#I do quite like Susato and Herlock so I need art for them too
biscuit-sheep · 9 months
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Them <3
I think about them too much. I just finished playing the second case (I was on vacation the past couple of days so progress was slowed there and in art)
I was genuinely startled when Kazuma said that. Best mistake I ever made, all worth it for that one line.
Just throwing some other doodles I made. You can tell one was taken earlier in the day when I still had natural light (don’t ask me why my room lights are so orange)
also thinking about doing requests and stuff of AA characters (TGAAC as well but only of those in the first 3 cases so far due to not wanting spoilers)
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My random thought I had today was “If anyone asks where I am tell them the ace attorney got me”
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