’ve made up my mind on something…for someone …”
The younger demon’s mouth falls open, moving the slightest to mouth the last phrase Jimin had said to himself as his eyebrows furrow in pensive confusion. His head cocks to one side, not understanding before all at once, it clicks together. Eyes shooting wide open, Jungkook whips his gaze to Jimin once again, a mess of emotion reflecting in them — shock mixed with disbelief mixed with outrage and disappointment that eventually all melt into a burnt, golden ember that seems to consume his whole sclera.
“You can’t be fucking serious….”
Jimin’s attempt at quelling the younger’s temper fails as he’s quickly cut off by Jungkook as he starts to pace around in his spot, the anger rolling off of his broad shoulders in waves. “Look, it’s all in good fun when I said you’ve gone soft for her. Hell I think she’s just okay too but to risk your life for her?! Do you even hear how crazy that sounds?!” He scoffs, lips twisting into a sneer. “You know for all the decades of experience you claim to have, you sure aren’t really smart after all huh?”
The condescending comment makes Jimin narrow his gaze as he stands to step up to the younger, shoulders squared and eyes flaring to life to match the intensity of Jungkook’s.
“You don’t know what it’s like to live all those years, drifting from one decade to another until they all blur together, being stuck dealing with the same rotten piece of shit humans that can’t get sent to hell fast enough and when you think you’ve seen them all, they just keep on crawling out of the woodwork like fucking cockroaches.” A sort of pitying look softens his features for a split second as he says, “You’re still too young to understand.”
Whereas Jungkook’s voice had risen in volume with his growing rage, Jimin’s remains in a low, even tone; a cold, quiet anger simmering under his calm facade like a coiled snake ready to strike at any moment. Jungkook’s jaw ticks in defiance, not backing down but growing more agitated because he realizes…. He doesn’t recognize the person in front of him anymore. The revelation saddens him but most of all, it scares him.
“The only thing I don’t understand is how you think she’s any different; in the end, humans are all fickle creatures and you’re only fooling yourself to think otherwise.” The younger demon grits, glaring daggers down at the other demon. With one final shake of his head, he sets his hardened gaze on his dear friend and mentor, already turning away. He needs to leave, needs to get away from having to divulge his secrets or sort his feelings out, maybe both. Either way, it’s for Jimin’s own good. “I won’t let you do something as stupid as throwing away your life for one seemingly decent human girl.”
“You—!” Jimin begins, making a grab to spin Jungkook back around by the shoulder but all he grasps are wisps of black smoke as the younger apparates away.
Slipped right through his fingers, quite literally. Jimin ruefully scoffs, fist clenching as he exhales deeply, trying to rid of the tension that had stiffened his body. It’s no use though, and he’s again left alone to stew on his own except this time in a much fouler mood. His eyes fall to his forgotten bottle of whiskey, not much of the dark liquor left inside. Regardless, he picks it up and drains it in one go, a sad attempt at drinking away his problems.
When he swallows the last bit of the bitter alcohol with not even a hint of that numbing relief, he smashes the bottle against the ground, the crashing of glass breaking against asphalt intermingled with the sharp shout of frustration Jimin lets out. His shoulders heave in a struggle to regain his composure, one hand covering his eyes as if he’s willing away an incessant headache and after a few more deep, slow breaths, he somewhat relaxes; the searing hot anger running through his veins ebbing away into a tempered flame. Tilting his head back, his hand moves to run through his locks, tugging slightly at the roots as he looks out at the darkness above him — still no stars in sight no matter how long he stared.
Funny how a few nights before, he was staring up at the exact same starless sky and felt more at peace with himself than he’d ever been but now it all seems like a premonition, a bad omen of what’s to come. His lips pull back into a spiteful sneer; how apropos. Not like that would stop him, starless skies be damned, because ultimately they’re all the same to him anyways. It’s ruefully does he admit that they’ve only started to become something beautiful to look at when he had met you.
It’s with mild amusement and disbelief that you take up Jimin’s advice on ‘hosting’ a belated birthday get together with your friends. At first you were doubtful, with what few of the close friends you do have, the chances of them being able to come out were far more slimmer than average. But after working up some courage, you go for it anyways, shooting off a tentative text message in the group chat to see if anyone is up to hanging around, get some bubble tea and maybe lunch…? You’re open to ideas.
You weren’t expecting much but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel pleasantly surprised and happy that they were free and were excited to get together after such a long time. So with plans made and set, there’s only one thing left for you to worry about; just how are you gonna bring up the fact that you got two tickets to the concert and that you could only bring one of them? The thought instantly makes you anxious — it’s like you’re forced to pick favourites and you by no means favour a friend over another. But you have no choice, you only have the one ticket to give away.
You’ve managed to worry yourself up until the very day as you get up early the next morning. Should you maybe not bring it up as a group in person? Or would that make things look worse if you approach one person through text? But even then, you can’t guarantee the person you pick would be able to go either, then that just means you have to guess who’s most likely abled. Agh! You’re losing your mind over this and if you let it go any further, it would ruin your mood. So you decide to put it aside for now and see where the day takes you during this little outing. If the mood seems right then you’ll bring it up, if not….
Okay, no more thinking on this, just go with the flow. With one last shake of your head, you concentrate on getting to the designated meeting spot, determined to have a good time in the company of your friends. Luckily it’s easy because as soon as you’re all gathered together, it’s like no time has passed between anyone. You all fall into conversations comfortably, caught up and joked around with one another but of course eventually, the topic ends up on the subject of all your worries.
“Ugh! I’m so sad I can’t go to this concert!” One of your friend, Jess, whines, turning away from her phone screen as she no doubt must’ve caught sight of some fancams that happened for their first stop. “Why’d they have to skip over our city this year? I thought it was such a good turn out!”
Your other friend lets out a heavy sigh, slumping slightly at the mention of such tragedy. “I don’t know man, it sucks though! I was so ready to go! But the money for the travel on top of the ticket is too much for me.”
“Right? After saying they would come back next year too….All men do is lie.”
Your circle of friends laughs and you do too in spite of growing more and more fidgety in your seat, nervously sipping on your drink. You think this is the perfect time to break your silence on the deep secret you’re holding if you weren’t absolutely breaking out into a cold sweat simultaneously. You know you have to act fast though, before you lose the timing so in an effort to keep on it but not give yourself away, you throw in what sounds like to you some painfully awkward two cent.
“What if there was, like…a contest and the prize was a round trip to see the BTS concert….” Your hypothetical instantly catches the attention of your friends and you nearly shrink back out of intimidation, but you swallow the feeling, trying to keep casual about it and hope that your face isn’t as red as it feels. “But there’s only two tickets, ‘cus that’s how it usually is, so you can only take one of your friends, so like, how would you even decide that?”
Each of your friends hum in consideration, falling into a pensive silence before one of them speaks up, “Oh my God, I wouldn’t even know.”
“Right? Last minute trips would definitely not work for me like, as much as I hate to say it, I need money and can’t afford to quit even though I hate my job.” Soohee sighs.
“Pfft, I’d probably quit like….YOLO this is BTS; for my boys.”
“Or call in sick? Like,” Rosa says before she makes her voice sound more nasally and scratchy to portray a sickly tone, coughing in between sentences, ”’Oh sorry, I don’t think I can come in for at least three days, I’ve caught a really serious cold okay bye.’”
That earns a peal of laughter from everyone but your heart is pounding through it as you grin along. “But like, no hard feelings if that ever happens right?” You can’t help putting out there, masking your anxiety for playfulness.
“Yeah no, I mean we’re all friends here right?”
“Well….I might feel just a little bit salty if I didn’t get a ticket.” Mei jokes, scrunching her face but everyone all knows from her exaggeration that she means no real harm if it comes down to it. If anything, it successfully pulls another round of light-hearted chuckles from the group. Overall though, everyone collectively nods in agreement or verbally voices it and it’s enough to put you at ease considerably. The feeling of gratefulness warms you over at the genuineness you’re witnessing, making you think that you were worried over nothing. So when everyone settles down, you take a deep breath and muster up all the courage you have to say the next few but very decisive words.
“Okay because like…..I may or may not need to confess something… And you’re all probably gonna hate me for it.” You begin wryly with a crooked smile. Your friends perk up like meerkats towards your direction, always ready for some good tee. Rosa has one eyebrow quirked, eyes widen comically to pin you with a cartoonishly accusatory stare.
“What? Did you secretly score tickets without telling us?”
You nearly choke on your own spit, inhaling too sharply and you have to fan yourself for a second before you squeak out, “I mean… I-I have a good friend…who’s friends with someone who was part of a…group trip for the next stop of BTS’ tour in North America that dropped out so now he needs two people to take their spots so they asked me if I wanted to go and if I knew anyone else who wanted to go so…yeah! I have tickets to their next stop so do any of you guys wanna come with me?!”
It was a mess; you tripped and stuttered your entire way through, words spilling out faster by the time you finish your tall tale for this miracle. Your face feels like it’s on fire again as you mentally bash your head against a wall because anyone can smell this bullshit from a mile away and you don’t think you even explained that flights and hotel were covered for this trip right? Oh my God how are you going to explain that?!
As you mentally berate yourself, you don’t notice how all of your friends are stunned into a shocked silence, each with their mouths agape in various sizes until Jess sputters, hands flailing about in front of her before she’s gripping the table, leaning over from her seat on the opposite end of where you were.
“Hold on! Wait a minute! Pause! You’re saying you got connections to their next stop?!”
Her outburst causes a chain reaction, snapping all of your remaining friends out of their stupor to shoot rapid fire questions at you.
“Like are we talking free free? Or like they’re trying to sell tickets for cheap cheap?”
“You said group trip right? Like does that mean the spots dropped are free to take but like we gotta give a deposit or something?”
“Are you sure this isn’t some sort of scam? How good friends are you with this person?”
In turn, your mind goes racing to come up with more plausible answers to the loopholes they’re pointing out. You swear if you were starring in the movie ‘Inside Out’, the inside of your mind would be a scene of chaos — alarms blaring and all of your personified emotions running in a panicked frenzy yelling at the top of their lungs. Frantically before you abort mission altogether, you grabbed onto the one thing you can answer with full confidence.
“The person who told me about this and is offering is someone I’ve known for a while — I trust them so I know this isn’t a scam for sure.” You reassure, holding up your hands in a placating manner. “They said the group does these….trips really often and like, everyone has a lot of air miles or something so….a lot of the times some people fly for cheap or even free; something like that? And the deposit was already made by the two who were supposed to go and it’s non-refundable so they said they’d rather find someone just so it doesn’t go to waste. I don’t know, they explained it to me but it’s sort of complicated.”
“Wow, this sounds like  a bunch of rich people….” Mei comments, blinking in astonishment. “Must be nice…”
“Then what about a place to stay? Is it like…a hotel or an AirBnB? Is it even covered or is that something that needs to be split and paid?”
“….I think that’s the only thing left to be paid…?” You lie (along with this entire story but you have to add some sort of element of plausibility! It’s more suspicious to have everything come at no charge than for at least one thing to be paid for). “So yeah! Umm…anyone down?” You finish quickly with a slightly nervous laugh, eyes shaking.
You wait with bated breath as you watch your friends consider your proposition albeit still dubiously. You don’t blame them; you would be too but you can’t outright tell them the whole truth because that sounds like an even bigger lie than what you had already just told. Besides, you’re always known for being a truthful and trustworthy person (minus this big ol’ outright lie here but it’s with good reasons), not to mention not that gullible when it comes to these things — you consider yourself to be a pretty big skeptic! So surely….
“Okay but like…just one last question….” Rosa pipes up, sounding awfully serious that it has you a little on edge. Your shoulders unconsciously hunch up as you peer at her, waiting for her to call you out entirely but then, “Is your friend’s friend in the market for a sugar baby? Or like know anyone in their circle who is? ‘Cus…. I can give them my business card.”
That seems to dispel whatever remaining suspicions left as everyone bursts out laughing in solidarity, yourself included. The rest of the conversation regarding the trip transitions smoothly to everyone re-evaluating their schedules to see if they’re able to accompany you (within reason, much to the chagrin of all parties). It ends with people who were most likely to be available to settle a few final things before messaging you to say whether it’s a go or not, no fuss or muss (“because we’re all adults here”, Soohee iterates proudly). Overall, you’re very satisfied with the outcome having went way better than expected, the heavy weight lifting off your shoulders and the rest of the day resumes with more laughs, dinner, and even surprise belated birthday gifts (that got you choked up).
By the time you’re heading home, you’re feeling so happy that you nearly walk right past a certain demon. It’s only when he calls out to you do you startle out of your euphoric reverie.
“It worries me how increasingly prone you’re becoming to being at death’s door.”
“Oh shit! Jesus Jimin!”
“Flattered but point proven.” He chastises. Lowering your hand from your chest, you pout up at him before turning away to continue walking down the street to your home. He falls into steps with you easily, what with his long, lean legs but you’re in a good mood and if you’re being honest…. It’s nice to see him after so long. Giving him a once over, you note that Jimin’s still sporting an ashy brown for hair colour, cut short to where you can see a hint of an undercut with his cartilage silver piercing gleaming even in the low lights of the street lamps. He’s dressed in that casual chic way you’ve grown to know him for — one hand shoved into the pocket of his black jeans with a tear on each knee and a simple light denim button down with a square pocket with the words ’Saint Laurent’ scribbled on in black cursive ink. The sight makes you roll your eyes but smile nonetheless; it wouldn’t be him without it.
“I’m actually surprised to see you here; thought you were busy with….stuff.”
“Hey, you’re still technically my charge so my heads on the chopping block if you get distracted by a BTS billboard while crossing the street when you’re not supposed to.”
You choke a gasp of indignation, giving him a shove even though it does nothing more than make him teeter to one side slightly. It also pulls out a deep musical chuckle from him and you find your heart singing along to the tune. You freeze — Oh God, what was that? Your heart skipped a beat just now and it’s not because you had a good day.
“I take it things went well with today by the looks of that dopey smile.” His voice distracts you before you can get lost in dissecting the foreign feeling. When you turn your wide gaze up at him, he merely gestures to the little gift bag containing a new version of a BTS album you don’t own along with other goodies your friends know you’ll enjoy.
“O-Oh, yeah! It went way better than I expected actually. Everyone came out and we went for bubble tea, chilled and then had dinner. They even surprised me with late birthday presents, which they didn’t have to. Also, three of them said they would let me know if they can schedule time off to come with me; two of them said it was a most likely so that’s good.” When you finish recounting your day’s events, you suddenly feel shy, sounding like a grade schooler who’s telling their parents about their first day of school. But Jimin simply nods, humming here and there to let you know he’s listening. You both eventually reach the steps leading to your door and you dig around in your purse for your keys as he waits.
“That is good. You’ll have someone to go with,” Jimin pauses, teasing smile pulling back his perfectly pink lips, “and I finally won’t have to babysit you as much.”
You glower at him but when all he does is stick his tongue out at you, you roll your eyes with a shake of your head. “Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that.” And as retaliation, you mumble. “You big tsundere.”
“You know I heard that right?”
“I know, I was counting on that.” You say. As an afterthought, you stick your tongue out at him too and it’s his turn to roll his eyes. You clear your throat roughly to disguise the self-satisfying giggle that escapes your lips, turning back to unlocking your door, “Now are you coming in or not?”
You miss the look of conflict that flits across Jimin’s face as he hesitates on the invitation but ultimately decide against it, schooling his expression back with a carefully placed laid-back smile by the time you turn to look at him. “I’m afraid not; you know how it is.”
You let out a noncommittal hum; you figured and you want to sigh, a bit disappointed at his short visit but you can’t be mad at that. “Right; getting up to no good as per usual?”
“You know it, darling.”
The gruff noise you let out is more or less done to hide your traitorous heart; the term of endearment hitting differently this time around. You cross your arms for good measures, like a physical attempt at keeping your heart in check before it bursts right out of your chest as chew on your bottom lip. “Well, good night then I guess — try not to get discorporated and all that jazz.”
His smiles widens into a full on grin, teeth on display and eyes creasing into crescents. Just when you can’t get blind-sided anymore by him and his unfair beauty, Jimin leans in closer to you, hovering so close that you have to take a half step back and pray he for once, doesn’t see how quickly your face is reddening or how fast your heart is beating. Turning his head slightly, he taps the cheek facing you with a finger, “How about a goodnight kiss for good luck then?”
“Bye you dingus.” You deadpan, ears burning as you clatter through your door and promptly shut it once you step through it, heart pounding a mile a minute.
Jimin watches you go, the Cheshire grin growing into more of a fond smile. He doesn’t think he’ll get tired of seeing you so flustered; face flushed and lips chewing nervously. It’s an image he’ll keep to himself, another memory he’ll cherish of you amongst others because when he finally steps away from your door, it might be for the last time he’ll ever see you.
Ever since Jungkook had met Jimin, he had began to believe that there was a higher being controlling the universe and all that are within it — and he’s not talking about the forces Upstairs™. Some people might call it ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’, an intangible force who assumes no form and takes no sides.  
It’s the only way he can explain how he’d end up in this predicament. It’s a whole mess of irony that he thinks even God themselves couldn’t have seen or been capable of doing. He wants to both laugh and cry at the same time….and also strangle Jimin. Jungkook lets out a loud disgruntled groan, dragging his hands through his hair for the second time, dark brown locks mussing up wildly from the gesture. In the solitude of an abandoned rooftop building, he had been sitting by the edge lost in his troubled thoughts on the recent conversation he had with Jimin. He doesn’t know where to begin to unpack all of that.
He should probably start with the most obvious; how stupid the other demon is being and probably the most outrageously dim-witted thing he’s heard since….since his life as a supernatural entity! No sane being of their kind would risk giving up their life for one mortal being, let alone willingly (some may argue guardian angels but you’d be surprised that they’re way more political about it; not just anyone gets that sort of privilege). Jungkook can’t understand it, can’t seem to find words to process it but the more he tries, the more he realizes that it’s not so much about what Jimin wants to do for you, rather it’s what he did to him.
What Jimin plans to do had awakened a long forgotten wound of his that he thought had disappeared, leaving him restless and a bitter taste in his mouth. It dredged up distant memories that felt like they were from another life time ago, or even of someone else’s — his memories, but ones that were best left to be forgotten because they weren’t something he looked back on fondly. It was a time where he felt like a lost puppy; didn’t know who he was or what he was meant to be and so, felt like he didn’t belong anywhere. So how ironic is it that he was able to find himself when he met Jimin, of all things, a demon.
But by no means did they hit it right off the bat when they first crossed paths. No, it was very clear that the bored demon had no intentions of befriending Jungkook at all — in fact, he always had an air of distaste whenever he decided to be a nuisance to Jungkook,, often times appearing when he least expected. And the feeling was mutual, so least to say, neither of them could have predicted that the exact opposite happened.
Over time, Jimin had unknowingly grown fond of Jungkook in a way where he sees parts of himself in the younger while Jungkook had begun to see that Jimin really did have a heart somewhere in his chest after all. Jimin had been the one to give him a choice, opened his eyes to seeing the possibilities, to not be afraid of being himself and because of that, Jimin is someone….he cares about, even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud.
So he has his reasons.
Besides, what’s so special about you anyways? Sure, you let him crash your place from time to time, bake some bombass chocolate chip cookies and he guess you’re pretty funny for a human but other than that, you’re just human; one small blip among the millions — billions — of other fragile souls on this earth that are all destined to perish with time.
Just what does Jimin see in you that's worth protecting?
Well, he supposes sitting around thinking about it wouldn’t give him answers. So with a stretch, Jungkook gets up, peering out at the city horizon as the first warm rays of orange light breaks through the midnight blue of the night sky. He watches for a few moments longer as it becomes brighter and brighter until the sun had chased away any remaining darkness left. It looks to be another clear day, only a few clouds dotting the azure sky but it’s as they say, sometimes a storm can be just around the corner.
When you wake the next day, it’s way before your alarm clock that you set for work but instead of feeling bitter about losing precious minutes of extra sleep, you decide to just lay in bed, using the time to slowly wake at your own pace until you feel like you’re up to the task of getting up finally. You also feel refreshed and in a good mood, oddly enough. Kind of sad if you think too long on it, how this feeling is so foreign to you that you can’t even recall the last time you had felt this way; maybe because they were all too short-lived to begin with anyways. Ah, you forcefully stop yourself from exploring those thoughts any further or else you’ll spiral and start needlessly worrying. You’re living in the now so you should enjoy it and that’s one inspirational quote you’ll actually live by. How couldn’t you when you’re literally going to a BTS concert in less than two weeks.
Holy crap you have less than two weeks to prepare.
You bolt upright in bed, suddenly overwhelmed with a pressing matter at hand. Your heart flutters in a strange mixture of excitement and mild panic as you sit there, completely stunned at the fact that this is happening and you still have so much you need to do!
That has you getting up in no time, going through your morning routine faster than you can comprehend with your mind racing with what seems like millions of different thoughts per second. You rush around, trying to do ten things at once; check your phone for any new updates from your friends, make yourself breakfast, finding out where the heck you had left your luggage case, and before you know it, you’re scrambling out the door because you lost track of time for work.
You make it with just barely two minutes to spare but once you start your shift, time seems to reverse its effect on you and the hours begin to tick by slower than watching grass grow. Doesn’t help that you were stuck as a cashier again, the bane of your existence. Though your manager assigns tasks for you to get done around the queue line, you can barely get far enough before running back to your register to cash out any customers that approach. Plus, it has you feeling more like a meerkat in the Savannah; constantly having to pause in concentration to pop your head up to keep an eye out to avoid leaving customers waiting. So in short, you didn’t get anything done.
It leaves you feeling disgruntled but ultimately, you can’t find the strength to care anyways (you aren’t paid enough to). You’re on your last two hours of your shift, cashing out the last customer before the line is deemed clear for you to scurry back over to the closest aisle you were reorganizing but when you round the corner into it, you bump into a body.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry I didn’t see you!” You gasp out hurriedly, the blow disorienting you for a second so when you finally get a good look at the person, you almost do a double take, eyes widening in surprise. “Jungkook?”
“Hey, poppet — been a while huh?”
And it has, now that you get a good look at him. He’s dressed like he always does — a baggy black shirt that looks to be two sizes too big on him and matching black jogger pants but his hair on the other hand; the dark locks are much longer than you had last remembered, the fringes splitting in the middle nearly reach down to either sides of his chin, falling in thick, wavy locks. It has you starstruck; only ever used to seeing the actual Jungkook from BTS with short, coiffed hair either parted slightly to the side or with fringes flopping over his forehead. If you dare say it, this new look has you almost falling for him, almost. You eventually compose yourself and, after glancing around to make sure no one was around, you drag him deeper into the aisle to continue your conversation.
“Yeah it has,” You begin, feeling strangely awkward but nonetheless happy to see the younger demon. “Thought your visa expired or something.”
Jungkook shakes his head before sweeping the hair out of his eyes briefly as they gleam along with the barest hints of those two bunny teeth through his smile. He’s cheeky as you had remember him being, but for some reason, you sense that it’s been dialled down by a couple of notches like something is weighing on his mind. Just as you’re about to ask what he’s been up to without being too invasive right off the bat, he speaks up first.

“When do you get off work?”
“Uh..In like,” You check your watch, “Two hours or so?”
“Good, let’s go somewhere after.”
His proposal takes you off-guard, this probably being the first time he’s ever asked you to go anywhere with him, much like Jimin before he spontaneously took you star-gazing (or lack thereof) for your birthday. Now you know something is definitely up, and you can’t help but eye him suspiciously for a good minute. He picks up on your skepticism and only chortles a laugh, reaching out to ruffle your hair which you squawk in protest before swatting his hand away vehemently.
“Relax poppet, I just…have something to talk to you about — regarding your glorified watch dog.”
“Hey!” You automatically gasp affronted, going in to smack the younger demon for bad mouthing his senior. “That’s rude and for that I’m almost tempted not to take you up on your offer.”
“But you will anyways because you’re too nosy right?”

You have nothing to say to that and it only makes Jungkook beam at you, a full on shit-eating grin. He might’ve pronounced it as ‘nosy’, but what he meant to say was ‘curious’. And that is one vice that you can’t seem to help about yourself. So you begrudgingly agree to meet him after you finish, all the while secretly glad to have something to help you power through the remainder of your shift.
It’s evening by the time you clock out, fishing your phone from your pocket to check the time and also answering a couple of text messages, one of them being your friend who has successfully worked out everything on her end to be able to attend the concert with you. The good news washes away any mental exhaustion you feel from work instantly, and you can’t help the wide smile that breaks out over your lips. You return your friend’s enthusiasm through a series of keyboard smashing text bubbles and badly misspelled words but vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass aside, it all further makes everything feel so much more real; like this is actually happening.
“Hey, you know texting and walking is becoming the leading cause to pedestrian deaths in the past year recently right? Stop contributing to that.” Jungkook’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts as well as his grip on the back of your shirt, yanking you until you feel yourself tipping backwards but just as you let out a yelp, your surroundings shifts in a swirl of colours and warped images and before you have a chance to make out any of them, it stops and you find yourself in a completely different place than where you had been.
You stumble on your feet, going as far as to grip onto Jungkook’s arm less you wanted to fall flat on your face until you feel like you have a grasp on your vertigo again.
“Don’t,” You wheeze, blinking hard in hopes of stopping your world from spinning in your eyes, gaze firmly locked on your shoes. “Don’t do that without warning next time!”
“Then what fun would that be?” You hear Jungkook snicker above you.
You want to smack him again but you’re more focused on pulling yourself together. When you do, you finally let go of his arm to take a look at your surroundings. You’re surprised to see that Jungkook had teleported the both of you to what appears to be a rooftop garden. And not just the typical, modern city rooftop garden that looks like an open patio people would host fancy cocktail parties on, no, this is an actual garden on a rooftop. You’re standing on a gravel pathway that’s bordered by different shrubberies interspersed with tall, wispy ornamental grasses that sway at the slightest of breezes. In areas where there are more soil space, you spot what appears to be bushels of lavender peeking through to break up the shades of green that overtake the place but what’s even more surprising is that you also spy a couple of trees planted that gives you the impression that this is quite a big rooftop.
“You’ll catch a fly if you keep your mouth open like that.”
You immediately snap it shut, not doubting Jungkook on that considering how much greenery you’re surrounded with, but it still doesn’t stop your amazement from coming through.
“W-Where is this? Are we still even in the city?”
The demon snorts, stuffing his hands into his pant pockets as he begins to stroll off. “Yeah, it’s just a place I found. Apparently it’s owned by some big shot CEO.”
You hastily pick up your pace in order to catch up to his longer strides, can’t help your brow from furrowing at the information. “What if we get caught up here?”
“Nah, bastard hardly ever comes up this far in the building — it’s all just for show. Besides,” Jungkook smirks, “Who says ‘we’re’ getting caught? Other mortals can’t see me remember.”
You kiss your teeth at that, having no choice but to believe in the younger demon that you won’t get caught trespassing any time soon. So with a sigh, you continue alongside Jungkook as you make your way around the garden. “So,” You start off, “You said you wanted to talk to me about Jimin?”
You glance up at Jungkook when he offers you no immediate response, catching an eyeful of his profile. Deep brown eyes are lost in the horizon ahead of him in an almost trance like state as the slowly setting sun turns the sky into vibrant hues of pink, orange and purple. The warm rays cast upon Jungkook’s skin makes it appear almost golden, glowing from the inside and his hair shines with a rich lushness that you even catch the subtle hues of brown in them.
You’re so caught up in his visuals that for a moment you actually think it’s a good thing no one else can see him because no doubt, he’d be turning heads and getting mobbed just by walking down the street (or perhaps it’s a shame that he can’t be seen). You also get caught up at how scarily accurate he seems to have the actual Jungkook look pinned down; from his shapely thin lips, cutting jawline, prominent nose to his expressive doe eyes and of course, his signature bunny smile. It makes you wonder if there was something he missed from being a perfect copy of the young Korean vocalist.
Finally, as if feeling eyes on him, Jungkook inclines his head towards you, shaking his long fringe in order to see through them and making the numerous silver hoop earrings on his lobe and cartilage twinkle in the remaining light. You try to school your face into one of indifference but the creeping blush on your cheeks gives you away at your shameless staring (you think you might’ve been openly gaping at him too, how embarrassing!)
His lips twitches in the slightest at the corner but he doesn’t comment. Instead he silently ambles over to the left of a slight fork in the path, coming up to what you finally notice are small steps leading to a slightly elevated, wooden deck that gives you an impressive view of the city below behind the safety of glass panels and railings that come up high enough to prevent anyone from climbing over. Jungkook comes to a stop before it and you follow suit just beside him. Another moment of silence passes between you two before he asks you a question that takes you completely off-guard.
“What do you think of Jimin?”
You buffer in answering, mind jumping to all sorts of interpretations and wild assumptions. Clearing your throat to mask the fact you might’ve choked on your spit a little, you stutter out with the vain attempt at seeming totally nonchalant about it, cheeks burning for different reasons this time, “L-Like what? Like, how he is as a demon? Or…like, him as my guardian….?”
“Him, as himself, as honest as you can be.”
You suck in a breath, thrown into an even bigger loop at how blunt Jungkook’s being so suddenly in regards to your guardian demon. “Well,” you drag out, eyes shifting self-consciously as your hand reaches up to scratch the back of your head. “If I have to be honest…I…I think he’s pretty alright for a demon….”
The deadpan and disbelief in Jungkook’s tone makes you whip your gaze to him and his expression makes you blink incredulously at him. He almost looks offended and a little too serious for a simple enough question, as if your answer will determine the fate of the universe and you just fucked everyone over by giving a half-assed one. It has you back-tracking defensively, like you really did doom humanity but it’s not like you mean to! No one told you so much was at stake in the first place!
“W-What?! Why are you even asking me this so suddenly?!”
Jungkook lets out a loud sigh, the sound rough around the edges from frustration bleeding into it as he says, “Just — “ But then stops himself, shutting his eyes briefly as if to reconsider his approach. You watch quietly as he runs a hand through his hair, tousling the locks and watching them fall back into place. He takes a deep breath in before letting it out, eyes sliding back open to the view in front of him. It’s dark now for the most part, the warm orange light from the setting sun being nothing more than a sliver of colour that eventually gets engulfed by the overwhelming navy blue of the night and in its place are the millions of fluorescent lights that shine from the windows of the buildings and skyscrapers around you.
It’s a nice scenic view from where you and Jungkook both stand, but you’re more so concentrated on trying to read the demon’s expression, so unused to seeing his handsome face pinched into something that isn’t cheeky or teasing in nature. The sight of it mellows you out, thinking that perhaps there really is a much more serious meaning to his question. After a few moments, Jungkook speaks again, his voice low and gravelly with an unknown emotion.
“You and I both know that Jimin doesn’t have that much time left as your guardian. And you and I both know what that will mean when the time comes.”
Ah, there it is.
Your chest suddenly feels as if a weight has nestled itself on it at the sobering statement. Every once in a while, that fact has crept into your thoughts but each time it did, you had always pushed it aside; for more pressing matters at the moment and simply because…. You don’t want to think about it. You don’t want to think about the limited time you have left to spend with Jimin and that at any moment, he’ll tell you he’s leaving or even worse, he’ll simply be gone without a word or trace, and you’ll just have to move on with your life.
“Y-Yeah…I know.” You struggle to work around the constricting feeling, fingers fiddling with the strap of your bag. “I…I just don’t like thinking about it.”
You glance over when Jungkook doesn’t give you a response, only to meet his deep brown gaze already on you with a look that tells you to elaborate. Your face flushes again at having to divulge your inner most feelings but as you had come to realize earlier, this means a lot to Jungkook so you feel obligated to give a (much more) honest answer. Swallowing, your eyes fall onto anywhere but at the demon beside you.
“You better not tell him this…” You can’t help muttering petulantly before starting, “Jimin….He’s done a lot for me — things that I can’t even express my thanks for in words. I don’t know if he told you or if you found out, but he got me tickets to go see BTS.”
“So I’ve heard…”
A small smile creeps up on your lips at the memory, recalling all the emotions you felt on that day. “I honestly didn’t expect him to; I even said I didn’t want his help in scoring tickets the first time he offered but then, he just goes and…gets them.” You shake your head. “He really didn’t have to you know? I mean, it would’ve sucked that I didn’t get to go but I would’ve gotten over it somehow, eventually. So for him to go out of his way, doing something that I’m sure was beyond his contract as my temporary guardian is…. “ You trail off, not knowing if you can find the words or if there really is any to describe how grateful you are because Jimin giving you those tickets meant more than just being able to see BTS, he’s given you a shoulder to cry on (quite literally), listened to your deepest worries that you seldom talk about even to your closest friends and given you his honest advice and support. He’s looked out for you in little ways when there are times he could’ve chosen not to, made sure you ate, slept and took time for yourself.
He showed you that there is a sort of hope that all things will pass and good things will come in time. You don’t know when it happened, but Jimin had become a great source of comfort for you, something irreplaceable and someone who had made you want to do better, take chances and just…live a little.
“He might not like to admit it, but Jimin’s a lot sweeter than he lets on… Or at least, when he deems you worthy of being in his good books.” You let out a light laugh, already picturing his stink eye at the mention of him being remotely ‘good’. From beside you, you hear Jungkook snort.
“I really want to repay him somehow…. And not just for giving me tickets to see BTS. But I don’t think there’s anything I can do or give that would be enough and that… that frustrates me.” You conclude, your own voice dropping into a wistful murmur as you lean against the railings.
Jungkook watches you, seeing the faraway glassy look in your eyes that tells him how lost in thought you were. He sees the way your face seems to soften, heard the way your voice had grown quieter in the gentle way you had spoken of Jimin and though it had not been much, Jungkook’s heard all the things you’ve left unspoken.
It’s the same whenever Jimin speaks about you.
He scoffs quietly under his breath, defeated.
“H-Hey! Don’t leave me!” You yelp, breaking out of your train of thoughts just in time to catch the creak and rustle of Jungkook descending the small steps to continue the walk down the pathway which had been lit up by little post lights along the ground. You hurry after him, not wanting to risk being stranded on this tall high-rise office building that you have no business being in. “You still never told me why you’re asking me this all of a sudden.”
“…Just think of it as a warning for what’s to come.” Jungkook says simply. “It won’t be easy, and you’re only making it harder on yourself by becoming attached.”
You stiffen, the grip on your bag strap tightens as your steps slow a bit to a drag, kicking up the small stones as you go. “I…I know that… I just…” You sigh heavily, shoulders sagging. “I’ll deal with it when the time comes alright?”
It’s a pathetic answer even to your ears, but as much as you want to ignore the elephant in the room, Jungkook’s right. There’s no stopping Jimin from leaving you once he gets the okay from heaven — it’s heaven for crying out loud, who goes against the words of God? Besides, who’s to say Jimin would want to stick around you if given the chance. Maybe it’s just you that’s clinging onto him because of all he’s done for you…. But can you really blame yourself for that? He’s done so much and yet you could do nothing —
You nearly stop walking altogether, realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. Unknowingly you’ve come full circle to the one thing that had been fixated on your mind ever since you’ve thought about it and now… Now you’re starting to think that maybe, unconsciously, you’ve already decided on what it is that you wanted to do.
Your faltering steps catches Jungkook off guard when he notices you weren’t following him, making him turn around to see that you in a way he could only describe as a lightbulb going off in your head.
“What, forgot you left the stove on at home?” Jungkook asks, one eyebrow raised.
You blink back to reality, taking a moment to process what he said before shaking your head. “No, no…Just remembered something…”
He gives you a weird look before shrugging and you fall back into step with him again. Eventually, the two of you reach a sort of dead end where there is fewer plants and an open space that reminded you more of a sand garden instead. Patches of shrubbery still dot around in this spacious area but all that appears here is a stepping stone path that leads to a bench situated under a large tree. It’s significantly bigger than the small maples that you had seen walking around the gravel pathway but it still only had a few small green leaves scattered sparsely on its branches, seeing as how spring has only just begun. Along with the LED lamp lights stuck into the ground along the pathway, the space is also lit up by fairy lights that outline the border of this part of the garden that you had no doubt would make for a great place for a romantic date.
It’s nice, you think idly as you admire your surroundings, if only this was a public place and not on some rich asshole’s building, you would’ve loved to come back here just to find a peace of mind every once in a while. Your eyes wander back to Jungkook, finding him standing under the tree, head tilted back to stare up at the thick trunk. As you approach him, you see him reach out a hand to touch the rough bark in quiet contemplation and as if sensing you behind him, he speaks without turning.
“You’re a good kid poppet — and I’m kinda starting to see why Jimin hadn’t locked you in a basement for the duration of his community service hours just to get it over with.”
“Uhh….thanks? I guess…” You reply, bewildered but strangely reassured.
“Make sure you don’t lose that good head of yours in the future, yeah?” Jungkook says amicably but you can’t help to think that there is something deeper to his well-meaning words. When he turns to you, you nod regardless and it’s enough to have the corner of Jungkook’s lips lift in a half smile filled with something you can’t quite discern in the shadows that fall across his face. It’s gone before you can really pin it down as Jungkook runs a hand through his hair, pushing the thick locks out of his eyes and gestures with his chin at you.
“C’mon, I’ll take you home before your guardian chews my head off.”
“I already told you; we’ll meet tomorrow at midnight, I’ll pay you half of the money and then the other half when we’re done.” Jimin grinds out between his teeth, clutching his phone so tightly he fears he’ll end up cracking the device. The person on the other shoots off more bullshit that Jimin could care less about and with a hard roll of his eyes, he ends the call abruptly, the boiling irritation makes his skin feel hot. He runs a hand through his hair out of habit, mussing the brunette strands until they fall slightly parted against his forehead.
If he hadn’t known better, Jimin thinks being smited would’ve been way less painful than what he’s gotten himself into. But then again, it’s pretty fucking hard to find a reliable informant in the black market on ways to transition himself into a guardian angel. Or at least, that’s what he hopes would happen. Jimin lets out a scathing laugh, finding this all morbidly funny, considering this was the least shadiest option he’s found in his day and a half manhunt after getting Jungkook to help him was a bust.
No matter, Jimin’s come into terms that he’s willing to bet everything he has at a shot of this. He’s not willing to wait around and let some higher being decide his fate if he so can help it because for the first time in in his life, this is something he’s willing to fight for.
And if this all goes to shit….
Well, he at least likes to think he’s a decent gambler.
Taking the crystal glass in his hands, Jimin knocks back the drink with ease, letting the smokey aftertaste linger on his palate as he licks his lips. When he sets the glass down, he bristles, suddenly aware of an all too familiar presence beside him.
“If you’re here to berate me, then save your breath because you’re not going to change my mind.”
Jimin hears a loud sigh and then suddenly the bartender scurries over from having been waved down by the younger. Not long after, a second glass of whiskey is placed before them, making Jimin quirk an eyebrow.
Jungkook takes a healthy swig of the drink, grimacing as he swallows. He turns to Jimin who looks at him with open curiousity.
“Last I remember you don’t like whiskey.”
“I don’t like a lot of things brother,” Jungkook corrects, dark eyes trained on the way he swirls the liquor in his glass absentmindedly. “And as much as I don’t like what you’re planning to do, I’d rather not have you doing something even more dangerous for it.” He inhales deeply, as if after much deliberation, finally turning his attention to Jimin, a hard look marring his face.
“That’s why I’ll tell you — I’ll tell you what you need to do to become a guardian angel.”
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Rokuhoudou 1 - 12 (REWATCH) | Fruits Basket 25 (FINAL) | Demon Slayer 25 - 26 (FINAL) | Mob Psycho 100 II OVA | Cop Craft 11 - 12 (FINAL) | Dr Stone 11 | Ahiru no Sora 1 | Shinchou Yuusha 1
New anime of the season, here we go!
Rokuhoudou 1 (REWATCH)
I’m doing a new project where I rewatch some of my favourites to test their integrity in that regard. Here’s the first show - Rokuhoudou. So what I remember about Rokuhoudou is that it’s very simple – the guys make food and help people, occasionally there’s cats – and that was enough to help me through a mental rough patch I was going through at the original time of airing.
Being sick and watching with a cinnamon roll really brings home the idea of Rokuhoudou as “comfort food for the eyes”…No, it’s not what you think. I’m eating a cinnamon roll.
I always assumed the title was translated to “Four-Coloured Daily Life at Rokuhoudou”, because that would be the best translation if the title was fully in kanji. It’s not though, so the hiragana-rendered parts could mean anything.
Rokuhoudou almost gives you this sensation of being spirited away by good food (and Good Boys).
Sui sometimes reminds me of Kunikida (BSD)…must be the glasses.
Gure’s such a tease, LOL.
Tokitaka’s so refined, yet also has the heart and patience to help old people, plant things and make pottery. I love him~!
“You don’t need to show appreciation with bodily functions!”
I only just noticed it…but Gure has a nice eye colour.
Oh…I just realised this since I now know Tokitaka grows the veg and herbs out back, but Tokitaka must’ve grown them.
Hmm…I was wondering why you’d need a spoon for chazuke, but then I realised it’s because of the soup…D’oh.
I wonder if Tokitaka also made the chopstick holders…
Update: The ikura reminds me of Hinamatsuri…
Rokuhoudou 2 (REWATCH)
(Sorry, I had a note, but I didn’t write it down fast enough so I don’t have any for this ep…)
Rokuhoudou 3 (REWATCH)
Tokitaka has a flower in his hair (during the pottery wheel scene)…cute~!
Rokuhoudou 4 (REWATCH)
“You need to chill out.” – More like “you need to calm down”, amirite??? (LOL)
Look at how badass my bois are!
Now that I’ve been seriously working on my customer service skills, I sort of get the ethic behind the Rokuhoudou workers in general.
Rokuhoudou 5 (REWATCH)
Oyaji ga Susumeru Café Iko! – “The Old Guy Recommends Cafes to Go To!”, literally speaking. However, it’s quite slang and seems to be hinting at the positive connotations of an oyaji (fondness, the sort you’d have for your dad), so I approve of the chosen translation “Daddy-o’s Café Go!”.
Oh yeah…this is the weird delusion from Isago, isn’t it? I still rmembr writing a blog post about it!
Why does Tokitaka look so evil in this one scene (where he’s helping Tsubaki), anyway?
Rokuhoudou 6 (REWATCH)
(no notes, sorry!)
Rokuhoudou 7 (REWATCH)
(no notes, sorry!)
Rokuhoudou 8 (REWATCH)
I love how Gure gets all fired up just to pedal a duck boat.
Is it just me, or does young!Gure look like he was designed by Rihito Takarai (creator of Ten Count)…?
I can’t believe this…my stomach grumbled in the middle of an espresso episode…
“Who else could it be for?” – The dog?...I’m kidding, man…don’t get so angry at me, dog lovers.
I think this might be the 2nd time I thought the kid was called “you” (2nd person pronoun), but his nam is “You” (given name).
Oh! I don’t think I noticed this special ED the first time around.
Update: Gure is a happy drunk, LOL. Also, Gure is half-Italian, with his father being Japanese. (see ep. 1 of original watch-through for corresponding notes)
Rokuhoudou 9 (REWATCH)
Is the land of love France or Italy…?
Shinchosha is real…in fact, they’re the ones who publish Rokuhoudou’s manga!
Oh, seriously, I ship it now! Isago x Hayashi, that is…and Sui x kittens.
Update: Somehow I only just ralised it…but the titular “Mont Blanc Boy” is Tsunozaki, even though technically the only boys we see in this episode are young! Kyousui and Yakyou.
Rokuhoudou 10 (REWATCH)
The Napolitan episode…this is where Astral’s post comes from.
I get the feeling this segment’s title is a shoutout to “You Don’t Know Gunma Yet”, which is in…Kurage Bunch, also by Shinchosha, if I’m remembering correctly.
Gure and Tsubaki are like children sometimes, I swear…
Kuromitsu = brown sugar. (It means “black sweetness”, literally translating and it used to confuse me so much that I want to mention it here.)
VAINO computer, eh?
Tokyo NX, LOL. (Parody of Tokyo MX, which has a lot of anime.)
Short-haired Tokitaka!
I think Koto(ko…?)’s words, in particular, were one of the best monologues in this series when it comes to relaxing by realising I wasn’t alone in my doubts of the world. “Can I make it to my dreams?” I was asking the first time I saw this and even though I haven’t achieved the dreams of past me, I just had to adjust my expectations, make some new dreams and keep on going.
Rokuhoudou 11 (REWATCH)
Good heck, Gendo-I mean, Kyousui. (re: finger tenting)
Also, there is one univeral truth about this show: don’t watch it on an empty stomach…I had to go get some food a few eps. back in this rewatch because my stomach grumbled…
When I thought of “something rich”, I thought of a pudding too. Maybe my memory is better than I thought, huh?
I thought there was something dirty on my screen…turns out it was just Gure’s beauty spot.
Rokuhoudou 12 (FINAL, REWATCH)
“I’ll wake you up, then.”
I learnt this from the manga, but Itou is the old tea vendor.
Gin-chan reminds me of the inventor Logicalist from Hina Logi.
Karamimochi. By the way, from earlier in the ep…ankoro mochi.
Neneko was meant to be into kimonos, wasn’t she…?
Nion (sic) camera, LOL.
Okay, that’s the end of my first rewatch. It’s a keeper!
Fruits Basket 25 (FINAL)
Shihan = shisho = instructor.
Notice the Jizo, protector of children.
“…didn’t have to block…”
LOL, Tohru’s shocked face going from Kyo to Yuki.
Ooh, Makoto Takei and Machi Kuragi…
Okay, that’s the end of that. See you next time!
Demon Slayer 25
So the other butterfly mansion girls (aside from Aoi, Shinobu and Kanao) are called Naho, Kiyo and Sumi, huh?
Tanjiro is seemingly a freakin’ masochist right now to those girls…
Ooh, there’s a butterfly in a chrysalis on the title card!
It seems, based on the kanji for Tsuguko, the word literally means “inheritor”, “successor” or “one who makes [another person’s role flourish by being in it]”…Like a Legacy Character from TV Tropes. Also, “Tsuyuri” literally means “chestnut flowers fall”, if I understand the characters right.
Kanao does the Naruto run. She wants to see them aliens too!
“Putting in effort isn’t my thing.” – Now there’s a sentence after my own heart!
Why does Kanao not talk???
Kanao’s coin says “front” and “back” instad of heads and tails.
Hmm, hmm…very heterosexual reading of Kanao here. It almost makes me lose hope in the “gay Shinobu” department (not that I’m angry about that).
This guy with the hat…I swear he looks like a jellyfish…
Why do all the swordsmiths wear that mask???
There’s one thing I realised this episode…anime humour means I expect exaggerated reactions to a lot of things, such as Inosuke chipping his swords like that.
I remember being a bit annoying about the interchangeability between the translation of honoo as “fire” and “flame” when I was a Boueibu rookie...*sighs happily* good times.
Okayyyyyy…Tanjiro’s gone cuckoo…
Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu, huh? There’s a combo I’ve never seen!
Mob Psycho 100 OVA
Isekai hot springs, LOL.
I think I can see Saitama’s bald head, LOL.
I think there might be CGI on this hot springs establishment…
This is Reigen, king of bulls*%$, everyone!
“[P]air of plumbers”, eh…?
Ooh, 8-bit graphics! Remember season 2’s early scenes? That 8-bit one was good.
Dude, Reigen…just leave the train already…then you’ll get out.
LOL, “Mobpis”...Mobpis 100, maybe?
Strangely, Teru looks vaguely hot in one frame of one scene where he has his eyes closed.
Why do I get the feeling the capybaras on TV will be relevant later…?
Now, this parallel world brings a new meaning to “Infinity Train”!
Nice callback to the opening words of s1 and 2.
…and randomly, Dimple can be seen in the red waves.
It seems Dimple likes sprouting legs these days.
Cop Craft 11
Tourte’s career…almost sounds like Trump’s…
“No one treats me like an alien.”
Don’t bring a sword to a gun fight, Tilarna…
The name “transitional crises” is perfect for this episode…geesh. Just like episode 1, there’s a cliffhanger.
Dr Stone 11
Notice the focus on E=mc2 when Senku talks about passing on knowledge.
Ahh, science…the cliché says it’s for loners, but truth be told, science works in tag teams just like anything else. (Yes, even IT, if you look at it a certain way – such as how creating your code builds upon the people who built that code and the people who made the programs you code in.
Why do all the villagers have platform shoes anyway???
Demon Slayer 26 (FINAL)
Is that woman (not the Biwa player, the other one)…Muzan?! Update: Yes.
Genya…he got so tall in 2 years(ish)…poor Tanjiro. He’s fated to kill Kibutsuji, but he’s also fated to be short.
Does every girl in this series have to fall in love with Tanjiro?!?! (or be implied to be shippable with him, even Nezuko???) I obviously don’t like that kind of direction, as you can see.
Ah, Kanao speaks…for once.
I guess Nezuko has a really loud heart voice, to contrast Kanao’s tiny heart voice, so to speak.
How does Inosuke eat anything through the boar head if he’s taking it off all the time now to do things with his mouth???
Darn that ninja Giyu, leaving as soon as he feels sentimental. (LOL)
*starts yelling at top of lungs* MU-GEN TRAIN! (roughly to the tune of TM Network’s Love Train, which I heard about a few months before this)
I just realised Tanjiro’s probably never seen a train, considering the only transport he’s ever known is maybe a carriage/cart…or maybe just his legs.
As Zenitsu’s struggling to keep up with the train, I almost expect the Harry Potter theme to play and a flying car to appear in the distance…okay, I’m kidding about the car, but I did wish for a second the Harry Potter song would play. Nur-nurr-nur-nurrrrrr-nur-nurrrrrr-nurr…(or something)
Cop Craft 12 (FINAL)
“…taking the lead in the mayoral lead.” – That sounds redundant.
Hey! It’s that one Demon Slayer joke again! (i.e. Kei used his head.)
Dead Randall: too much for TV.
I still can’t believe they properly managed to incorporate the porn case into the finale…
I watched Hellsing today and all this “Sir Matoba” this and “Sir Matoba” that made me wonder…why is Integra a “Sir” as well…?
Zelada does look like Alucard in some senses…hmm.
I think the large bruise over Kei’s eye disappeared in one of the scenes…Now it’s just under his eye.
Wait, Tilarna has a sibling??? Wuh???
I like how they transitioned into the OP, but man…talk about a fast ending. That’s a Hellsing kinda ending fo’ sure. Oh well, see you next time.
Ahiru no Sora 1
New season, new faces, new series. Let’s get into it.
Man, this sparrow freaks me out…
Lyrics from the outset. This must be something special to warrant such a thing.
I always thought Kuzuryuu (“nine-headed dragon”, literally translating) was a cool surname to have! Or just a place name, in this case.
LOL, his name is Momohara (peach field).
The arcade machine says “fist” in the back.
Uh-oh…nothing ever goes right when a boy tries peeping into the girl’s locker room…
*sigh* The male gaze…geesh.
“What are you doing?!” (Nani yatterun da?!) doesn’t translate to “This isn’t the circus!”.
Oh right…Momo = 100, chi = 1000, haru = spring, aki = autumn.
Hey, Chiaki actually got Sora’s name right for once…
Basically everything I know about basketball is from Kuroko no Basuke, so…uh…Sora’s reminding me of Kuroko right now.
Shinchou Yuusha 1
I just call this “TUEEE” instead…don’t mind me. Obviously, my target here is Ume…y’know that, right?
Most of these gods and goddesses look suckish, but I wouldn’t mind an anime about the one with the long hair and Monkey King headband.
Ristarte’s already a bundle of fun…although her leg jiggling’s a bit annoying…
(mocking) There must be a downside to this, right, Listarte…?
Can we not with boob storage??? I bet no matter how big a woman’s knockers are, you can’t store anything between ‘em in real life! (I think we’d need an anime Mythbusters for something like that…make it happen, someone!)
YesyesyesyesYES! OOH, Ristarte, you sure know how to pick ‘em! The fact he’s over 180 cm in height is…well, it’s bad for trying to kiss him, but otherwise it’s just a cherry on the cake of smokin’ HOT!
“[F]ish story”??? You mean “fishy”, right? (Oh well, seems like synonyms work too…)
I…don’t quite get this song…but I think I saw a hot guy (might’ve been a woman, but I’d like it to be a man since there are already so many women in the OP as is) about halfway through the OP. It’s a real 2 for 1 bargain here, people. Update: Argh…that’s a woman after all…
Argh! *is suddenly sabotaged by one Ariadoa* If you’ve read the Spellbook, you’ll know one of my aliases is “Aria Noyed”. It just happens to be the same as an anime and manga already, but now I have it ruining my fun here too…
LOL, did you hear that “ba-bing!” acquistion sound when Rista produced the money?
To be honest, I think regular Seiya (with the purple-highlighted armour as you see here) looks pretty hot anyway (plus Ume’s voice, which I came for), so I think I have a lock-in for the season right here.
The sakuga in this show is way too good (according to all the cubes of soil I keep seeing)!
This ED is a pretty cool bop, yo.
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95liners3rdmember · 4 years
Worth It
Chapter Nine: Thank you
Word Count: 3797
Chapter Eight: Monday Madness
This morning just seems to drag on and on. I’m itching to get back into the practice room so I can work on a few things since MV shooting is going to start in a few weeks. On top of that I need to get ready for my first concert, I’ve never worked a show at this level before and to say that I’m unprepared is a HUGE understatement. At least the design and videography department are working with me and gave me a day by day schedule for the two weeks of filming. Looks like I’ll be spending two solid weeks on set with them the entire time.
My stomach growls as I read over the details for the upcoming events and the tour. I don’t see how they can handle this, being in a different country each week for months on end. By the time we come back to Seoul, I'll be ready to curl into a cocoon of blankets for about a month.
The screen of my tablet lights up with an email notification, it’s from Manager Sejin. He’s someone that I haven’t gotten to speak with yet. Out of everyone in this company Sejin is probably the one who works the hardest.
‘Ms. Y/l/n,
After sitting down with Namjoon and Bang PD, we’ve all decided to officially ask for you to please be an assistant translator during the tour. It would help very much and will allow an easier press tour as well.
Why hadn’t I thought about that earlier? It would make sense for me to help out translating during the tour since I’ll just be sitting around at the concert location or in a hotel room most of the time. The bare minimum it will take a little of the stress off of Namjoon.
My fingers type a quick reply letting Manager Sejin know that I’ll help out as much as I can. Tapping my nails against the glass I can’t help but let out a soft sigh as I prop my chin in my palm. I’m not meant to be sitting still, my body is buzzing with the need to do some sort of physical activity. Maybe I should workout after work today, drag Natalie’s lazy self with me. She’s probably itching to get out of the house after yesterday. Honestly I’m surprised that she hasn’t started sightseeing.
Shuffling of papers snaps me out of my daydream state, everyone’s collecting their tablets and shoving their things into bags and cases. Tapping the screen on my watch I’m beyond happy to see that it’s noon already, halfway through my work day. Now I just have to make it through lunch.
Gathering my things quickly I shimmy through the mob of people to get through the door to go to my office. A few of the senior stylist stop me to let me know that they are excited to meet my little sister tomorrow and that they have something big planned for her. But they wouldn’t tell me. A cheesy smile spreads on my lips as I thank them on my way down the hallway. Natalie is going to have an adventurous day tomorrow.
My phone starts ringing as I finally get close enough to my door, managing to slide the answer button I wedge the phone between my shoulder and cheek.
“Hello.” Somehow I manage to open my door and I almost come crashing in. At first I miss the pair of eyes on me as I struggle to keep everything balanced in my arms.
“Hello Ms. Y/l/n, this is Sejin. I just wanted to call and say thank you for accepting to help.” Oh, I wasn’t expecting a call this early. Looking up I jump out of my skin as Jimin appears in front of me offering to take my belongings before I drop my laptop. I point to the desk and Jimin nods understandingly as he sets down everything.
“It’s no problem, it’s the least I could do. I know that it gets hectic for you all during the tour. Anything I can do to lessen the burden I will do.” Smiling to myself, I walk to the desk chair and sits down softly. Jimin’s eyes meet mine curiously as I mouth Manager Sejin to let him know that it won’t be too long.
“Thank you again. I should’ve asked you at the first meeting, but as you can see I have my hands full.” Sejin bursts into laughter and I can’t help but to join him. I know all too well that he has his hands full because I’m in the same boat now.
“I understand completely. I hate to cut this call short but there are a few things that I do need to schedule for the group and backup dancers.”
“No problem at all. Hope to see you soon. Goodbye.”
“Me too. Goodbye.” Ending the phone call I shut my eyes for a second and let out a sigh of relief. For a split second my mind is blank before I remember who’s in the room with me. Clearly I didn't think this through. One, I didn’t bring any food for our lunch and two I haven’t even thought through what I want to say.
We sit in silence for a few minutes as we both try to figure out what we want to say. All morning I agonized over what I wanted to say while I got ready, in the shower I played different scenarios and none of them were what I wanted. So on my way to work I just cleared my mind and listened to music. Of course, I thought it would be a lot easier than it is now, because now I’m awkward as I bite my lip looking at the man in front of me. My blood rushes a little faster and my heart beats a little quicker as I try to make a plan in my mind.
“Let’s go get something to eat.” Jimin says as he clears his throat. Before I can retort he’s already standing up and grabbing his jacket. He sounds like he’s struggling as much as I am at this point. Nodding slightly I stand up and grab for my purse and jacket. Our shoes tapping against the floor are the only sounds between us as we make our way to the main entrance. In sync we pull out face masks to cover ourselves, Jimin throws on a pair of sunglasses just to be on the safe side.
“Where are we going?” No answer, Jimin just leads me down the sidewalk to a little cafe, it’s cute. Cuter than the coffee shop Hobi took me to. A young woman greets us and takes us to a little table towards the back corner, Jimin whispers to her before she motions for us to follow. The entire time her cheeks glow with a pink hue as she looks at the man with me. It looks like Jimin has an effect on everyone around him. He sits with his back towards the door so he can remove his mask without anyone
“Why did you return the gift?” Straight to the point I guess. His question catches me off guard and it’s my turn for my cheeks to turn pink. Swallowing roughly I fiddle with my ring as I let out a shaky breath.
“Because you didn’t need to give me a gift.”
“But I did. After talking with you the other night, I finally felt…” Jimin takes in a deep breath as he looks for the words, like he can’t decide what he wants to say, “at peace. The past year has been rough and I don’t want to burden my brother’s with my worries because I know they have their own.”
His words cause my heart to twist and my stomach tighten, to know that Jimin has been struggling with these thoughts for that long makes me want to help even more. There’s no way that no one else in the company hasn’t noticed the change in the members. Maybe I should push them into a room together and have them let everything out. Because if it continues to go like this, they will burn themselves out and everything they’ve worked so hard for will come crashing down.
“Why don’t you talk to the other’s about it though? Jimin, if you’re having a hard time then all of them must be too.” I want to continue but an older woman comes by to get our order, she moves away quickly and quietly to not bring attention to the man in front of me.
“Even though we are close, we all try to keep things from each other so we don’t make each other worry. I guess it’s a flawed system.” He chuckles softly as he scratches the back of his head.  
“Then if it’s flawed stop using it. I know it’s easier said than done but like I told Namjoon, happiness is key in your hectic life. If you aren’t happy then what’s the point.” My words and honesty hang around us as our food is brought out. Jimin’s body tenses up as he starts to eat his food. He’s on edge, which makes me squirm in my seat. For someone that’s considered as the ‘mochi’ or ‘angel’ of the group he can be intimidating when he’s frustrated. When he’s not chewing, he’s biting the inside of his cheek.
Tapping his leg with my foot under the table Jimin cuts his eyes up to mine. Scrunching my nose up trying to imitate Jungkook’s bunny smile, Jimin’s eyes turn into crescents as a giggle slips out. His naturally bubbly personality shining back through.
“I think you should leave the bunny impersonations to the real bunny.” Jimin jokes as he takes another bite of his food, laughing in agreement I take a bite of mine as my eyes scan the room behind him. A few older women steal glances at us with hushed whispers, a gleam in their eyes. I wonder what they could be saying, much less thinking. Leaning my head back down towards the plate, my hair falls down into my face blocking everything out.
“Is it safe to say your sister likes to play dress up?” Huh? Snapping my head back up my hair flies around, tucking a piece behind my ear so I can see Jimin clearly I feel my cheeks heat up again. What does he mean dress up? Sure since Natalie’s been here she’s decided my outfits, fixed my hair...oh.
“Does it look bad? Natalie’s been practicing with me for her finals coming up.” I look down at my clothes with a slightly concerned face. It’s pretty simple for Natalie, which is something that doesn’t come naturally for her. Dark skinny jeans, white flowing shirt, topped with a tan sweater cardigan. I didn’t want anything too revealing like yesterday, walking into that practice room I felt like every eye was on me. Confidence is not my strong suit, especially self confidence considering I don’t fit the normal mold that people consider ‘beautiful’.
Jimin’s eyes my outfit before he leans back in his chair, hands tucking into the pocket of his jacket. I feel small under his gaze, which technically is weird to say considering he isn’t much larger than I am. My eyes barely catch the quick lick of his lips before a smirk forms on his lips as he leans forward again. My stomach unwillingly flips at the sight.
“You look nice, it’s a lot different from the leggings and tank tops. But you know what would finish it off?” Jimin wiggles his brows as he passes a small box, the small box, across the table. This stupid necklace is going to be the death of me. Rolling my eyes, I can’t help the laugh that bubbles from my chest. Reaching out I hold my palm open and with a triumphant smile he places the gift in my hand.
Opening the box, I gently take out the necklace and work on putting it around my neck. Of course it’s a struggle considering how much hair I have to fight, but with an annoyed huff I manage to clasp the ends together. The metal is cool against my skin as I run a finger along the chain to feel the stone. The big question is, how did he figure out that opal is my favorite gem? Either it’s a HUGE coincidence or he had inside help from one of two options, Namjoon or Natalie.
“Thank you Jimin.” It’s a hushed whisper so the growing crowd in the cafe doesn’t overhear. A large smile takes over my face, mirroring Jimin’s. Once again the tension between us disappears and a feeling of understanding falls on us. It seems that we’ve come to terms with each other, both of us knowing that we’re going to be a factor in each other’s life. My heart races slightly at the feeling.
“No, thank you y/n. I meant every word I said.” The sincerity in his voice causes me to go up to cloud nine. Smiling like an idiot the entire time it takes us to finish our lunch, I can’t help but to steal short glances at Jimin though.
How can I feel so at ease, yet on edge around him all of the time? Namjoon had told me that he believed Jimin and I would be closer than Namjoon and I. Honestly I don’t see how that’s possible, beside the huge time difference and distance Namjoon and I are almost closer than I am with my sisters. Almost being the key word. For him to believe that Jimin and I could be like that makes my stomach flutter.
Any girl my age would kill to be in my position, an ARMY would love to switch places. Yet here I am trying to keep my distance and be professional. But something about them just draws me in closer and closer. Before long I’m going to end up in the inner circle instead of being their choreographer. And yet the idea isn’t exactly off putting. Each member has their own unique characteristics and qualities that not a lot of people get to see. They trust me enough to drop a little of their walls and welcomed me. So I guess it’s inevitable. The tour is going to be the ultimate test on if I can balance on the tight rope that I’m walking.
“It’s time to get going.” Jimin’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, jumping slightly from the suddenness. Looking around for my ticket, Jimin swats my hand away lightly before putting his mask on. Under his breath he mumbles to not worry about it. Rolling my eyes, I fish out my mask and walk with my head down out of the cafe. I don’t want a repeat of last week. And I really don’t want to risk having my picture floating around sparking drama.
Once we round the corner Jimin moves closer, close enough for me to pump into him lightly. Now that there’s no tension being around Jimin feels almost natural. With the others I still feel a little apprehensive, scared to cross a boundary. I guess since Jimin and I have been through more it’s only natural we’ve gotten close.
Walking through the front doors, Mina sends us a short wave and a gentle greeting. We stop for a moment, turning towards each other. He needs to go to the production rooms and I need to go to my office to meet with my assistant Jiwoo. Lifting my head up to look at Jimin again we both smile like children as I bounce on the balls of my feet.
“I’ll see you later. The dance studio calls.”
“I would trade you in a heartbeat.” At least we both understand the need to dance. Turning to leave I don’t notice Jimin moving forward and wrapping me in a tight hug. But just as quickly as it began, it ends with Jimin jogging away towards Namjoon’s studio.
What just happened?! My face is burning hot as I walk with my head down in embarrassment to my office. I’m screwed. There’s no way I can deny that Park Jimin makes me a flustered mess. My heart pounds in my chest as I opened my office door to find Jiwoo sitting patiently on one of the couches. Her quirked eyebrow suggests that she can tell that I’m in a state of shock. Rolling my eyes roughly, I throw my purse on the desk and tie my hair up into a ponytail. Time to get to the real work
“How in the hell did you convince me to come workout?” Natalie groans as she runs on the treadmill beside me. I really can’t hear her as I run at a faster pace than her. How could I let myself turn into a fangirl today with Jimin? I know better than to let my feelings get in the way of work. And then he hugs me out of nowhere?! What if Mina had seen or someone else…
“Nice necklace.” Her teasing tone catches me off guard as I almost slip off of the treadmill. Lowering the speed, I step off catching my breath in the process. The gym is empty except for Natalie and I.
“I know that you weren’t asleep last night. So you knew that Jimin dropped by.” With a simple tap Natalie misses a step and comes running off beside me. The look on her face is priceless as she chases me around the gym. We both come crashing down on the floor, bursting with laughter. The laughter dies down until I feel my body become heavy, as well as my spirit. The past two days have been an emotional and mental rollercoaster. What makes it worse is that I can’t really talk with Natalie about it because I don’t want to ruin her trip.
“Let’s go back upstairs. I’m ready for bed.” It’s not a total lie, after all it’s almost nine and tomorrow is a big day for my sister. Picking myself off of the floor, I kept my eyes down which means that I don’t see the person walking through the door. Slamming into what feels like a wall I hold my nose as I stumble backwards.
“Noona! Are you okay? I didn’t see you!” Jungkook’s voice meets my ears and I look up instantly, teary vision from the painful bump on the nose. Of course Jungkook is nothing but solid muscle. Only someone like him would be at the gym this late.
“I’m fine! Just a little bump, have a good workout.” Smiling under my hand I continue on my path out of the gym, my sister yelling back at me. I can barely make out her words but it’s along the lines of her staying behind to talk with Jungkook. The past few days Natalie has been locked up in my apartment so it doesn’t surprise me that she’s willing to stay in the gym longer to talk to someone else besides me.
The ride up the elevator welcomingly short as I finally get back to my front door. Inside is quiet, something I’m craving right now. Not even bothering to turn the lights on, I make my way straight into the bathroom to shower. Everyone knows the best place to clear your mind and to reset is in the shower.
Getting the water ready and finding a playlist of soft music to fill the air, I make my way into the hot water and sigh as soon as it touches my skin. After lunch my day got more difficult than I thought it would. Next week is going to be intense, I have to teach all of the backup dancers with Jiwoo to prep for the MV shooting and the upcoming tour. On top of that, this week I have to figure out Jimin and Jungkook’s solos. I’m still lost on what to do so I’m just going to wing it when I work with them. For some reason I keep hitting a roadblock, not because I can’t think of anything but because I have too many ideas.
I’m surprised that Natalie hasn’t come back up already. Earlier in the gym she was getting too smug about Jimin and I. My own brain hasn’t wrapped around everything that happened at lunch and the out of the blue hug. Why do I feel so on edge and flustered around him? Because I can’t think of a solid explanation, which really worries me. I’m just now starting to feel comfortable around everyone else besides Namjoon, I really don’t want to be on an emotional tightrope with Jimin. Right now I really need to focus on teaching the choreo and getting my job done, I can always figure out my personal feelings later on.
Turning off the shower, I step out and sigh into the steam filled room. There’s no sound outside of the door so Natalie must still be downstairs with Jungkook. At least now I can go to bed before she comes back with a thousand questions. I can already hear the teasing and it’s only going to get worse the more that I wear the necklace.
Falling into bed, I plug my phone up and bury my face into the pillows. My phone dings three times in a matter of two seconds, who could be texting me this late? Three separate names display on the screen.
Sejin: ‘Bang PD wanted me to inform you that your schedule for tomorrow has changed. Instead of practicing, he wants you at the photoshoot with everyone else. Casual dress, think of it as a day off.’
Well that’s a change of pace, I figured he would want me working on something choreography related. It does sound nice though, a day where I can just sit around and hangout.
Natalie: ‘Jungkook invited me up to play games. I’ll be back later.’
Those two are going to be dead tired at the shoot tomorrow but that’s what they get for staying up super late. Everything seems normal until I see the last contact. Groaning I read the message quickly before clearing it.
Father: ‘Call me tomorrow.’
My stomach drops as I fling my phone back on the nightstand. So much for a relaxing day tomorrow. Covering my head with the comforter, I curl into a ball and my hands rest against my neck. The cool chain of the necklace feels foreign but welcomed as I start to drift off. Maybe Natalie is right, I do have a soft spot for Park Jimin.
0 notes
stumpedonlife · 7 years
Hey guys!
I know, I know. It’s been so long since I’ve blogged that there is no way to catch you up on everything, but I can try!
On Feb. 20th: B and I went to China Town in Yokohama! We were pretty excited, and then it started to rain. And the temperature dropped. Gross. We made it fun though! By the end of it I was not feeling good, and we were both soaked. Later that night we went to Zachs birthday party at Liberty Cove (the apartment building they live at, and that we will be requesting next time we come out here.). While we were there Chris and Lena told me they were going to Disneyland on Tuesday, and that Maddie was going. Then they told me I was invited as well. I looked at B. B looked at me. I said I would let them know…nudge nudge…I was going!
Shrimp dumplings.
Feb. 22nd: DISNEYLAND ROUND DOS! It was a blast. I don’t know if Disney does this in the States, but in Japan, they do something called “Child Swap”. Lemme explain. Tell a Cast Member (Disney worker) that you want to child swap. They fill out a piece of paper, and give it to you. One group of parents, go on the ride (fast passes recommended) first, and the second group waits with the kidlettes with the piece of paper. First group comes out, waits with kidlettes. Second group gives cast member piece of paper, and gets taken all the way to the ride, and hops right on. HOPS. RIGHT. ON. No waiting. No lines. Dudes. This is how to do Disney! With kids! Who knew?! hahaha!  It was such a fun experience, being with the V family (their last name starts with a V. No I’m not going to tell the internet their last name! sillies!), it was fun to see Disney through kidlette eyes (although, it was very much the same through my eyes!).
It was Maddie’s first time!
Mochi aliens each with chocolate, strawberry, and custard.
This is where we had dinner. Wonderland!
Feb. 27th: We went to a Ninja themed restaurant in Tokyo. We went with a group, and it was so yummy! The group was fun, too!
The cooked this soup with a hot stone. They win.
Feb 28th: Kamakura! I took B to one of the (many) shrines. Obviously we got fish pancakes too!
Fish “pancake”
March 6th: We went to Taura (one train stop away), to see the plum blossoms. What a flipping’ hike that was! I swear, Mt. Rainier was easier. I am out of shape guys. Out. Of. Shape. Or is it, that I have too much extra shape? Maybe? hehehe! After that, B and I went to Enoshima. Enoshima is a seaside city, that is trying awfully hard to look like Santa Monica. Anyways! We walked out to an “island” (it’s connected to the main land via a sand spit that shows at low tide, so not technically an island.), and let me tell you something-so many effing stairs!
Plum Blossoms!
After that hike!
Yup. For every “cute” selfie we have, we have at least one of these!
March 8th: I went with Maddie, and a few others on a trial run through some spots that Maddie wanted to take her family! We went to Ofuna to see the Kannon (lady buddha, essentially), then to Enoshima. More. Stairs….more effing stairs! It was a great day!
The Kannon.
Look at all of those cranes!
March 12th: Our St. Paddies Day party! It was so much fun! I met new people, and I am so glad that I did. It takes awhile to build community, and I’m excited for what has started and what hasn’t come yet!
March 16th: We had to move. It was terrible. It still isn’t great. I am so appreciative of what Washington apartments and houses are. This place makes me love home. I don’t mind living in Japan, I actually really like it most days, but it’s not my home. It is part of my adventure though!
March 17th: I went to Enoshima with Lena, the kids, and Chris’ parents. It was such a beautiful day, and I so needed it! This time in Enoshima, they introudeced  me to the aquarium! I loved it! The only part I did NOT like was the dolphin show. It made me so sad and drove me into almost tears. Yes, their performance was amazing, they are such intelligent animals. I know they wouldn’t do well in the wild now, I understand. I don’t understand them being brought into these situations in the first place. But. I digress.
As close as I will get to Mt. Fuji this go around
Where the dolphins are kept (for are four in there, and four performing).
Matcha and sweet potato ice cream. Win!
March 20th: B and I went to Mount Nokogiri with friends from work (I haven’t asked if I can give their names, so I won’t post them until I have their permission). We had to take a train, a bus, a ferry, then walked, and then we took a lift (?) to the entrance! This was another place that just has so many stairs I doubt it would be legal in the States. I’m serious. It was beautiful! There were buddhas everywhere. The vegetation was starting to really turn green, it was sunny, I loved it! For dinner, our friends introduced us to sushi. Sushi like we have never had before. It’s stupid good!
Worn steps.
Nooks like this were everywhere!
March 26th: B and I went to Tokyo, we had a plan…then we got distracted! We started at Shibuya-the infamously busy crossing in Tokyo. It was nothing like I expected, and even though it was RIDICULOUSLY busy, it wasn’t as big as I thought it would be. After venturing around, we hopped on the train to Hirajuku-a district in Tokyo famous for “teen fashion”. I was underwhelmed but the main street. We walked around though, and that was the saving grace. We found a posh-hipster (yes, the kind that buy $250.00 flannel shirts from Chanel), neighborhood. In that neighborhood we found a Hawaiian-Mexican fusion restaurant. It was so yummy! I would go back!
My food! It was so good!
Look at this ceiling for the LOBBY of a mall. It’s crystals. for a ceiling.
Crepes done Japan-style.
March 27th: B and I met up with some new friends and went out on-what else?-an adventure! We went out to Sarushima “Monkey” Island! There are no monkeys. It was a first defense for war, so it has bunkers and old cannon mounts. It’s full of tide pools, lush trees, and birds. The trails were short, because the island isn’t very big. It was so nice to be with genuinely great people and poking around in tide pools. That’s a perfect day. The beach is my happy place.
March 31st: I got a surprise in the mail from one of my sorority sisters. It’s so amazing to know that there are people thinking about me. To know what they took the time out of their day, to make sure that I knew that they were thinking of me. When you are thinking of someone one, or catching yourself wondering what they are doing, tell them. Shoot them a Facebook message, text, or email, and say, “Hey, I was thinking about you, and I hope you are doing well!” They might not respond because they might be at work, or life is happening for them, but it’s ok. I bet you $100.00 they smiled.
Processed with VSCO with f2 preset
April 3rd: B and I went to Tokyo to see the Cherry Blossoms. It didn’t start well, but B and I recovered. We won that day. The cherry blossoms were beautiful! We found some gems, and we found some food!
April 9th: B and I went to Enoshima for two reasons: pancakes and the aquarium. I got a waffle and it had a pile of whip cream 8 inches-ish tall. B got the pancakes with the same amount of whip cream. We had to take a LONG walk after we were done because we needed the food to settle in our stomaches. On our way back to the aquarium I got to pet two golden retrievers and one licked my nose (!!!!), a pitbull-he snuggled right up, then moved so I could scratch his butt (duh). Then we went to the aquarium! The main take away was that B wants to own an ocean, and a river, and a lake, so that he can have all the fishes and all the plants.
April 12th: B and I went to DisneySea! It was such a fantastic day! It was such a long day! It was a cold morning, it was a hot day, it was a chilly night…then not so chilly. Japan knows what it’s doing with it’s weather about as much as Washington does. We had a game plan…but I forgot to screen shot it from Pinterest! So…we had to wing it!
If you have never experienced B and I together, when we are being completely and truly ourselves, then you might not know what it means to us, to “wing it”…but it’s a lot of laughing, rolling eyes (in jest…mostly :P), people watching, eating food, and mostly being absolutely ridiculous and obnoxious. Around 5:30 we headed to dinner. But earlier in the day, I wanted tea because I was cold, but then I saw they had ice cream too….B told me no. BOO you —–! So on our way to dinner in my head I was like, yeah, we have to walk all the way across the park…I need food…omg…ICE CREAM! So I told B, “So, here’s what I’m thinking, we go get ice cream now, that way we can eat it as we walk to dinner. That way we have a little something in us in case the line is long.” Nailed it. And B replies with, “You’re priorities are so…perfect!”
That’s why I married him.
The restaurant we wanted to eat at was, at the cheapest, $48.00/plate. NOPE! We went to Venice (LOL!) and found some pasta for him, pizza for me, and dessert for us! Because no one can simply eat just ONE dessert! As we were walking out we saw a couple with a bag FULL of keychain stuffed animals, a second bag started, and like four big stuffed animals!
EVERYWHERE at Disney plays music, and as we were walking out, B and I danced to the Italian music, because…well…we love our life!
My second wind kicked in with all of those carbs, and I just couldn’t stop moving and I fully embarrassed B by dancing around with his jacket as he put on his sweatshirt! No regrets. The Japanese were probably like, “Yup. American”. We finished the night with the Tower of Terror. This ride puts us into, what B called, free fall. Yup. Our backpacks came off of the ground, my knees came up. The guy next to B passed out (we think). It was a blast!
We decided though, that we really need to go to Hershey park, because now that I’m ok with rollercoasters (thank you, Pap) B wanted me to experience the “real ones”.
  *** Note: This was lightly edited a full year and a half AFTER it was originally written. I’m guessing I never posted it because I couldn’t get pictures to upload… Sorry for the abrupt end of this one. This will be the last post I do about the first time we went to Japan. Next time will hopefully be better.***
          It’s Been Awhile Hey guys! I know, I know. It's been so long since I've blogged that there is no way to catch you up on everything, but I can try!
0 notes
Stars Align 2 - 3 | BnHA 65 - 66 | Iruma-kun 3 - 4 | Shinchou Yuusha 3 | Dr Stone 16 | No Guns Life 3
Stars Align 2
The first episode I saw at the anime club, so I’ve skipped straight to ep 2 for the coverage.
Hmm? I thought this would cut to the OP…it didn’t.
Oh, poor Maki! He has a slap mark on his face!
Why is it uniforms are so gendered anyway? Not just sports ones. (It might be because I’m so used to wearing other people’s hand me downs, regardless of their gender, but…yeah.)
The real tennis-playing dude is Kei Nishikori…LOL.
That’s the 3rd Ishigami for this season, methinks. (The others hail from Dr Stone.)
Come to think of it, the most I’ve ever done in one shot is 10 laps of a court (and that was with lots of practice). 20 would be torture…
The animation…where it goes black and white…that’s awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee, y’know???
I like how Maki’s just splat on the ground without his hands to support him.
Windows tablet with stand. I’ve seen those in stores and catalogues before…they should run Windows 7 at the bare minimum, 8 or 10 if they’re newer.
Maki’s top says “continue” on it. It’s a good shirt for a boy that really does continue, despite his hardships.
I-Is Maki’s mother having an affair…? With Shou? Or is Shou a good friend of hers who happens to be male?
The way Toma wears his jacket…it reminds me of Chuuya (BSD). Pretty badass for a middle school kid, don’tcha think?
Kenkou = health, so a squishy ball is a health ball…makes sense. It’s good for the circulation and all that.
When Toma started explaining the grips…I realised I’d fallen into what I just called the Tsuritama trap…that is, when I watch a show for entertainment and end up learning about skills I’ll never need in the process.
Both boys are righthanded, I noticed.
Didn’t notice at first, but Toma put the ball in his pocket.
Is it just me or is there CGI in this show…? (That’s a feeling I’ve had since ep 1, but haven’t been able to confirm since it’s so well integrated.)
Hmm…I heard there was plagiarism going around with this show’s choreography…I didn’t see the Chika dance in context, so I wouldn’t know if it was copied from there. Still, it’s interesting how the guy on the left (if there is one) generally does better than the one on the right. Some of them just give up in the end, LOL.
Hmm…Hoshiai no Sora means “The Sky where Stars Line Up” or something of the sort…hence, “Stars Align”.
“Even in an ever-changing world, the starlit sky will not change.” – That’s the words that sometimes accompany the title.
BnHA 65
Yeah, how are the League any different to the yakuza anyway?
The interesting thing is that Deku also has “power he can’t control”, but we see more of that narrative.
I love how Mic’s words were put into the visuals too, culminating in the “HA!”.
Okay, so Togata’s pun is that he’ll ittemirio, a pun on his name (obviously) and ittemiro (let’s go see). The English says I Togata see, which keeps his name in there and keeps the level of cheesiness to boot! Good job subbers! (By the way, that pun’s not in the manga.)
I already know what happens in this arc (thank you, free Viz chapters!), so now I have this sinking feeling when it comes to talking about Nighteye…
Apparently Bubble Girl was a winning design from a competition. Sorta like how Horikoshi appeared in One Piece one time and that, you could say, was the start of his career in print (so it’s a legacy in a sense).
Iruma-kun 3
Oh hey, I just realised Asmodeus’s nails are bright red…that’s kinda cute, actually. (In that “boys are hot” kinda “cute” sense, people.)
I have no idea what the lyrics to Clara’s song are meant to be in Japanese…not that I could track down whatever the heck she’s singing anyway.
Okay, so “play house” appears to be mamagoto (literally “mother’s thing[s]” (in a metaphorical sense, playing house is replicating mothers’ chores, so…yeah, mothers’ things), but it’s got the character for “demon” twice instead of what it should have. Hence “murder house”.
Hey, couldn’t you at least make Azz-Azz (as you call him) your husband?(!) (small LOL)
Demonathon = marathon, but with the character for “demon”. That’s actually straightforward in both languages…for once.
The alarm clock is a cute bird with horns!!! So cute!!!
I feel sorry for Opera. Which reminds me, why would Sullivan need a butler if he was living alone?
Whoa! Iruma actually refused before Clara said “please”! He’s growing a spine! So early…(whispers “My boy is growing up so fast…” as a joke)
Clara’s nails are a bright pink…a few shades off from Asmodeus’s red, but still really bright.
*vending machine appears* - Now that’s what I call “getting Yocchan some cold drinks”!
Azz isn’t dressed in white, he’s in pink! Dang colour palette, going against what Clara says!
I just realised Asmodeus wears two jackets…or is that a jacket and a long shirt?
There’s no pun in that segment title…it’s just “Akuma no Otomodachi”.
Poor Opera…it looks like he’s wearing two pairs of pants…or maybe that’s his shirt? Or his boxers? Who knows?...Actually, when I think about it, that might just be his shirt. Sorry, Opera.
Wait…so if most of the demons fly to school, why do Asmodeus, Clara and Iruma walk…? (Well, Iruma can’t fly, but the other two might be able to…) Update: We do kind of address this in the next ep, but that doesn’t answer why Clara hasn’t shown she can fly in that ep.
Oh, if it isn’t Sna-er, Kalego…(LOL) But seriously, Kalego’s hairdo is actually kinda nice for a guy. Then again, I’m the one who likes dudes with long hair, so…eh. I can take it or leave it.
Did Kalego never meet Clara…?
Eggie-sensei…no kidding, that’s what she says. It’s from the –ego in “Kalego”, of course. (But I have no idea if “Azz-Azz” is what Clara actually says for Asmodeus…) Similarly, the school store guy is called Kamukamu-san, so it’s literally “Comecome”...as in “come and buy from me”. Update: Yes, Azz-Azz is what she calls him.
There aren’t a lot of girls in that crowd, Eggie-sensei and Clara…
Eggie-sensei really is shaped like an egg! So fluffy! I wanna plushie of him in that form!
Wait, the sticker costs 333 bills? Iruma’s gonna have to pay for it later…Update: 2 stickers = 666 bills.
“Pay me.” – LOLLLLLLLLLLL! I’m so sorry, Fluffy Snape, but you were hilarious in that scene!!!
Demons don’t even have the concept of “friends”…? That’s…cute! Way too cute!
The mochi Clara refers to is because tomodachi is the word for friend (it has “mochi” in it, see?).
There’s Sullivan’s face on his stamp, LOL.
See? Asmodeus does have black wings like the demons you see in all those morning shots of this show!!!
Dr Stone 16
Byakuya (Senku’s dad)…his face keeps getting censored, even though it’s right there on the spinoff promo material…! *points to the spinoff page on Viz*
The piano music in this scene is nice…I heard the OST is on Spotify too, so I’ll chase it up later.
“Senku, the science guy” doesn’t have as much of a ring to it as Bill Nye does.
Taiju’s just got this proud face, like he didn’t really know what he was doing but he claimed the credit anyway…the big oaf. (LOL)
There’s a banana on Senku’s phone, LOL.
Hmm…where’s Senku’s mum? Did he ever have one?
Shamil’s face looks like Tsukasa’s so much, it almost unnerves me…
[TMS Football Stadium] - TMS is responsible for this anime adaption, I’m pretty sure…LOL.
A Byakuya reboot just started in manga form. I wonder if the Dr Stone anime will cover any of it…?
BnHA 66
Notably, “hero work studies” = hero internships. Those two translations seem to be interchangeable.
Normally, the end of the phrase would be “Boy Meets Girl”, right? There’s an important girl in this arc, y’know?
The contract is kind of hard to read, but I did make out the word “Nighteye” in katakana.
Technically, Midoriya should be in possession of a funny bone - the humerus, y’know??? (<- comically missing the point)
Mirio kinda reminds me of Araki (Area no Kishi), for some reason…it must be because they both like comedy. Then again, Midoriya at the moment is reminding me of Bakugo, because of all the mouth shapes being similar…
This is interesting. In the manga, the scene pointing out Ochako and Tsuyu weren’t going to be at their original internship places wasn’t at the dorms.
Ooh! They’re even foreshadowing Hawks, which wasn’t even in the manga at this stage!!
I do believe this “Hado and Amajiki talking to the students who’ll be relevant to this arc” is also anime-original. Todoroki’s joke was definitely AO (anime original).
Shinchou Yuusha 3
…can we not with the boob jokes??? Rista doesn’t have a flat board, people. Update: She also acknowledges this…we don’t know Aria’s size, but Rista is a D cup.
Oooh, oooooooooooh! I spy a ponytail boy in the back there and me likey! (I guess I’m still feeling a bit bummed out because I attended a wedding yesterday and ended up crushing on a cousin’s younger brother-in-law – precisely because he had long hair, but then he put it up into a man bun and I went, “Nope, I can’t have him,” not to mention he’s married already. Plus the Area no Kishi episode I found today – ep. 30 – had a kinda chubby Araki, so I noped out of it and as a result, I need me some bishonen to appease the eyes. Good thing Seiya does the trick.)
Marth, eh? *thinks about the blogger* Then again, there’s my reaction when it comes to Ariadoa…
Oh, this is like a PreCure dance ED. I see…then it turns out to be Rista’s figure alarm. The logic checks out.
Iruma-kun 4
Seriously, Azz doesn’t sound like he should be Iruma’s age…but that’s part of the joke, I guess. *gets pelted with tomatoes for revealing said joke*
So “The Misfit Class” is technically the “Problem Child Class” (Mondaiji Kurasu), but the alternative reading given to mondaiji says “Abnormal”.
It seems “devi” is an alternative way to say “very” in this show, hence the ED being “Debikyu” (Devi Cute).
I…think these demon ranks may actually be Phonecian letters (which I learnt about from Star Driver)…
That “thinking reed” business I knew from somewhere, but…turns out it’s just a person called Blaise Pascal.
A “heugh”? Wassat? (It just sounds like some noise you’d make when you barf…) Okay, I’m joking, here’s the real meaning: “a steep crag or cliff” or “a ravine or glen with overhanging sides.”
Clara, stop fiddling with Sabrock’s tail…!
Oh, demon birds are cute! Like regular sparrows, only with a different colour scheme! The demonitors are cute too!
So many cute birds~. I’m so spoilt~!
Hmm…if humans cause demons to heal…no wonder they’re delicacies.
Hmm…I suspected this episode would end with a cliffhanger. The plotline was running far too long for just 23 mins.
Stars Align 3
Geesh, Toma’s got a huge bag…Update: (They all have huge bags, what are you saying???)
Lemme guess – I know nothing about tennis, but the best tennis doubles need good communication. I learnt that sort of thing from the Amazing Race, to be real with you.
Come to think of it…it’s always the mother with her unconditional love, huh? Any single fathers in anime? (No, I don’t mean like Father Fujimoto in Blue Exorcist – he’s an adoptive father.)
Judging from the cacti and fossils, Toma likes paleontology and biology. Or maybe that was from Ryoma…who knows?
Toma appears to have green frames for his glasses and then standard black frames.
Dang, it cut in the middle of that revelation! If this were a manga, I would’ve been chomping at the bit for the next chapter! However, it does get finished at the very end, so keep watching.
Update: There’s not a lot of music to this show…not that that’s a bad thing. It’s good for tense moments, in fact.
No Guns Life 3
This OP rocks, man!
Ayatsuri Ningyo = Manipulated Puppet. Or Puppet for Manipulation.
That thing on the door says “best luck” (daikichi). It’s a very Chinese thing to do.
His apron says “meat”. He’s probably a butcher or something.
How does a guy with a gun for a head drink coffee? (small LOL)
I remember someone called Juzo with Basket “a Nezuko cosplay”.
Does Tetsuro’s voice change for the Extended he affects with Harmony?
I noticed in the ED Juzo has an arm missing…must be important later.
I believe Mary’s shirt in the ED says “skill” or “technique” (read as “gi” or “waza”).
0 notes