#I don't doodle hands enough aaa
themeeplord · 1 year
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Hand doodles in different flavors of intimacy~ hehe
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pikku-peruna · 1 year
I made a lil guy based off of @jayrockin 's Avian Aliens from RTTS because I love them.
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I've been calling them Paragliders since they're Pear Shaped Gliders (ahaaaaaa)
But they're based off of Sugar Gliders, Rodents, Opossums, and ofc- Avians from RTTS
I'm not too proficient with the speculative biology of things, but i started to doodle and it turned into an alien creature.
I think they'd live in a mountainous region where they can glide and climb around in search of Scraps and dead things/small game because they're like Vultures in that way. They could also hang upsidedown like bats or Possums with their prehensile tail, which could open up the possibility of them having a semi-upsidedown society.
They have hands like Avians because nothing else made sense, but They'd be very affectionate towards others since They Eat Dead Things and no predators wanna eat the things That Eat Dead Things bc diseases. They'd also probably have an iron gut from all the different types of needed microflora in their organs keeping them from dying after eating some bubbling rotting mush.
You'll notice they don't have an teeth onto than the fangs on their mouth, well that's their skull, and those are outside teeth for holding things and grooming each other. They DO have inside teeth but they're like rodent teeth but the buck teeth are sharp and curve inwards to tear flesh with canines around where their outside fangs are and molars in the back, for the rare plants and root veggies they eat, or Fungi because tasty.
Their stripes (not colored in but lined bc im stoopid) are furry like bat fur and serve to camo to the sediment rocks in their weird mountain world, so assume these guys are naturally Gray, Yellow, Black, Orange, and Red -not necessarily in that order* they're usually only two to three colors plus their face, fingers, tail, and ears as Skin, but their Crests are just more vibrant coat colors, with Males having cool spots on theirs.
Paragliders aren't built for walking, in fact they can't really unless they straighten their spine to a 180° angle (minus their tail, that can stay curled until needed) or they'll end up having to pretty much flip themselves sideways and THEN take a step forward which just sounds awful to do. They can hop like frogs on all fours tho, and they pretty much launch themselves forward, grab the ground with their hand claws, yeet themselves forward again, and jump with their legs again, rinse and repeat to "run" (ALL OF THIS AT THE 180° ANGLE THO!) But most prefer Climbing so maybe a vertical society??
They have rat like ears, and hear pretty similar to humans but with cat-like ear motion, plus they have sniffers which are kinda like humans but a little bit stronger to better look for Dead Things To Eat.
Maybe similar to Jay's Avians? But less poofy clothes and no head covering for females/duns. I think clothes would be kinda like BIG, WIDE, STRETCHY onesies/jackets to stay warm and covered, it has holes for the fingers and tail and head, clasps on the front to hold it together, and small cuffs on the finger holes and tail hole and head hole to make sure IT STAYS ON.
Unlike Avians they'd be more ok with skin showing, since their membranes are so big but piercing their membranes are a NO-GO. It will HURT a LOT since they have a lot of nerves there, but small enough wounds will heal back up fine. But ears can be pierced :D
They will bow to greet each other and lovers may hold tails while they walk. They are mammals like Bats and can have 3-5 'Pups' (PARAGLIDER PUPPIES AAA), usually if only 1 pup is born that means the mother is sick/got too stressed during pregnancy (which lasts about 6 months, during that time the mother should not go gliding around and will usually stay home to prep for birth and then Puppies.) Pups are borthed without Crests and grow them as they reach sexual maturity (the crest is the first sign of Puberty) and they are born face first from [normal mammalian genitalia]. Males btw have normal mammal (not human that's WEIRD) genitalia too. Im just not gonna draw that because ew.
EYES: You may notice I drew them blank, that's because I'm lazy. They have slit pupils like cats, with their night-vision too. And yes, they can go idiot mode like cats too XD
Uh ill post more later but EEE PARAGLIDERS :D
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puffywiz · 2 years
Hi! I really admire your art and I've always wanted to learn how to draw and illustrate but I've never known where to start. I'm thinking about maybe minoring in studio art at my school and taking some intro drawing and design classes but I'm really nervous that everyone else will be way more experienced than me and I'll look stupid. Do you have any tips for getting started? Thank you so much and I love all of your work!
Aaa thank you!! That's very kind of you to say 💛 I'll do my best.
So first and foremost, whatever you decide to draw it has to be fun. If you go to an art class they'll take care of going over all kinds of techniques and different learning tools and design principles. This is all good stuff, but I'll be honest with you, it's very unglamorous. Most teachers want you to master the basics first and, like, they're right that you should at least try to. But drawing a ton of cubes in perspective or painting tiny color theory squares alone will not fulfill you. You should still do it though because it will cultivate the bitterness in your heart that you will need to sustain your intrepid and fiery spirit. Let the hate flow through you and all that jazz
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My advice is that if you wanna do it, yes ABSOLUTELY take those art classes! I've been in more than my fair share of art courses with a ton of people way beyond my skill level and to be honest, those people are probably nice. If they're assholes though they're not worth your time. Make fun of them for being so lame and full of themselves. You will most likely bond with your cohorts over your shared hatred of mixing Payne's Gray by hand all the time anyway. All of you together, soldiers in the trenches with your warped paint trays and peeling 10 dollar paintbrushes.
So back to that whole fun thing. I encourage you to carve out a space for your art that's just yours. The formal education will ground you, but the freedom of personal expression will uplift you when that's not enough. Keeping a sketchbook is a great first start, and fill it with tons of garbage sketches and doodles and ugly wonky faces. Do NOT let yourself be precious about your sketchbook! Blank pages are intimidating I know but go in there with a marker and let there be no survivors. Sketch on sticky notes and tape them in to take some of that edge off. Add stickers, do whatever. Make it hideously ugly for the pure damn freedom of it. Join a fandom! Make some ocs! Get unhealthily obsessed with something and go to town sketching and making fanart. Despite this commodified world, the desire to create belongs to you, don't forget that.
Also, don't be afraid to diversify your creative pursuits. When I was burnt out after art school I took up knitting and was terrible at it. But that was so freeing for me because I wasn't doing it for anyone else. So if drawing gets tiring learn to fold a paper crane or bake something. It will help keep your mind a little clearer each time.
Honestly my friend I wish nothing but the best for you. It's hard to take the leap, but you'll be richer for it.
Have FUNNNN!!! ⭐💫💞
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spicygambles · 2 years
Aaa yess vampire mumbo is honestly one of my fav interpretations of him! And ohoh doc getting the action huh? I can imagine it being due to mumbo not having fed - and doc, who enjoys “worshipping” and devoting himself to mumbo would jump at the chance to help out. (Also do not eorry abt ur writers block and stuff we all get it! Me and other anons will always happily wait!)
I've actually planned it to be a bit more... rough than my first doodles would suggest. Just give me a bit of time to learn how to draw roughed up hermits and then I'll really polish it up lol.
If (and that's a big if lol) we take the vampire!Mumbo as canon to our au. We'd have something like a hunger only every blood moon, which I'd say is every six-ish months?
I'd lean towards it being a curse rather than someone else turning Mumbo into a vampire and he would've gotten cursed sometime after the sixth season (maybe around the time he left after demise? when he used the saturator and it conveniently made him a bit red and Iskall went 'vampire?')
The thing is, nobody knows. Absolutely nobody should know. It's the thing he's certain would've gotten him kicked out of the server. Every blood moon had him travel thousands and thousands of blocks away to ride it out, demolish a small population of cows or sheep and wake up in the morning feeling regretful but strangely... energized.
Until season 8... peace love and plants baby! He nearly forgot about the curse until he felt the pang of deep deep hunger. Didn't know what on earth to do until Scar took one look at him and knew.
He learned something different that night, still thousands and thousands of blocks away, this time he wasn't alone and he learned how good it felt to share his secret.
It's been him and Scar's little secret since then, and nobody, absolutely nobody was to know about it.
Until season 9 when, maybe some strange little blip happened, and the blood moon came one week early.
He barely got away, Scar was busy and they didn't have time to prepare , he only got a thousand and a bit blocks away but apparently in the wrong direction because he couldn't find a single mob to kill.
The hunger was growing and growing until he found the reason the surroundings were so barren...
Good old Doc doing a little bit of night-time hunting, felt a sharp tension in the air. He saw a dark figure at the corner of his eye and turned. But it was too fast! He barely got to raise his arm to defend himself before a strong swipe of clawed hands ripped his cybernetics clean off.
There was a strong shove and he finds himself pinned against the face of a cliff and, quick as lightning, a sharp set of teeth buried at the space between his neck and shoulder blade.
A sharp curse escaped his lips as pain bloomed, his other hand scrambling for his dropped weapon, he grabs at it, raises it up! and! and!
He finally sees the black hair, the disheveled suit the red tie, his instincts warring between 'defend self' and 'familiar! familiar!', the loosening of the bite, the apologetic kitten licks that stung against his fresh wounds.
He'd drop the weapon then, grabbing at Mumbo's hip, listening at the apologies flowing down the man's lips. He pulls Mumbo in, closer closer until he's sat on his lap sensing another wave of hunger to come.
Another bite, this time more gentle, tongue working around the punctures, warmth rising on their skin as Mumbo moves by himself, getting comfortable on his lap.
Doc's one good hand pulling at Mumbo's tucked shirt, finding its way under to graze his finger tips across heated skin, a lightheaded haze finding his whole body electric.
I- ah, I got carried away lol
um anyways that was how it's supposed to go but don't really know how to frame the first bit. (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ although hmmm maybe this drabble is enough for the brainrot to go away?
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