#I don’t know how to tag the Keesha Big Naturals let me know if I need to tag old man knockers
bookshelfpassageway · 6 months
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managed to get some loose doodles in during D&D tonight, on a topic that’s been conceptually bouncing around my brain. Tumblr probably murdered the quality in the dashboard view hhghhhhh…
what if the creatures of Hunters Unlucky had Shelts (faunlike creatures) in the style of Wefrivain/Panamindorah?
First one’s a possible version of the Telshee, Keesha. Probably being a nosy nuisance on purpose to an offscreen Arcove. Long white hair on this species seems fitting, they’re sirens after all, as does the beard for someone who is the eldest waking Telshee. Big pupils for underwater eyesight, and a slightly greyer skintone like a seal’s. Clothes omitted because I can't think of any that wouldn't get in the way of swimming good, and it fits the mythical creature feel.
Second one’s a foraging Ferryshaft. Probably pretty thin and leggy fauns, even if a bit small. They’d make a weird faun that’d be hard for people to categorize, with their animal counterparts being omnivores that hunt and having the more wolfish tail. Braid for practicality, and loose simple clothes that allow for a good range of motion, and running. I started coloring him and then realized due to palette and clothing choices they accidentally look exactly like one of my own characters, so I just leaned into that. Their name is Virgil.
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